Fundamental Concepts of Transmission Lines Derived From Ac Theory

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  • 7/27/2019 Fundamental Concepts of Transmission Lines Derived From Ac Theory


    F U N D A M E N T A L C O N C E P T S O FT R A N S M I S S I O N L I N E S D E R I V E DF R O M A C T H E O R Y

    1.1 INTRODUCTIONAlmost everyone is familiar with radio and television waves which travel

    through air, but the concep t o f waves on an electrical line is not a s commonlyappreciated. Lights, television sets, radios, and numerous other appliancesare used daily without the slightest thought being given to the manner inwhich the energy is transmitted to these devices through conductors, eventhough the underlying phenomenon is of fundamental importance. Con-sequently, the student wh o is being exposed for the first time to the conceptof a transmission line usually finds the idea difficult to comprehend untilcertain questions have been answered in his own mind, the major questionusually being just what is a transmission line and how does it differ fromother lines or circuits. The answer is that any two conductors betweenwhich voltage is applied can be considered to be a transmission line. Ingeneral, there is no clear-cut distinction between the usual concept of a cir-cuit and a transmission line except for extreme cases with usual circuits onone end and transmission lines on the other. Fortun ately, many applicationsfall into one of these extreme cases, but this is occurring less and less asadvances are being made in high-speed circuits and systems.

    In order to understand the significance of this, let us consider a verysimple, but nevertheless quite profound example, namely, the turning on ofa light in a hom e which is supplied with 6 0 Hz power. When the switch isactivated, the light appears instantaneously, for all practical purposes. If wewished to analyze the electrical system within the house itself, we w ould usesimple ac circuit theory and would never consider whether or not the linesmight be transmission lines. However, the power company which suppliesthe electricity is not so fortunate because the generating station may belocated a long distance from the house , as is shown in Fig. 1-1. When aswitch is turned on at station A, as in Fig. 1-1, for example, we know thatthe power does not appear instantaneously at station B, located x miles


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    (b )

    Fig. 1-1. Simplified power distribution system; (b) voltage at power generator.

    away. If the cables are suspended in air, then th e power will travel at thevelocity of light in air, which is abo ut 186,000 miles per second or 3 x 10 8meters per second. If A is located 186 miles from B, the power will reachB at a time of 10"3 seconds after th e switch is closed. Suppose that thegenerator at station A is supplying 60 Hz voltage and we close the sw itchingat the exact instant th at this voltage has reached p eak value, as in Fig. 1-1 (b )at time t = 0. This voltage of Vm travels toward station B at the speed oflight and arrives 0.001 second later. In the me antim e, the gene rator at A hascontinued alternating the voltage so that at the time that Vm arrives atstation B, the voltage at A has decreased to 0.93 Vm. Thus, there is now apotential (voltage) difference along the wire itself as a result of the finitetime req uired for th e voltage to reach station B. Because of this voltage dif-ference along the line, it is necessary to consider this case as a transmissionline. The reason for this is that besides numerous other problems whichmust be considered, it is necessary to maintain the proper phase relationsbetween various generators that are connected into a pow er distributionsystem. Fo r instance, if there were ano ther generator at a third station lo-cated a considerable distance away and connected by a similar line in series

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    or parallel with generator A, it would be necessary that the two generatorsoperate in phase; otherwise power would be transferred between the gen-erators, a very undesirable situation.

