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G � � � T � � � � G � � � T � � � � G � � � T � � � � PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF WESTERN SPRINGS FEBRUARY, 2015

EXPLORE: The Basics

This February, we’re s�ll exploring the Basics.

February 1 is called basic spirit. If you’ve ever

wondered what the holy sprit is, or does, or feels

like, or how the spirit of God relates to other spiritual en��es

described by other worldviews, this week is your chance to ask

ques�ons and explore this topic. We can’t cover everything, so

feel free to ask ques�ons in advance! To finish off the series,

February 8 is all about you, so you’re responsible to know

yourself and explore your faith in whatever way would be

meaningful to you. Just grab a take-home card for some extra

promp�ng. Then on February 15, we come back together to do

church in the most basic way: through feeding one another.

Help us make heart-warming soup for people that we love.

As we drudge forward through this winter season, Explore is

going to focus on how we exist in more meaningful ways than

simply surviving. We’ll challenge everyone to finish the

sentence: I AM alive, healthy, happy, fit, rested, strong…NOT

�red, dying, hungry, cranky, crabby, stressed when…. If you feel

like you have something to offer a conversa�on like finding joy in

everyday life, please reach out to Pastor Ma6 and share your

enthusiasm. This next series in Explore will happen all

throughout Lent, from February 22 through March 29.

Lent Begins Ash

Wednesday -

February 18

Join us and our Highlands

Presbyterian Church neighbors at PCWS

for a simple soup supper followed by a

quiet, reflec�ve worship on Ash

Wednesday, February 18.

Our theme for all of Lent is li=ed from

Psalm 46:10 –

“Be s�ll and know that I am God.”

In worship and in our second hour,

Explore, we’ll be examining self-care

and that which fills our cup. Our Lenten

Devo�onal, available online and in print,

will also allow all of us to refresh and

replenish ourselves in the midst of our

busy lives.

Please join us for the first event in the

Lenten season, Ash Wednesday, on

February 18 at 6:30 p.m. You can sign

up to bring soup on Sign Up Genius.

Lenten Devo"onal

Lenten devo�onals will be available

Wednesday, February 18. You can pick

up a copy outside the pastors’ offices.

You can also sign up to receive an

electronic version that will be emailed

to you each morning. If you receive the

weekly connec�on, at the bo6om of

the email, click on the link Update

Profile/Email Address. You’ll receive an

email where you can update your

preferences and choose Lenten

Devo�onal 2015. Otherwise, please

contact Michelle Hennessy

(mhennessy@presbyws.org) and she

will add you to the list..

February, 2015 2

C�� !�"����� L�$!

Be s"ll.

Easier said than done.

Many of us live a great percentage of our �me in “the fast lane.” As a culture,

we value busyness, produc�vity, and cramming a lot into a short amount of �me. Some of us even meditate

or pray or a6end to many parts of life on-the-run. We mul�-task, we parallel process, we value metaphors,

despite their violence, like “killing two birds with one stone.” And we miss a lot. We miss thoughMul

conversa�on. We miss small things. We miss quiet people. We miss savoring.

Let’s not do that. Let’s slow down a bit and discover, or re-discover, God in our midst. Lent begins on Febru-

ary 18. We’ll have 40 days and six Sundays to slow down and experience a different pace . . . a holy pace.

A=er all, the psalmist put it so well, voicing the divine:

“Be s�ll, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Peace to you, Jennifer


Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis, Pastor/Head of Staff jlewis@presbyws.org

Rev. Ma,hew Paul Schmidt, Associate Pastor mschmidt@presbyws.org

For a complete list of our staff, visit our website: www.presbyws.org.


Here are ten good reasons to a6end LEAD, Chicago Presbytery, McCormick Theological Seminary and Fourth

Presbyterian’s wonderful con�nuing educa�on event for us all on March 7:

10. You’ll find out what LEAD stands for.

9. You’ll meet very pleasant people from all over the presbyteries of Chicago and Blackhawk.

8. The catered lunch is always very good.

7. It’s not far away (Fourth Presbyterian in Chicago).

6. $15 registra�on fee includes con�nental breakfast, lunch, worship, a keynote address and two


5. Elders, deacons, church school teachers, clerks, youth workers, church musicians will all find something

fun and interes�ng at LEAD.

