Frequency-resolved optical-gating measurements...

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September 1, 1996 / Vol. 21, No. 17 / OPTICS LETTERS 1381

Frequency-resolved optical-gating measurements of ultrashortpulses using surface third-harmonic generation

Thomas Tsang

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973

Marco A. Krumbugel, Kenneth W. DeLong, David N. Fittinghoff, and Rick Trebino

Combustion Research Facility, MS9057, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California 94551-0969

Received April 15, 1996

We demonstrate what is to our knowledge the first frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) technique tomeasure ultrashort pulses from an unamplified Ti:sapphire laser oscillator without direction-of-time ambiguity.This technique utilizes surface third-harmonic generation as the nonlinear-optical effect and, surprisingly, isthe most sensitive third-order FROG geometry yet. 1996 Optical Society of America

Techniques for the complete measurement of high-energy ultrashort laser pulses are now well estab-lished.1 – 3 Frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG),for example, can rigorously and unambiguously mea-sure the intensity and phase of an ultrashort laserpulse over a wide range of wavelengths, pulse lengths,and repetition rates, using the polarization-gate orself-diffraction beam geometry.4 FROG measure-ments using third-order processes are limited insensitivity, however, to a microjoule pulse in single-shot measurements and ,50-nJ pulses in multishotmeasurements. Indeed, for the measurement of pulsetrains from unamplif ied Ti:sapphire oscillators thesethird-order processes do not have sufficient strengthto yield usable traces. Currently, for the measure-ment of oscillator pulse trains, it is necessary to usesecond-harmonic generation (SHG) as the nonlinearityin FROG measurements. Although SHG FROG issimple to set up and has yielded excellent resultsin numerous situations, including the measurementof pulses as short as 9 fs,5 SHG FROG has an un-avoidable ambiguity in the direction of time.6 Otherintensity-and-phase methods exist that use SHG andare unambiguous. Unfortunately, these methods lackthe rigor, generality, and experimental simplicity ofFROG. Thus it would be useful to have a strong third-order process that can be used in FROG measurementsof ultrashort-pulse laser oscillators.

We have tried many nonlinear media in a searchfor such a process. For example, heavy-metal-dopedglasses have a signif icantly higher third-order non-linearity than fused silica, which is usually used for PGFROG measurements. But the scattering that is dueto such glasses is too severe. The polymer PPV alsoappeared promising, and, although it improved mea-surement sensitivity by an order of magnitude or so,a slow integrated effect prevented multishot measure-ments.7 Cascaded second-order effects can appear asthird-order effects and hence remove the direction-of-time ambiguity but also lack the sensitivity requiredfor oscillator measurements, although this class of ef-fects is still under consideration.


The purpose of this Letter is to show that a third-order process exists that does in fact succeed in pro-viding unambiguous FROG traces of the Ti:sapphireoscillator. That process is surface third-harmonicgeneration (THG), which was recently demonstrated tobe remarkably strong.8 Here we demonstrate that itsuse as the nonlinearity in a FROG device easily yieldsFROG traces for a Ti:sapphire oscillator. Using inputpulses of 300-mW average power and ,100-fs durationin a 100-MHz repetition pulse train, we obtain afew nanowatts of average THG signal power, easilysufficient for the required spectral measurements.Furthermore, this nonlinearity has an additionaladvantage: The interaction length is extremely short,so in principle one can measure even the shortestpulses by using it without potential distortions causedby geometric, dispersive, and phase-mismatch effects(all proportional to the interaction length).

The experimental setup for surface THG FROGis practically identical to the common SHG FROGsetup, and the two geometries are interchangeable(Fig. 1): A pulse from a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphirelaser oscillator is divided by a beam splitter. After onereplica of the pulse is delayed with respect to the other,a 203 microscope objective is used to focus the twocollinearly propagating beams on to the back surface ofa 160-mm-thick piece of cover glass. We note that by

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for surface THG FROGmeasurements.

1996 Optical Society of America

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focusing the fundamental beam at the back surface onecan use even dielectric materials that are opaque to thethird-harmonic radiation. The THG signal is highlylocalized at the air–dielectric interface and disappearscompletely when the interface is traversed away fromthe beam focus. The back surface is then the source oftwo autocorrelated THG beams, one of which yields asignal f ield of the form

ETHGsig st, td ­ E2stdEst 2 td .

