frRESH G0VD3 6 - University of · 2012. 6....

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Transcript of frRESH G0VD3 6 - University of · 2012. 6....

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    frRESH G0VD3

    THE SUB l.'IBER, ,,TT AS ju't received from Philadelphia, and is nowJL opining lr fair, in the brick houle, lately oecup e i y "'r Hare, a handlorne, and veiy geDCial dilurtment of

    MEKCHANOIZE,'Among sibicb are tbe following articles:Superfine cloth?,Fine and coirfe do.Kerlevmeres,Flannels and Coatings,Blankets,"Velvets, Thickfets,(

    and Fultians,Hair Plu(h (tuffs,Brown ind White Infh

    Linens,Cah oes and coarse muf

    lins,Finj aconet do.PI un, ltriued and tarn-bore- d

    do.Boo . an I (aconet hand

    k c uefs,Fatiion ible Ribbons,I inilv & (chool Bi ilesTcltaiients and Ipelling

    bonks,Out onines,Mine's Unlverfal Ge-ography 2 vols.

    Do American do I vol.Do do and Univeifal

    abridged,Staunton's emli-ilty- ,

    Scott's Gazetteer,Amer can do,Scott's Leflbns,TaplnVs and Mills' Far-

    riery,Copper Tea Kettles,London l'ewter,Weavers, sweeping and

    scrubbing brushes,


    and furniture do.V


    giving their notes

    Clothnting piper,

    Qui'kand Wafers,Gnth, lpring and flrain

    lng Webs,Plated and tinned flir-ru- p

    irons,Do do Bridle Bitts, arid

    FUrniture,A general ailoitmenl of

    Cuttlery,Desk and bureau furni-

    ture,Carpenters' Adze,

    iew AugersHand, pannel, dove lil,

    lad), lock and key l.alefasvs.

    Pitt, mill and crofcut do.Crowleysheet Iron and sad Irons,N.'ils and Brads afiorted,J eai, Coffee and Cho-

    colate,Loat, White, Havanna

    and Mulcovado s,

    Pepper and spices,Arnotto Knlin,Briiuitoiie, Coppensand

    Logwood,Cotton, WodI and Hat

    teri' CardsAlio, a sew excellentduuols and lingle trigger'J Hitfe duns.

    All which will be lold at ndticcd prices for read,money only

    N. BURKO.VrSJ. B. N Bbrrqsses requests those indebted, to

    conie forward and make payment, or dole tneir accounts,

    be given.


    No further noticetf

    HEREBY sore a am aiv and everv perion or pi1 fous from taking an alignment on a bond givenbvRchaid Higgms to Wilinm Diwfon, lor threehundred acresof land.out ot alursey of 666 2 3 icresof land, made foi Cha les Yarboiough,C)n the watersof Tradewarer- - and 1 al o caution (" id Wiggins

    asinft making a fi'le to f.idDawfon onus alliens,f r anv part thereof, until I receive the imount of

    obtained agunll laid Dawson,.a j idgment which Iin therourt of quarter leflions of Fasette countv,for which execution was llased until the I ft div ofJune next, 111 consequence of his giving me said land

    in (ecurity.t ' George Neal.

    Jeflamine county, Marchl7, 830



    MERCHANDIZE,T N the house f'onneily occupied by Mi. Rober

    , 1 Ban, oppolite Meir Samuel and George Trot.ter's, which he will lell on low terms for C?fh orjCountrv I'roduce, viz Tobacco, Hemp, and GoodClean Wheat, delivered at any of the merchant nullsiii Mis countv or in Woodford He will purchase

    BEES-WA- X &? TALLOW,( For which he will give one hall Cash

    tf Lexington, December 3d, 1799- -



    SAMUEL & GEORGE TROTTER,Have jnft leceived from Philadelphia,



    Dry Goods, Hut div.ire, Groceries,Olass, Lbma and neens-war- e,

    Bar Iron, Steel, c?V. fc?c.Which, sir CASH in H nd, they offer for sale onthe moll reafonabie terms