4. You’re free by 3:00 p.m. (Shopping? Theatre? Dinner in the city?) LEAD is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

3. There will be shopping. (Tradi�onally, LEAD includes a bookstore and a Fair Trade gi= store.)

2. Joy Douglas Strome, pastor of Lake View Presbyterian Church in Chicago is the preacher. She’s amazing.

and the number one reason is….

1. John Bell is the keynote speaker. He’s fabulous. He’s ScoSsh. You don’t want to miss him.

Learn more about LEAD at www.chicagopresbytery.org.

February, 2015 3

C�� !�"����� N!%

Ge5ng to Know Your Deacon:

Kay Kelly

It’s fiSng that Kay Kelly’s nickname is Penny.

Given to her long ago by an uncle who thought

her red hair was the color of a one-cent coin,

the moniker reminds us how lucky we are to

have her at PCWS. For 32 years, Kay has faith-

fully and cheerfully given her �me and talents to our church —

singing in the chancel choir and No-Name Band, subs�tu�ng in

the bell choir, accompanying the Christmas pageant, serving two

terms on Session, par�cipa�ng in a pastor and an associate

pastor search commi6ee, helping with food and recrea�on at

VBS, and planning Balloon-A-Gram routes. This year, in her

second term as a deacon, the Western Springs resident will be

assis�ng with recep�ons and Meal Angels, our emergency meals

program. She also takes on the big task of heading the commi6ee

that will coordinate and produce our pictorial church directory.

With so much going on, Kay makes sure she keeps God close to

her heart. “First thing in the morning, I spend a few minutes of

quiet �me with a Daily Guideposts devo�onal, “ says Kay. The

book is an annual gi= from her mother to Kay and her sisters.

Family is an important part of Kay’s life. She and husband Tom

enjoy visi�ng their adults sons, Kevin (living in Atlanta with his

wife Anna, the daughter of a PCUSA pastor) and Andy (in

Minneapolis and newly engaged to be married in September to

the love of his life, Maggie). Also, Kay makes regular road trips

downstate to see her parents, helping her father manage his

recent health challenges. Read on for more about this special

lady with a heart of gold:

Birthplace: Lincoln, IL

Childhood: I am the oldest of three farm girls (youngest sister,

Jill, is also a PCWS member and deacon). My sisters would say I

was pre6y bossy. I was very busy with school and 4-H ac�vi�es. I

went to a very small high school (there were 62 in my gradua�ng

class), so everyone did lots of things or there would not have

been many ac�vi�es. I was in five musical groups, plays, musicals,

archery, golf, badminton, field hockey and cheerleading.

Educa"on: BA in Math from Northwestern University, Evanston,

IL. MA in Teaching from Dominican University in River Forest, IL

Con�nued on page 4

Interpre"ng Per Capita

One of the dis�nc�ve things about

being Presbyterian is the per capita

por�on of our budget. Literally, it

means “for each head” and is

determined by the number of

confirmed members on the

membership roll of a congrega�on in a

given year. Per capita money is shared

between the presbytery, synod and

General Assembly of the Presbyterian

Church (USA) on important things like

curriculum and support of programs in

the life of the denomina�on. It’s a very

important part of being a connec�onal

church and we encourage you to

consider paying the per capita amount,

if you haven’t already done so.

PCWS pays per capita on every

confirmed member, and one of the

ways you can support the work of the

church is by contribu�ng your por�on.

It’s a small-but-mighty way of puSng a

dent in our expenses that makes a big

difference! If you’re willing to pay your

per capita contribu�on for yourself and

your confirmed family members, we

invite you to pay it now, while you’re

thinking about it. If not, we’ll remind

on your quarterly statement.

