Gastcollege Digitale Democratie in de Praktijk 9 12-16

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Gastcollege Digitale Democratie in de Praktijk 9 12-16

Crowdsourcing for DemocracyDr. Matthijs Pontier

Kandidaat #3 Piratenpartij TK2017

Trust civilians vs Distrust ‘power'

Enthusiastic about tech, but alert on risks

Use tech to empower; not to repress Free sharing of information, art and culture

Evidence-based policy with long-term vision

Stimulate self-determination, but keep rights

Basic principles Pirate Party

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Unequal power distribution

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy


• People do not dare to speak out against the ‘higher ups’

• ‘Crazy ideas’ are necessary for progress

"If there is no right to privacy, there can be no true freedom of expression and opinion, and therefore, there can be no effective democracy."

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Inequal power distribution is a major problem

• Too much top-down

• People are losing faith in democracy

• Less voting, especially young people

• Media and big money have big influence on ‘democratic’ process

Problem: Democratic deficit

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• The right to privacy ends

where you start representing others

• Open agenda’s

• Open money streams

• Open decision-making

Solutions: Transparency

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Open online classes

• Open datasets (anonimized)

• Open access publishing

• Open source software

• Open money streams

Transparency to society

Leaderless decision making

Leaderless decision making

• Easy to participate

• Increase democratic participation

• Help people to have real influence

• Allow large groups to organize with ideas

• Voting on ideas instead of on parties or persons

• Power of Ideas replace the idea of power

Why e-democracy

Amsterdam West

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Startnotitie:

• “Het vertrouwen in politieke instituties en partijen kalft af

• Bij GR2014 verkiezingen Amsterdam was de opkomst maar 50,1%

• Kwaliteit en legitimiteit beleid worden continu bevraagd”

• Referenda zijn beter dan niets, maar slechts een noodrem. Wij willen ook kunnen sturen!

Problemen in huidige democratie

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Wat: Door wie: Wat is het?

Agendering –Gemeenteraad–College van B & W–(Fracties in het) algemeen bestuur–Dagelijks bestuur

Het agenderen van onderwerpen voor bestuurscommissievergaderingen.

Oordeelsvorming -Bestuurscommissie Het vormen van een oordeel over deze onderwerpen.

Besluitvorming –Bestuurscommissie Stemmen over beleid met betrekking tot deze onderwerpen.

Implementatie –DB, gecontroleerd door AB Uitvoering van beleid

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• “West wil een voortrekkersrol spelen in het vergroten van de invloed van bewoners op beleid en zoekt naar nieuwe vormen van participatie en democratie, zo willen we:

• Interactieve democratie invoeren om burgers uit te dagen met nieuwe voorstellen te komen

• Buurtbegrotingen waarin bewoners het laatste woord hebben.”

Amsterdam West wil hier o.a. aan doen:

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Over 600.000 users since 2008

• Scales well, easy to translate and adapt

• Used in Iceland, Estonia, Australia, USA, UK, and elsewhere

Your Priorities

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Citizens add ideas and points for and against

• Best ideas are chosen by the participants

• All ideas and best points for and against them are visible at a glance


How does it work?

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Points for and against in different columns -> makes it hard to argue

• This encourages rational debate and helps facilitate consensus

Don’t argue, debate!

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Prioritization of ideas and points makes junk

disappear down lists

• Users notify admins about offending content

• Users get 3 warnings and are banned on the 4th

• They never yet had to ban a user

Abuse protection

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Your Priorities 3D

● 3D universe of ideas that cluster together in content and context

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Jon Gnarr: Comedian who critized corruption

and became mayor of Reykjavik

•Formal collaboration with the city of Reykjavík connect citizens to their representatives

•Over 70.000 of 120.000 people participated

•15 top ideas processed every month

•476 ideas have been approved

Better Reykjavik

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Better Reykjavik

•Online participatory budgeting to improve the city of Reykjavik

• Each voter has the same budget amount as the total and chooses which projects she wants to vote for

•Participants learn the realities of budgeting

Participatory budgeting

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Participatory budgeting

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Participatory budgeting

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Participatory budgeting 3D

• Niet slechts eens in de zoveel tijd stemmen

• Representatie is altijd vrijwillig

per moment en per onderwerp

• Altijd mogelijkheid aan te passen wie jou vertegenwoordigt op welk onderwerp

• Maakt representatie persoonlijk,

brengt vertrouwen terug in de politiek

Representatie in een e-democracy

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Representation in an e-democracy

Result: Experts decide about their expertise

Representation in an e-democracy

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Liquid Democracy

• All that we do online is collected as data

• This is used by big corporations to predict our behaviour and control what we see online to sell us products

•We can use similar methods

to empower people democratically

• AI learns about your interests and needs

• Shows you what you want and need to see

• Risk: Filter bubble -> Find balance

Recommender systems

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

• Machine translation of Your Priorities websites, allowing people who speak different languages to communicate

• Enables minorities to participate

AI Translation

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

•After political scandals in Estonia in 2012, grassroots organisations lead a law reform project

• Ideas were gathered through Your Priorities that was installed and modified by Estonians

•Over 50.000 people took part and submitted over 2000 proposals

• Ideas have become Estonian law

Rahvakogu – Estionan Reforms

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy


UK National Health Service

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Crowdsourcen verkiezingsprogramma TK2017

• Iedereen kon input leveren via Loomio

• Consensus over onderwerp vinden in discussie

• Voorstel doen en hierover stemmen

• Controversiele voorstellen moeten via amendement op congres

Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Combine online & offline

• Improve traditional democratic processes

•Brainstorm online -> assembly offline -> vote on/offline

•Enhance offline assemblies with direct

online feedback from active audience

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Constitution Iceland

• 1000 randomly selected civilians held assembly;

gave a 700-page advise about principles and values in Constitution

• 25 elected civilians (out of 522) held assemblies

and wrote the Constitution

• Before assemblies, elected civilians asked for feedback,

leading to ~4000 comments

• 2/3 civilians supported Constitution in referendum

• Constitution killed by conservative politicians

• Pirate party protested this, and got popular..

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Crowdsourcing EU constitution

Constitution was voted down in referendum

Lisbon-treaty largely same; no referendum

Symbolic for democratic deficit in EU

EU should be by the people, for the people

Twitter: @CrowdsourceEUFacebook: Crowdsource Europe

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Accept values / ideas / articles / amendments, when:

• Popular enough

• Not too controversial

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

Matthijs Pontier, Fabcity campus Amsterdam, 26-5-2016 Crowdsourcing a constitution for the EU

• Hoe denken jullie over interactieve democratie?

• Wat zien jullie als belangrijkste voor- en nadelen?

• Hoe zouden jullie e-democracy en G1000-model willen inzetten?

• Anoniem of juist niet?

• @Matthijs85

• Matthijs Pontier



Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy

Web Piratenpartij.nlTwitter @Piratenpartij


Meer lezen:• De toekomst vand de democratie volgens Matthijs Pontier van de


• Democratische vernieuwing, het kan dus wel

• Referenda zijn eigenlijk ouderwets

• Ik wil niet alleen een noodrem; Ik wil kunnen sturen!

• How Iceland introduced e-demoracy



Matthijs Pontier, VU Amsterdam, 8-12-2016 Crowdsourcing for Democracy