Gamer bucket list v2

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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My presentation on my "Video Game Bucket List".

Transcript of Gamer bucket list v2

  • 1. Gamer's Bucket List

2. Whats a bucket list?

  • Go watch The Bucket List
  • Its a list of things to do before you die
  • This isn't quite so morbid

3. What is there to do with Video Games other than play them?

  • There's a bit more to them than that!

4. It's all about experiences!

  • Some are intentional

5. Some you make yourself 6. So why this talk?

  • Share some of my experiences.

7. It's not a complete list though! 8. So without further ado.... 9. Resident Evil

  • Take it seriously!

10. You were almost a Jill sandwich! 11. It looks like he was killed by a crow or something? 12. Final Fantasy 7

  • Tifa vs Aeris
  • Pick one!

13. Guitar Hero ROCK ON!

  • Find at least one song you can do on the hardest setting.

14. Golden Eye

  • Pick Oddjob and be hated.

15. Doom

  • This is my boomstick!

16. Find your first shotgun 17. Portal

  • Is the cake a lie?

18. Monkey Island

  • You fight like a dairy farmer!

19. Learn some insult sword fighting techniques! 20. World of Warcraft

  • Join a pickup group.

21. Mass Effect / Dragon Age

  • Break out your romantic side.

22. Enjoy one of the relationships in these games. 23. Halo 3

  • Combine beer, no gravity and 16 of your friends.

24. Bioshock

  • Would you kindly finish Bioshock please?

25. Sonic 2

  • Collecting all the chaos emeralds and go..

26. Elite Beat Agents

  • Heeeeeeeelp!

27. Finish Jumping Jack Flash. 28. Minecraft

  • Build something amazing...

29. Silent Hill

  • Try not to be freaked out.

30. Bonus points for playing with the lights off. 31. Fallout 3/Oblivion

  • All the bears are belong to me.

32. Unreal Tournament

  • Kill Streaks are fun! So rack up a M-m-m-monster kill!

33. Mario Kart

  • Hit someone with a blue shell.

34. Street Fighter 4

  • Pull off a combo!

35. Alternatively mashed the controller and hope for the best 36. Half Life 2: Episode 1

  • 1 shot? Make it count!

37. Continue?

  • Thats just the tip of some of the experiences you can have with video games.

38. There's lots more that I've not even touched upon!