Thank you for your generous support

of the ministry and mission of our


The correct amount for 2015,

determined by the Presbytery, is


February, 2015 4

C�� !�"����� �!%

Stephen Ministry Begins at PCWS

Five fantas�c PCWS church members have completed

fi=y hours of caring ministry training to become

Stephen Minsters. We’ve been praying for this

ministry for many months, we sent Joyce Rodos to na�onal

Stephen Ministry training in 2014 to become a Stephen Ministry

leader, and all six were commissioned in worship (Joyce a=er

returning from her training and beginning leadership here and

the fabulous five were commissioned in worship on January 25.)

Please join us in celebra�ng, congratula�ng and cheering for our

first class, fantas�c, fabulous folks:

David Boxell Dom Garino Nancy Glickman

Michelle Hennessy Lorraine Hoskins

In the coming months, our Stephen Ministers will be mul�plying

the amount of caring ministry that already goes on in our

congrega�on. They will provide confiden�al, one-to-one

Chris�an care for people experiencing challenges in their lives.

Our hope is to offer our second training in the fall of 2015. If you

have interest in becoming a Stephen Minister and want to be a

part of the second wave of Care Givers, or if you’d like more

informa�on about the program and what it might mean to be a

care recipient, please do not hesitate to contact Joyce Rodos or

Pastor Jennifer.

Ge5ng to Know Your Deacon: Con�nued from page 3

Employment: Subs�tute teacher at Ly-

ons Township High School and Gurrie

Middle School and a math tutor

Hobbies: Reading, croche�ng, kniSng,

playing piano

Fondest PCWS memories: Christmas

pageants, the 11 p.m. Christmas Eve

services with family, UPY mission trips

(especially in 2005 with both boys and

Tom in Mexico), and all of the fabulous

meals provided for us while I was on 97

days of bedrest before Andy was born!

Favorite food: I like many, but don’t ask

about how I “overachieved” on the

Freshman 15.

Favorite color: It changes each season

Favorite movie: The Sound of Music.

I always wanted to sing like Julie


Something I’m really good at: Crying at

the drop of a hat!

Something I’d like to learn how to do: I

took a po6ery class last summer and s�ll

haven’t mastered throwing pots on the

wheel. It’s really hard.

Three words that best describe me:

Organized, self-cri�cal, caring

Something people may not know about

me: I spent a year as a PCWS staff

member. I recruited for anything the

church needed, including Sunday

morning child care, Sunday School

teachers and VBS teachers. The posi�on

would have been dismantled sooner if

Caller ID was more prevalent then!

Visited the Church Website Recently?

Have you checked out the church website

lately? You should! We have a new and improved site that is op�-

mized for mobile technology. It has a fresh, clean look and calendar

items for the next seven - ten days on most pages.

We owe a big thank you to Bob Cushman who has put in

countless hours geSng it updated, and to the Communica�ons

team for selec�ng the new look and working with Bob on the text.

There are s�ll a few items to update, but we think you’ll like what

you see!

February, 2015 5

A�&�" �!%

Theology and Brew (Evening Edi"on)

Join us on Presidents Day, Monday, February 16,

at 7:00 p.m. for another chance to eat and drink

together and discuss a current blog of interest to

people of faith. As an added bonus, we’ll recap

who scholars voted as the top ten worst

presidents….. and see how many you can guess. We’ll be gather-

ing at Now Serving Cafe, 725 W. Hillgrove, LaGrange, IL. (You

may bring your own wine, if you wish.) If you’re not already on

the mailing key for the reading for that night, please email

tandbrew@presbyws.org or call the office.

Theology and Brew (Day"me Edi"on)

Join us on Thursday, February 26, at 1:00 p.m. for the day�me

edi�on of Theology & Brew. Pastor Ma6 will lead discussion on

a �mely ar�cle or blog related to faith, God, Jesus, the Bible. It’s

a perfect �me to ask ques�ons, to be skep�cal, to consider

different opinions, to be in whatever your own unique place of

faith is, while s�ll breaking bread with diverse friends and clink-

ing frothy a=ernoon beverages together. We’ll gather at Kenny’s

Irish Pub, 917 W. 55th

St., Countryside, IL. If you’d like to receive

the ar�cle or blog reading for that day, please email

tandbrew@presbyws.org or call the office.


