Game Development With Python and Pygame

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Transcript of Game Development With Python and Pygame



Data Analyst – Accenture Inc.

AGENDA • Basics of Game Design • Exploring Python • Introducing PyGame • Understanding Game Loop • Setting up a Skeleton • Working with Sprites • Play with Events • Q/A

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


In making a game, you become an entertainer, not a puppet master bent on world domination.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Sturgeon’s Law: 99% of everything is crap.

Pay attention to what they like and what they don’t like.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


What players expect from your game is the deciding factor in whether it will be a success or a failure.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Ask yourself. What makes a game fun?

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


“Take me to a place I’ve never been, make me something I could never be, and let me do things I could never do.”

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Nature of Power

Ability or official capacity to exercise control. By understanding the nature of power, and which types of power appeal to which types of players, you can begin to fine-tune your game design technique.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

A Small Lesson on the Nature of Power(cont.)

• Creative Power • Destructive Power • Manipulative Power

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Pros • brings a sense of accomplishment that

is extremely rewarding. • Games which is more of a ‘toy’ than a

competition. Cons • complex and time consuming, and can

turn off players who want instant gratification.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Pros • most satisfying in an immediate

sense, and thus are the quickest to empower.

Cons • Game type of shallowest learning


Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


• most subtle power, and its correct

use rewards the player by making him feel clever and proud of that cleverness.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Install Python For Windows > Download link > Get the latest ver.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Install Python For Mac OS X The installation for Mac OS X is similar. Instead of downloading the .msi file from the Python website, download the .dmg Mac Installer Disk Image file instead. The link to this file will look something like "Mac Installer disk image (python_version)" on the "Download Python Software" web page.

Ubuntu and Linux you can install Python by opening a terminal window (click on Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and entering sudo apt-get install <python_ver> then pressing Enter.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Install Python

Open IDLE (Interactive DeveLopment Environment. )

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


• A set of Python modules to help write games; “game


• Deals with media nicely (pictures, sound)

• Interacts with user nicely (keyboard, joystick, mouse


• Lots of more advanced features for working with

graphics, etc.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

History of Pygame

Pygame is built on another game creation library called Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL). SDL was written by Sam Lantinga while he was working for Loki Software (a now-defunct game company) to simplify the task of porting games from one platform to another. It provided a common way to create a display on multiple platforms as well as work with graphics and input devices. Because it was so simple to work with, it became very popular with game developers when it was released in 1998, and has since been used for many hobby and commercial games.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Installing Pygame

Pygame does not come with Python. Like Python, Pygame is available for free. You will have to download and install Pygame, which is as easy as downloading and installing the Python interpreter.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Installing Pygame

pip install pygame


'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Error may encounter

C:/Python34/Scripts/pip install pygame

Use Full path

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Installing Pygame For Mac OS X Mac OS has historically had a lot of trouble with Python GUI-related modules in all forms. This is an ongoing campaign, so your best bet is to see the latest installation instructions from pip install C:/Users/H/Downloads/pygame-1.9.2a0-cp34-none-win32.whl

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Your Python program can display text on the screen and let the user type

in text from the keyboard. These programs are somewhat limited

because they can’t display graphics, have colors, or use the mouse.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Pygame provides functions for creating programs with a GUI. Instead of

a text-based CLI, programs with a graphics-based GUI can show a

window with images and colors.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Pygame Packages

Just like how Python comes with several modules like random, math, or time that provide additional functions for your programs, the Pygame framework includes several modules with functions for drawing graphics, playing sounds, handling mouse input, and other things.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Pygame Packages

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Pygame Packages

*For complete documentation on the Pygame modules, see

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Understanding Game Loop





Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Setting up a Pygame Program (Skeleton)

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Line 1 is a simple import statement that imports the PyGame and sys modules so that our program can use the functions in them. All of the Pygame functions dealing with graphics, sound, and other features that Pygame provides are in the PyGame module.

<Module name> import *, you can skip the <module name>. portion and simply use function name().

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Line 4 is the command which always needs to be called after importing the PyGame module and before calling any other Pygame function.

Line 5 is a call to the pygame.display.set_mode() function, which returns the pygame. Surface object for the window. Notice that we pass a tuple value of two integers to the function: (400, 300). This tuple tells the set_mode() function how wide and how high to make the window in pixels. (400, 300) will make a window with a width of 400 pixels and height of 300 pixels.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Line 6 sets the caption text that will appear at the top of the window by calling the pygame.display.set_caption() function. The string value 'Hello World!' is passed in this function call to make that text appear as the caption:

Line 7 is a while loop that has a condition of simply the value True. The only way the program execution will ever exit the loop is if a break statement is executed.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Line 12 calls the pygame.display.update() function, which draws the Surface object returned by pygame.display.set_mode() to the screen. Since the Surface object hasn’t changed, the same black image is redrawn to the screen each time pygame.display.update() is called.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Most of the game elements you see are represented as Surfaces. display.set_mode((x, y)) creates your canvas – it returns a Surface object. Useful surface methods: fill("color") fills the surface object it's called on. blit(surface, area) paints surface onto the object blit is called on in the rectangle bounded by the area tuple. screen.blit(ball, (50,50))

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Objects that store rectangular coordinates. .get_rect() on a surface to get its bounding box. Rectangle methods/variables: .center holds the object's center as a tuple .colliderect(target) returns True if the parameter overlaps with the object .collidepoint(target) returns True if the target point overlaps with the object.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


• Loading an image: img = image.load("file.gif").convert()

• Getting a bounding rectangle: img_rect = img.get_rect()

• Loading and playing a sound file: mixer.Sound("file.wav").play()

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


Class visible game objects inherit from.

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


They're just objects: initialize them ball = Ball() Create a group of sprites in main sprites = RenderPlain(sprite1, sprite2) Groups know how to draw and update sprites.update() sprites.draw(surface)

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


User input such as clicking, moving mouse or key presses. Add more branches to test the result of event.poll(). SAMPLE EVENT TRIGGER:


• Testing for the letter ‘d’ being pressed using KEYDOWN if e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_d:

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


• f = font.Font(font, size) goes before your game loop f = font.Font(None, 25) • text = Font.render(text, antialias, color)

text = f.render("Hello!", True,Color("green"))

Returns a surface • Must be blit, just like any other surface screen.blit(t, (320, 0))

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Ask me about Pygame

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017

Good Reads

Beginning Python Games Development With PyGame - Harrison Kinsley and Will McGugan Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd and 3rd Edition - Al Sweigart Making Gameswith Python& Pygame - Al Sweigart Pygame 1.5.5 Reference Manual - Pygame Documentation

Game Development with Python and PyGame Sept 2017


You can make your own game using pygame library.

Your game good to have:

• At least two sprites.

• Interaction between sprites.

• User input from keyboard or mouse.

• Some kind of score displayed.