From the Principal Term 1 Communication Work Packages...2020/04/09  · be some changes to accessing...

Post on 25-Sep-2020

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Transcript of From the Principal Term 1 Communication Work Packages...2020/04/09  · be some changes to accessing...



From the Principal

As we come to the end of Term 1, it could only be expressed that it has been the most unusual and challenging school term we have ever experienced. In adjusting to the outbreak of the Corona Virus, the school environment and the teaching and learning dynamics of the school have taken on a complete change. This, of course, has been to ensure the safety and health of everyone and the hope that we can all restrict the spread of this virus.

As parents, I understand that you have taken on the challenges of home learning. We hope that the Work Packages that the teachers created for Weeks 9 and 10 have provided the children with quality learning and activities. These packages have been designed specifically for the children in this school and reflect what the teachers would have been teaching had the children remained at school for the whole term. Whilst the children are now on holidays, they may complete the packages at any time throughout the holidays if you wish. It is completely up to you as parents. Thank you to all the parents in Years 1-6 who collected their children’s PRIME books. These will be referred to in the Work Packages for next term. The school environment has been very quiet without the 840 students around. The teachers are working busily in their classrooms on preparing the teaching plans and work packages for next term. There will be some changes to accessing the work

packages in term 2 however. Next term, packages will be uploaded on to the Department of Education’s Connect website and on to the school website through a login and password arrangement. The work packages will no longer be on the School Blog for security reasons. Information in regard to Connect and the School Website logins will be forwarded to all parents during the school holidays. The packages will remain in the same format however.

During this challenging time, we would like to ensure that we continue to have contact with each family and the children. Each week, teachers will be contacting their students via phone to have a chat and to see how they are going. There will also be an instructional video by one of the Year Level teachers about one aspect of learning within the weekly package. This will be available through Connect. Teachers will also update their classroom blogs with additional information as it comes to hand. If parents have any questions in regard to Work Package activities, you can ring the school and a message will be delivered to the teacher concerned who will return your call.

9th April 2020 The Official Newsletter of Wattle Grove Primary School Term 1, Issue 5


9 Good Friday Public Holiday

28 Tuesday Commencement of Term 2

Early close every Tuesday at 2.30pm

School Security 1800 177777 9264 4771 9264 4632

Term 1

Work Packages


At this stage, we are unaware of exactly what term 2 will look like, however, we are prepared for whatever the decision is in regard to school openings. I am certain that any announcements during the holidays will be well advertised through the usual media outlets. It is likely that:

Parents will be encouraged to keep children at home however all public schools will remain open.

Those who need to send their children to school to maintain their employment, children of essential workers and those who require schools to support them overcome particular vulnerabilities, however, may choose to do so.

To ensure that all students’ needs are met, staff will be present on school sites.

All students will be taught: those attending schools and those learning at home.

We will contact parents when clarification has been made. As we come to the end of our first term for 2020, I would like to thank everyone for your outstanding support throughout the term and, in particular, during these last few weeks. It has been an extremely rewarding term in some ways and a very challenging one in other ways. We look forward to better times ahead and seeing the children’s continued progress and achievements next term. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday break.

Julie Roberts Principal

Term 2

Kindergarten enrolments for 2021 are now available.

Application for enrolment forms can be downloaded from the school website. Completed Applications, together with all supporting documentation, can be emailed to, mailed to Wattle Grove Primary School, 73 St John Road, Wattle Grove WA 6107 or placed in the school letterbox. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Applica�ons for Kindergarten in 2021 close on Friday,

24 July 2020.

The Canteen will now be closed until further notice. The uniform shop will be closed until school resumes. Thank you for your understanding.

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2021

P & C

Thank you very much to Orange Grove Garden & Wood Supplies for their kind donation of ‘Jarrah Mulch’. This will improve the soil to provide us with a bumper crop of vegies. Very much appreciated!

RuiaRuiaRuiaRuia Hello my name is Ruia and I am in Room 31 with Mr Sherlock and Mrs Queiros. I have been attending Wattle Grove Primary School for four years now. I was born in Australia as well as my baby brother. I was born in 2009. I enjoy playing netball and playing team games with my friends. My hobbies are drawing, reading. My favourite subjects are Art, Music and Physical Education. I will be a responsible and reliable Student Representative at Wattle Grove Primary School. I really enjoy attending this school, as the friendly staff making learning fun and interesting. The students at the school are kind and are fun to be around. As a Student Representative, I would like to organise games for younger students to play during recess or lunch. I will help younger students and the staff. I will always get the job done, no matter what.

Whilst we could not conduct our usual ANZAC Ceremony this year, the staff and a few students took the time to commemorate this important occasion in Australia’s history. Two wreaths were created and laid on behalf of the students and staff of the school together with the sounding of the Last Post. Lest We Forget.

ANZAC Commemoration



This is just a friendly reminder about the City of Kalamunda's Online Co-Design Consultation Session for the new Stirk Park Skate Park which is currently open for public comment and engagement. It is a very engaging online consultation and has been developed with young children and youth in mind.

Stirk Park Skate Park City of Kalamunda