Congrega"onal Mee"ng - March 1

We’re going to try something different for our

annual congrega�onal mee�ng this year. We’ll

s�ll hear reports and celebrate the year just past, but we’ll sur-

round the reports and presenta�ons with prayer and song and

grateful hearts and more.

Watch next month’s issue of Glad Tidings for the printed report,

and plan to be with us on Sunday, March 1.

February 14

Book Club

Meets February 25 at

7:30 p.m. to discuss

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker

by Jennifer Chiaverini.

Next month we’ll gather on

March 25 to discuss The Cellist of

Sarajevo by Steven Galloway.

Presbyterian Women BOOK REVIEWS

February 12 - 1:00 p.m.

Dessert provided - $5.00

Come have lunch and hear about the

great books your friends have been


PW Gatherings 1:00 p.m.

Meets 3rd Thursday of each month at

church. We meet as a large group for

fellowship and then split into two


#1: In-depth Bible Study Op�on:

Women covenant to study and come

prepared to par�cipate and discuss.

They are studying Fruits of the Spirit.

#2: TED-Talk/Video Discussions:

Various topics will be discussed a=er

viewing clips (no prepara�on


February, 2015 6

C'��� !� ( )�&"'

What is Souper Bowl of Caring?

Souper Bowl of Caring is a na�onal movement

of young people working to fight hunger and

poverty in their own communi�es around the

�me of the Super Bowl football game.

On Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015, the JUPYs will take up a

collec�on (using a soup pot), asking for one dollar or one item of

food for people in need. They give 100% of their dona�on

directly to the local hunger-relief charity of their choice.

John Adelphia III

Sammy Blough

Nick Boxell

Abby Gertsmeier

Madison Reed

Jacob Reyes

Benne6 Sellman

Ethan Sellman

Tyler Sellman

David Slezak

Bethlehem Choir

This choir for grades K through 2,

will resume rehearsals Thursday,

February 5, 4:30-4:50 p.m. They

will sing in church periodically.

PCWS is excited to offer this

opportunity to introduce music to

our younger children!

JAM (Jesus and Me)

This new musical group is for 3rd through 8th grade students. A

new rehearsal session begins Thursday, February 5 from

4:50-5:30 p.m. The goal for this group is to do more singing in

harmony, periodic instrumental accompaniment of our singing,

perhaps include some drama, and con�nue to have as much fun

as possible.

Lenten Fair

March 8

Come and visit the Sunday School classes during


Students will be sharing what they have been up to in class and

may have some other surprises up their sleeves.

Balloon-a-grams are

Back! Orders taken: Feb. 1 & 8

We invite you to take

advantage of this special

and easy way to “share the

love” for Valen�ne’s Day!

Think friends, family members,

neighbors… Recipients need not be

church members. Who will you be

“sharing the love” with this year?

UPYs will make personal deliveries on

Feb. 8 , just in �me for Valen�ne’s Day!

We will deliver:

♥ A long-las�ng Mylar balloon

♥ Valen�ne candies

♥ Your personalized message

Cost: $6, including delivery

Limited delivery -

within 5 miles of the church.

Balloon-a-gram sales con�nue February

1 and 8 in the Jones Room during

fellowship �me. Deliveries will go out

on February 8.

February, 2015 7

Y�&"' M���" )


Saturday, March 14

2:30 - 8:30 p.m..

Everyone’s help is needed ~ get the date on your calendar. Ticket Sales start February 26!

Mission Alert: UPY Subvert Sunday, Feb. 22 The Mission to address pollution con-tinues! Make sure to do your home-work before this meeting! Ask Matt if you can’t remember your assignment!!


This is a significant mission trip fundraiser. We need help from all participants!

We especially need parents’ help with deliveries. Please bring a GPS if

you have one.

Deliveries will be:

SUNDAY, FEB. 8, 11:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.


Help sell Balloon-a-grams after church

and put candy bags together on Feb 1 after

Worship at 10:30 a.m.

