Gastric sleeve

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Transcript of Gastric sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

#Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is best option since it offers fewer complications and risks after

doing the surgery. This one is also less expensive than the others. Generally the gastric

sleeve surgery is also well popular as sleeve gastrectomy. This is the quickly emerging

as go-to surgery or procedures among the top surgeons and also seems to have the

overtaken gastric bypass as one of gold standard of procedures in weight loss surgery.

Yet, it must be noted that this surgery will be done by the doctors if the others program

including exercise, dieting, and taking medicine is failed to do for weight loss. In other

words, this one is best alternative clinically. You can find whatever you need to know

about this surgery on gastric sleeve surgery description as follows.

The important information on gastric sleeve surgery description

The gastric sleeve surgery procedures will work by removing the larger portions of

stomach and leaving the banana shaped of the sleeve. This connects the esophagus to

small intestines. Different with more duodenal switch and invasive gastric bypass, it will

not rearrange the digestive systems. It will result in the lower complication rate and fewer

problems of malabsorption as well as the quicker recovery. In other words, as the stand

alone procedures, this surgery is truly impressive.

For the patients with IBM or body mass index more than 50, it can be used as first step

for getting the weight loss before the patients are moving forward with much more

complicated procedures. This gastric sleeve surgery process has been performed toward

the patients who range from 12 up to 79 years of the age. It must be noted also that this

surgery is less expensive and having fewer complications as it is compared with the

others type of the weight loss surgery.

Additionally, for those who are on the anticoagulation medication, you can compare

gastric sleeve surgery with the others surgery. There will be possibilities if this one is

better choice in reducing the ricks of the marginal ulcers. The gastric sleeve surgery

complication will be less than the others because of some reasons. The first, you have to

know that the digestive system will be not rearranged as you can find on the others weight

loss surgery.

Furthermore, it is different with the others since this one is restrictive in nature primarily.

In others word, it will work by making the full feel as sooner. In this surgery, there will be

no foreign subjects which are implanted to the bodies like the others procedures. The

fewer complications also include the reduced rick of the malnutrition or vitamin deficiency,

avoid the dumping syndrome among the others side effect, reduced risks of the GERD or

longer term of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Last but not the least, as the larger part of stomach is removed, it will make the secretion

of hormones that make the feeling hungry is fewer. With those descriptions as explained

here, you can go to the health professional to get the best suggestion about performing

this procedure. Probably, you will be required to do some test firstly.

#Eating After Gastric Sleeve

Eating after gastric sleeve is needed as the part of diet program after surgery. There are

some advantages may be gained from it. Some people may take gastric sleeve nowadays

based on certain reason. The common reason for it is the desire of having the more

proportional form of body. The process is complex enough and people also need to know

that they must propose the different idea. That relates into the fact that there are some

different rules must be obeyed relating to eating habit after the process is done. By

noticing it people then have more possibility to get the result without side effect.

The common eating after gastric sleeve habit can be referred into the concept about diet

after gastric sleeve. The diet is the advanced step must be taken after people compose

the idea of using the process for reducing their obesity. The obesity itself is the common

disease found nowadays caused by the wrong step of consuming foods. The diet taken

can close the medication process to gain the best result in the end. Without taking the

diet people cannot get the maximum effect of the process while at the same time that is

needed as one main effect desired through the surgery process.

More Details about the Diet

The eating after gastric sleeve is the type of diet that is proposed as following the gastric

sleeve. The purpose of the diet is for keeping the good condition after the process and so

the effect desired may be gained in line with the purpose of the process itself. The gastric

sleeve surgery in simply is done by reducing the available area of the stomach. It only

can contain 100 until 150 milliliters and so the consumption of the foods and drinks must

be reduced from the normal consumption before the surgery is taken.

The diet taken is not only relates into the act of controlling the amount of foods and drinks

but also into the aspect of the type of the foods and drinks. The period also influences the

type of both of them. For the first three weeks for example, people may only eat the type

of foods contain low calories. The act of eating after gastric sleeve must be done in more

careful way because of the increasing sensitivity of the stomach after the surgery process

too. The wrong option of the eating menu after gastric sleeve surgery can bring into the

infection condition.

Composing the eating after gastric sleeve menu actually is simple as long as you can

make yourself to be discipline in practicing it. So, the diet concept cannot be a concept

only but a real practiced act. That is the road must be taken when you want to gain the

success. When you compose the idea about it, you must be sure that you have the strong

reason enough for supporting your spirit during the time of practicing it. You also must

know about some kinds of foods that must be avoided during the diet moment.

There are some foods classifications must be avoided at the time. They are for example

sugar and fried food. So, you must keep your drink to be less of sugar. Sugar has

capability to increase again your weight and that is something bad for you actually. The

eating after gastric sleeve then also must avoid the fried food based on the same reason.

These subjects become two main subjects must be used as the measure when you are

choosing the foods to be eaten when the gastric sleeve surgery has been completed.

Then, the amount of the foods and drinks consumed after the surgery also must be

considered too. The specific measure used for the amount of them is depended on your

condition. It is better too to avoid of drinking before you eating food for approximately 30

until 40 minutes. It can help to make the stomach adaptation in a better way. All of these

aspects must be considered when you want to make a schedule. Without understanding

all of them, it is hard for you to take it better.

The last aspect must be considered too from eating after gastric sleeve concept is the

aspect of side effect. It is possible that when you take the surgery, the side effect then

appears because of some causes. To make sure that the effect does not have a relation

with the type of food and drink consumed, it is better for you to keep the routine checking

into your doctor. When the syndrome appears like headache, you may add your doctor

visit to avoid the worse effect happening and for anticipating it.

