Fun ways to crate train your pup!

Post on 04-Jun-2015

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description This article makes you endearing to your pup by helping you understand the basic needs of your puppy in it's crate training, dog potty training and other basic training.

Transcript of Fun ways to crate train your pup!

Episode 2: Choosing the Right Crate for Your Puppy

Hello and welcome to a new Episode from

Today we are going to talk about: Choosing the Right Crate for Your Puppy.

Bringing a puppy home is an exciting experience, but even more exciting is the prospect of training it. A puppy needs proper dog house training involving elements of dog potty training, dog obedience training, dog crate training and the like.

Remember, dogs like their private space when they are eating, sleeping or relaxing and a crate is the perfect home inside home for your puppy. You can begin with choosing the right crate for your puppy.

The market is full of puppy crates that are customized according to dog breeds. You can find a variety of puppy crates ranging from basic ones to ultra-comfortable cushioned crates which are available in a variety of materials such as wood, plastic and metal, depending upon the weather and your interior décor.

Though you can find a perfect crate for your puppy just by knowing the breed and the age of the puppy, it is advisable to measure your puppy first and then buy a crate accordingly. You can choose a crate than has extra leg space, so that your dog can be comfortable. It is also advisable to buy a crate that is a size bigger than the size of your puppy so as to make sure that you don’t need to buy another one soon enough.

Once you have bought a comfortable crate for your puppy, you need to begin crate training your puppy by teaching him to get inside the crate. Most puppies are playful and do not want to get into the crates initially.

You can try putting your puppy’s favorite toys inside the crate.You can also pick up your puppy and put it in the crate when it is feeling sleepy as this will help him TO get into a habit of going to the crate every time it feels sleepy.

It is also advisable to communicate with your dog using words like "go to crate" or "go home" while pointing towards the crate. If your puppy has completed his basic obedience training, he will go to his crate every time you ask him to.

Proper puppy crate training will save you the effort of carrying your puppy to his crate every time you receive guests or step out of your house.

To know more about Puppy Crate Training visit

I hope you have enjoyed this episode and stay tuned for more to come.