UPY:CHILL FRIDAY NIGHT 7:00—9:00 p.m. FEB. 6

Young Adult Advice Night

(Valen"ne’s Edi"on)

FEB. 15 7:00—8:30 p.m.

Ask your best ques�ons about da�ng,

sex, grades, college, par�es, XYZ...

UPYS (Grades 9 – 12)

Explore FEB 1: Souper Bowl of Caring &

Trust Lab (Super Bowl Sunday)

10:30 a.m. in the Narthex & Jones Room

JUPYs are taking over after worship to lead Explore and raise money to support Souper Bowl of Caring! Please

help with this important offering!

Ice Ska�ng

in March!



Sunday, Feb. 22 5-6:30 p.m.

Ready Camera 1. Quiet on the set. And...Action!!

Come for an evening of crazy movie-making chal-

lenges. Make sure your cell phones are charged

and ready to take videos.

PACK THE PLACE Valentine Edition

Sunday, Feb. 15 ���� 5-6:30 p.m.

Bring as many friends as possible for this special, Valentine-themed party!


Feb. 8 5:00—6:30 p.m.

Fellowship & Discussion

JUPYJUPYJUPYJUPYSSSS (Grades 6 (Grades 6 (Grades 6 (Grades 6 –––– 8)8)8)8)


February, 2015 8


One Great Hour of Sharing

Our Lenten denomina�onal offering is officially

dedicated on Easter Sunday. The offering is a

long-standing part of our Presbyterian heritage.

The funds make a tremendous difference to

people who are experiencing need around the world. Many

�mes they have been thrust into the situa�on by a sudden ca-

tastrophe - war, flood, fire - or other circumstances outside their


The One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) ministries provide relief

responses through (1) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance,

(2) Self-Development of People and (3) Presbyterian Hunger

Program. Each of these three programs provides a range of

responses addressing the immediate and long-term needs of

people. During Lent look for a series of bulle�n inserts offering

further insight into OGHS programs. Please take a few minutes

to read the insert and learn more about how we may each re-

spond to these needs through our collec�ve support of OGHS.

We truly appreciate your prayerful considera�on of how you

might contribute. While the offering is officially dedicated on

Easter Sunday, gi=s may be made any �me during Lent. There is

a specially designated envelope in the 2015 box of offering

envelopes some received, you may write a check to PCWS

no�ng OGHS on the memo line or use the online dona�on

op�on under Special Offering to designate a gi= to OGHS.

From the Music Director

The Music Department will ring in Feb-

ruary with an improvisa�on on a Kore-

an anthem by the Bethlehem Choir. We

are busy planning music for Lent and

Easter, star�ng with intergenera�onal

music on Ash Wednesday, collabora�ve

choral pieces with Highlands for

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday,

and choral and brass pieces for Easter.

We invite any PCWS musician to join us

for any of these worship experiences.

Rehearsals for Holy Week music begin

Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 pm.


S"ckers for


Thanks to the

effort of many people in and around

the church, we collected over 3,105

‘saver’ s�ckers. We shared s�ckers

with Sharing Connec�ons and they

selected the desired cookware items

for their clients. We provided 26 shiny

new cookware items for residents of

Maria Shelter or Believe Family Shelter

in Chicago as they move into an

apartment of their own.

As they move into their own place, this

small act of kindness helps make a BIG

difference in a client’s life knowing

that others care and support them.

THANK YOU for your dedica�on and


Spaghe5 Dinner - March 14

Come one, come all!

Enjoy a delicious meal made by the UPYs with the

help of our chefs, Steve Blough and Kurt Smyers. All

proceeds from the dinner will go towards the UPY

Summer Mission Trip to Appalachia Service Project where they

will work on home repairs. Friends are always welcome!

Tickets available Sunday mornings February 22 - March 10.

Specify sea�ng �me of 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., or 7:00 p.m.

Advanced Tickets: Adults $6 - Children (4-12) $3

At the Door: Adults $7 - Children $4

Thank you in advance for your con�nued support of our youth!

February, 2015 9

M���� ( S! +�,!

Technology – Did You Know?