    L-- x i"ton, December 23th, 1799


    CN Thui Idav the I 7th diy of Apr'I rcxt, it thedwelling liotife of Ro lert Pirker, dec onSo ithE kbom, part of the , llate of the de-- c

    d, 1 dting ot Hoifes, Cittle, Sheep, Hogs,I .nil n UKnlils, &rc A conlulerathle credi' svillb g v n. and the terms of sale lmde known ont lac dav, by

    Tbe Executors.M-it'- i 2 7rh, ;8oO. jt

    " j "AKFN upLy the fubferiber, livingon Clear creek, one bav mare, thirteen and

    a hilf hands high, no In ind perceivable, some sad-di- espots, twelve years old, ippiaifed to 61

    William Mdirison.J '(Timine countv, 2br'i 'ininrv, 1800.

    LEIVulO DlSTalCr GOV (TFebruary Term l8on

    ChrtJlopherGreenupand Frwcis Keene, Cimphtnants,ai mill

    Jof.pb Frazier ml Simou Kenton, D fm lints tI 1 Chanceiy.

    THF defendant Kenton, having filledhis apoeiranceherrini"reer ile tol ,nnd the rulesol this ourt, and it ippej p to ourfiitisfation thathe is notan nhahitant 1 th s connionwe dth, on t'w notion ot tne complainaiit bvthei nunfel, it is n Hered that the said Kenton doao arhereon thc'lni-- Hav of our next term, andanluer the conipl un intsh II; that a copvofthisordei benferted 111 fii' . ntuckv Gi'ttte or IleralHa curding to law, nniernoted it the dooi of thconrthoiil-fo- r Fivetreco n'v, and that thisordi.rbe puahiliednnroine nnrt i imnedntelv iffer divinefcrvicea'th?uoorot t ic I'rcibytenanmettiuij hou ein L.exin2ron.

    A Copy. Tefc,Tbos. Hnr"ev, C. L. D. C

    .t EN up by tils, tuo CU cl,l L LIbon count) , a b hily, with blacl

    rr i" mi tail, no br Is, two vears oldthis f nnfa, apiaiLd t jr d i.a 1.

    Jao. Purviauce.

    6V V for

    M O N E Y.

    ill sell at a very reduced pricemoney, a inull but van able

    ' 3rat, of abount 50 acres ol LAND, withm one mue ot .Lexington, on the gieCroad to Bourbon, thirty acres of uhioriis pretty well timbered ; the balance rea-dy for cultivation.

    Also, an OUT-LO- T on Back Street,containing sour acres, one and a half olwhich is laid off 111 a bundfonie garden,

    ith a ne ei -- sailing well of excellent wa-ter, and a log cabbin the remainder intimothy and cloven

    We will alio sell 2000 acres of MIL1TARY LAND, of an excelltrt qualiton Cumberland river, near Walker's set,tlement, adjoining M'Nabb, titzhugh&c The title tovhjdi is indisputable.

    And is any gentnraan, with a hand-som- ecapital, wifliesonaLe an indspen-dan- t

    fortune, we will sell him out poflelh-on- sin this town, far superior to any in

    theftate for a PUBLIC HOUSE,' andready furniflied to enter on business im-mediately.

    '1 hose indebted by bond, note, 01book account, cannot choose a time foipayment that will be more fen iceable.

    A jfobn ? Sam. Posiletbiomt.Cejjlrigton, December 16, 17 )$. tf

    IStATE OF EENilChT.Washington Districlj J

    Febn ai v term 1S00.Djvid Davis, compl mi it,

    againlt"John W H'tnt, D n) 1 Duncan j 111 Jofiph Allen, "thnM. PriCi, & 3crt Morgan, dji luh.

    In Chance .. T appearing to the fatistartion ( f she court, that1 the Bert Mor 11 is nor an nuuilan

    of this comjnouwealth, on tl e moiionol the complamant bv Ins atlorncv, it is outi.rti that he apptarhere on the thud day of our next JuU tc 111, ind anfwer the complainants bill, and th it Lops ot this ore'er be 1 Merted in the Kentucky Gizttc f.rtwumonths fuccelhvely anotler polti-- u at the door otthe court houle in Mafontou it , nd that this orcls rbe puh'ithed some Sundav lmmcli telv afttr divmtlersicc it the ciooi ot the Ua, tilt meeting houle invV afhington

    ACopy. Telle,Francis Taylor, c. w. d. c.