The Advantage of Diet Concept

The gastric sleeve surgery process is commonly taken for reducing the obesity. However,

the process cannot make the great effect without the help from some supporting ways

composed. One of them is the diet program after the surgery. By conducting the special

pattern, the effect gained will be the better one. The food and drink controlling can help

you in its special way. It even can be said that the process taken is useless when you do

not change your habit of eating. The role of the diet to support the result gained is the

inevitable one to be implemented after surgery.

Then, the special pattern also can help you for reducing the possibility of the side effect

appearance. There are some common side effects detected from the surgery like

headache and nausea. All of them actually can be reduced their appearance by proposing

the simple concept about diet. Without side effect appearance, the final result may be

gained in the faster time too. Everyone will like to get that moment because it is the

common fact too that you may want to compose the normal activity too as fast as possible

after the process of surgery.

Then, the last advantage can be gained from the special way is its easiness and its

pleasant aspect to be practiced. There are some common menus must be consumed in

the process like vitamin and minerals. All of them are easy to be consumed and at the

same time it also is easy to find them around. The last thing to be considered too is that

you do not need to prepare the high budgets for practicing the diet while you may have

only the small amount of the budget because of the surgery payment before. You then

can get the great effect from the diet while practicing it is relatively easy to be done.

#How Much Can I Eat After Gastric Sleeve?

There are some foods and drinks must be avoided too. The commonest question asked

by people after taking gastric sleeve is the question about how much can i eat after gastric

sleeve. That is also the most important question to be proposed because the question

can be connected too into the last touch of the process of reducing the obesity through

this way. Eating habit after gastric sleeve must be controlled under the knowledge about

people basic condition. It will be better actually to ask the doctor who takes the

responsibility with gastric sleeve to make the better concept about it.

However, it also will be better for people to know some basic concept about it. Through

the knowledge they then can compose the simple preparation to make sure that they do

not break the rule of eating at the moment. The importance of controlling eating habit also

can be connected into the purpose of avoiding the possibility of side effect appearance

caused by the gastric sleeve. The side effect will bring you a new problem and that is the

bad condition must be avoided.

People who have the problem with body weight often people who have the bad habit of

unlimited consumption. So, making the limitation from the beginning is the wisest thing to

be composed. Making the limitation can keep the old habit of eating everything to be

prevented? The spirit for implementing the rule during the practice must be increased too

to make sure that during the time of its implementation you will feel pleasant.

The Normal Eating After Gastric Sleeve

Actually, the question is the same question with how much is the normal portion of eating

after gastric sleeve? The first thing to be understood from the question is that the answer

is depended on the subjective condition of the sufferer. The dimension of the body, the

economic condition can be aspects to be considered too before you make a decision

about your menus and your portions to be eaten every day. Appropriating the steps with

both aspects can make the procedure become more pleasant to be completed.

People commonly have the view that eating so much can bring into the healthier condition.

However, that is not work for the after gastric sleeve surgery condition. That is why it

becomes important for you to get the appropriate answer of question for yourself. The

level of stomach reduction influences the normal portion of the foods and drinks to be

consumed after the surgery. So, make sure that you know really what is done through the


Then, besides of the knowledge about the portion, it becomes important too for you to

know about what kind of foods and drinks are safe to be consumed. It is also important

because there is the possibility of the fact that your new stomach condition is sensitive

for some kinds of foods and drinks. By understanding it you may avoid the worse condition

with your stomach because of the wrong menus consumed every day.

The Steps of Controlling Eating Habit

Making a decision is important for controlling your whole eating habit? It means that the

control is similar into the diet. There is actually the diet concept proposed for people after

the surgery process. The diet is the special diet for making sure that the surgery can give

the great effect as it is desired from the beginning. When you are sure about the easiness

of gaining the function from the diet, you then can be easier too for getting the benefit of

the surgery.

The first step to be taken is done by making a list of the foods and drinks can be consumed

after the surgery. There is the rule about the list that must be obeyed. You for example

must put protein in the first list since it has the great function to increase the power of your

stomach to get its normal condition just like before the surgery. Since the amount is not

similar into the moment before you take the surgery, creates the limitation and starting by

the useful one can help you so much.

Then, after the protein, the next material can be included into the eating menus for after

gastric sleeve surgery is vitamins. You must consume vitamins every day after the

surgery process. It actually has the similar purpose with the purpose of consuming protein

that is for recovering stomach condition to be healthier. The combination between

vitamins and minerals becomes the perfect combination to be practiced as the effect from

the limitation too.

There is also some acts and foods must be avoided relating to how much can i eat after

gastric sleeve. The first condition must be avoided is avoiding the moment of consuming

water at the same time with consuming foods. This way is the worst way to be taken since

it even can make the shock condition of your stomach when you do it. It relates into the

reduction of your stomach area and this one becomes the first thing must be kept to be

avoided along with some other foods kinds too.

For people who take the gastric sleeve surgery it is important too to avoid broccoli

consumption. It does not relate into how much can i eat after gastric sleeve but it relates

into the stomach sensitivity. Besides, after taking the surgery, it is important too for you

to compose the healthier life style. That can be done by avoiding smoking habit and

consuming alcoholic drink. Besides, consuming the drink soda also must be avoided too

because that can give the bad effect into the stomach.