Did you know that the Technology Commi6ee has built

interfaces that let us monitor cri�cal systems such as the Hea�ng

and Air Condi�oning, the Security Systems and other IT

management programs? These interfaces allow our Director of

Opera�ons to maintain vigilance on key systems even when they

are not at church. Addi�onally, we have built firewall protec�on

to ensure outsiders cannot access data and important work. All

church computer users have unique passwords that are periodi-

cally changed to ensure that only approved users can access our

systems. At the heart of church IT work is Hank Vaughan, our

Technologist, who faithfully monitors and administers to our

systems to ensure we are safe and always running. Many thanks

to Hank for his �reless work.

Plenty of Reasons to Be a

Fellowship Host

Have you thought about a different way to

celebrate an occasion? Do you or a loved

one have a birthday, anniversary or other

special occasion coming up? Consider hos�ng Fellowship Hour

in honor of your celebra�on! It’s a great way to celebrate with

your church family, and to welcome friends and guests to PCWS.

Just as we do for those who provide flowers for the sanctuary,

we’ll recognize you and your special day in the bulle�n on the

Sunday you host Fellowship. Any happy occasion is worth

celebra�ng - whether it’s the birth of a new grandchild, a

championship win for your child’s sports team or a clean bill of


Never hosted before? Please don’t be anxious - your du�es are

quite simple. We provide the coffee and tea (or in the summer,

lemonade) for you to make in the PCWS kitchen (direc�ons

provided.) You provide a light snack, such as a few pla6ers of

cheese and crackers, cookies, coffee cake, fruit or donuts.

Sign up online through Signup Genius (there’s a link in the

weekly email) or on the Fellowship sheet in the downstairs hall-

way. Please indicate your special occasion when you sign up!

Be on the Lookout!

The Dona�on Center, located outside

the pastors’ offices, provides wonderful

repositories for some of the many

collec�ons that are ongoing at PCWS.

For instance….you’re invited to leave

boxtops for Educa"on and Campbell’s

soup labels in the wooden box atop the

collec�on bins. The Menaul School (a

Presbyterian school for Na�ve American

students) benefits from our collec�ons.

See www.boxtops4educa�on.com for a

complete list of eligible products.

Capri Sun and other recyclable juice

packs through Terra Cycle. PCWS mis-

sion benefits directly from your gener-

ous gi=s of empty, clean juice packs.

Pint and quart plas"c containers

(empty) make great take-out containers

for Food For Life.

Used cell phones (with all info deleted)

are donated to domes�c violence

preven�on programs.

Unused calendars of any kind are used

by clients of Maria Shelter and the

Believe Program.

Small size toiletries are received and

shared with various shelters and transi-

�onal housing programs.

Aluminum recycling program, kind of

the crown jewel of our recycling efforts

at PCWS. Redeemed aluminum benefits

mission projects.

Collec"on Box in the parking lot

receives all of your clothing items.

Thanks for all of your good efforts to

help others through these simple ways

to reuse and recycle!

February, 2015 10

M!-.! N!%

Thank you for your service at PCWS in January! We can’t do it without you.

Collated and/or folded bulle"ns: Norman Duncan

Helped in the office and with scanning and database updates:

Donna Strunk, Craig Harris, Michelle Hennessy, Carol Ulreich, Ruth Riordan

Crushed cans: David Boxell, Herb Habermann

January Food for Life team: Look for our volunteer names in the March issue!

Second Bap"st Food Pantry run: David and Jane Boxell

Prepared Glad Tidings for mailing: Mary Kae Headland, Ruth Riordan, Joyce Habermann, Be6y Anderson

Flower Guild designers and flower setup in January: Sue Eck, Sue Kovalick, Nancy Glickman, Jan For�na


New Addi"ons:

Lillian Marie Kennedy was born December 26th

, 2014. Proud

parents are Jus�n and Lindsay Kennedy and big sister Caitlyn.

Proud paternal grandparents are Karen Kennedy and Dave


Luke Ezekiel Flessner was born Thursday, January 15, 2015.

