Gedu 6170 tiles abstracts and intro

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GEDU 6170 Research Literacy Titles, Abstracts & Introductions

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GEDU 6170 Research LiteracyTitles, Abstracts & Introductions

Saad Chahine, PhD May 8, 2014


What do you think of when you come across a title?

- Every research begins with a title- Each title serves a purpose:

- Descriptive - Equation - Situation- Process- Theoretical

(Shank & Brown, 2007)


• Readers have an idea of what the research is about…

Mu, M., & Childs, R. A. (2005). What parents know and believe about large-scale assessments. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 37. Retrieved from

• Describes what will be examined • Authors get to the point very quickly, possibly to

probe the reader


• Hints at the analysis • Explains variables

Jaafar, S., & Earl, L. (2008). Comparing performance-based accountability models: A Canadian example. Canadian Journal of Education, 31(3), 697-726.

Hedges, L., & Newell, A. (1999). Changes in the Black-White gap in achievement scores. Sociology of Education, 72(2), 149-182.


• Identifies a need to be examined and how it is situated

Gillies, R.M., Nichols, K., Brugh, G., & Haynes, M. (2014). Primary students’ scientific reasoning and discourse during cooperative inquiry based science activities. International Journal of Educational Research, 63, 127-140.

• Focus beyond just the variables in a study and try to provide meaning through situating the topic


• Similar to equating with the idea of developing a model

• Also explain a process

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J.W. (2008). Cyeberbullying: An exploratory analysis of factors related to offending and victimizing. Deviant Behavior, 29(2) 129-156.

• Title extends beyond describing or comparing


• Examination of a theory or model to further refine and/or gain knowledge

Raver, C.C, Carter, J.S. McCoy, D.C., Roy, A. Ursache, A., & Friedman, A. (2012). Testing models of children’s self-regulation within educational contexts: Implications for measurement, Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 42, 245-270.

Why do we have titles?

- Engage the audience - To inform - To list research - To describe - Framing of the article - Overview - Sets the tone for what the article accomplishes- Helps to search - Build curiosity- Marketing (selling your self)

The First Few Sentences

• Crises • Importance • Lacuna (Gap/Hole/Missing Link)• Depth (Need for further investigation) • Commitment (Qualitative?)• Synopsis (Shank & Brown, 2007)


• Accurate • Self-contained • Concise • Non-evaluative • Coherent

(Shank & Brown, 2007 based on APA)

Four Types 1.Empirical 2.Review or Theoretical

Article 3.Methodological Article 4.Case Study

Abstract Structures

Purpose – Problem – Participants – Design – Analysis – Results – Conclusion

Purpose – Problem – Participants – Design – Analysis – Results – Conclusion

Introductions Why do you need an intro?- Sets the stage for what's coming - Background info on the topic- Further elaborate on the purpose of the study- Make the case for what it is your are studying - Brings in other research (justification) - Literature review - States research questions - Primes the readers brain - Warms you up - Relevance point of view of author - Definition of important terms - Why the researcher does the study (rationale) - Exampling the study is important - Connecting in a comparison study - Builds credibility

The Appetizer of an Article

• Exploring relationships • Predicting results • Potential to explain phenomena • Influences on theory• Understanding of change • IMPACT

The First Sentence

1. Piquing the interest in the study2. Conveying a distinctive research problem or


(Creswell, 2014, p. 114)

Find the Purpose of the Study

• Every study has a purpose statement.• It should contain: – What the article is about – What the article hopes to accomplish – Research questions/hypothesis – Results/Findings* – Discussions/Conclusions


In Pairs & Using an Articles you found, identify: – What was the purpose of the study?• Where did you find it?

– What method was used?• Where did you find it?

– Who were the participants?• Where did you find it?

– What was the conclusion?• Where did you find it?