Future Forms

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Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488. Anglický jazyk. Future Forms. Mgr. Žaneta Janečková. FUTURE FORMS. PRESENT SIMPLE - for timetables, programmes, etc. e.g. The film starts at 8 p.m. PRESENT CONTINUOUS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Future Forms

Future Forms

Mgr. Žaneta Janečková

Anglický jazyk

Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMůCZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0488


• PRESENT SIMPLE - for timetables, programmes, etc. e.g. The film starts at 8 p.m.

• PRESENT CONTINUOUS - for arrangements in the near future e.g. I´m leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow. e.g. I´m seeing my doctor this afternoon.

• BE GOING TO - for intensions, plans and ambitions

e.g. I´m going to pay the heating bills.

- for predictions based on what we can see or know (evidence)

e.g. There´s a crash of thunder. It´s going to rain.

• WILL - for predictions based on what we think,

imagine or believe

e.g. One day I ´ll be a famous star.

- with verbs expect, believe, think, hope, etc., with adverbs perhaps, probably, certainly, etc., and the expressions be sure, be afraid, etc.

e.g. I don´t think he will come.

- for on-the-spot decisions e.g. It´s hot in here. I´ll open the window. - for offers e.g. I´ll help you.

- for promises e.g. I won´t give away your secret.

- for requests

e.g. Will you do me a favour, please?

- for refusals

e.g. I won´t help you.

- for threats and warnings

e.g. I ´ll kill you.

- for actions, situations or events that will definitely happen in the future and which we can´t control. e.g. Next year I´ll be 20.

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• FUTURE CONTINUOUS - when you want to say that you will be in the

middle of doing something at some time in the future

e.g. I wonder what I will be doing this time next year.

- for actions which will definitely happen as a part of a routine or arrangement

e.g. I will be cleaning the house tomorrow. I always do it.

e.g. He will be travelling with his company next week.

- you ask politely about someone´s plans, especially if you want something

e.g.Will you be using your car tonight? No, why? I would like to borrow it.



- something will be complete before a certain time in the future

e.g. I will have finished my work by 2 p.m.

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• time expressions used with future perfect : before, by, by then, by the time, until



- when we want to emphasize the duration of an action up to a stated time in the future

e.g. By the end of this year I will have been working here for six years.


• when using time ords and expressions ( when, while, before, once, as long as, by the time, until, as soon as,if, etc.), we use present simple, not will

e.g. I will call you as soon as I arrive.

• after when, until, after, as soon as we can also use present perfect (but not if two things happen together)

e.g. When I´ve called Jane, we will have dinner. ( = First I will call her, after that we´ll have dinner).

• we use will with:

- when – used as question word

e.g. When will they arrive?

- if/whether – when showing uncertainty or ignorance ( I doubt, I wonder, etc.)

e.g. I wonder if I ´ll pass this exam.


- to make an offer or suggestion

e.g. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

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Použité zdroje

• DOOLEY, Jenny a Virginia EVANS. Grammarway 3. Newbury: Express Publishing, 1999. 1st ed. ISBN 978-1-842-16-367-2. .

• MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. 2nd ed. ISBN 0521 43680 X.

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