Gamefication & gamified branding

Post on 17-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Gamefication & gamified branding

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Eelko LommersCreative & strategy director

“Take over the world and turn it into a playground.”

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Chapter one: Science

So who of you is doing sports?

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So can you tell me why?... no really why?



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Being fit Fun



Because of ...

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Is that the real reason?

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Being fit was meant to ...

Keep us from getting killed.Survive.

Feed ourselves.

And that was all the motivation we needed.

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Inspite all the energy it is costing us, the brain motivates us to keep fit because we want

to stay alive...

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Our brain wants us to be in shape so we will be able to...


Run for our lives

Live long

Be the strongest, fastest, best of our tribe

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And we don’t need that anymore do we?

Our survival instinct tells us we need to be fit,but we know we don’t need to be because life has changed for us.

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So according to evolution we nowadays should not be moving at all, because we don’t need it.

But here comes the jedi mind trick of the brain....motivation

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But where does motivation come from?

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Feb. 22, 2012 Mathias Pessiglione (University Pierre and Marie Curie)

Identified the part of the brain driving motivation during actions that combine physical and/or mental effort:

the ventral striatum.

The attached dorsal striatum contributes directly to decision-making and initiation. It does this by combining sensory, cognitive, and motivational/emotional information. It is key to the motivational and learning processes that support goal-directed action.

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So, people get motivated by what they see, hear and feel.

But how do we learn to use that what we see, hear and feel?

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We play.

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Play is the way we learn.It is the way we learn to

motivate ourselves

So play is the method, motivation is the goal.Just look at your kids, and you’ll know it is the truth.

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Because it has never been more fun, more challenging and more

rewarding to... Hunt

Run for our lives

Live long

Be the strongest, fastest, best of our tribe

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We play, because it is how we evolve as a species

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Playing games triggers all kinds of areas in the human brain.Your problems solving skills and creativity get stimulated.

Combine that with the purpose driven effectiveness that comes from motivation through playing games and the circle is complete.

We are made to play

We play, because it gives us a purpose that we can master,

and allows us to be autonomous in doing so

It makes us feel good about ourselves, and therefore motivates us.

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So if you want to movitate people into a certain behaviour?

Let them play

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Chapter two: the power of play

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“Play is the only way thehighest intelligence of humankind can unfold.”Joseph Chilton Pearce, Amerikaanse Child development expert

Gamification?Gamification is synonym for motivation techniques that originate

from gameplay. While gameplay is as old as humanity itself, gamification uses elements from gameplay and games in a daily

context to motivate people or to direct them into action.

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Pimp the planetGamification of....

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Playfull Individual Motivation Process©


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But this is not just about games, so what we refer to as gamification to me is a;

It is not about the destination, it is about the process

With Gamification, your wish is to motivate someone. So give them

a purpose, something they can master and grant them autonomy.

The reward is progress and engagement.

So if you want people to like your brand through gamification,

you need to give them a purpose, something they can master and autonomy.

The reward is total brand ownership and engagement.

This way they will mobilise themselves.

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Tangeantal learning

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Learn by experiencing things. Not by being taught or told.

“Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I will understand”Benjamin franklin

We get triggered by what wesee, hear and feel & we want

purpose, mastery and autonomy.

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But how do i turn gameplay into motivation?

So, we...

• Visualise.

• Provide clarity by setting one single main goal.

• Direct everything towards that goal, this means visually, audio, emotion

story, tasks. We create an optimal experience environment for motivation.

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We visualiseNO FUN FUN

Because seing is believing. Our whole world is visual and we aresensitive to visually aided concepts.

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One single goalCLARITY NO FOCUS

Because seing is believeing. Our whole world is visual and we aresensitive to visually aided concepts.

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Create environmentScaffolded challenges + optimal environment + feedback (preferable juicy feedback) = FLOW

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No... you play to “epic win!”

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You play to win don’t you?

Winning is no fun without the anticpiation of reaching your goal. It is the anticipation that creates the epicness.

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No... you play to “epic win!”You play to win don’t you?

Winning is no fun without the anticpiation of reaching your goal. It is the anticipation that creates the epicness.

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No... you play to “epic win!”You play to win don’t you?

Winning is no fun without the anticpiation of reaching your goal. It is the anticipation that creates the epicness.

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No... you play to “epic win!”You play to win don’t you?

Winning is no fun without the anticpiation of reaching your goal. It is the anticipation that creates the epicness.

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No... you play to “epic win!”You play to win don’t you?

Winning is no fun without the anticpiation of reaching your goal. It is the anticipation that creates the epicness.

but that’s just games, real life is not like that

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That is nice and all,

Not exactly, but in a way we think it is. Remember it is not

about the game, it is about achieving something.

And once you realise you’ve made it, it is follwed by an epic win.

And real life is full of epic win’s because of achievements through play.

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Can you think of real life events that are structured like games?

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What would be the goal, the rules, the scaffolding

challenges, and the epic win?

How to influence this, give them the playing field and the weapons to win!

We look at the peer driven motivational cycle

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And now what?

This means...

• Peer pressure. When everybody else is doing it, I want it to.

• Peer pleasure. It is more fun to do it together

• Peer recognition. I am more motivated if I get good feedback from peers

• Peer sharing. If it is good I want to share it with my friends

Peer pressure

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What about

Ever heard that good parenting is not about your kids follow your adivce or

what you want them to do. They mimic by example.

Peer pressure is kind of the same thing. We naturally follow by example.

If I see something is working for someone,

I want to be part of it. And if we are in a group while doing so, it

creates a bond between us. And I will give it my best, because i do

want to look good in front of my peers.

Peer pressure enhance the fun.

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Peer pleasure

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What about

Together most stuff is more fun.

This is one the reasons that MMO Mass Multipayer Online

games are highly popular, you get to share the fun without losing

your own position in the play situation.

Playing or getting motivated together is creating strong social bonds that

work motivating us towards our goals.

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Peer Recognition

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What about

The best example is Wikipedia

Like only one of the biggest games ever...

• 15.000.000 articles.

• As acurate as the Encyclopedia Brittannica.

• Peer driven.

• Inbuild point system that enhances mastery.

Your authority as a writer depends on the

points you get from your peers.

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What about

Peer Sharing

Need is say more?

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This is how we use “gamification“ nowCurrently?

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This is how we use “gamification“ nowCurrently?

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If you look at the potential, then how we use gamification now is

the online equivalent of...


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You use the area where user value and business value

create symbiosis and relevance

What is the proper use?

This isn’t it!

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You use the area where user value and business value

create symbiosis and relevance

What is the proper use?

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Interaction starts with the unique GiDesign e-strategy session!

Goal: define your e-DNA and create real interaction

How: in 1 active session that feels like a ‘game‘ (based on gamification)

What: Define your: -social channels, -online tone of voice and measure skills levels. Describe your online target group and competitors.

ResultOnline masterplan in one passport with SMART goals and next steps

e-Strategycreëert merkinteractie

How do i gamify stuff?

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So what now?

• Visualise your challenge

• Trigger all senses

• Create a purpose

• Clarify your main goal

• Evoke mastery

• Provide Autonomy

• It is about the experience

• Make it challenging

• Use tangeantal learning

• What will motivate the player

• Make it personal

• Make it social

• Use the peer driven motivational cycle