Functions and Benefits of Product Design & Development Services

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Functions and Benefits of Product Design & Development Services

Functions and Benefits of Product Design & Development Services

Good companies and businesses are constantly evolving and in a state of growth. This keeps them

relevant, healthy and always ahead of the competition. Their brands and strong product innovation

strategies ensure that their customers remain loyal, delighted and satisfied.

One of the ways in which companies and organizations ensure growth, depth and financial robustness is

through research and development of new products and services. Hence, a good part of the budget of a

company that wants to stay on the cutting edge of design and development would be on innovation,

design and creation of new areas of business.

How Are New Products Designed and Developed?

The process of designing and developing new products is extremely time-consuming, rigorous and

expensive. To outsiders, it may seem that an inordinate amount of time, effort and money are spent on

research and development which don't seem to produce comparable results. However, as most high-

growth companies are aware, these are the foundations of brand building and business strategies.

Product design and development are based on:

Team-work: Though popular images may portray it so, very few products are designed or developed by

a lone scientist sitting in a laboratory. Instead they are the result of countless hours of work by teams of

people, working on research, analysis, design, prototyping, testing, modifying, re-testing and finally

launching the finished product.

Ideas, ideas: Brain-storming, stretching the “why” and “why not” of design and concepts, understanding

and appreciating the value of newer, simpler and more convenient ways of doing things is the basis of

idea generation that leads to great product design and development.

Understand the Customer: Knowing, appreciating and valuing the customer lie at the very foundation of

product design and development. Many companies do work on futuristic and fantastical ideas but the

bulk of the work is on improvement and innovation.

Perceived Opportunity: Many great new products arise out of a product simply arriving on the market at

the right time and right place. Smart designers and developers seize opportunities as they perceive them

and build a product based on this.

Methodical Process: All great products have been through a rigorous drill of concept-level and system-

level design, testing, refinement, production ramp-up, supplier identification and finally reaching the

customer through marketing strategies. This process is almost a template in top-quality industrial output

today and every design and development professional understands the value of it.

Industrial design and development and finally result in cost-effective, attractive, functional products and

specialized products like those in direction artistique artisans that would generate a range of great

products to boost the company's image and growth.