Geek Fitness

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Geek Fitness

Geek FitnessYour body is not just transportation for your brain

What is fitness?Diet and why it matters

Sitting, standing, walkingStrength, endurance, flexibility

Sleep10 habits you need to adopt


Kurt Sussman@neophiliac

Failures and SuccessesFailures

AC separation

Stretched ligament

Torn ligaments inside both shoulders

Destroyed 1st metatarsal joint

Countless broken toes

RSI and 'laptop back'

Weight: 190 in Feb 2009

SuccessesDL: 2x, Squat: 1.5x, Bench:


Weight: 170 ± 3 for over 2 years

Cut my chiropractor visits from 2/month to 2/year

I can still carry my daughter (almost 12)

Born in 1961, and I'm still going

Fitnessfit·ness (fĭt'nĭs) n.

The state or condition of being physically sound and healthy, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition. A state of general mental and physical well-being. The state of being suitably adapted to an environment.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

What's the point?

Diet is not a verb

Your Mama Didn't Lie:You Are a Unique Snowflake

Nutrition science describes populations

You are not a population

Use the results of studies as a starting point

Every snowflake needs water

Please drink some now.

Science, y'all!


ScienceThe good guys do not win in the end

Calories are a distraction

Insulin production is a better metric

Glycemic Index

Food GI

Table sugar 70White bread 85White rice 70Brown rice 50Carrots 85 (cooked)

30 (raw)Watermelon 75Cherries 25


Learn to standup


Your vertebrae:



Bulk vs. Strength

4 Basic Lifts

Plus the one geeks need most:

The barbell row supports your upper back, neck, and shoulders.

“Stand up straight!”

“Don't slouch!”

Exercise Break




Inbox Zero for your brainDreams increase learning

More deep sleep == more leptin

10 HabitsDrink water when

you wake up

Warm up, exercise, THEN stretch

Pay attention to your food habits

Eat more low glycemic index foods

Exercise regularly

Skip the carbs, not the fatty foods

Drink water every hour or so

Breath deeply and intentionally

Seek out the stairs, the hills, the longer walking route

Drink water before

Links and stuffDiet,_Bad_Calories




ThanksSteve Fittinger, CPT, semi-pro football player, powerlifter

(for reviewing these slides and notes for accuracy)