    6s "

    LANDS TO SELLAt a Reasonable Pi ice, viz.

    183632 3 acres, in Montgomery county, bounded on the looth bv Red lver, on the north by tseas ercreek, and abianch ot slate, the tiact includes thevhole Indian c eek and its i niches winch afford

    many seats tor nulls, it is well timbered and watercd with a great number ot uever f lling fprmgs

    Indian creek, its soil il vei kit 'e sit for cultivation tho' broken, It isnfcernuKid svith sin; bottoms, svith a little trouble aid a Imall t xprnce valuable proffits out of Cultivaaon may hs. j,otin somepart of the tracl The titlejn ifputable

    11646 1 3 acres, on the north side of the Northfork of Kentucky river about 8 miles above themouth, running up the nversvith the meanders there-of 1100 poles svhen leduced to a flraight line, thesoil pretty lesel and rich The title indilputable

    2367 1 2 acres, on the svaters of the North loik ofRock-Cast- le 11 er, Madifoa county.

    330 acres, in Garrard county on White Oak runopposite the mouth of Hickman creek, the road toDanville erodes the tract N. E. &S. w about 23of a mile, it is of a very eaily entry

    418 acres, military land oitthe bank of Cumberland river j nmng the town of Clarklville svsll d

    and timbered.46 tpwn lots and out ldts in the said town of

    Clarksville.6163 acres, of land in several small grants reserved

    by the state ot Vninia, and confirmed bv two atsof Congress, lvingon the bank ot the uver Xifkjlki-i- s,

    near the town of the same 11 ime, territory NW ol the Ohio

    20 icre, military land in the Illinois giant N Wof the O no, 918 poles from the tver ind opp ifite 18mi'esiflard which Ijes abi ut 25 miles amie Lomlville, tlK tracl is not far fioin a flounlhing fettle-men- t

    in the g;rantN ti Negroes, Produce, "Merchandize, Lotts uj

    Honfes in Lex ngton, Paris or Danville will be rakein part; igood p'antation between lcxmgton indMount Mi ling will commiml a pn sit ible birgainfor the purchaser of a confiderihle quantity ot laidlands. For fuither information applv to

    j P. D. Robert,tf High flreet Lexington.

    CAUTION.A LL herfons are hereby forewarned

    L i- fiom takiug an afTumment of a. couple of notes given by me to Henry Hen- - jricus, tor the payment ot hve poundsumpteen (hillings and sixpence each, pay- -4oic me nintn aay ot January loot. I tie

    i sebove mentione ' notes were g:i en in conquence of a purchase of land. Where-- .

    is he his lcrt the parts un! nown toue, and I am determine ' not to pay un-til I obtain a title to said laid agreeableto contriQ.

    3 A'mh ; Wiho'i.At)i '1 14th i3oo.


    FROI the fubff riber, about the jth ofhit,-- , hkely bay hoife,'ive v.ars old this fprmgr, f )Mr feet ten niIn "il inches high, blaze face, fwitcbail anl perhaps oae white hind soot, pa-

    ces and neks well, had a frrnll piece .ns, a u. 1. , ,,i'j& iiiuuu ma ncciv, no narK or Dind ,irhnprpr svill rlliirpi. fnll T,r.rr . -- ... ........ .. v. ,.,w, .mi, iiiii i'iii:-;- ido6iorWarfild's living on the Lexingtonroad to C7i irgetown, fltall be handfiiielyrewarliJby

    itApril 10th 1S00."

    Jobn II. Christian.

    fi T IIFREBY forewarn all pcrfons fromX deling with or crediting my wiseMargaret Harbour, as I am determines1not to pay any debts of her'cont' ac"iirg,aster the date heieofs and I caution all

    'nerfonsnot to receive, from her hands 01r from any person for her, any of my property, as they null anlwer it at their peril.Garrard count), ") Elisba Haibour.April 10 1800. J Iw

