Game trailer research By Josh Scott. What is a game trailer? A game trailer is made of a selection...

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Transcript of Game trailer research By Josh Scott. What is a game trailer? A game trailer is made of a selection...

Game trailer researchBy Josh Scott

What is a game trailer?

A game trailer is made of a selection of different elements which helps to get an insight on what exactly a game trailer is and the role that it plays:

• The music and how that fits in with in game theme

• The cinematic/animation including characters and map layout

• The game play featururing possibly game developers playing it

• Interviews with developers, designers and testers of the game

How are game trailers created?

Game trailers are created using a multiple selection of media. For game play most use screen capture devices and software, For cinematic as well as animation they use the same engine that is used for the game and for interviews they will record with a professional film camera and edit with low end movie editing software.

To describe a step by step detail we are going to use Halo 4 E3 preview as an example. First off people are filmed with green screen backing for effects. Then the second part (the game play) is taken from various recorded test runs and play troughs to get the perfect footage. Finally, the intro would be created using modeling software then inserting into a game engine for movement design.

What is their purpose?

For example here is a preview of Spiderman 2, an animation in production. Blender is thesort of software that would often be used inadvertising industry.

Game adverts are essentially used as a marketing tool to gain corporate buyers as well as sales of the game in general. It is also used to help define the target audience so that people further have improved game play in multiplayer modes.

How are they normally shown?

These are shown in a various range of places and positioned in very intelligent ways. If they were doing an advert for Lego star wars they wouldn’t have it mid-day. They would have it in-between children’s cartoons and mostly after school so that the kids can bug parents to get the game exactly when they see the advert.

Via the internet adverts like Call Of Duty are placed on specific websites which suit the target audience. So you would get games like Call Of Duty placed on chat websites and clan forums.

If your game franchise or industry is popular you might find pre-ads to get fans from the known fan base to view the advert, get more views and spread it through viral advertising.

Target audiencesThere are certain targets audiences for gaming and most think that it ties in with the age rating but you would be surprised. Going along with the advertising time scheme 18 rated games are also placed on a short time span where both the working parent is at home and the child is awake.

In a sense all 18 rated games are trying to get the appeal of parents as well as adults. There are also games for kids in particular like 3+ and 12 rated. These are less aimed at the adults and more at the children as by 13 they might have jobs or get pocket money.


There are a selection of genres that go into game trailers and along with game genre’s there are particular genre’s for advertising:

• Debut/Teaser

• Cinematic

• Live action

• Broadcast

Trailer and music design

I personally like a trailer with fast paced action and multiple jumps with explosion cut scenes and because of modern music I would have to choose either dub step or drum and bass as a genre for the song. As there is a slow intro I would have possibly snapshots or ratings at the start then impactive two second game play shots in sync with the guitar and drum beat. “Rock it” would be my choice.

Then when it comes to the first verse there would be a multiple of character shots and game play views along with gun designs and extra perks. To top it all off, the outro would be a series of explosions surrounding the game name.

Part 2If however the game is more of a comical stance i would include rock as it’s not too serious and quite anarchistic. “Welcome to the jungle” would be my choice as it was used in the game San Andreas which has one of the best trailers in my opinion to date because of how balanced the information about the game was on it.

There would be an intro of story background at the start and then live action with the first verse including sounds of cheering ect. As players verse each other. Then for the chorus cameras would fix onto the main character in a drunken or jokey fashion.

Website references





Fallout new Vegas

This game is a 1st person RPG with a 3rd person option. It is single player only as that has been the tradition for

the whole game series. The game is like an updated version in graphics of fallout 3 in some peoples opinion as fallout 3 inventory items and in game content were included. The world is set in a post-apocalyptic theme,

just after civilization has been rebuilt and gangs/provinces start to form along with multiple

currency’s. It has a main story but there are secondary story’s you can do all with selected conversation

options which change the game play. Overall this game has been rated 9/10 by most.

Scene 1

The intro to ‘rock it’ is slow paced so there will be

screenshots of the game areas with fade in and outs. This will start to interest the viewer in the advert due to lack of info.

Scene 2

For the drum and guitar doing single riffs there will be short

captures of gameplay and sound included. This is

because it puts the viewer on edge.

Scene 3

For the third scene with the song chorus there will be

medium length zoom ins of characters from the game like companions. This will entice the player as they

will want to fid these characters and interact with


Scene 4

The outro will be the city and screaming, gunshots sounds etc.. With fallout new Vegas logo fading in. People seeing

the ending will be blown away by the cityscape and violence getting them to further release

dates etc..