    Returning to the light switch in our homes, we see that th e distancesinvolved are so small that we need not worry about phase differences, sincethe voltage at one end of a given line is essentially th e same as that at anyother point on the line, exclusive, of course, of any series resistive, inductive,or capacitive voltage drop. If the frequency of the ac power were to be in-creased, for example, to 100 megacycles per second (typical FM radio fre-quency), then a voltage difference would exist along th e lines in our homesand it would be necessary to consider them as transmission lines. Thus,from this very simple illustration, we can see that whether or not a line is tobe considered as a transmission line depends on both th e length of the lineand th e frequency of the applied vo ltage or , more specifically, it depends onthe ratio of the length of line to the wavelength of the applied frequency. Ifthe wavelength is very long com pared to the line length, simple circuit analysesare applicable. The wavelength of 6 0 Hz in air is (from chart on frontispiece)5 x 10 6 meters or over 3 ,100 miles, but it reduces to 3 meters at 100 mega-cycles per second. Thus, it is apparent that distances within th e home arequite small compared to the wavelength at usual power frequencies, butdistances between power stations are not. Furthermore, th e wavelength ofthe FM signals is not large but instead is comparable to distances within th ehome, so that antenna and lead-in wire, for example, must be considered astransmission lines. Th is is a fundamental idea which will be encountered atvarious times and will be extended in Chap. 5 to cases where th e appliedvoltage is a single pulse, thereby containing all frequencies.

    In this chapter, we will usually be concerned with lines that are eitherinfinitely long or that appear to be so. Thus, a voltage difference will appearon th e conductors themselves because of the finite velocity of propagation ofenergy, as was shown previously, and it is necessary to treat them as trans-mission lines. In order to consider such lines from th e more familiar circuitpoint of view, all the fundamental concepts of waves on transmission lineswill be developed from simple ac theory as applied to circuits.* But in orderto use ac circuit analysis, it is first necessary to obtain th e equivalent circuitrepresentation of any two-co nduc tor line. This will be done in the nextsection. Once this is obtained, th e transmission-line properties such as char-acteristic impedance, phase shift, phase velocity, and attenuation are easilyobtained in terms of these circuit parameters which can be measured or cal-culated (see Chap. 9).

    For a review of ac theory, see [2] or any source which treats ac circuits.

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    1.2 EQU IVALENT CIRCUIT OF A SIMPLE TRANSMISSION L INEIn order to analyze a transmission line in terms of ac circuit theory, it

    is necessary first to obta in the equ ivalent circuit of the line. Since any pas-sive network can be composed only of combinations of resistive, capacitive,and inductive elements, the final circuit must contain only combinations ofthese. Let us consider tw o very long parallel wires which are suspended inair, as in Fig. 1-2, and let us exam ine a small subsection of the line includedbetween the dotted lines in the figure. One restriction placed on our equiva-lent circuit is that the length of each subsection must be m uch smaller thanthe wavelength of the applied frequency, so that each subsection can be con-sidered a circuit and the elements within the subsection can be preciselydefined. When many subsections are tied together to form an infinitely longline, ac analysis can still be applied to each individual sub section , as will beseen. Another restriction is that the frequency must be sufficiently lowand/or the cond uctor cond uctivity sufficiently high so that the series lossesare small; otherwise, the resistive and inductive elements cannot be evaluatedin any simple manner. This is discussed in greater detail in Sec. 4.6, with the

    Fig. 1-2. Infinite parallel wire transmission line, (a) Subsectio n and nota tion used; (b) electricHeld and charge within subsection for an applied voltage; (c) magnetic field within subsection foran applied current.

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    restrictions given by Eqs. (4-9 0) and (4-9 1). These restrictions are usuallyof little concern is most applications and we will assume that all necessaryline parameters can easily be evaluated.*

    A voltage is applied across the wires such that a current / flows in thetop conductor and an equal and opposite current flows in the bottom con-ductor. This voltage can be supplied from a battery, i.e., dc source, an acgenerator, or any other source . We want to determine the equivalent circuitfor this small subsection o f line. Since the wires have series resistance, thevoltage Vx at the input end of the small subsection will be larger than thevoltage V2 at the output end, as a result of the IR drop through the wire.Thus, the small subsection must have a series resistance component in theequivalent circuit.

    If the vo ltage across the line is not changing with time, then it is ap-parent that the voltage can be supported only by a static electric field since

    V = fE-dl ( 1 - 1 )The presence of an electric field requires that there be free charges of

    oppo site polarity on the two condu ctors, as in Fig. l-2 (b ), since static electricfields can arise only from such free charges as are described by Coulomb'slaw

    E = ^ -2>with E in volts per meter, r in meters, q in coulom bs, and e = 8.85 x 10"12farads per meter (in vacuum).

