Genetics FACEOFF Review Game. Who suggested that traits passed through pangenes (alterations made to...

Post on 08-Jan-2018

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Which blood type is considered the universal donor because it does not have any antigens?  Type O

Transcript of Genetics FACEOFF Review Game. Who suggested that traits passed through pangenes (alterations made to...

Genetics FACEOFF Review Game Who suggested that traits passed through pangenes (alterations made to self passed to offspring)? Hippocrates Which blood type is considered the universal donor because it does not have any antigens? Type O What 3 things make up a nucleotide? Sugar, Phosphate, Nitrogenous Base What type of mutation occurs when one nitrogenous base is changed which affects only one amino acid? Point mutation Give an example of a disorder caused by a mutation. Sickle-cell anemia, colorblindness, hemophilia Who confirmed that DNA was the hereditary molecule being transferred through generations? Oswald Avery If you perform a dihybrid cross and both parents are heterozygous for both traits, what is the expected phenotypic ratio? 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 What do we call the genetic makeup of an organism? Genotype What do we call a mistake made during meiosis that results in having too many of a chromosome? Trisomy Give an example of a gamete (germ cell). Sperm or egg (ovum) During meiosis I, what is being separated? Homologous chromosomes What type of mutation occurs when a nitrogenous base is added or deleted which affects the whole amino acid sequence? Frameshift mutations Back in the day, they thought that ________ were the hereditary material, not DNA. Proteins What has allowed use to know what genes sit on each chromosome in the human body? Human Genome Project When performing a testcross, what genotype is used? Homozygous recessive How many chromosomes are found in a gamete? 23 What pattern of inheritance is this? Sex-linked Who is considered the father of modern genetics? Gregor Mendel What is the likelihood that a certain event will occur? Probability Over time, beneficial mutations should become ______ in the gene pool. common Type AB blood is an example of what type of inheritance pattern? Codominance Who determined the composition of DNA A=T and C=G? Erwin Chargaff During meiosis II, what is being separated? Sister chromatids All DNA fingerprints are stored in an online system known as? CODIS Spermatogenesis creates how many new sperm cells? 44 When looking at potential outcomes of two traits, you would have to perform a _______ cross. Dihybrid Who used x-ray diffraction to determine that DNA was a double helix shape? Rosalind Franklin What do we call a mutation that occurs in typical body cells and therefore does not get passed on to the next generation? Somatic mutation This protein cuts DNA into smaller fragments resulting in a DNA fingerprint. Restriction enzyme What process occurs during Prophase I that ensures genetic diversity? Crossing over Oogenesis creates how many ovum (eggs)? 11 On a pedigree, circles represent ________. Females What do we call the first cell of life (when a sperm joins an egg)? Zygote What process has allowed us to make human insulin in bacterial cells? Cloning Who was credited with the discovery of DNAs structure and won a Nobel Prize for it? James Watson and Francis Crick DNA is __________ charged. Negatively What do we call a person who has the recessive gene but does not express it? Carrier These help up to track certain traits in our family trees. Pedigrees What type of mutation occurs when a portion of a chromosome is lost and the information is lost with it? Deletion In gel electrophoresis, ______ fragments of DNA travel further. smaller If we needed to produce more DNA for forensic testing, what procedure would we use? Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) If you have two of the same allele, your genotype is __________. homozygous Having an extra 21 st chromosome results in what disorder? Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Each person has different forms of genes called ______. Alleles What do we call a change in a DNA or RNA sequence? Mutation What sugar is found in DNA? Deoxyribose Which blood type is the universal acceptor because it doesnt have any antibodies? Type AB What do we call the useful portion of a chromosome that codes for proteins? Gene What do we call a mutation that occurs in sex cells and therefore gets passed on to the next generation? Germline mutation When two alleles are inherited, the one that is expressed is considered the __________ trait. dominant What type of bond holds nitrogenous bases together in DNA? Hydrogen What base is found in RNA but not in DNA? Uracil Inheriting only one X sex chromosome would result in what disorder? Turners syndrome This law states that a pair of alleles is separated during the formation of gametes so that each gamete formed is not identical. Law of Segregation What type of mutation occurs when a portion of a chromosome is added but it attaches in the reverse direction? Inversion What type of bond holds sugar and phosphate together in DNA? Covalent How many chromosomes are in a somatic cell? 46 Give an example of a mutagen. UV light, tobacco, asbestos (any carcinogen certain chemicals) What is the shape of DNA? Double helix What does the acronym DNA stand for? Deoxyribonucleic Acid What do we call a picture of chromosomes that can be used to discover abnormalities? Karyotype Inheriting an XXY for sex chromosomes means you would have what disorder? Kleinfelters syndrome Name two ways that crops could be improved using biotechnologies such as gene splicing. Improving yield, reducing vulnerability, increasing nutritional qualities, improving taste, reducing dependence on pesticides What type of plant did Mendel use for his genetic studies? Pea Plant When pollen from one plant is placed onto the stigma of a different plant, this is known as? Cross pollination This law states that the inheritance of one trait will not affect the inheritance of the other, meaning you will not get all your traits from one parent. Law of Independent Assortment What do you call the physical traits of an organism? Phenotype If you have two different alleles for a trait, you have a ________ genotype. heterozygous When a red flower and a white flower are crossed and all the offspring end up pink, this is an example of what pattern of inheritance? Incomplete dominance Sex-linked traits appear most often in _________. Males Give an example of a sex-linked trait. Colorblindness, Baldness, Hemophilia What are the 4 possible blood types? A, B, AB, and O On a pedigree, squares represent _______. Males The end result of meiosis is 4 _____ cells. haploid Sister chromatids separate during which phase of meiosis? Anaphase II What are 3 things that DNA could be obtained from? Blood, hair, saliva, skin