FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Start here →

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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  • FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop

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  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    How Big Data is Reinventing Business IntelligenceTraditional analytics focus on historical data, de-signed against a static data model. In the new world of Big Data, theres more information than ever from a vast array of sources databases, text files, e-mails, multimedia, IT logs, web logs, social media and machine data from equipment sensors.

    The big challenge is making sense of it all. Many companies are aware of the value locked in these data assets. But they have no way of actually min-ing the intelligence by combining unstructured

    data from a variety of sources. Its only using Big Data technologies that users can identify previous-ly unknown correlations and interdependencies.

    But without data scientists, even many IT de-partments find this hard. And if its hard for IT people, its virtually impossible for business users, particularly when they wish to channel input from sources such as server logs, sensor data, blogs, Twitter or freely available databases into their decision-making.

    So how do organizations create value from their data? Systems such as FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop offer a way out of this dilemma, with:

    Fast time to information Data discovery Versatile data sources High velocity Business user friendly analytics

    Large Data Volumes

    Various Data Types

    Versatile Data Sources

    High Velocity

    High Value

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Big Data is a game changer. Engaging with Big Data isnt optional. Organizations that fail to adapt risk being outwitted by agile competitors that figure out more quickly what customers want and make the right call every single time.

    Online retailers map the data trail of their customers to predict buying patterns and pref-erences, and for customer churn and funnel analysis as well (in other words, to analyze customer attrition rates, and to determine sales conversion rates from specific series of events)

    As the Internet of Things gains traction, with millions of devices all over the world commu-nicating with one another, tech companies are designing Connected Cars that can use data col-lected from city & traffic infrastructure and other vehicles to map the best route through town.

    Fraud agencies link data sets to catch benefit cheats

    Manufacturers correlating sensor data to pre-dict the best point in time for maintenance and prevent production downtime.

    The winners are the agile organizations that can crunch vast quantities of data from multiple sourc-es, leveraging real-time access to data and knowl-edge via smart devices and the cloud to make their IT genuinely human-centric, where technol-ogy connects people and not vice versa.

    Why You Should Care

    The Big Data challenges

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop can do all this and more. It consists of servers and local server storage, analytics software and interfaces to integrate external data sources such as historical weather data, geospatial data or input from social media. There are also ready-made templates such for purchase histories or fraud detection, as well as apps for typical analytics tasks.

    What would your organization do if it could

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Input can be structured data (from tradi-tional database systems), unstructured data (such as image data, Twitter updates, online reviews, location data) or data from web- or network-connected devices such as weather sensors.

    Data is analyzed and filtered crunched to turn it into meaningful intelligence

    These insights can be deployed in various ways e.g. be mined by business users via visualization tools or reports, or serve to trigger automated actions in production

    Business Value of Big Data

    Big Data

    Copy Collect Link

    Structured & unstructured Data

    Social Media, Open Data, Linked Data

    Devices, sensors,Internet of Things

    Research & Development,


    Operation, Automation,


    Interactive Reporting, Advertising

    Clean Transform Analyze


    1 2 32 How Big Data is Reinventing

    Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    For C-level executives For business managers For IT managers

    Big Data Questions and Challenges

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Smart cities with Big Data

    Big Data Use Cases

    In smart cities using Big Data, sensors installed throughout the town (on buses, waste bins, billboards and streets) capture data from their environment and send it to central infrastructure systems. The control centers transmit back instructions and information.

    The benefits: Less road congestion: traffic flows are routed

    around choke points Lighter streets sensor-equipped street lamps

    automatically report failure and schedule their own repairs

    Cleaner cities waste bins can report when they are full and schedule their own emptying

    Better and cheaper water smart water management aggregates consumption and quality data from numerous departments and systems, presents this in chart form and enables easier prediction of future patterns

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    Concept feedback Data is gathered in real time from millions of vehicles on the roads, and channeled into improving performance, safety and fuel efficiency of future designs.

    Predictive maintenance Predictive analytics is applied to data gathered from cars over their life cycle to identify precisely when service is required

    Manufacturing Data collected on the assembly line can be used in predictive analytics to monitor machines and identify potential efficiency opportunities

    Marketing Feedback on current models is collected via social media and review sites, and used to feed customer views into design improvements or keep tabs on market sentiment.