    The free (stored) charge, accompanied by a voltage, represents a capa-citor, since C = q/V. Thus, the equivalent circuit for the small subsectionmust contain a capacitive component.

    In addition to the static electric field present between the conductors,there will also be a magnetic field or flux as a result of the current flow asgiven by either the Biot-Savart law or Am pere's law; these laws are, respectively

    d B - ^ x r f u - d l - l (1-3)4n r3 **A further restriction occurs w hen th e wavelength is comparable to or smaller than the cross-

    sectional dimensions at which time other modes of propagation can be excited or radiation canoccur in ope n structures. These effects are briefly considered in Sec. 8.8. The restrictions impose dby series losses are usually more significant; thus these effects are ignored here.

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    with B in webers per square meter, dl and r in meters, / in amperes, H inamperes per meter, and \i = 4 n x 10"7 henries per meter (in vacuu m). Themagnetic field associated with the current in the two parallel wires is illus-traded in Fig. l-2(c). If this magnetic flux linking the two wires is changingwith time, then voltages V x and V2 at the ends of the small subsection willdiffer not only by the resistive drop as described above, but also by the in-duced voltage as given by Fara day 's law

    V t - V 2 - d- (1-4)dtwhere is the total flux within the subsection loop. Such an induced volt-age, or voltage drop resulting from the time changing flux, is identified asinductance and is related by

    e = L - = Vx - V2 (1-5)dtThus, the equivalent circuit must contain an inductive component for thesubsection of line.

    One further component in the equivalent circuit remains to be identi-fied, namely, that associated with any current flow across the insulatorbetween the cond ucto rs. Such a curren t flow can result from o rdinary con-duction throug h th e insulator or can result from losses associated with timechanging electric and magnetic fields, e.g., dielectric or magnetic hysteresislosses. Generally speaking, the electronic con duc tion for com mo n insulatorsused in transmission lines is very small and can be neglected, but as this is no talways true, in order to be completely general, this effect should b e included .Likewise the hysteresis losses associated with ordinary insulators are usuallynegligible, especially at low frequencies, but for very high frequencies, allinsulators generally become more lossy; again, in order to be general, suchterms must be included. Since both insulator condu ction and other lossterms merely represent a current flow between the conductors which is inphase with the voltage, such mechanisms can be represented by a shuntresistor between the conductors.Thus, we see that the equivalent circuit contains a series resistance,series indu ctanc e, shun t cap acitance, and shunt resistance. In the interest ofclarity and con sistency, these parameters will always be taken as the per-unit-length values, that is, R in ohms per unit length, L in henries per unit length,etc. Thus, it is necessary to multiply these by , the length of the subsection,to get the total R, L, C, and G of each subsection. We mus t now determ ine

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    how to connect these terms together to form the equivalent circuit, sincevarious configurations are possible. Tw o such possibilities are shown in Fig.1-3. Since , by definition , an equivalent circuit must give an exac t representa-tion regardless of what form it takes, then it does not matter which form isused. The tw o circuits of Fig. l-3(a ) and (b) are equivalent and we shallarbitrarily use that of (a) for the remainder of this chapter.

    Fig. 1-3. Tw o possible equivalen t circuits for a transmission line with subsection s oflength f.

    1.3 IMPEDANCE OF AN IDEAL TRANSMISSION LINEIf a transmission line has no losses, it can be considered to be a repeated

    array of small inductors and capacitors in a ladder network. This could beobtained from Fig. 1-3 by letting R = G = 0. If the line is uniform such thatall the incremental inductors are equal and all the capacitors are likewiseequal, it is of interest to determine what the ac impedance looking into theterminals a-b in Fig. 1-4 is.

    In order to determine this input impedance, which we call Zv a numberof techniques are possible; the one customarily used is to derive and solve thetransmission-line equations, from which this impedance is automatically ob-tained. However, this me thod ob scures the most essential idea associatedwith a transmission-line, namely, that the input impedance of a ladder net-work of reactive (nonresistive) elements look s like a pure resistance. Inorder to demonstrate this fundamental con cept, we shall invoke n othing m orethan simple ac theory.