Proud parents are Laura and Ryan Flessner. Big brother and

sister are Jack and Lily Flessner. Super-proud maternal

grandparents are Paul and Be6y Banovic.

Address Changes:

Greg and Lori Carsten Sherrie Black

8403 Wadsworth 4118 Georgia St.

Willow Springs, IL 60480 San Diego, CA 92103

Tour The Plant with us!

The future of sustainability is

happening at The Plant in

Chicago, a local non-profit

created by engineers. The Plant

transformed an old warehouse

by designing closed-loop, net-

zero energy systems to grow

food using aquaponics and

ver�cal farming.

Email Associate Pastor Ma6

Schmidt at

mschmidt@presbyws.org if

you'd like to sign up for a 2 hour

tour with other PCWS

friends. Tickets are $10 per

person. Our tour is scheduled

for Monday, Feb. 16, at 10 a.m.

February, 2015 11

M!-.! N!%

Glad Tidings Deadline

Ar�cles for the March

Glad Tidings are due

February 10th


To ensure your submission is

received, please email ar�cles

and pictures to:


Help prepare the March

Glad Tidings for mailing

Tuesday, February 24. Meet

@ 10:30 p.m. in the Jones


� The Ahme� Family

� Paul Allen

� Tom Allen

� Carole Berry

� Kimberly Bone

� Mary O6mar Booth

� David Boyer

� Diane Markley Bruser

� George Bruser

� Phil Carper

� Noreen Coyan

� Be6y Davis

� Jessie DeFano

� Cathy Dold

� Bill Dougherty

� Billye Dvorak

� Paule6e Erickson

� Jean Geary

� Maggie Joseph

� Kathleen Kircher

� Judy Lambert

� Michael Leong

� Deborah Ma6hews

� Holly Oliver

� Ginger Oswald

� Sheila Rensberger

� Mike Slesicki

� Neil Stark

� Joe Swaar

� Margaret Swaar

� Beth Tooth

� Chad Tressler

� Joe Van Cura

� Elaine Wood

� Dan

(friend of Julie Garino)

� Our troops sta�oned


� Presbyterian Church

Congrega�on in Nueva Paz,


� The people of Syria,

especially family members

of PCWS Interfaith

Women’s Book Group

� Those seeking employment

Those in Health Centers

� Margaret Miller

� Be,y ToX

� Dorothy Wilson

� Michael

(friend of Jane Norman)

� Connie Spar

� PaS Schoenbeck

� Connie Sligh

� Stephen Ministry

� Mary Randa

Bulle"n Deadline

Please submit all announcements

to the church office by 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday morning.

Email to pcws@presbyws.org or

fax to 708-246-4276.

Monday - February 16

Church and Offices Closed


You don’t need to join Facebook

to see photos of all the ac�vi�es

that happen at PCWS.



5250 Wolf Road

Western Springs, Illinois 60558-1898

Web Page: www.presbyws.org

E-Mail: pcws@presbyws.org

Prayer Requests: prayers@presbyws.org

Telephone: 708-246-5220

Fax: 708-246-4276


Dated Mail


Scan to

Learn about PCWS

Upcoming Events in March

Mar. 3 Deacons

Mar. 4 Commi,ee Mee"ngs

Mar. 6 World Day of Prayer

Mar. 8 Daylight Savings Time

Set Your Clocks Ahead!

Lenten Fair

Mar. 10 Glad Tidings Ar"cle Deadline

Mar. 12 Presbyterian Women

Mar. 14 Spaghe5 Dinner

Mar. 19 Presbyterian Women Gatherings

Mar. 29 Palm Sunday

Upcoming Events in February

Feb. 3 Deacons

Feb. 4 Commi,ee Mee"ngs

Feb. 8 Balloon-a-Gram Deliveries

Feb. 10 Glad Tidings Ar"cle Deadline

Feb. 12 Presbyterian Women

Feb. 16 Presidents Day

(Church and Offices Closed)

The Plant tour

Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday

Feb. 19 Presbyterian Women Gatherings

Feb. 25 Book Club

To view a full calendar of events, please visit our webpage: www.presbyws.org