    War Depaftment, Maich 12, 1800.AOTICE IS HE1EBT Gil EN,

    ' H "'HA'l separate proposals will be re- -J re ved at the office of" the fecretarv of the De

    partmentof War, until the expiration ol the 25th 01luls next enfuinc, forthe fupplvi fall rat.rns, whittmay be required for the life of the United States,fiom the III ilav ot Oclobea 1800, to the 3 th dasof September i8"m, both dass inrluhve, at the pHces and within the two diftricls herein-'te- r fullmentioned ; and also that leparate propoials ssill be

    at the said offifce until the expiration of the25th dav of July next ensuing, tor the fupplv of atlrations wh ch mav be requiied asafoieOid, from theill 'av of January, in the sear l8oo,tothe 3'i1' l'ayof December in the same sear, both days lntlulise,ar the place and within the several slates herein-a- ster mentioned, viz.

    FtrJI. Proposals to supply all rations that may betequired at OfsvepirJ at Niagara J at Pittfburg J atPrefmi'ide; at Michilimakmac ; at Foi t Franklin ;at Le Boeuf; at Cincinnati , at Picquetosvnand I.oramies (lores; at Forf.VavneJ at Fort Defiance;at anv pi ice below Fort Defiance, on the Miami rier, to I ake Erie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouatanon, on

    tho liver Waliafti ; at MaffacJ at anv place or pla-ces on the east side of the river MifTflippi, above theniruth of the rjvej- - Ohio, and upon the Illinois uver

    S c 111 -- Proposals to supply all rations that mavbe required at anv place or places, on theenft side ofthe Mifliffippi river, below the mouth of tbe river

    to the southern boundary of the flare oIKentut.kv, andsvithinthe said slate; atKnoxville ; it aliother potts and places ssitlun the slate of Tenneflee; at South-We- Point J at Tellico Block House;at St Sevens, or other sort or pod on t e riverTombijibv, and apy place or places within the Cherokee boundaries ; below the southern boundary ofthe ilatt of Tenneffee, and within the boundary cithe United States

    Thirl Proposals to fupp'y all rations that mayberequited at Point Petre; atColerain; at avannali,

    rand at anv other placfor places where troops artor mav be flationed, marched or recruited, withinthe slate of Georgia; ar all sorts or Unions on tinOconnee (k Matamaha, & at a'l other p'aces in theCreek nation, svithin the limits of the United States,where troops are or mav be flationed' Fourth. PropoWs to fupplv all rations that mavhe required at Fort Johnson; at Fort Pincknev; atCharlellon, nr at anv other place or places svhensoon are or mav be flattohedj marched or recruited l" the (late of South Carolina

    Fs. Propoials to fupplv all rations fhattnavberequired at the sort at Wilmington, Cape Fear; atBeacon Idand, Ocracock ; at Charlotte; atFavelteville; at Salifbnry, or at any other place or placessvhere troops are or mav be flitioned, marched orrecruited in the slate of North Carolinai

    Sixth PronoPils to fupplv all ration tVat may berequired at Nor'olk; at Portsmouth ; at Kempfvil'e;at Charlotteulk ; at Winchester ; at Staunton; atRichmond; at Alexandria ; at Leefljiirj. ; at Frede.nckibiirn; at Carterfville; at Harper's ferry, or atiny othet place or places svhere troops are or masbe flationed, marched or recruited in the slate 6fVirginia. v

    Seventh Proposals to fupplv all rations that maybe required at Fort M'Henry ; at Biltimnre; atVnapolis; at Fredericktosvn; at Leonardtown; at

    Hagerflosvn; at Bladenfburp; at Georeetown ; atFallosvn; at the Head of Elk, and at any otherplace or places, svhere troops are or mav be flationed,mi Thed or recruited svithin the limits of the slateof Maryland

    Fthth Proposals to fupplv all rations that maybe required at Foi t MifH n ; at Philadelphn; atTVirby; a' I.ancafler; at Wilkelbvre ; at Reading;at ? illol ; it Yorktosvn ; at Carlisle ; at Lesviftosvn(Mifflin couniy); at Bedford ; at Greenlburg ; atWiOnnEton; atEaftossnj at Wilmington; atCtiriftianas at Dover, or at anv other place or placessi here troops are or may be flationed, marched orrecruited within the lim ts of the slates ofPermfyl

    Xr Delasvare, except the polls within tbe Anteof Pennfvlvania, enumerated in the firfl JIOPflTalsafoeraid

    Nmt Proposals to fupplv all rations that mav bereq red at H ckenfac ; it Eltabethtosvn ; at

    at Burlington ; jtlfoodbu- -' ; at Tren-ton, and at in other place oWies svhere tioopsare or mav be ftitioned, niarchdfer recruited within the limits of the slate of lerliV.

