Genetically Modified Organisms

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Genetically Modified Organisms. What is really going on?. What are they & why do we need them. Common Questions. How it’s created. What are GMOs? What do they offer? Are they affective? Are they Safe ?. Reported cases of negative effects from genetically modified organisms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically Modified OrganismsWhat is really going on?

What are they & why do we need themCommon QuestionsWhat are GMOs?What do they offer?Are they affective?Are they Safe?How its createdReported cases of negative effects from genetically modified organismsL-tryptophan killed 30 Americans and permanently disabled 1500 others.Monarch butterfly caterpillars died after eating milk thistle leaves dusted with Bt corn pollen.Increased deaths in Livestock allowed to graze genetically modified crops.Rats fed genetically modified food in laboratories exhibited a variety of negative symptoms 50+ Americans reported allergy type reactions after consuming products containing genetically modified corn after their recallCotton workers in India and the Philippines report allergic like reactions after handling or working in a close proximity with Bt cotton

???????????????????????????No human test trials are needed because GM food is GRASThere is simply no practical way to learn anything via human studies of whole foods. This is why no existing food--conventional or GM--or food ingredient/additive has been subjected to this type of

There has not been a single substantiated instance of illness or harm associated with GM crop-Monsanto website-Food Safety

Laws designed to continue DeceptionsSubstantial Equivilence- is a concept that maintains a new food should be considered the same as a conventional food if it demonstrates the same characteristics and composition as the conventional food."Generally recognized as safe (GRAS)- any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excluded from the definition of a food additive.If the use of a food substance is GRAS, it is not subject to the premarket review and approval requirements by the FDA.All GM food is considered GRAS

Government regulatory officials & employees of major biotech corporations Mirror each other Since when is it safe for the fox to guard the hen house?Please Dont believe me, check for yourself Uncovers who influences the government with campaign contributions. These 3 sites contain info on the laws andhistory of GMOs in the Govt Non-profit law center dedicated to keeping family farmers on their land through education and legal Non-profit & Non-political site with great proof on how government agencies deceive the Largest biotech companys website. Check out what they boast despite scientific findings.