From Natural Materials - MAKE YOUR OWN INFO Sistrum: sis•trum /'sistrem/ A sistrum...

Post on 21-May-2018

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Transcript of From Natural Materials - MAKE YOUR OWN INFO Sistrum: sis•trum /'sistrem/ A sistrum...


INFOSistrum: sis•trum /'sistrem/

A sistrum was used in ancient Egypt

as a special hand-held rattle or

percussion instrument. It was most

often played by priestesses or court

musicians for the pharaohs and

nobility. If you’d like to make your

own natural version, here are some

simple instructions.

Instructions: Begin by fi nding a smaller tree branch shaped like a “Y”. If you like, you can sand the ends to make them smoother. You can also sand the surface to remove the bark, if you like.

Next, fi nd materials for the bangles. You can use buttons, beads or jingle bells or the tabs from pop-top soda cans. You can also use bottle caps of different sizes. To turn bottle caps into bangles, place them on a work surface (like a piece of wood) and gently hammer a hole through the center with a nail or a pointed tool like an awl.

Now, thread your bangles onto the fl oral or jewelry wire. You can also use fi shing twine or embroidery thread, but wire keeps the objects in place better. Secure at each end and test the sound by moving it from one side to another.

Feel free to get creative with your natural sistrum. You might like to wrap it in colorful yarn, add paint or even ribbons and feathers. Aside from sounding great when played, it can be a beautiful, natural piece of artwork!


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From Natural Materials



Supplies: • Small tree branch shaped like a “Y”• A small amount of fl oral wire, jewelry wire, fi shing twine or embroidery thread• Materials for decoration

• Bangles for sound – any of the following: bottle caps, beads, assorted buttons, jingle bells or metal washers• Hammer and nail or awl (for putting holes in bottle caps)

Tree branch sistrum with bottle caps, jingle bells and

pop top tabs as bangles.