    Tenth Proposals to supply all rations that may bereonned at New-Yor- at Weil-poin- t ; atFlulb ng;atlUcrlem; at Weft-Chef- ; at Poughkeepiie ; atKenderhook ; at Stillwater ; at Jewburg ; at Alnan ; at Con joha-i- - ; at Cherrv-Valle- v, and at anyorVi place or places svhere troops are or may be(I marched or recruited within the limits ofthe (late of New York, except the polls svithin thefai I (lire enumerated in the sirfl: proposals aforesaid

    Eleventh Proposal to fupplv all rations that maybe requued at Hartford ; at Hebron ; at Nesv Londor ; at Brooklyn ; atWvndhai ; a Litchfield; atGin lord; at New Hiven; at faufield ; atDanbury;at Middtetown, and at anv other pi ice or placeswhere troops ire o mav be marched 01recruited svithin the limits f theftate fC .nnecltcut.

    7Wr. to fuppTy ill rations that mavb requued at Foi t Wolcutt, ar Brinton's point; atN'essporr; at Providing, and at any place orplaces svher- - ttojps dr o nnv be ftmioned, march,-e- d

    or recruited svithin the limits of the state ofRhode-Islan- d.

    Thirteenth Piopofals to fupplv all rations thatmay he rr quired it Portland, in the D T of Maine JGloucester; Cape Ann; Siletn ; Marblehead ; Bofton; at .prmgfield ; at Uxbndce; and at anv other place or phces svhere trooos are or maybe ftatinned, m ire' ed or recruited svithin the limits of thelit- - ol nifUchufctrs

    Foirteenlh .Propnfils to supply all rations tintmav be required at Portfno.ith; at Exiter; atWindsor; at Bennington ; at Itutl nd; or at anyFort, place or p'aces, vsheie troops ir or mav belat ned.marc'ied or recti ted within the slates ofNew H p hire and Vermont

    The Ration tobj supplied, is to onrft of the so'-- Iiwi 1g art cles, viz. Eigi t en onnc s ot re .d or

    1 ur, or svhen neither can be ohtiined, of 01 e quartis rice, or one and a half pound of sifted or bnnltr.1ndian meal, one pound and a quarfei of frelh beesIn. nn. nn....4.ri'.l.. ( .1... '... iIt j.wuiiu ui i mm oeet, or tnree qu liters of ainund of salted Pork, -- n svhen frelh me it is lfjuedalt it the rate oftsvo quirts for evei y h jndred ra'

    ti ms, fmp, nt tie rate of sour pounds, and candlesit th? rare of a pound and a half for every bundleditinns.

    It . e,xpe led the proposals svill also extend to thelipplv of rn 11, whifkev, ji other ardent spirits astha rate ofliaU a gill andper ration, Vinegar at the

    rate of tsvo quarts for every hundred rations- - Thenopofalssvill specify the price of the fi.veral conipo.lent parts of the ration, as svtll as those of lubfti- -tutesor alternatives foi parts thereof.

    The rations arc to be iuriufl cd mfuch quantitiesis that there thai, at all time, during the term of

    e pi opofed contracts befufnueht for the coniirnprmned of ihe troops at Miclulimackmac J Detiol'j

    Niagara ; and Olwego; for lix months in Ktvai.O.',md at each ot the other polls on the sveilem watt is,01 at least three months in advaiicej ol good and

    wholelome provihons, is the same- - fball be is alio to be permitted to all and every of theomnianunts of fortified places, or polls, to call fort seasons when the same can be traniported, or at anyime m caleof urgencv,fuch supplies of like provt- -ons in advance, as in the difciction of the commaii- -ant fliall be deemed proper It is to be underltood

    'hat the contractor is to beat the expence and nfk)1 llTuingthe supplies to the troops, and at all lolies,rnltained, by the depredations ot an enemy, or bymeins of the troops of the United States, fliall bepaid foi at the price of tne article captured or de- -troyed, on the depofitionsot tsvoormore persons ofcicditable characters and the certificate of a com- -

    11 ffionid otticer, afccrtaining the encumftancesofthe loss,and the amount ol the ai tides, foi whichuoinpanfdt on lhall be claimed.

