Frog vle panitia

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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garis panduan frog vle panitia

Transcript of Frog vle panitia

Kandungan PanitiaA. Profil Panitia1. Carta Organisasi2. Maklumat Guru3. Notice Board4. Kalendar5. Jam

B. Dokumen Pelajaran1. Sukatan Pelajaran 2. Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran3. Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan4. Pekeliling

C. Penilaian dan Peperiksaan1. PBS2. SAP3. SPPBS4. Bank Soalan5. Tips menjawab soalan6. Analisa Peperiksaan

D. Pengayaan:1. Mengikut darjah/ tingkatan(site links)

1. Go to Quick Launch and click Site.

2. Click New Site.

3. Give your site a name:eg: Panitia Mata Pelajaran MatematikWrite a brief description of your siteeg: TAHUN 2013*Click “Next” when you have done.

4. Choose a theme and icon for your site.5. You may upload or import the icon that you want to use from your computer. *Click “Next” when you have done.

6. Tick “set this site as a template.”Ignore the other parts.

7. It will automatically goes to the site that you already created.

8.Now you can edit the site that you created.Click “Edit”.

9.Type in the tabs that you wish to put in your site.

10.Make sure you click save changes after you have done edit.

11.The following widgets are the suggestions that you may use to complete your site.

1.File Drop- upload the file in your computer.(eg:power point, word etc.)

2. External Link- Save the link that you often use. (eg: PBS,SAPS)

3. Media- upload photo or scanned file to display to everyone that visit your site.It can upload video and music too.

12. After you have done everything in your site, you can share your site to the persons that you wish to share.

Click share

13. Click Next.

14. Type a teacher’s name that you wish to share your site with her/him at “Who has access”.Eg: LIM SHOK KENG Add Choose can edit &manage Siaw Chin Add Choose can edit &manageThen, choose Public/ Can view at Privacy and share.

Find the icon of frog and click help.

The window below will appear. You may click to maximize the window.

Click “Sites” and read the introdiction. Click on every part that shown below “sites” and follow the instructions that given. Hopefully it helps you to create a site.

Click “Sites” and read the introdiction. Click on every part that shown below “sites” and follow the instructions that given. Hopefully it helps you to create a site.