    Cars part of Internet of Things Connected cars receive data from other vehicles and traffic control centers, filter this data for relevant information, and respond to a road situation ahead in real time (even without involving the driver!)

    Big Data Use Cases

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Big Data Use Cases

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    Big Data in retail

    Online shopping and exchange on social media means retailers have a 360 view of customers, enabling them to microtarget their ads and to fuse data to create a seamless customer journey online and in-store. Big Data with Hadoop gives retailers huge data-crunching power:

    Sephora analyzes Pinterest to track their followers activity and create the content they will be interested in, thereby generating more traffic to the companys own site

    Retailers also link their physical stores with Big Data systems to transmit welcome mes-sages and relevant vouchers to shoppers as they enter the store

    Bravissimo uses weather data to decide when to advertise swimwear

    Stage Stores has used real-time analytics to streamline inventory management

    Amazon uses the data trail left by customers on its website and analyzes social media senti-ment and recommendations to create a highly accurate picture of reading and buying habits

    The future of retail is digitalAccording to a survey commissioned by Fujitsu, 40 percent of 250 retailers surveyed believe their business will not exist in its current form by 2021. 80 percent are positive about digital-ization. Almost all (97 percent) agreed their organization has already been impacted by digital disruption and acknowledge the need to evolve in order to thrive in a digital world (98 percent). 75 percent believe the retail sector will fundamentally change in the next five years and indeed, over half (54 percent) say they have already changed their business strategy.

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Big Data in transportation

    Big Data applications with Hadoop are revolution-izing the way we move people and goods, locally and globally.

    Railways collect data on a large scale from visual and acoustic sensors in switchpoints, en-gine brakes and rails, GPS devices and weather sensors to monitor and improve safety and manage rail traffic more efficiently

    Airlines use Big Data for predictive mainte-nance, collecting machine data from sensors in aircraft and integrating this with visual inspec-tion reports and on-site measurements. Big Data also helps airlines predict landing times with greater accuracy

    Traffic management centers use roadside sensors to pick up mobile phone signals from passing cars to determine car acceleration and

    deceleration, and combine this with details on weather conditions and even local events. This creates a live traffic map, enabling choke points to be flagged quickly

    With fare analytics, transport providers can apply analytics to competitor prices, and fuse this with details such as seasonality data and historical fares to predict the best pricing strategy

    Big Data Use Cases

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Advantages Scalable: Hadoop can store and distribute very

    large data sets across hundreds of servers Cost effective: Hadoop is designed as a

    scale-out architecture and slashes the cost of computing and storage per terabyte

    Flexible: Hadoop provides easy access to new data sources (structured and unstructured)

    Fast: Hadoop can process terabytes of data in just minutes

    Organizations of all sizes not just the giants of the web can use Hadoop to drive their business.

    SolutionTo derive value, you need to put applications on top of Hadoop that enable you to collect and store data, draw insights from this data and leverage data & analytics across the organization.

    Therefore, an intuitive, easy-to-use system has to be built around Hadoop to give users business value with resilient knowledge and replicable analysis from multi-ple sources. A system such as PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop is engineered to provide a powerful and scalable platform for Big Data analytics complemented by strategic

    BigData consulting, consulting for Hadoop, and integration and maintenance services by:

    Removing the entry barriers for non-IT users Ensuring people can use complex analytics

    without involving the IT department Empowering people to discover new,

    creative interdependencies Opening the gateway to informed, evidence-

    based decisions instead of trial and error Making these processes quicker

    Hadoop for Big Data

    Synonymous with Big Data solutions worldwide

    Industry standard for distributed parallel processing

    Open source framework Project of Apache

    Software Foundation Developed in Java Various subprojects/


    Hadoop profile

    Drawback Not all businesses have the right tools and

    technical knowledge to leverage Hadoop effectively out of the box. Non-IT people often dont know what Hadoop is and what it stands for, let alone how to use it.

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Can you imagine making your entire databases and data warehouse superfluous with PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop?

    Lose silos by linking data and easily manage data streams

    Comprehensive, secure and iterative Big Data management

    Tailored easily to the areas of concern you wish to address

    Are your business users already able to use all the available internal and external data quickly and easily (such as Excel) with each other to gain new insights?

