Game for elearning

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Game for elearning


Guided by Presented byDeepak Gour Pritosh Jain

Nikhil Sharma

Gaming for E-Learning


What is game?

• It is a structured activity in which two or more participants compete within constraints of rules to achieve an objective. One of these participants can be a computer.


What is eLearning?

• eLearning extends so-called computer-based-training by connecting computers using network technology.

• The learning content is delivered to many users through different media, mostly over the Internet or on Intranets.

• Some claims that the "e“ in eLearning means electronically delivered learning.

• “Effective and engaging learning anywhere at anytime, developed and delivered using information technology”.


What do you learn with eLearning?

• Corporate learning today can broadly be divided into two categories, hard- and soft skills. Soft skills are typically business skills involving human interaction, for instance leadership, communication, teamwork, sales and marketing. Hard skills could be practising the use of tools, equipment or applications. Much of the hard skills training in eLearning are IT training, and IT training is the largest segment in eLearning



What benefits can eLearning give?

• Anywhere, anytime• Cost savings• Just-in-time education on updated information• Fast Deployment• Personalised learning• Feedback provides continuous improvement


Problems with eLearning….

• Boring, text-heavy content

• Effects are hard to measure

• Underuse


Here’s ten things that games have to offer learners?

Motivation Learner-centricity Personalization Incremental learning Contextualization Rich media mix Safe failure Immediate feedback Lots of practice and reinforcement Lots of collaboration


Violent and solitary?

• Games have become a huge, global, cultural phenomenon.

• They rival film, TV and print in terms of their media status

• Parents worry that games have a deleterious effect on children in terms of violence, social isolation, obesity and low education achievement.



• Games are not all violent. Game playing is essentially a social phenomenon, and games are rarely mindless.

• The solitary gamer is another myth. • Gamers often play in small groups with multiple handsets

into the same console, in game shops with groups of friends and online with tens of thousands of other players.

• Gaming is massively social.• Then surrounding gaming is a network of social sites,

messenger with discussions, reviews and cheats. • This is one of the world’s richest areas of communication

and collaboration.


Games and simulations in training

• Don’t imagine that games are a new phenomenon in education and training

• To take one example, the airline industry and the military have been pioneers in games and

simulations in learning.• The bottom line is that these simulators,

although expensive, save time, money and lives.


What do existing games teach us?

• Do we learn when playing computer games? Of course we do.

• Games are hard and the skills needed to complete games include; IT skills, literacy, numeracy, hand-eye co-ordination, strategy skills, cognitive skills and lots more.

• This should be enough to satisfy even the most skeptical of educationalists


In terms of knowledge and skills, users learn from games on three levels:

• Basic skills

• Contemporary tacit skills

• Subject-specific knowledge and skills


How can games accelerate learning?

• Educators certainly have a lot to learn from the games industry.

• Even if most games are not in themselves suitable, there’s a wealth of techniques that instructional designers can pick up from the games industry that would result in dramatic improvements in motivation, learning and sustainability.


There are various types of game:

• Online game

• Casual game

• Serious game

• advergames


Online games

• While computer games have been around for as long as there have been personal computers,1 the recent success of websites featuring online games like Habbo Hotel,2 Sims Online,3 Second Life,4 and World of Warcraft5 seems to have awakened new interest in the power of games to engage. The popularity of these immersive experiences is due entirely to the convergence of virtual worlds, games, social networking, and rich Internet applications (RIAs).


Casual games

Casual games are purely for entertainment. They may include everything from the solitaire game that is preloaded on every personal computer to downloadable games to hugely complex multiplayer games like Counter-Strike and Halo, and everything in between. Many people, though not all, limit the category to downloadable games, leaving boxed or online games in another category. Casual games are available in many platform formats: PC, game console, and mobile. While learning can and does occur within a casual game, it is a by-product, rather than an intentional outcome of game play.


Serious games

Serious games6 are designed with the intention of improving some specific aspect of learning, and players come to serious games with that expectation. Serious games are used in emergency services training, in military training, in corporate education, in health care, and in many other sectors of society. They can also be found at every level of education, at all kinds of schools and universities around the world. Game genre, complexity, and platforms are as varied as those found in casual games. Play, an important contributor to human development, maturation, and learning, is a mandatory ingredient of serious games.



Drawing from both casual and serious games, advergames use public persuasion techniques to promote a product, brand, cause, or political candidate. Advergames are becoming a popular form of marketing for movie and TV show debuts.


Common game attributes

• Common game attributes• Game mechanics• Rules• Immersive graphical environment• Interactivity• Challenge/competition• Risks and consequences


Serious games: where game design meets learning

• What sets serious games apart from the rest is the focus on specific and intentional learning outcomes to achieve serious, measurable, sustained changes in performance and behavior.

• Learning design represents a new, complex area of design for the game world.

• Learning designers have unique opportunities to make a significant contribution to game design teams by organizing game play to focus on changing, in a predefined way, the beliefs, skills, and/or behaviors of those who play the game, while preserving the entertainment aspects of the game experience.


Do serious games really promote learning?

Yes they promote learning because they increases different capability of user i.e enhances problem solving , approaching towards any problem capability of a user.


Who uses serious games?

• Military and emergency services

• Higher education

• Games in schools

• Food service/retail


The three case studies will be….

• The Business Challenge (BC)

• The Monkey Wrench Conspiracy (MWC)

• The MoneyMaker (MM)


What is business challenge?

• BC can be characterised as a simulation game. It consists of several elements that contribute to the user experience in the learning situation.


What is monkey wrench conspiracy?

• MWC is an action game meant to teach designers how to use a 3D-design program, ThinkDesign (TD).


What is money making?

• The MoneyMaker (MM) is a single-player scenario-based simulator for sales professionals.

• The overall mission in MM is to sell a technical product to a big potential client, and the user must establish good connections with five different managers.