    The pns liege is to be understood to be leferved to'he United Statejof requiring, that none of the

    be turntfhed under any ot the propo.led contracts fliall he lllued, nntil the (upphes svhich

    as e or may be turnilhed under contracts nosv in forceuse been ccnlumci', and thata fupplv in advdneenay be always required at an; of tlu.iixeri polts onthe sea board or Indian fiontiers not txieedingthree months.

    JAMES M'HENISY,lawtiojly Secretaiy ofwar

    Mr Bradford. "OBSERVED a piece in your paper of the thirdinstant by James Gav, inforniing the public, tHSf

    I had made over to him the traft of land on wbithI nosv live, as fcctinty till I fliould make him a titleto half my settlement right svhich I sold him ; andui cimiequenceoi tnat Dargain, interdicts all periotifJrom putchafing said tract or any part of it fromme but I never made any fucb bargain either ver-bally or by writing the gentleman mufthave mada'he bargain altogether lumfelf, a' nothing of tt .tkind ever transited betsveen us, therefore thisisto let him know (assvell as the public) that the bar-gain is void, foi I will not stand to ltuntilhe makesconsiderable alterations.

    Alexr. M'ComicIl.April 9th 1800. 33s


    J HAT commiflioners appointed by thecountv court of Bouibon county, svill meet on

    the firfl Saturdav m mav next, "f fair, is not thoMondav ensuing, betsvei n the hours of ten ai d tsvo,it 1 ltofie called for in an entry in the name ol Ba-- nl

    Holmes, made for fifteen thouTand acres ol laVidin December 17S2, in Bourbon counts, near the up-p-

    Blue lick, to uke thedtpolitions of certain per-fons to perpetuite teftjmons, and do such otherthings as may be necellary to establish said entry,

    to law.Lexis Craig &

    Philemon Thomasfor themselves &: others'


    THAT on the firftfricjay in may next,attend svith the.commljfioners appoint-ed by the county court ofljjiurbon, at the beginningcalled for in an entry made for John Tabb, and inbis name of ten thousand acres, and tsvo of five.thousand acres each, svhich calls to begin attsvoafhsaplings grosving from one root, svith the letter Kon each, svhich is at' the forks of Clear creek, abranch of Hinkftort" and lies in Bourbon county, $:to do such otherafts as may be thought proper.

    April 11 i8od.

    Philemon Thomas.

    PARIS, December 15.General KILMAINE is dead.

    The new constitution was pubhfliedye-fterda- yat P.aris, with much pomp.

    December 16.This day all the Troops composing the

    17th division alTembled in the camp ofMars to take the oath of the new confti-tutio- n.

    December 18.The Conflitution does not prevent the

    First Consul from taking the command ofthe armies. Thus it; is said that is Buo-naparte does not this winter induce Au-ftr- ia

    to make peace, his intention is in thespring to put himself at the head of the ar-mies to sign a peace in the heart of Ger-many.

    The American ambaffadors who havebeen appointed to negociate with France,have jult arrived at Lisbon, from whencethey will proceed to Pjris.

    The Rdgifters of acceptance andare opened at Paris. The

    confluence is prodigeous, and the wholeof the votes almofl are in savor of the newconflitution,

    December ,20.It appears from the speeches of the king

    of PrufTu to Duroc, as well as from dif-ferent reports from Conflantinople, thatthe Porte has altogether given up Egypt,

    The Helvetic government is about toexperience a change neceflary to difap-poi- nt

    projects unfavorable to the indepen-dence and unity of the Republic.

    Three hundred and twenty members ofthe council of Five H indredhave accep-ted and sign ed the new conflitution ; whichconsidering the number of deputies exclu-ded, and those on mioTion, make upwardsoffeven eights of what remain.

    It is believed that the members of theConfervalive Senate hitherto elected arethirty. .

    For news, &c. see Supplement.