    Address complex Big Data areas of concern simply through clearly designed application interfaces

    Create powerful visualizations for at-a-glance insights

    Benefit from a solution that is genuinely user-centric one that approaches issues the way your users think

    Want to be ready for BigData overnight?

    Ready within a day, thanks to completely prebuiltsolutions from Augsburg factory

    Quick-start version based in the Cloud

    and for fine-tuning: a full range of Big Data consulting services

    and keep your investment manageable and flexible?

    Easy to expand / unlimited scale out

    Big Data platform kept affordable through use of standard server components


    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    The solution: FUJITSU Integrated System PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop combines the advantages of pre-configured and pre-tested hardware based on industry standard components with open source software Apache Hadoop and Big Data analytics software.

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    Depending on your requirements we will provide your solution either with the Cloudera Hadoop distribution or with the Hadoop distributions of Hortonworks or MapR. The Hadoop distributions provided by PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop help you become information-driven by leveraging the open source community with the enterprise capabilities you need.

    You benefit from pre-configured and pre-tested hardware based on industry standard components, with system support and all-round lifecycle management.

    Big Data Management

    Integration Service and Sizing


    Analytic Services

    Open source software by Cloudera Data analytics software by Datameer Strategic Big Data consulting, analytics

    consulting (with production of templates), consulting for Hadoop

    Integration and maintenance services

    CloudRackSmart Entry

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop



    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop is engineered with components that make it easier to manage and access huge volumes of data efficiently, and to enable business users to leverage this data to find answers to pressing business issues without being Big Data experts themselves.

    Cloudera, a ready-tested, popular distribution of Apache Hadoop serves as the central data warehouse. The entry-level configuration consists of four servers and 20 terabytes of storage capacity, and this can be scaled up to double digit petabytes

    Cloudera Manager making data clusters manageable: Provides a single, central console

    to enact configuration changes across the Big Data cluster

    Gives data managers a cluster-wide, real-time view of nodes and services running

    Incorporates a full range of reporting and diagnostic tools to optimize performance and utilization

    Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub enabling users to derive business insightsIn contrast to the Basic and Flex editions, the Enterprise Data Hub edition provides advanced support for multiple components including Online NoSQL DBMS (Apache HBase or Accumulo), Interactive SQL (Impala), Interactive Analytics (Apache Spark), and Data governance, audit, discovery, lineage, encryption, and key management (Cloudera Navigator), as well as Premium support and Open Source legal assurance / indemnification.

    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    Batch Processing(MapReduce,

    Hive, Pig)

    Workload Management (Yarn)

    Data Integration (Sqoop, Flume, NFS)

    Storage for any Type of DataUnified, Elastic, Resilient, Secure (Sentry)

    Analytic SQL


    Search Engine(Cloudera Search)

    Machine Learning

    (Spark, MapReduce,


    Stream Processing


    3rd Party Apps


    File System(HDFS)

    Online NoSQL(HBase)

    Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Other features

    A diverse analytical platform that combines different workloads on common data (i.e. SQL + Search) -> true analytical agility

    Provides self-Service Exploratory BI, with simple search + BI tools and schema on read agility -> reduce BI user backlog requests

    Provides an active compliance archive, with full fidelity to original data over indefinite time, with any source -> lowest cost storage

    Provides persistent staging, with one source of data for all analytics and persistent state of transformed data -> significantly faster & cheaper

    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?ERP, CRM, RDBMS, MACHINES

    Servers StorageDocumentsMarts SearchEDWS Archive



  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?


    The graphical analytics software Datameer provides self-service capabilities for business users. Anyone with a basic working knowledge of programs such as Excel can easily do meaningful Big Data analysis that pulls together data from multiple sources.

    Analytics Built-in connectors to all common

    structured and unstructured data sources Data integration wizards make it easy for

    business users to integrate data into Hadoop. Over 250 pre-built analytic functions available

    Big Data analytics and transformationDatameer provides the most complete solution to analyze structured and unstructured data. Not limited by a pre-built schema, the point and click functions means your analytics are only limited by your imagination. Even the most complex nested joins of a large number of datasets can be per-formed using an interactive dialog. Mix and match analytics and data transformations in unlimited number of data processing pipelines. Leave the raw data untouched.

