Game salad 07

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Game salad 07

GameSalad (Lec. 07) Table

Young-min Kang Tongmyong University

Basics• table

• matrix shaped 2D data

• can be accessed with row and column indices

• all items in a column should be of an identical type

• you can create as many tables as you want

• tables are treated as attributes of game

Table creation• Home > Tables

• click “+” to create as many table as you want

• rename them

Edit your tables• determine the # of rows and columns

• determine the type of each column

• you can easily increase the number of columns or rows

• you can rearrange the order of the columns and rows

Prepare for table access• create an actor and place it in the scene

Display table items• make the actor display an item in the table

Test it• press preview button and reset the scene

• every time you reset the scene, randomly chosen item will be displayed

Table modification• Change Table Value behavior

Table applicationtable visualization and manipulation

Create a table• Prepare a table to be displayed and manipulated

Actor to show items• create an actor named “item viewer”

• double click and add behaviors as follows

nothing specified here

common behavior• make the actor display table item (common)

• the item is accessed by attributes of the actor (different attributes for each actor instance)

Instancing• place the actor instances in the scene

add behaviors• double-click the actor instances to edit their

behaviors differently

specify different values to instances

Background• add background and test it

Table items are displayed on the actor instances

Table manipulation• Table items should be accessed with structured

looping method

• loop behavior

• only in ‘pro’ version which costs $299!

• alternative

• inventing your loop with available behaviors

Single for loop• for(int i=1;i<=4;i++) {

• TB_State[i][1] = TB_State[i][1]+1;

• }

!• add attributes

• idxI

• idxJ

• use those indices for our for loop

• here, a single for loop is presented

• idxI is used

Test• press right key to increase all items in the first column

showing images according to table data

• itemViewer actor

Table Management

Problem of Timers• Rule+Timer for looping

• when the condition for the rule is no more valid, the timer is immediately released

• loop can be stopped with unfinished tasks left

• Clever condition manipulation is needed

add an attribute MoveDirection (text)

to Game !

add an attribute bKeyPressed (boolean) to background actor

Condition management• when key is pressed

• game.MoveDirection is set

• the loop will not be stopped while game.MoveDirection is not none

Condition management• when key is released

• prevent loop from being performed again when the key is pressed

looping condition

Going back to “ready” state

Images for table items• If you want display items with matching images

• import images to your library

• add an attribute “TB data” to the actor “itemViewer”

Nested “for-loop”• Timer inside a timer?

• quite complex and it doesn’t work…

• Index manipulation

Tasks for each item

nested loop


increase your table item (indRow, indCol) here


Puzzle Implementation Example

2048 style dinoPuzzle

Right Move [ ][ ][ c ][ t ]!!initialize t <- 4 , c <- 3!!while c > 0!!case ( v(c) = 0 ) {!! decrease c! }!case ( v(t) = 0 and v(c) != 0 ) {!! v(t) <- v(c)! ! v(c) <- 0! ! decrease c! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(c) = v(t) ) {!! promote v(t)! ! v(c) <- 0! ! decrease t! ! decrease c! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(c) != v(t) ) {!! decrease t! ! decrease c! }

Left Move [ t ][ c ][ ][ ]!!initialize t <- 1 , c <- 2!!while c < 5!!case ( v(c) = 0 ) {!! increase c! }!case ( v(t) = 0 and v(c) != 0 ) {!! v(t) <- v(c)! ! v(c) <- 0! ! increase c! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(c) = v(t) ) {!! promote v(t)! ! v(c) <- 0! ! increase t! ! increase c! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(c) != v(t) ) {!! increase t! ! increase c! }!

Up Move !!initialize t <- 1 , r <- 2!!while r < 5!!case ( v(r) = 0 ) {!! increase r! }!case ( v(t) = 0 and v(r) != 0 ) {!! v(t) <- v(r)! ! v(r) <- 0! ! increase r! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(r) = v(t) ) {!! promote v(t)! ! v(r) <- 0! ! increase t! ! increase r! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(r) != v(t) ) {!! increase t! ! increase r! }!

Down Move !!initialize t <- 4 , r <- 3!!while r > 0 !!case ( v(r) = 0 ) {!! decrease r! }!case ( v(t) = 0 and v(r) != 0 ) {!! v(t) <- v(r)! ! v(r) <- 0! ! decrease r! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(r) = v(t) ) {!! promote v(t)! ! v(r) <- 0! ! decrease t! ! decrease r! }!case ( v(t) != 0 and v(r) != v(t) ) {!! decrease t! ! decrease r! }

if you program it, it would look like this

keyboard input

keyboard release

Right Move

next slide

Timer Loop for Right Move

next slide

Move Items

More cases inside

more case

yet more case


items moved and merged after ‘right’ key pressed