# Gastric Sleeve Complications

Gastric sleeve complications are in various types. No matter the types are, those can be

prevented by well-educated either for yourself or your families. For those who have taken

the gastric sleeve surgery, some of those probably get several complications. However,

the gastric sleeve complications can appear because of some reasons. Yet, the possible

one is the wrong lifestyle and eating habits after the people are taking the surgery. In

accordance with this, the patients who are newbie in doing the clinical surgery for weight

loss, they have to know all basic information firstly about this surgery in order to avoid the

possible complications which may occur after the surgery procedures.

Serious types of gastric sleeve complications

Mostly, the serious gastric sleeve complications will include several things. One of those

possibilities is bleeding. This case can occur potentially about 1.2% of the patients. Others

complications is namely as staple line leaks. There are about 2.1% of patients on the

average in range of 1.09% up to 4.66% but it sometimes also depends on the study have

experienced the staple line leaks. Others data for complication is about 0.6% of patients

that experience the strictures or stenosis. Regarding the gastric sleeve stable line leak,

there is appearing become at least a couple of the ways for reducing the risk. However,

each of those depends on the materials and technique of the surgeons.

In fact, there are numerous gastric sleeve complications reviews which show that the

studies of gastric sleeve staple line leak finds the fact that the leaks after the traditional

procedures of gastric sleeve will occur less frequently up to 1.09% as it uses the

absorbable polymer membrane or APM for reinforcing the staple lines. Recently, there is

the product of inverted gastric sleeve which is specially designed for reducing the leak

rates by adding the additional steps toward the procedures of gastric sleeve surgery. This

can be best option for lessening the possibilities.

Additionally, one the traditional surgery of gastric sleeve has been completed; the

surgeons will invert the staple lines toward the stomach and stitches laparoscopically the

outside of the walls of the stomach around those. This can create effectively the second

seal. To know detail, you can browse the video of this from internet. The result of these

additional steps then can reduce the rates of gastric sleeve leak as one which close to

percentage of 0%.

Needs to know about gastric sleeve complications

Truthfully, the presence of particular side effects after doing the gastric sleeve surgery is

also others kind of gastric sleeve complications. But, these are only minority. For common

minor gastric sleeve complications is namely as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or

GERD. According to reliable sources, there are about one out of five patients which have

experienced this after around one year. Yet, the prevalence of the GERD plummets about

up to 3% after about three years.

For the mortality as the worst type is also truly low. The rate is only around 0.19%. Yet,

the presence of complications whatever the types can be prevented by educating

properly. In other words, the education can be the key for lowering the risks and

complication after the surgery.

#How Much Is Gastric Sleeve Cost?

Gastric sleeve cost can be various depending on some factors. Different states offer

different prices. Then, it also includes pre surgery and post-surgery. Gastric surgery for

lost weight is now increasingly more popular. It is an instant way to lose weight for those

who have tried to do some diets but failed. So, this surgery can be the solution. There are

three kinds of gastric surgery. One of the most popular kinds is gastric sleeve. By

removing stomach, it purposes is to reduce your portion. Considering the effectiveness,

of course you have to spend much money for it. So, how much is it? That is what we will

discuss in this article.

The Common Gastric Sleeve Costs

The cost of this surgery is various. However, based on a research, the rage of the gastric

sleeve price is from about $ 9,600 up to $ 26,000. The difference can be caused by

various factors. Besides that, the most common price of this surgery is around $ 15,000.

It can be more or less from it. Then, if you live in the United States, the average gastric

sleeve cost is about $ 16,800. So, the country also affects the cost.

The States with the Least Expensive Prices for Gastric Sleeve

If you are looking for the states with the least expensive prices for gastric sleeve surgery,

you can consider three states below. The first is Arkansas. In this state, you will only need

to spend about $ 12,000 to take gastric sleeve. Then, Nebraska also offers gastric sleeve

cost that is very cheap. You only need to spend about $ 11,800. Then, Oklahoma is the

state that offers the cheapest price for gastric sleeve surgery where you just need to pay

around $ 9,800 for gastric sleeve surgery.

The States with the Most Expensive Prices for Gastric Sleeve

If you want to know gastric sleeve price that is most expensive, there are three states that

you have to pay attention. The first state is Wyoming. There, the cost of this surgery is

about $ 22,300. Besides that, there is also Idaho. In this state, you have to pay up to $

25,000. Then, the most expensive one is in Massachusetts where you need to pay up to

$ 31,200 to take this surgery. That is gastric sleeve cost that is most expensive.

Is the Low Cost of Gastric Sleeve Better?

Which is better between the gastric sleeve surgery with high price or low price? Some

people prefer the low price one. However, the low price one does not mean to be the best

choice. In fact, the cheap cost indicates that the surgeon has the low skill. So, the result

can be not like as you wish. So, you have to be careful with it. That is why you have to

make sure that the surgeon has a good skill, experienced, and has a good reputation.

Even though the cost will be high, it is reasonable considering the satisfaction.

The Insurance Coverage of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Talking about the cost of gastric sleeve surgery, it also relates to the insurance you have.

So, if you have insurance, will this surgery is covered? In the past, there is no insurance

company that covers gastric sleeve surgery. However, nowadays there are many

insurance companies that include gastric sleeve surgery in to the insurance coverage. Of

course, it will be very useful. So, the cost will be affected with the insurance you have.