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    ill li? Li3 L .a l 'L c /L e / L Iuonnnp^nnnr>$>innrt o *

    /c ic ^c TnV 1 2 V 3 inf inityb o ( d Q ( f Q o _ ^

    f* ^ / / -|Fig. 1-4. Equivalen t circuit of an ideal transmission line.

    The line is assumed to extend to infinity toward the right. Let the im-pedance looking into the terminals a- b be Z v that intoc-dbe Z 2, that intoe- f be Z 3, etc. From simple ac analysis, the input impedance is the imped-ance of the first inductor L in series with the parallel combination of Z 2and the impedance of capacitor Ct\ thus

    Z2(l/jcoCDZ r = joU + (1-6)1 Z 2 4- (1/jcaCDNow if the line is really infinitely long, then the same impedance should

    be seen looking into terminals a-b or c-d or e-f, etc.; thus Zx = Z 2. Sub-stituting this into Eq. (1-6) and collecting terms

    Z , 2 - Z w o L e - M l = 0jo>Cor

    Z * - jcoLIZi = L (1-7)CThis equation contains a complex component which is frequency-dependent.This term can easily be eliminated by allowing , the length of our subsectionof line, to become very small and by recognizing that the ratio L/C remainsconstant regardless of line length. The com plex term can therefore be neg-lected and the impedance becomes

    Zx = ^ (1-8)

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    Thus, the ac input impedance of this line has no reactive component butrather look s like a pure resistance of value given by Eq. (1- 8). If this infiniteline is broken at any point and is terminated in a resistor of this value, itwould not be possible to distinguish this difference by any impedance mea-surement. We shall derive th is same equation in Chap. 2 by a more involvedtechnique.

    Incidentally, the same result would have been obtained if we hadchosen a different equivalent circuit, such as the T-network in Fig. l-3(b ) forthe line . Since the circuits all represent the same structure, it is obviou s thatthe results must by definition be the same.

    It is interesting to note that this line, which is composed only of re-active components L and C, looks like a pure resistor to the external worldfor ac or dc excitation . In other words, during any transient or at steadystate, the line presents its characteristic impedance to the buildup ofcurrent; we shall consider such cases more fully in Chap. 5 since they are offundamental imp ortance in the pulse behavior of such lines.

    1.4 IMPEDA NCE OF A LINE W ITH SERIES LOSSESWhen series resistance is present in the conductors of the line, the

    equivalent circuit is modified to that of Fig. 1-5. The input impedan ce isnow different from that of the previous section but can be obtained in asimilar m anner. If the line is assumed to be infinitely long, the impedancelooking in at any point along the line must be the same, or, as in Fig. l-5(b),Z in must equal Zo, the characteristic impedance of the line. Proceeding as inSec. 1.3

    Z. = Rl + joU + ~ = Zo (1-9)Z o + Q/jeuCB L / J

    V< Z c S j i c 5 : V * Minify zT V < ^ j i c 5 5 * U'0o 1 1 - - - o * 1

    ( o ) ( b )Fig. 1-5. Equivalent circuit of a line with series losses.

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    Multiplying through and collecting terms

    Z o 2 - ZAR + jcoLU = ^J^LL (1-10)jcoC

    Once again, allowing the subsection length I to become very small, thecharacteristic impedance Zo must remain constant but the total series im-pedance of each subsection (R + jcoL) will becom e very sm all in co mp arison.Thus, neglecting this term, Eq. (1-10) becomes

    Zo =JH^ (MU)1 jcoCThis equation is general and is valid for small or large values of R. If theseries losses are small but not negligible, they will have a small effect on thecharacteristic imped ance. This effect can be obtained bywriting Eq. (1-1 la)as

    Zo = k(\ + A\ l 2 (Mlb)The square root can be expanded by using the identify* (1 v)* 2 * 1 u/2for small v. If the losses are small, then R/coL will be small and Eq. (1-1 lb)can beapproximated by

    Zo J(l-jJL) (Mlc)0 Kc \ 2o)L/Since R/2coL will be much smaller than unity, it is apparent that smallseries losses have little effect on the characteristic impedance of the line.In subsequent sections, it will be seen that small series losses, and losses ingeneral, do have other more significant effects on the line behavior whichmust be taken into account.

    *See [1, p.2], [3, p. 98J,orEq. (1-25).

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    OF AN IDEAL LINEThe phase constan t, o r as it is more comm only know n, the propagation

    constant, of a lossless line can be determined from simple theory as wasdon e in the previous section. This phase con stant is merely a measure of thesmall shift in phase between Vx and V2 in Fig. 1-5 or, in other words, theam oun t of phase shift in troduce d by each small subsection of the line. In-cluded in this is also the determination of the change in amplitude, if any,introduced by the subsection in question.

    It is desirable to determine this factor for an ideal line, i.e., assumingthat there are no losses in the line. Also, we arbitrarily specify that we wishto determine the angle by which Vx leads V2, or, in other words, we wish todetermine Vx/V2-Referring to Fig. 1-5, if R = 0, then Z o = VL/C, and it is apparent that

    ZZn iV = V c u ~ (1-12)lZc + Z0 ZL +[Z CZOAZC+ZO)}or

    Vi = ZL(ZC+ Zo) + ZcZoVi ZcZo

    This simplifies to!i-_l + Z7l+i_) ( 1 - 1 3 )

    Substituting the values for Z L , Z c , and Z oy- 1 = 1 -

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    In order to evaluate the phase angle for this expression, it is desirableto make one further assumption, namely, that the subsection length I is smallenough so that the applied frequency is well below the resonant frequency1/VLC of each subsection; in other words

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    From the definition of a natural logarithm, it is clear that taking the In ofboth sides of Eq. (1 -19) gives

    jf t = In -I (1-20)vA number of fundamental concepts concerning the nature of transmissionlines can be deduced from these simple expressions for the amplitude andphase angle of Eqs. (1- 16 ) and (1- 18 ). O ne important idea concerns thefrequency limit of this transmission line. In order to derive Eq. (1- 16 ), itwas assumed that the applied frequency was well below the resonant fre-quency of the sub section as given by Eq. (1- 15 ). If the applied frequencyis increased such that this is no longer true, then not only will the amountof phase shift change, but there will be a change in amplitude of the voltagealong the line as given b y Eq. (1-1 4b ). Fortun ately, it is a simple matter tofurther divide the subsection into small subsections, i.e., make smaller, forwhich the applied frequency is once again well below the resonant frequency.In principle, it is possible to subdivide the line until the subsections arevanishingly small so that any frequency can be applied and the voltage atpoints along the line will have the same amplitude but will differ only inphase. Un fortunately, as the frequency is increased, losses and other diffi-culties appear which cannot be avoided,* so that practical transmission lineshave this ideal behavior only at the lower frequencies where losses are negli-gible. Nevertheless, this concept of con stant amplitude and shift in phasealong the line is often true to a large extent and is important in under-standing traveling waves along a transmission line. We shall see in Chap. 2that this progressive phase shift along the line really represents a wavetraveling d own the line with a velocity determined by the inverse of thephase shift per section. In particular, the velocity is

    * = . = J (1-21)and is independent of the applied frequency, as might be expected since allthe line parameters were assumed to be independ ent of frequency. It shouldbe noted that the larger the phase-shifting ability of the line, i.e., the largerL and C, the smaller will be this velocity of propagation.

    See Sec. 4.6.

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    1.6 PROPAG ATION CONST ANT FOR A LINEWITH SMALL SERIES LOSSESIn the previous section, we saw that for a lossless transmission line

    (R = G = 0), the voltages at various poin ts along the line have the sameamplitude but differ only in phase with respect to each other, progressivelylagging the applied voltage as one p roceeds d ow n the line. When smalllosses are present due to series wire resistance, for instance, a similar pheno-menon exists in that the voltage experiences phase shift along the line.However, in addition, the amplitude of the voltage no longer remains con-stant bu t decreases in value as one proce eds dow n the line. This is a resultof the small voltage drop across the series resistors, as can easily be under-stood if one considers the equivalent circuit of Fig. 1-5.

    We wish to derive both the phase shift and the decrease in amplitudeintrodu ced by each small subsection of the line. The phase angle can bedetermined in a manner analogous to that used in Sec. 1.5 by evaluation ofVj/Vg. For the d ecrease in am plitud e, or as it is mo re com mo nly labeled,attenuation, it is desirable to determine the voltage at a given point on theline as a fraction of the ap plied voltage. This would be given by the ampli-tude of V2/Vv wh ich can be de term ined from an ac analysis of Fig. 1-5 in ama nner analogo us to that of Sec. 1.5. The voltage ratio is obtain ed simplyby adding Rt to Z L in Eq. (1-13)

    V2If the subsection of line is again allowed t o becom e very small, then 1/ZCwill approach zero while Z o remains constant. Thu s, the last term in Eq.(1-22) can be neglected

    V, Rt + Z , = 1 + (1-23 )V2 Z 0In Sec. 1.4, we derived the characteristic impedance of a line with losses tobe tha t of Eq. (1-1 1). Even thou gh we are presen tly considering a line withsmall losses, it is necessary to retain the loss term in the characteristic im-pedan ce of Eq. (1-11) in order to o btain th e correct answer. This resultsfrom the fact that Z o is multiplied by R + jcoL, and neglecting the lossterm in ZQ would neglect important cross-product terms.

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    Subs titution of Eq. (1-11) into Eq. (1-23) yields

    - 1 = 1 + = 1 + [U)ja>aY2 (1-24)v 2 [z cm + zL)]^In order to evaluate this, it is necessary to express the term under the radicalin a binom ial expansion. This can best be done by using the series expansion

    2 2 . 4 2 . 4 . 6 ( 1 _ 2 5 ) 1 ~ for v 12

    The term u nder the radical can be rew ritten

    a-(co2LC - faRCVfi = jta>>/LC [1 - ^ - V (1-26)V coL/

    Since R/coL was assumed to be mu ch smaller than 1, then Eq. (1-24) becom es,using the first two terms of the series expansion

    = 1 + jfo VLC - j 2 y/LC2 (1-27)= 1 + m + jL>\fLC2\/h/C

    The phase shift or phase angle between V x an d V2 is obtained by dividingthe imaginary by the real part

    tanft . l(oy/Ld (1-28)i + m/2\ITJc)

    If the subsection length I is chosen to be small enough, then the de-nom inator equals unity , since the second term can be neglected. Also, thephase shift for the subsection will be small

    tanty fy = o&y/LC (1-29)

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    or the phase shift per unit length is

    p = = coVLc (1-30)

    This is the same expression as was obtained for a lossless line; it may thus beconcluded that small series losses have no effect on the phase constant to afirst-order approximation.

    The attenuation is determined by the peak amplitude ratio, which isgiven by Eq. (1-14b) as the square root of the sum of the squares of thereal and imaginary parts of Eq. (1-14a). However, since we have assumedthat the losses are small, the imaginary part of Eq. (1-27) is very small com-pared to the real part (as evidenced by the small value of phase shift). Thus,the magnitude of the voltage ratio is approximately

    VJL i + i J ? L (i-3i)v2 2 VLTC

    It was initially assumed that IRwas very small compared with \lL/C. Inorder to get this into exponential form, we can make use of the identity

    -. u2 u3 ,eu = 1 + M + + + etc.

