From Head to Heart - Tanmaya Healing fileTanmaya Honervogt: Is a renowned Reiki Master, healer,...

Post on 04-Sep-2019

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Transcript of From Head to Heart - Tanmaya Healing fileTanmaya Honervogt: Is a renowned Reiki Master, healer,...

Tanmaya Honervogt: Is a renowned Reiki Master, healer, best-selling authoress and one of the pioneers of Reiki in western culture. She began practising Reiki in 1983 and has spent time working throughout Europe, America, Japan and India. Tanmaya gives Reiki trainings, seminars and healing holiday retreats. Her six Reiki books have been translated into all major languages.

From Head to Heart

Healing the Emotions

Saturday 5th – 6th March 2016 Wheel of Life Centre, Malvern, UK

Experience more self-love, trust and joy in your life

This healing work encourages the development of self-love through activating the healing power of the heart. You will learn how to “come down” from the head and to connect with the innocence of the body and the unconditional love and wisdom that lies within the heart. There is intelligence in you that want to be lived.

You will learn exercises, & treatment techniques supporting the energy of the heart. We learn to encounter also challenging situations in life, such as sudden impacts like illness, death of a loved one or similar life changing events with a positive attitude and better manage the myriad changes life brings. Through healing meditations conveyed by Tanmaya, we learn to increase closeness, ease communication and helping one achieve inner harmony. All Attendees will receive a unique Healing Blessing helping to reconnect them to their own essence, so healing can happen from the very centre of the being. COST: £145.00 (Bring a friend and get a £30 discount)

VENUE: Wheel of Life Centre, Malvern, WORCS, WR14 4LT INFO & BOOKING: • E-Mail: • Call our Devon office : Tel 00 + 44 (0)1363 – 83870 • Website: