Gamification and Social Media

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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A presentation for the Queen's University Film 260 Digital Media Studies. J. Zhu

Transcript of Gamification and Social Media

social media >>the gamification of daily life

by: James Zhu - 10001567

Doug88888  via  flickr  

Traditionally when the term “gaming” is brought up, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

VIDEO GAMES! Br3nda  via  flickr  

Brands take social media platforms and intertwine them with aspects of video game design to become an increasingly incorporated factor in our digitally connected lives.

Jason  A.  Howie  via  flickr  

Social gaming started with in-browser apps like

Farmville on Facebook.

But since then it has moved out of the web

browser and has become detached from a mouse and keyboard.

Where you would PLAY then SHARE results.

idlepines  via  flickr  

LIFE ITSELF�becomes a game that you can play…

The definition of social gaming has morphed.

Ka<e  Harris  via  flickr  

day to day activities become…


Lanman  via  flickr  

Whether you MAKE IT COUNT

with Nike+ Nike+  Free  


or you geotag with

John  Fischer  via  flickr  

…gamification has moved away from the screen, and into our physical

daily lives.

Phil  Hilfiker  via  flickr  

>> More and more examples of day to day gaming are arising; fueled by the intrinsic human desire for rewards and gratification.

Kreg  Steppe  via  flickr  

By taking the video game principle of motivation - the key ingredient to the

success of gamifying online social media is to reward badges and

provide achievements.

David    Biesack  via  flickr  Judd Antin, Elizabeth Churchill –

Badges in Social Media: A Social Psychological Perspective

- Aleena Chia.

“it is the carrot and the stick - it is putting more  

LIFE into your  

LIFE .”  

Tom  Blackwell  via  flickr  Aleena Chia– More Lively Than Our

Life is the Motto: Better Living Through Gamification

“One way to get people

BUZZING about your brand

over social media is to gamify the

experience and engage the users

in fun ways”

Gabe Zichermann

(Chair Gsummit)


David    Biesack  via  flickr  Gabe Zichermann – How Gamification

Can Create Social Media Buzz

>>Studies have shown that gamification boosts:

Commenting – 13%. Social sharing to Facebook, Twitter,

and [other] networks – 22%. New content Discovery – 68%.

          - John Koetsier

Chirag    Galundia  via  flickr  John Koestier – Billions of user

actions say gamification increases site engagement 29%.

“Gamification succeeded...where advergaming and in-game advertisement failed!”

Kris<na  Alexander-­‐

son  via  flickr  Gabe Zichermann – The Purpose of


// Gamification of life through social media is a HOLY GRAIL for marketing. ��A win-win solution providing both exposure and advertisement for the brand, all while actively engaging the customer - providing tangible rewards and goals to strive towards, �further eliciting participation. �

Vancity  Allie  

via  flickr  

a buzzword engineered for hype?

oatsy40  via  flickr  

NO! >> Successful gamification

provides motivation to desperately perform the

behavior the ability to easily carry out the behavior and a

trigger to cue to behavior.

-­‐Michael  Wu,  Ph.D.  Ro_buk  via  flickr   Michael Wu– Gamification 101: The

Psychology of Motivation

In the 2012 joint study conducted by the PEW and ELON University; a THOUSAND internet experts were surveyed. The results showed:

predicting gamification will be implemented in most digital activities of most people

predicting the significant adoption and use of gamification in daily life

N  i  c  o  l  a  via  flickr  Sebastian Deterding – Experts Split,

Hold various Opinions: Gamification Research Network

“Gamification may be the most important social and commercial development of the next fifty years… Socially, gamified technology will evolve and humanize many of the artificial interactions we currently endure – check-in’s, like’, shares, and their kin will all ‘just work’ and drive new waves of innovation in our technology.”�

Ross Rader"(general manager at Hover, board member of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority)"

Bre  PeWs  via  flickr  

PEW Research Group Press Release 2012– The Future of Gamification

because the principle of gamification through social media outlets is still a relatively fresh concept, it does possess an Achilles heel.

the fact that it’s not always social.

fluffisch  via  flickr  

“While it’s often thought to be social inherently, it’s not – there’s a difference between getting a badge, and getting a badge and sharing it. One is social and one is not.”  


-Victor White (Gigya Marketing)

Niklas  Wikstrom  via  flickr  Jennifer Beese –Can Gamification

Boost Engagement? Customer Actions are Saying Yes.

“The most important stage of a gamified life cycle will be to turn users into product evangelists, who spread the word of mouth online through their social networks and reach to potential users.”

Mark Russell. (Ph Creative)

mallix  via  flickr  

Mark Russell – The Gamification Life Cycle

Gamifica<on  is  currently  in  its  infancy,  and  as  we  move  towards  web  3.0  and  a  more  socially  connected  world;  more  and  more  adopters  will  arrive,  and  gamifica<on  will  take  a  higher  precedence  in  daily  life.  

Gamification is still in its infancy and constantly growing. As we move towards web3.0 and a more socially connected generation of web users; the reward system of video game design will be incorporated in motivating actions.

Di  Bedard  via  flickr  

Gamification will be intertwined with social media for an intuitive

experience in which life becomes a game that you can PLAY, and

more importantly, life becomes a game that you can SHARE.

Brian  Talbot  via  flickr  

Marco  Arment  via  flickr  

References.  1. 2.

living-through-gamification/ 3. 4.

increases-site-engagement-29/ 5. 6.

Psychology-of-Motivation/ba-p/21864 7.

possible-future-of-gamification/ 8. 9. 10.

Kevin  Dooley  via  flickr