    2! 3!or for u 1

    eu ~ 1 + u (1-32)Then it follows that

    - i ea* or V-l = e n (1-33)^2 Vi


    2 2 V L 7 C

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    The attenuation constant per unit length is then

    a -1 = (1-34)e 2 V L / C

    In addition to the attenuation, we could also have obtained the phaseshift directly from the identity of Eq. (1-3 2). For instance, from Eq. (1-2 7)


    Using Eq. (1-32)


    ^1 = 1+ ( ^ + jcoty/bc\ (1-35)V9 \ 2 V L / C /

    = expVf m + jcoly/Lc] (l-36a)L 2 V L / C J2or

    J = e x p [ L Rg - i w f V L c l ( l - 3 6 b )V x L 2 V L / C J

    The imaginary exponent represents the phase shift and the real exponentrepresents the attenuation for a line with small series losses.It becomes apparent from the above analysis that the phase and attenu-ation constants could both have been obtained directly from the natural logof V 1/V 2 . This results from the identity

    2 3ln ( l + 1/) = v - + - etc. (l-37a)2 3* v for small v ( l -37b)

    The voltage ratio of Eq. (1-35 ) is of the form 1 + v, so that for small v (orin this case small t)

    I n = l n e a + j ^ = tt| + / f t (1-38)

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    In other words, the total propagation constant is

    Y t = a. + Jfy = l n - i ( 1- 39 )V

    where y? can be expressed as Eq. (1-19)V2 = Vle~v* (1-40)

    Of course, the same result could have been obtained by taking the naturallog of bo th sides of Eq . (1-36). These two me tho ds are, in fact, equivalent.

    It should be un ders too d tha t and fy are the total attenuation con-stant and the phase con stan t, respectively, per subsection. If the length ofthe subsection is changed, these parameters will also change, since a longersection will obviously have more series resistance and therefore more attenu-ation than a shorter sec tion. Similarly, a longer section will have mo re phaseshift. However, a and /3, the per-unit-length p aram eters, are con stan t, in-dependent of L

    Even though in all the above analyses, we have been concerned withcases where the losses are small, it is generally true that even for large losses,where higher-order terms cannot be neglected, the propagation constant isgiven by Eq. (1-39) . Proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.

    1.7 TOT AL PROPAGATION CONSTANT FORMANY IDENTICAL SUBSECTIONSFor cascaded subsections, numbered 1 through n as in Fig. 1-6, it is ap-

    parent that the ratio of input voltage to the voltage at the rath section isV0 V0 Vl V2 Vn-l

    Vl V2 V3 (1-41)

    The total propagation constant of n sections is the natural logarithm of theratio of input to output voltage or the natural logarithm of Eq. (1-41).Taking the logarithm of both sides

    In = In + In + . + InVn Vl V2 Vn

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    2i $._

    ; fVn

    orFig. 1-6. Identical cascaded sub section s.

    y T = yx + y2 + y 3 + . . + yn = ny x (1-42)Thus, the phase shift of n sections in series is just n times the phase shift ofeach individual subsection o f line. Similarly, the attenuation consta nt is theattenuation of one subsection multiplied by the number of subsections.

    1.8 GENERAL NETWORK EQUATIONS FOR A UNIFORM LINEIn all the preceding sections, we have considered cases for which the

    conductance G always equaled zero and the series resistance was eithersmall (but finite) or zero. This is usually the case for practical lines, sinceotherwise large losses cause serious distortion and attenuation and are there-fore avoided in the design. As can also be seen from the preceding analyses,the assumption of small or negligible losses greatly facilitates the evaluationof line characteristics in terms of simple, closed-form expression s. If thesesimplifying assumptions are not made, it is still possible to analyze the net-work as before, but the exp ressions becom e very involved. We shall nowderive some general expressions for the general line and then attempt toderive the various parameters withou t making simplifying assum ptions.

    Consider the general case of the uniform, repeated array of Fig. l-7(a)with series impedance elements of

    Z , - (R + jcoDl (1-43)and parallel admittance of

    Y p = (G + ja>CU I (1-44)

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    (a ) (b )

    Fig. 1-7. General cascaded network.