The Costs after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve cost will not only include the process of the surgery. However, it will also

include pre surgery as well as post-surgery. After you take the surgery, there are some

procedures that you have to follow and it costs more. For example, after the surgery, you

are suggested to consult to the surgeon or doctor. In this case, you have to pay to him or

her about $ 100 for each visit. Besides that, you also need to stay at the hospital for a few

days after the surgery. The longer you stay at the hospital, the higher you have to pay.

Another post-surgery cost is if complication happens. Even more, it can be the highest

cost after the surgery. In relation to the price of gastric sleeve surgery, the cost you need

to pay depends on the complication whether infection happens or not. However, it will be

good if you have insurance that covers this cost. So, you do not need to worry about

gastric sleeve cost if there is complication happens to you. However, it will be better if

there is no complication at all. So, you have to prepare it properly.

Other Costs Related to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

There are also some other costs that relate to gastric sleeve surgery you take. For

example is related to the food costs. As we know that your stomach will be smaller so

that you will eat less. However, it does not mean that you will spend less for foods

because you have to choose the foods carefully. Healthy foods with high protein and

vitamins are good but more expensive. Besides that, you may also consider taking a gym

membership. Of course, you need to pay more..

Then, you may also need to buy nutritional supplements to improve your health. Of

course, they are not priced low. To get those supplements, you can spend up to about $

50 per month. In addition, with your smaller body, you will also need the smaller clothes.

That is why you need to buy new clothes. Lastly, gastric sleeve cost will also include the

cosmetic surgery. It is the cosmetic you need to use to remove the stretches or excess

skin caused by the surgery.

That is all about gastric sleeve cost that you have to know. So, if you are interested in

taking this lost weight surgery, you can prepare it properly. Hopefully this will be useful

for you all as the reference before taking gastric sleeve surgery.

#Gastric Sleeve Diet

Gastric sleeve diet will help you to get the good preparation before you get the surgery.

There are the ways that you should follow to make your health always good. Gastric

sleeve diet is the good way to get the good shape of your body that can give the quick

result. It has the low risk if you can follow the ways of this healthy gastric sleeve diet. It

can be the important thing for you after the surgery. It will make y recovery after the

surgery get better. The stomach position is near with the liver, this diet will give the

positive impact for the liver because the bariatric procedure after your surgeon will use

the liver retractor.

The liver function with Gastric sleeve post op diet

The fat of your body after the surgery may still in the liver. The fat will make your liver get

the poor functions. You should do the diet gastric sleeve to remove the fat from your liver.

There must be the unhealthy liver if there is much fat around the cells of the liver. It is

also can increase the size of the liver and it is very dangerous of your health. You should

follow this gastric sleeve diet because it will help you to get your health after the surgery.

The liver with the fat will make the size of the liver abnormal. It can cause the risk of

complications. The performance of the liver is also not safe in your body. There are the

other steps that you should do as the gastric sleeve diet after the surgery. You should

follow the instruction of the doctor about the diet. There is the 2 week pre-op Diet. This

diet includes as the strict diet but it has the good impact for you. It will make your surgery

become safer. You should do the gastric diet sleeve before you do the surgery. It will

make your liver healthier.

It can be the kind of the best preparation before you get the surgery. You should consume

the healthy foods and drinks. The nutrition of your body should be completed. It is

important also for you to get the pure water for your fresh and your body health. To make

the best diet, you should follow the recommendation from the doctor, you should increase

the protein, and the carbohydrate and also need to eliminate the sugars.

There are the typical diets in the each time. It will be different for you to the each time.

For breakfast you need to consume the protein shake, and the other supplement for the

good health. You should consider about the sugar, it will be bad if you consume the sugar.

Gastric sleeve diet in the lunch time will be different with the breakfast. You only need to

eat the vegetable and also the lean neat, for the dinner you also has the same menu with

the lunch.

You should consider about the food that you consumed. The snack can be eaten in the

day but you should choose the low carbohydrate food and snack between the meals. The

fruit and vegetable such as the berry, orange and many other fruits with the good nutrition

will be the good food for your diet.

Tips for Gastric Sleeve Diet after Surgery

Gastric sleeve diet after surgery should be done wisely. There are five stages or weeks

after surgery that you have to pay attention. It relates to the foods and beverages that are

allowed to consume. If you are overweight, you have to lower your weight. Diet is a way

to lose weight. It can be done in various ways. Nowadays, gastric sleeve surgery is

increasingly more popular. It is a kind of diet that is done through surgery. It is very

effective. However, you still need to pay attention to the food diet especially after the

surgery because it affects the success of your diet in lowering weight.

The First Week of Gastric Sleeve Diet after Surgery

In the first week after surgery, you usually do not have desire to eat something. However,

it does not mean that you do not need to consume anything. In this week, you are only

allowed to consume clear liquids. There are many clear liquids that you can consume.

For example is fresh water. Besides that, you can also consider consuming broth. Then,

jell-o is also a good idea. Other clear liquids for gastric sleeve diet after surgery in the first

week are sugar free drinks, sugar free popsicles, decaf coffee, and decaf tea.

Those are the recommended clear liquids for gastric sleeve diet after surgery that you

may need to consume. In addition, you should also pay attention to anything that you

have to avoid during this period. In the first week after surgery, you have to avoid

carbonated beverages. Besides that, you are also not allowed to drink very sweet

beverages. Any beverage with sugar should also be avoided. Then, you must also keep

away from caffeine. By avoiding those liquids, your diet will be success and it also

minimizes the side effects of the surgery. So, you need to follow this tip for gastric sleeve

diet after surgery.

