Gender Fairness sample cards

Post on 04-Apr-2016

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Gender Fairness sample cards

Transcript of Gender Fairness sample cards

‘Great speech, hate the dress.’

As women move into leadership, they often confront discouraging and undermining social messages.

– What unfair social messages undermine women as leaders?

– What are the effects of the media’s portrayal of girls and women?

– How can we challenge messages that devalue, disparage and trivialise women?

Social Messages

Inappropriate use of power is linked to control and violence.

– How does gender infl uence the experience of violence and control?

– What does shared power look like at home and at work?

– How can ‘power over’ behaviour be challenged?

Power Over

Entitlement to leadership is often associated with being male.

– What male traits are commonly associated with leadership?

– Are there gender differences in how leadership is enacted?

– What is genuine authority?


Equal opportunity?

The same solution does not give everyone equal choices.

– What choices are limited due to gender?

– When are different approaches required to achieve equality for women?

– How do we ensure that need is addressed appropriately?


Women are often responsible for the majority of childcare, housework and other family responsibilities.

– How do family responsibilities impact on many women’s paid work and careers?

– How can roles be negotiated fairly within families?

– How can employers support staff who have parenting and other family responsibilities?

Family Responsibilities

Edwina had the day off.

Hooray for difference!

Diff erence can be valued.

– In what ways are differences enriching?

– Why do we sometimes fear difference?

– How can we value and celebrate gender differences?


Hooray for difference!