    Since the line is assumed to be infinitely long and uniform, the impedanceseen looking in to any subsection m ust be the same as that of all other sub-sections, just as in Sec. 1.4. Thu s, Fig. l-7(a ) can be simplified to the formof (b) where Z T is the characteristic impedance of the line and Z in mustequal Z T .It is easily seen that

    ZZTz i n = zs + p = zTin 7 , 7 *Multiplying through by Z + ZT and collecting terms

    zT2 -zszT-zgzp = o d-45)The solution to this equation can easily be obtained with the aid of thequadratic formula

    z T = Z sy/Z s>+4Z sZp (1-46)Using the definition of parameters given by Eqs. (1-43) and (1-44), the abovebecomes

    Z T = i (R + jcoL) i Jz2iR + jcoL)2 + 4 R + j(oL (1-47)2 2 If G + jcoCIn order to obtain a simplified, closed-form solution for Z T , it is necessaryto recognize that as the size of the subsection is reduced, all the parameters

    Z s Z s Zs Z s

    z i n * " Z p = Y p Z p Z p infinity Z i n ~ * " V 1 Z p = Y p F T | 2O"" # > i o ... n . . 4 ' -*

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    R, thy IG, and IC decrease in the same proportion since R, L, G, and C areconstant. Because of this, the ratio (R + jcoL)/(G + jcoC), that is, the secondterm under the radical in Eq. (1-47), will remain constant as the subsectionlength is reduced. Thus, the subsection size can be reduced sufficiently sothat both terms involving (R + jcoDH are negligible compared to the constantratio, and then Eq. (1-4 7) becomes

    ** V i t i i ^ V ?This equation represents a simple expression for the characteristic im-

    pedance o f the general line where the losses are no t small. It can be seen thatthis impedance will vary with the applied frequency, having real and imagi-nary comp onen ts for the general case.

    In the derivation of Eq. (1-48), it was necessary to choose a subsectionsmall enough to neglect certain terms. In the derivation of the d ifferentialequations of a transmission line in Chap. 2, we will let the size of the sub-section approach 0 and therefore exp ect the same result. This will be foundto be the case. As a matter of fact, Eq. (1-4 8) will naturally fall out of theequations without any need to neglect certain terms, as might be expected.

    The propagation constant can also be determined for this general casewith the aid of the relationship given by Eq. (1- 39 ). The ratio of input tooutput voltage for the circuit of Fig. l-7(b) can be found from

    y s y T P iz T + z p z s + [z Tzp/i zT + zp> ]

    Multiply through and collect terms

    Vl Zs Zs_ i = 1 + _ I + -JL (1-49)v 2 z p z T

    Z T is the characteristic impedance given by Eq. (1-48 ). This equation isidentical in form to Eq. (1- 13 ), excep t that now w e have included R and Gin the impedance terms.

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    with all parameters taken pe r unit length. If R and G are allowed to approachzero, the attenuation terms must be zero with the result that Eq. (1-53)becomes

    y = jfi t = j

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    1-2. Determine the input impedance in Fig. l-3(a) when the shunt resistancelosses G are not negligible.

    1-3. Show that the circuit of Fig. l-3(b) gives the same value for input im-pedance as that of (a) when G is not negligible.

    1-4. Show that e*0 is a vector of amplitude unity, inclined at an angle 0.1-5. Show that VQeia)t is equivalent to a sinusoidal vector of amplitude Voand argument cot.1-6. Given a line for which the series resistance R is zero and shunt conduct-

    ance G is small but not negligible, determine the expression for a andAnswer: See Sec. 2.6.

    1-7. Derive the input impedance of a simple series ft, L, C circuit. Showthat the resonant frequency is 1/y/LC and that at this frequency, theinput impedance equals R.

    1-8. Derive the input impedance of a simple parallel /?, L, C circuit. Showthat the resonant frequency is 1/VLC and that at resonance, the inputimpedance equals R.

    1-9. Show that at resonance, a series LC circuit has zero impedance, while aparallel LC circuit has infinite impedance.


    1. Dwight, H. B.: "Tables of Integrals and Other Mathematical Data," 3rded., The Macmillan Company, NewYork, 1957.2. Lepage, W. R.: "Analysis of ACCircuits," McGraw-Hill Book Com pany,New York, 1952.

    3. Pierce, B. O., and R. M. Foster: "A Short Table of Integrals," 4th ed.,Ginn and Company, Boston, 1956.