Friendship UPDATE INTERNATIONAL A Ministry In Chile, Great … · 2 days ago · Friendship...

Post on 26-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Friendship UPDATE INTERNATIONAL A Ministry In Chile, Great … · 2 days ago · Friendship...

FriendshipINTERNATIONALA Ministry In Chile, Great Britain, Hungary, Romania and the USA

UPDATEM o n t h l y . . . 2 0 2 0

Number 07.20 P.O. Box 50884, Colorado Springs, CO 80949-0884, USA • Tel. 719-386-8808 • Email: • Website: www.friendshipintl. org July, 2020

Del HuffExecutive Director

Where is God in Troubled Times?

Have you asked yourself this question in these days? Not only do we contend with the ongoing plight of COVID-19, but also the chaos in our cities caused by people seeking justice for inequality. And then there are those using both of these issues as a political platform to change our country into something our founding fathers gave their lives to protect us from. Also there are many who are struggling with the normal issues of life; no work, no money, illness, children’s education, and the list goes on. Today our lives are being challenged and distracted like never before. So what do we make of this as Christians? What does God promise us?

God’s simple answer is, “Lean on me, and you will survive and thrive.”Remember your promise to me, oh God, for it is my only hope. Your promise re-vives me; it comforts me in all my troubles. Psalm 119:50Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:25-26The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold. Psalm 18:2When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” Isaiah 43:2Friends, be encouraged. Let these passages of scripture fill your hearts and God’s peace that passes understanding will dwell in you.

Restless For Romania . . .but Sometimes God Says, “Wait!”

It seems things are changing on a daily basis, from one day to another. Just one month ago we reported on the plans David and Gwen Stone were making to finally move to Romania as F.I. missionaries. Even through the complications of the Corona Virus, they had faith to believe God was going to make a way the middle of this month to leave. Do you remember reading about this in last month’s edition of the UPDATE? Yes, this was the Plan. Well, that plan changed for various reason.

The Pandemic has lingered on in Romania as it has here in the States. They had hoped to fly to Romania on July 16, but before that date they planned to travel to Portland, OR to visit family, friends and have a couple of church meetings. This all took place, but what happened next was definitely not planned.

On July 2 the Stones were on their way home when they had a tragic car accident. David and Gwen were seriously injured. They were airlifted back to Portland and the children were taken to a local hospital in the town between Portland and Nampa. David immediately had to have surgery for facial fracture repair. It was discovered he had also suffered a brain concussion. Gwen was treated for pelvic fracture, broken ribs and

concussion. The four children are doing fine with scrapes, bruises and the trauma of the accident.Their recovery has been slow but steady and they were prepared to return home to their children. The day they were to fly home, brought still another setback. Gwen woke up with a terrible headache. It continued for

several days. The doctors could not determine what it was, until one morning she awoke with outbreak and puffiness on her face. It was finally determined that she had shingles. The bitter sweet news came as relief but it did not relieve the pain she felt as the shingles spread down her face and into her left eye. And now, after more than 3 weeks, the Stones flew home to their children. They are not completely recovered by any means, but they are in a good place now, with several months of rehab to look forward to. They have experienced so many setbacks, so many terrible experiences. We believe the Stones have an amazing story they will someday share with other missionary candidates and people faced with huge challenges in their lives. But how much richer is their journey now towards the mission field.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 - Friends please continue to pray for the Stone Family.

Chile Updateby Lorena and Miguel Mora

Dear Friends,We hope you are doing well. Although it has been a very difficult time here in Chile, thank God we

are doing well. We have been confined for 4 months in our country, thousands of people have been losing their jobs. We cannot meet in our churches because it is prohibited, all activities are done online, which is much more work and is not as effective, but we must adapt to the new reality.

Schools are closed, only online classes, but very limited, with families that do not have an internet connection and some do not even a computer.

Winter, here, has been very rainy, so much so that the streets are flooded and the drains clogged, then the cold comes, very cold.

The economic situation has become desperate for many families, at the beginning of the pandemic we collected food to help families in need, but now the need is so great that it is difficult to ask for help because everyone in one way or another has been affected by their economic situation.Thank God we are well, we have our needs covered, we do not have excess but we have no need.Within our possibilities we try to help some families, but nothing is enough when the need is so great.

Thank you dear friends for your support, it allows us, as we can, to continue sharing with those most in need.

Our love goes out to you, please take care and may the Lord continue to protect you.

Friendship Camp Romania UPDATEby Callum King and Adi Muscan

After hoping we would still be able to host a small number of camps later in the summer season, we have now been forced to accept the reality that this summer we will be unable to open Friendship Camp. The number of cases of Covid 19 in Romania is growing daily and the government has decided to keep the current restrictions in place for at least another 30 days. This is of course disappointing for us but we continue to take encouragement in the fact that God’s plans are not our plans and that he knew all along this would be the situation we would find ourselves in for summer 2020.

So even if the camp is not full with children as we would have desired, we are committed to using this time to develop and renovate the camp facilities. Construction work has continued and the new BBQ area is almost finished. The new wagon wheels have arrived and will be attached to the wagons in these days. We have also begun work on the new bathhouse. The foundations are dug and framing for the concrete is complete. We have now started on making the steelwork and hope to pour the concrete soon. We are also keeping on top of the grass cutting which must be done around once every ten days in order to keep things under control. With more than two hectares of land it takes one person two days to cut all of the grass.

With much to do, I am thankful this week for the arrival of a new helper. Bogdan, having grown up in a children’s home, has recently turned 18 and graduated high school. It is now time for him to leave the children’s home and begin life as an adult. As a first step he has come to work along side me for the summer months until he goes to college. He is already proving to be a great help at the camp and this opportunity also gives him the chance to earn and save some money for when he will start college. Please pray that Callum will be able to minister to

Bogdan during this time. And that God’s blessings will follow Bogdan.

Thank God for his faithfulness in supplying everything we needed so far. Continue with us in praying and trusting Him for the funding and materials required to continue the work.

Please keep our missionaries in Romania in your prayers, especially the Muscan’s who are struggling with need of support at this time.

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• We understand that the world is being affected by the Corona Virus. • We also know that many of our friends are feeling the financial crunch, possibly thinking it is impossible to support missions.

Project DandelionProject Dandelion New Shower and Toilet House

$5,000.- still needed for materials!Please make checks payable to Friendship International with a note for “Project Dan-delion”- address at the top of this letter.Or, use the giving platform on website -, look for DONATE button at the top of page, follow instruction for donations.

Thank You and God Bless You!