G4t leadership updates 2014 02

Post on 09-Apr-2016

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Transcript of G4t leadership updates 2014 02

Starting this month, our regular meeting will a) will not be regular, b) will happen once a month! Here are the reasons for that: To make them more “Visionary” rather then “ToDo-sionary” (yes, i made this word up), meaning instead of deciding who is resposnible for what, we will be talking about what and WHY are we doing!

To give some room for other groups (Media team, Events team, etc.)to gather separetly to work on the practical level. Second and forth mondays of the months are free for that.

To make sure we all are on the same page and going towards the same goal on the same road!

To free every third monday of the month for the “leader ship Fellowship Time”. Just hang out together, pray together, share life and restore the family atmosphere,

Leadership Meetings’ Schedule1

Hi, guys! A new year bring new things as well as some previously exited once. This email is from the second category. After each leadership i will be doing my best to email you a short review of what we’ve talked about to keep us all on the same page. Forgive my grammatical in correc-tions, me and my friend, on line spell check, doing our best.

Please let me know if you’ll have any questions or suggestions! Lex Valishvili

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Topic: The Message of the Cross

Verse: “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.” // 1 Corinithians 1:18 //

Dates: April, 24-26, 2014

Details: We will dive into in after the California trip

Conference 20142

Our group is leaving to Sacramento, CA on Saturday, February, 15th in the morning. Sunday we are visiting 2 or 3 churches and then at 7pm we are hosting the Worship Night.

For all the trip and worship night details, please contact George at 360-5000-999

“Un Veiled” Night of Worship3

Leadership Meeting> Feb. 3, 2014