Gascoigne pess estate agents epsom

Post on 23-Aug-2014

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Do I Need An Estate Agent To Help Me Buy A House?

Transcript of Gascoigne pess estate agents epsom

It’s hard to believe but the biggest mistake people make when it comes to buying a house is that they treat it like another big purchase. That’s very far from the truth. Buying a house, especially if it’s a first house isn’t like anything that you have bought before. This is something that you will not only own but live in for a long time to come.

When you buy an expensive car you can change it after some time if you’re fed up of it but if you buy the wrong house and don’t like living there the process of changing it is very complex. In most cases you’d have to get rid of it first so you can make the capital to buy another one. This is why it’s important to be careful and have your priorities clear before you enter the maddening real estate market.

This is a process that involves a lot of legalities, paperwork and a decent knowledge of how the housing market in your area operates. This is why it’s highly recommended that you employ a good, experienced estate agent to make this job easier for yourself. Many people shy away from estate agents-well actually they shy away from paying the commission that estate agents charged. However as any experienced house buyer will tell you, an estate agent might charge you a little commission but the money they will save you in the long run will make up for it. Take the simple cost of haggling for example. Most people find haggling an uncomfortable experience. In the world where prices are printed on commodities we are not used to it however that doesn’t mean that it is not done in the real estate world. It’s a proven fact that most sellers are very often open to haggling on the final price.

This is what an estate agent does for you. He’s like the lawyer representing you, aiming to get things going your way. It doesn’t take a genius to see how this will end up saving you a lot of money. Similarly, they will be very familiar with the property laws of the state and will often find loopholes or clauses that can benefit you in the long run. Another big worry that many people have is mortgage and the desire to get a low interest rate. A good estate agent will help you sort this out and often negotiate a lower mortgage rate for you. If you’re confused on what you’re requirements are then a good agent will always sit with you to pin point properties that would serve you well.

Buying a new house can often be very stressful and you need all the help you can. Rather than looking at friends and family for expert advice it’s much better to take the help of someone who knows the industry in and out.

If you are looking to buy a house in Epsom, then click here for some great estate agents that can help you out.