The Second Week of Gastric Sleeve Diet after Surgery

After you pass the first week, you have to continue your food diet. In the second week

after surgery, you need to prioritize consuming full liquids with high protein. There are

many options that you can consume. For example, you can consider eating protein

powder that is mixed with sugar free and non-carbonated clear liquid. Besides that, sugar

free pudding can also be a good option. Then, you are also recommended to eat soup

completed with soft noodles. There are still many other options for gastric sleeve diet after

surgery in the second week.

The Third Week of Gastric Sleeve Diet after Surgery

Different from the previous weeks that focus on the liquids, in the third week of gastric

sleeve diet after surgery, you will focus on soft pureed foods. The goal of this week is to

get about 60 grams of protein every day. Even though you are allowed to eat soft pureed

foods in this period, you have to eat slowly. You should also introduce new foods gradually

one by one.

There are many foods that belong to soft pureed foods. For example, you are allowed to

eat coconut milk or almond milk. It contains great protein. Besides that, you can also eat

low fat cottage cheese. Then, you can also consider soft cereals. Soft vegetables are also

great for you. You are also allowed to eat ground or beef chicken. Other soft pureed foods

that are recommended are steamed fish, scrambled eggs, soups, salmon, canned tuna,

and mashed fruits.

Even though you are allowed to eat new foods, it does not mean that you can eat

anything. There are some foods that you have to avoid. For example, smoothies with

sugar belong to gastric sleeve food diet after surgery that you should avoid. Besides that,

any food that contains sugar is also not allowed. Then, you should also avoid eating

starchy foods such as bread, rice, and pasta. In addition, you have also to keep away

from fibrous vegetables such as raw leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, and celery. Those

are foods that you have to avoid for gastric sleeve diet after surgery in the third week.

The Fourth Week if Gastric Diet after Surgery

Then, comes to the fourth week, you can introduce the real foods. It is the next version

from the soft pureed foods. In this period, you are allowed to eat beef as well as chicken

slowly. Besides that, any type of fish is also allowed to consume. Then, you can also eat

various kinds of fruits. Even more, vegetables will be good for you. Other real foods such

as sweet potatoes, baked and mashed potatoes, cereal, and caffeine are allowed to be


However, there are still some foods that you should avoid. For example, you should avoid

sodas. Besides that, you are also not allowed to eat fried foods. Then, fibrous vegetables

such as asparagus and celery are also not allowed. You must also keep away from sugary

drinks. Then, candy will also not be good for you. Dessert is also not recommended for

you. Other foods such as nuts, whole milks, and pastas are also not good.

In the fourth week after surgery, you are also allowed to eat healthy snacks. For example,

humus with softened baby carrots or rice crackers will be good for you. Besides that, hard

boiled eggs can also be a healthy snack that you eat. Then, you can also consider eating

oatmeal, baked sweet potato, banana, or fresh fruit.

The Fifth Week and Beyond

The last stage is the fifth week and beyond after surgery. In this period, you are allowed

to eat small meals three times a day. Besides that, you can also consider consuming

supplement with protein shake. For sure, you need to get foods with at least 60 grams of

protein every day. That is all the tips for gastric sleeve diet after surgery that you need to

follow. Hopefully this will be a good reference for you who take gastric sleeve surgery.

#Diet Plan after Gastric Sleeve

Diet plan after gastric sleeve should be done with some tips such as to eat new foods

gradually, choose the right foods and beverages, change the bad habits of eating, etc. As

we know that gastric sleeve is a kind of surgery where your stomach is cut to be smaller.

It purposes to make your portion lower. So, you have to pay attention to the diet especially

after the surgery. You cannot eat carelessly because if you eat more and more, your

stomach will be bigger again. Besides that, you have to be able to choose the right foods

that are allowed to eat especially after the surgery. Therefore, in this article, we will

discuss about diet plan after gastric sleeve. So, you have to follow it.

Eat New Foods Gradually

Gastric sleeve is able to reduce your extra weight up to 85% in 3 years. So, you do not

only need to reduce your portion but also choose the right foods. In this case, you have

to follow the rules of the diet plan after gastric sleeve surgery. Starts from drinking water

only in the first week, you need to eat new foods gradually until you are allowed to eat

real foods. What to keep in mind is to choose the healthy foods, avoid the unhealthy

foods, and eat in the right time.

Choose the Right Foods and Beverages

In choosing the foods and beverages, you have to be careful. You cannot only choose

the foods and beverages that are safe to eat and drink but you have also to make sure

that the foods and beverages contain nutrients needed by your body. It purposes to make

you healthier. So, besides you are slimmer, you will also be healthier. You have to make

sure that the foods and beverages contain protein, vitamins, fibers, etc

Do Not Eat Empty Calorie Foods

One of the purposes to have diet is to reduce calories. However, after you take gastric

sleeve, it does not mean that you have to prioritize empty calorie foods. In fact, calories

are needed as the source of energy. On the other hand, you also cannot prioritize foods

and beverages that contain too many calories. So, it will be better for you to choose the

foods and beverages that have low calories. The low calories should be paired with high


Change Your Bad Habits of Eating

The next gastric sleeve diet plan is related to the eating habits. As we know that with

smaller stomach after gastric sleeve, you will feel full faster. It requires you to stop eating

before you are too full. In fact, if you do not change your bad habits in eating and you still

eat too much, your stomach can be larger again and again. So, you will not look slimmer.

So, you have to modify this eating habit. You cannot eat too fast. It will be better to eat

slowly. The most ideal is about 30 minutes for eating.

