Fuchs That! A Trailer Park Challenge #5

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Fuchs That! A Trailer Park Challenge #5

Hello there! Welcome back to Fuchs That!, the Trailer Park Challenge that rhymes with “Dukes,” and not with any other words you might be thinking of. You may recall that last time Goochie was feeling unappreciated and sought an ego boost in the arms of her boss, Kiyoshi Rucewicz.

You probably also remember that said ego boost came with a cost, and here you see that cost – and a cuter cost it is difficult to imagine, as I’m sure you’ll agree. But before I introduce this bundle of joy, let’s rewind a bit…

Dexter and Armani are BFFs now. He puts up with her sticky hands and complete inability to tell how hard is too hard to pull the doggie’s fur in exchange for the lovely sticky mess that’s always on her face. Armani just likes the kisses.

Given where Dexter’s mouth has been, you’d think kisses were best avoided, but nobody seems to mind.

I’ve downloaded and added the Pet Food Au Naturel by Sun&Moon at Plumb Bob Keep. I hope that’s acceptable under the rules. The spawners are cheaper than pet food, but they only spawn once ever 36 hours or so, and anyway, these are supposed to be huntin’ dogs. I just gave ‘em something to hunt.

If that’s against the rules, please let me know and I’ll remove the spawners from the lot. (But not from the game, because they’re kind of awesome.)

As much as Dexter begs at the table, you’d think he was starving.* I’d never seen the “Ask For Food” interaction before, even though I’ve had Pets for probably seven years now, but I must’ve seen it a dozen times this rotation. Not that I’m complaining! I think it’s cute, and it totally fits this household.

*For most of the rotation, he was. The family couldn’t afford a pet dish, even the cheapest one.

Dexter is quite the Doofus, regardless of what his stats say, and he refuses to stop widdling in the house. Goochie took it upon herself to set him straight.

GOOCHIE: BAD dog! Bad bad BAD!

Unsuccessfully, I might add. Although, if you subscribe to Calista’s theory, it’s actually Goochie who was widdling on the floor, and blaming the dog.

Adrian insisted on being excited about the baby, despite Goochie best efforts. Rub Belly, Sing To Belly, Come Up With Names For Belly…

ADRIAN: Hey, if it’s a girl, whaddya think of callin’ her Arabella, after my mom?GOOCHIE: IIIIIIII uhhhhh… Heh heh… Oooh, it just kicked! Wanna feel?

During Goochie’s pregnancy, Adrian never missed a chance to appreciate her.

ADRIAN: ‘Scuse me, ladies. Can I cut in?

ADRIAN: I wanna be sure I get a dance with the most beautiful lady in the room.GOOCHIE: Aw, you’re so sweet! I look like a hippo an’ my ankles are all swollen.ADRIAN: I’m not lookin’ at y’ankles. I’m only lookin’ at yer face.

GOOCHIE: Awww…ADRIAN: An’ the mother of my baby is the most beautimfmwm…(Adrian is cut off as Goochie pulls him in for a vigorous kiss)

I would just like to point out here that Adrian did not neglect his daughter – he spent plenty of time with her. I just didn’t get any pictures.

In fact, I only got one picture of Armani after her age transition, and this is it. She Grew Up into a nicely appropriate outfit, and proceeded to wear herself out. (Controlling kids is not exactly forbidden in this challenge, although it is discouraged.)

The family can’t afford enough beds to go ‘round, so Armani gets a lounge chair in Cousin Calista’s room. And she shouldn’t complain about it, either, since that recliner cost just about every simoleon the family had in the bank.

Armani’s aging up was rather overshadowed by Goochie’s going into labor.

GOOCHIE: Owwwwwwwooooo-oooh! I don’ know who came up with the idea a a water birth, but I’m gonna strangle ‘em! This isn’t any easier when yer all slippery!

Adrian was thrilled.

ADRIAN: Hello there, lil’ one! Aren’t you a cute one! An’ where’dja get those gorgeous green eyes?GOOCHIE (quickly): Green eyes run in th’ family. Calista’s got green eyes.ADRIAN: So she does. (to baby) An’ so do you! (to Goochie) Now, since this un’s a boy, I was thinkin’ that my fath – GOOCHIE (quickly): Dior. His name’s Dior. Coz that’s classy, like Armani or Goochie.

CALISTA: Adrian, did you never think that Goochie’s boss has green eyes?ADRIAN: No, I didn’t. Are you implyin’ somethin’ about Goochie an’ her boss an’ Dior?CALISTA: Yep. What are you inferring’? Does it make you mad? Or unhappy? (more huskily) An’ do you wan’ me to help you out with either a those things?

ADRIAN: No, Calista. I love my wife.CALISTA: But she cheated on ya!ADRIAN: An’ I love her anyway. Let’s just not talk ‘bout this anymore, ‘kay?

… On which disappointing note, I will leave you. Until next time, Happy Simming!