Gentoo Linuxの紹介

Post on 24-May-2015

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筑波大学 Linux User Group

Transcript of Gentoo Linuxの紹介

  • 1. Introducing: Gentoo Linux -The most powerful GNU/Linux distribution known to human kind-Takayuki Horimoto opentaka[at]

2. Gentoo Linux 3. Gentoo Linux KDE 4 () 4. FreeBSD GNU/Linux Portage Package management system Gentoo 5. Portage 6. = 7. Gentoo 8. + 9. stage1/stage 2/stage 3/ (stage 4) : 10. (stage3 ) ->stage3 ->chroot ->portage -> -> config->-> (dhclient reiserfstools ) 11. Portage 12. 13. 14.

  • ebuild

15. (DESCRIPTION) (HOMEPAGE) (SRC_URI) (LICENSE) (USE) (DEPEND) src_unpack() src_compile() src_install() ebuild 16. emerge :# emerge --sync( ebuild 13000 ) : # emerge --search < > : # emerge < > : # emerge -C < > 17. Gentoo

  • vanilla

18. 19. 20.

  • gcc (CFLAG)

21. USE 22. 23. 24.