The Phases of Adding New Foods and Beverages

You should also to know the phases that relate to the period where you have to add the

new foods as well as beverages regularly. There are 4 phases that you have to pass.

Each pass is usually about a week. So, it means you have to pass at least 4 weeks before

you are allowed to eat the real and regular foods and beverages. You have to be patient

because this diet plan affects the result you want.

What to Eat in 4 Phases Diet after Gastric Sleeve

Because there are 4 diet plan phases after gastric sleeve, it means there are also 4

phases to add new foods and beverages. In the first phase, you are only allowed to drink

clear liquids. You cannot eat anything. In the second phase, you can drink full liquids but

not eating. You are allowed to eat in the third phase where you can eat soft foods. If the

diet plan after gastric sleeve runs well, the next week you are allowed to eat regular foods

and beverages.

The Examples of Diet Plan after Gastric Sleeve in Different Phases

In the first week, you are not allowed to eat yet. However, you still need to plan your

drinking clear liquids. For example, as the breakfast in the morning, you can drink apple

juice. After that, in the afternoon for lunch, you may drink vitamin water. If you need a

snack, you can consider drinking herbal tea. Broth will also be a good idea for snack.

Then, for dinner, grape juice will also be good. If you need evening snack, you can

consider drinking herbal tea again.

In the second week, you are allowed to eat or drink full liquids. For example, you can

drink almond milk for breakfast. After that, in the mid-morning, you can consider drinking

protein shake as the diet plan after gastric sleeve. Then, yogurt and almond milk will be

good for lunch. In the mid afternoon, considering drinking protein shake will be a good

option. Lastly, pureed soup will be recommended for dinner. In addition, sugar free

pudding and coconut milk can be your last foods on the day.

In the third phase, you are allowed to start eating soft meals. For example, you can

consider eating eggs for breakfast. Then, you can add cheese for morning snack. For

lunch, chicken salad can be a good idea of diet plan after gastric sleeve. Then, cottage

cheese will be good for dinner. You can also consider protein shake for evening additional


In the last phase, you are allowed to eat regular and real foods as well as beverages.

What to keep in mind is to control your portion and eating time. You need to get breakfast

in the morning, lunch in the afternoon, and dinner in the evening. Snacks are also allowed

in the morning, afternoon, and evening for additional meals. Hopefully this will be a good

reference for you who are interested in gastric sleeve surgery diet.

#Gastric Sleeve Pre Op Diet

Gastric sleeve pre op diet can be the best alternative for patients in preparing

psychologically and physically the particular period before surgery. For those who want

to take gastric sleeve surgery, you have to know that it requires the gastric sleeve pre op

diet. It means that there will be control on the food intake that is consumed before several

days of taking the surgery. On this diet, you have to know several things firstly in order to

make it completely work. Also, this diet is mainly purposed to reduce the possibilities of

complication after taking the surgery. There are several things that you have to know as


Things to know about gastric sleeve pre op diet

As you do the gastric sleeve pre op diet, you have to know that this diet is recommended

done by the patients with high Body Mass Index which is above 35. For the patients that

have BMI fewer than 35, they can go forward with the surgery without following this diet.

The gastric sleeve pre op diet program is truly essential since this is the part of preparation

necessary for patients who will take the surgery. In fact, there are numerous types of diets

that you can take for this program. In accordance with this, you can browse from internet

to choose the right one.

As the patients are already for the surgery process, the doctors should know the exact

number of current weight as the start point. Also, this can be continued for the new lifestyle

after the surgery procedures that make them healthier than before. The most popular of

gastric sleeve pre op diet plan is namely as liquid diet. This diet is mainly purposed for

preparing the body in order to make the surgery successful as well as achieving the best

result. This diet can serve as the form of physical and mental preparation of body for the

changes which new eating habits and new lifestyle represent.

Mostly, the liquid diet is not suitable as long term of treatment for achieving the significant

weight loss. Yet, this can provide great benefits toward particular types of the procedures

including the gastric sleeve surgery. Besides being truly strict, the effort of gastric sleeve

pre op diet is quite worthwhile. Thus, people who want to take the gastric sleeve surgery;

they are required to do this diet. However, the diet will possibly determine by the surgeons

depend on several factors instead of the BMI or Body Mass Index.

Additionally, the BMI of different patient will determine times which are needed for doing

the gastric sleeve pre op diet before taking the surgery. For those who have BMI around

35 or less, this is not necessary unless the patients have deemed prudent for doing those

several days before taking the surgery. This can help them to prepare psychologically.

For the BMI in a range of 35 up to 42, the liquid diet is done for about one week, for 42

up to 45 is about two weeks. However, for 45 or more, the doctors will rely on weight of

patients in the pounds. For instance, the patient who has 300 lbs, it requires about 3

weeks, and 400 lbs for about 4 week, and the others.

During the period before taking the surgery, the gastric sleeve pre op diet will consist

mainly of the clear liquids which have lots of function like reduce the sizes of liver as well

as bowel cleansing which can help in decreasing the stress on digestive system. Also,

there are particular gastric sleeve pre op diet stages which are suggested by the doctors

who handle you.

#Gastric Sleeve Post Op Diet

Gastric sleeve post op diet is the important thing because it will make you diet gets the

good result. You should follow the instruction and the recommendation from the expert.

Gastric sleeve post op diet is the good die for you after you get the surgery. It will help

you to get the normal condition after the big surgery. You should maintain about the good

nourishment for your body when you do diet. There are the several phase that you should

take day by day until the end of the diet. You should get 3 until 5 solid meal every day.

