Geneva Abc

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Geneva Abc

Names Of Babies

By: Geneva Murray

A is for A’zaira It means rose.

B is for Bob

Abbreviation for Robert and famous.

C is for Caria Lovely.

D is for Derrick

Famous ruler.

E is for Erica

Honorable ruler.

F is for Fred

Peaceful ruler.

G is for Geneva

Of the race of woman.

H is for Henry

Runs the home.

I is for Isabell

Devoted to god.

J is for Jack


K is for Kendra

Water baby magical.

L is for Lamarr

Famous land.

M is for Marissa Of the sea.

N is for Nashawn God is graious.

O is for Ophelia


P is for Paul


Q is for Quita


R is for Ronald

Mighty power.

S is for Sarah

Lady princess of the people.

T is for Travis


U is for Ursula

Little bear.

V is for Victor


W is for Wanda

Slender tree wanderer.

X is for Xavier

Bright splendid.

Y is for Yasmin

Jasmine flower.

Z is for Zachary

Remembrance of the lord.