    Visualization Move beyond static dashboards Extensive library of visualization tools Visualize and communicate data

    according to business needs Integrate data visualizations

    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Bringing data closer to your business


    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    Great business is about more than great analytics, of course. What about the valuable business intelligence the structured, transactional data thats stored in your data warehouse in SAP HANA?

    With PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop, optimized for SAP Vora, you can access everything through the same system, essentially connecting your data warehouse with your data lake giving you total data insight with real-time access.

    With PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop, optimized for SAP Vora, you can easily build connections between multiple data sources and repositories. So as well as storing and accessing the huge volumes of unstructured data captured for analytics purpos-es, you can also easily access structured business intelligence through the same platform.

    Bridging between PRIMEFLEX for SAP HANA and PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop with SAP Vora

    How does it work? IM query engine Plugs into Apache Hadoop and Spark Enables structured data

    hierarchies for Hadoop data Enables SAP HANA interactive analytics to be

    executed on data stored in Hadoop data lakes Hadoop data prepared intuitively

    for inclusion in SAP HANA

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop

    Fujitsu Consulting and Services For Big Data

    The Fujitsu offering is complemented by consulting & services to ensure you derive maximum benefit from Big Data analytics with PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop:

    Big Data Assessment Workshop to assess your organizations strategic objectives, processes, and technical assets and find out your Big Data opportunities

    Strategy Consulting to develop your strategy plan and roadmap for introducing Big Data into your business

    Analytics Service to help you quickly implement new Big Data analytics workflows through a proven Use Case driven approach

    Hadoop Service practical, quality-assured services for integrating Hadoop into your business

    Integration Service to get the solution embedded into your organization and integrated into your IT landscape

    Big Data Consulting ServicesFujitsuBigDataAssessmentWorkshopFujitsuBigDataStrategyConsultingFujitsuBigDataAnalyticsServices

    Fujitsu Services for Hadoop

    Fujitsu Integration Services

    PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services


    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

  • PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop


    Fujitsu provides the best of both worlds. Unlike vendors with a one-size-fits-all approach, it does not lock you into a rigid, proprietary configuration with predefined appliances, with little opportunity to evolve or adapt your Big Data solution to your circumstances. Nor does it just provide a reference architecture where everything has to be defined.

    Fixed configurations and appliances, ready to

    run but inflexible for future; not easily customizable

    Reference architectures only; slower time to productive operation

    Fujitsu combines ready-to-run appliances for Big Data analytics with

    the flexibility to adapt to users requirements

    Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    Powerful and scalable platform for Big Data analytics

    Comprehensive, secure and iterative Big Data information management meeting dynamic market requirements

    Easy access to harnessing Big Data: Ready to run integrated system that can be rapidly brought into production

    Reduction of operational cost and complexity: Customizable pre-validated and pre-tested design blueprints

    Strategic Big Data consulting, consulting for Hadoop, and integration and maintenance services

    Fujitsu as a trusted advisor: value for your business

    2 How Big Data is Reinventing Business Intelligence

    3 Why You Should Care

    4 What would your organization do if it could

    5 Business Value of Big Data

    6 Big Data Questions and Challenges

    7 Big Data Use Cases

    7 Smart cities with Big Data

    8 How Big Data is transforming the automotive industry

    9 Big Data in retail

    10 Big Data in transportation

    11 Hadoop for Big Data

    12 BenefitsofPRIMEFLEXforHadoop

    13 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?

    14 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Components

    14 Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)

    15 Other features

    16 Datameer

    17 Bringing data closer to your business

    18 PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & Services

    19 Why Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

    How Big Data is Reinventing Business IntelligenceWhy You Should CareWhat would your organization do if it couldBusiness Value of Big Data Big Data Questions and ChallengesBig Data Use Cases Smart cities with Big DataHow Big Data is transforming the automotive industryBig Data in retailBig Data in transportation

    Hadoop for Big DataBenefits of PRIMEFLEX for HadoopPRIMEFLEX for Hadoop what does it comprise?PRIMEFLEX for Hadoop ComponentsCloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH)Other featuresDatameer

    Bringing data closer to your businessPRIMEFLEX for Hadoop Consulting & ServicesWhy Choose Fujitsu for Big Data?

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