There are the instructions for the correct diet after the surgery.

The phase of Gastric sleeve post op diet

The gastric post op sleeve diet and the nutrition for your body should complete your

necessary. There is the specific information about the diet and the nutrition for you. The

phase one and two, you should get the clear liquid meal at the program. It is important for

21 days. You should get the liquid meal such as the tea, juice, broth, Gatorade, and the

others. Gastric sleeve post op diet will be the important thing for you.

The next is the phase three, in this phase you need to consume the soft food and fruit.

There must be the enough protein the soft meal such as the eggs, meat, poultry, and

fruits. You should consider about the texture of the foods. You should make the hard

texture become the softer texture. You can blend the meals or you should cook them until

it really soft for your stomach. Gastric sleeve post op diet is not difficult; it is only need to

consider about the instruction.

The last phase as the final gastric sleeve diet post op will make you to consider about the

balance meal and nutrition. There are the protein, fruits, grains, and vegetables that you

should consume every day. You should make the portion of the meal with the little

portions. It will make your diet get the best result. You should give the attention for your

health. It will give the good effect for your health after the surgery.

The protein in each day is better in 60-120 gram as the best average. The fiber from the

meal will make you feel full in your diet. You should avoid the sugar and something that

will make the diet useless. The habit after the surgery will be different from the habit before

the surgery. You need to consider about the lifestyle. It is very important because will be

the good effect for your health. Gastric sleeve post op diet should you do after the surgery.

The gastric sleeve post op diet is the good diet before you get the good result after the

surgery. It will make you get the weight loss with the natural ways. It will make you weigh

loss get the best result. You should flow the instruction and the recommendation. After

the surgery you need to change your life style. Your bad lifestyle will make your fat stay

on your body. You should keep your health.

#Gastric Sleeve Diet without Surgery to Lose Weight

Gastric sleeve diet without surgery will take faster and may be safer. However, there are

also some risks. It usually takes about a half hour and you need to pay attention to the

diet after it. The problem of overweight body is increased. Nowadays, the foods and

beverages offered in restaurants are commonly unhealthy. That is what makes people

live unhealthy and have too heavy weight. Diet can be done in various ways but it needs

long time. You may take years to see the result. Fortunately, there is what is called gastric

sleeve. It is common as a surgery to lose weight. However, it can also be done without

surgery. The result is also effective. If you want to know more about gastric sleeve diet

without surgery, you need to follow this article.

The Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Diet without Surgery

There are many benefits of gastric sleeve that is done without surgery. One of them is

related to the safety. Of course, it is much safer that the surgery one. It is because the

risk of side effects and complications is lower. So, it can be the better choice. Besides

that, it also takes shorter than the surgery method. Even more, the surgery method may

be 3 times longer. It shows that this method is much more effective and time efficient.

How Long Does Gastric Sleeve without Surgery Take?

Talking about the time efficiency, non-surgical gastric sleeve diet is much more efficient.

In relation to the duration, the surgery of gastric sleeve may take more than an hour. The

common is about half and an hour. On the other hand, the non-surgical one takes much

more efficient with less than an hour. It may take about a half hour only. That is why some

people prefer non-surgical to the surgery method. Therefore, it is a good decision to take

gastric sleeve diet without surgery.

How to Take Gastric Sleeve Diet without Surgery

Before you decide this non-surgical diet, you need to consult to the doctor of the hospital

where you will take this diet. You will be suggested to do regular diet first such as

controlling eating and doing some exercises. The sleeping patterns and other lifestyles

should also be paid attention such as to stop smoking. Then, 24 hours before taking this

diet you may be suggested to not eat anything but you are still allowed to drink water.

Then, you have to make sure that you are ready mentally to take this gastric sleeve diet

without surgery and you are in a good heath as well as condition too.

The Procedures of gastric Sleeve diet without Surgery

As we know that gastric sleeve is well known with the surgery. However, we are

discussing about gastric sleeve weight loss without surgery. It can be done with roux-en

Y procedure. It is one of the types of gastric sleeve. With no surgery, the benefits will not

only on the faster procedures but also the better result. That is why it can be a good

decision to take gastric sleeve diet without surgery.

How can gastric sleeve be done without surgery? So, how can the doctor and surgeon

cut your stomach to be smaller? Because of the modern and advanced technology, it can

be done by cutting the stomach via mouth. So, the sleeves are entered through mouth

and then reach the stomach. Of course, there it should be done by the professional

surgeon or doctor and with sophisticated tools. Your stomach will be cut to be smaller so

that you will reduce your eating portion. That is what makes you lose weight fast.

The Diet Plans after Gastric Sleeve without Surgery

Then, you should also pay attention to the diet plans after gastric sleeve without surgery.

Similar to the surgical method, it also requires you to pass some phases. The phases are

also similar to the common gastric sleeves. About one week after gastric sleeve diet

without surgery, you will lose your desire to eat. In fact, you are also not allowed to eat

anything. You are only allowed to drink. Even more, the beverages you are allowed to

drink is only clear liquids. Anyway, if you want your diet success, you have to follow it.

After that, you have to try to eat new foods. However, you have to be careful. It does not

mean that you are allowed to eat everything. You should eat new foods gradually. From

the clear liquids, you can try full liquids. Then, you are allowed to eat soft pureed foods.

Lastly, if you have really been ready, you can eat the real or regular foods and beverages.

Those phases should be passed patiently and slowly. It purposes to make your gastric

sleeve diet without surgery works well.

What to Pay Attention in Choosing Foods and Beverages

Besides that, you should also pay attention to the foods and beverages’ content you

choose. In this case, you have to make sure that the foods and beverages contain much

protein and vitamin. Other nutrients such as fiber, omega 3 fatty acid, etc are also needed

to help you to keep your body healthy and even healthier. Therefore, you need to follow

this tip.

The Exercises for Gastric Sleeve Diet without Surgery

Controlling eating will help you to reduce your body weight. However, it will not be enough

if you are really overweight. You need to stay at the hospital for a few days, and then go

home and take a rest for a few days or even weeks. You need to monitor your condition

until you are allowed to do your routine activities. You can also consider doing exercises.

Doing exercises should be started slowly. You can start from cardio exercises. After that,

you can continue with lifting and harder exercises. Anyway, you need to consult to the

trainer to get the best fitness program and plan. Hopefully this will be able to help you to

find information about gastric sleeve diet without surgery. So, if you are interested in it,

you need to pay attention to anything related to this diet above.

#Result of Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

Weight loss after gastric will be in different results. In average, you will lose weight up to

about 60% of your excess weight. However, it depends on your own weight and some

other factors. Nowadays, weight loss through with surgery is increasingly more popular.

That is why there are many people who are interested in it. It can be seen that people

who take this weight loss surgery are increased. If you are interested in it, you can also

consider taking this surgery. In fact, this method is very effective to lose weight. So, how

much weight loss that you can get after this surgery? That is what we will discuss in this

article. So, if you want to know more about weight loss after gastric sleeve, you need to

follow this article.

How Gastric Sleeve Surgery Works for Weight Loss

Gastric Loss is a method of weight loss that is done through surgery. It cuts your stomach

becomes smaller so that you will reduce your portion. The result of this weight loss can

be seen a few months after the surgery. The goal is to reduce the excess body weight. It

is an extra body weight from your ideal weight. Different people may result different weight

loss percentages. It also takes different months.

Weight Loss Results by Months

Different people have different body weight. That is why the result of weight loss after

gastric sleeve surgery will also be different. In the first month after surgery, the result may

not be able to be seen. In fact, mostly people will only lose their weight about 18% from

their extra weight in the first month after surgery. The lose weight percentage will increase

up to 50% after a half year. Then, the weight loss after gastric sleeve can be seen more

clearly after a year because you can lose weight up to about 63%.

The Factors that Affect Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

There are some factors that affect the result of weight loss after surgery. The first factor

is the diet that you follow from your doctor’s advice, especially the diet after surgery. If

you follow the diet tips well, you will lose weight faster and with greater percentages.

Besides that, it can also depend on your own weight. People with 100 pounds of excess

weigh may get different weight loss from those who have 50 pounds of extra weight.

There are also some other factors that affect weight loss after gastric sleeve such as

gender and age.

The Effectiveness of Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

Compared to other weight loss surgeries, gastric sleeve is the newest one. However, the

interests from people can be said as the highest because of the weight loss effectiveness

after gastric sleeve. Even though it is not instant and needs a few months or even years

to get the best result, this surgery will be the best in case of long term weight loss. So,

you can control your body weight because you control your eating potion with your smaller

stomach. It shows the effectiveness of weight loss after gastric sleeve.

Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve More than One Year

In one year after the surgery, you may lose your weight about 63%. However, some

people lose more than 70% of their extra weight. How about 2 years after surgery? Of

course, the weight lose will be higher. Even though different people have different weight

loss percentages for 2 years after surgery, you may lose weight for about 77% of your

excess weight. The maximum result is after 3 years. In this period, you may lose weight

about up to 80% of extra body weight. Of course, the weight loss after gastric sleeve is


The Average of Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

The difference of weight loss result after gastric sleeve surgery is caused by many factors.

However, you have to know the average of the weight loss percentage so that you can

plan your weight loss properly. From the first month until three years, the weight loss

average after surgery is about 60%. So, you have to keep in mind that you will lose weight

60% in three years. So, you will get weight loss after gastric sleeve as you want or even


How to Get the Ideal Body Weight

Gastric sleeve surgery purposes to lose the excess weight up to 805 or even more.

However, it cannot be up to 100%. By reducing the portion, it seems impossible to lose

weight up to 100% from the extra weight that means you get the idea body weight.

However, you can reach that goal if you want to work harder. It means you have to do

exercises. After a few months, you will be allowed to do your regular activities and even

to do exercises. So, by this doing exercises, you will be able to get your ideal body from

weight loss after gastric sleeve.

Tips for Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

After you take gastric sleeve surgery, it does not mean that your weight will be reduced

automatically. After the surgery, you have to control your portion because you have the

smaller stomach. It is not enough. You also need to pay attention to your foods and

beverages you consume. You can start from clear liquid, liquids with protein, soft pureed

foods, and continue until real foods gradually. So, you have to be patient to get the best


The Exercises for Weight Loss after Gastric Sleeve

Besides controlling the foods, you also need to do exercises to help you to lose weight.

However, you have to start it from the easy exercises and then increase the level. Doing

exercises will help you to get weight loss after gastric sleeve more than your plan.

Considering the importance of exercises, you need to do exercises regularly.

That is all about weight loss after gastric sleeve. For sure, the result depends on yourself

and some other factors. So, you need to follow the diet that is suggested by your doctor.

Hopefully, this will be useful for you who are interested in this weight loss surgery. It

purposes to inform you about weight loss after gastric sleeve that you will get.

Learn More about Weight Loss Surgery at