[For the second beam the Est 2 td term is squaredinstead of the Estd term.] The first THG beam isrecollimated and sent to a spectrometer equipped witha linear diode array for spectral recording. Spectro-grams at various time delays, with a 10-fs interval, arecollected and converted into a 256 3 256 pixel FROGtrace. THG FROG traces look much like SHG FROGtraces but exhibit some asymmetry, which breaks theambiguity. Figure 2 gives examples of THG FROGtraces for several types of distortion.

The pulse intensity and phase are retrieved fromthe THG FROG trace by the generalized-projectionstechnique9 simply modif ied for the above expressionfor the THG FROG signal f ield in terms of the laserpulse f ield. We tested this algorithm for hundreds oftheoretical pulses and found it to be as robust as otherFROG algorithms.

Replacing the cover glass with a 50-mm-thickb-barium borate crystal and focusing into the bulk ofthe material with a 20-cm focal-length lens generatessecond-harmonic radiation, giving a signal f ield ofthe form

ETHGsig st, td ­ EstdEst 2 td ,

and a corresponding SHG FROG trace is recorded, thuspermitting a comparison of both measurements.

Figure 3 shows the intensity and the phase for anearly transform-limited pulse, which is retrieved fromindependent SHG and THG FROG measurements.The insets show the measured traces, which are bothnearly symmetric with respect to the time delay. Theretrieved intensity and phase agree well for bothmeasurements, showing a nearly Gaussian intensityprofile and a nearly f lat phase of the pulse.

In general, SHG and THG FROG traces exhibitsomewhat different features. As an example, Fig. 4shows the measured and reconstructed SHG and THGFROG traces for a pulse that is clearly not transformlimited. Whereas the measured and the reconstructedtraces agree well for both cases, the SHG traces showthe typical symmetry with respect to the time delay,giving rise to the time ambiguity in SHG FROG. TheTHG traces, on the other hand, are asymmetric withrespect to the delay axis and, as a result, lack the timeambiguity.

It should be noted that, whereas THG FROG lacksthe general direction-of-time ambiguity that occurs forSHG FROG, THG FROG has a direction-of-time am-biguity only for pulses with pure Gaussian intensityprofiles and pure linear chirp, i.e., the sign of thechirp cannot be retrieved. This is rarely a problem forexperimental data, however, because even small dis-tortions in the pulse shape or phase permit unam-biguous retrieval. For pulses that are close to this

case we found it nevertheless practical to run theFROG algorithm twice on the experimental data, us-ing a time-reversed version of the original noise as aninitial guess for the field in the second run. Compari-son of the agreement between the measured and re-constructed FROG traces then identif ies the f ield withthe correct sign of the chirp. A potentially more seri-ous ambiguity is that THG FROG can retrieve the rela-tive phase of well-separated double pulses modulo 2py3only; i.e., a double pulse consisting of individual pulsesof equal strength that are separated by more than ap-proximately twice the FWHM produces the same THGFROG trace when the individual pulses are in phase orhave a relative phase difference of 2py3 or 4py3. Incomparison, it should be noted that SHG FROG canretrieve the relative phase of double pulses only mo-dulo p.

Fig. 2. Examples of simulated THG FROG traces forpulses with Gaussian intensity profiles and different phasedistortions: (a) spectral quartic phase, (b) spectral cubicphase, (c) temporal cubic phase, (d) self-phase modulation.

Fig. 3. Retrieved intensity and phase for a nearlytransform-limited oscillator pulse. The insets show thecorresponding experimental SHG FROG and THG FROGtraces, both approximately symmetrical in time.

Fig. 4. Measured and reconstructed SHG FROG tracesand THG FROG traces for a clearly non-transform-limitedpulse.

September 1, 1996 / Vol. 21, No. 17 / OPTICS LETTERS 1383

Fig. 5. Retrieved intensity and phase in the time domainfor the pulse corresponding to Fig. 4. The inset shows theindependently measured spectrum in comparison with theretrieved intensity and phase in the frequency domain.

Fig. 6. Measured and reconstructed SHG FROG tracesand THG FROG traces for a strongly distorted pulse.

Fig. 7. Retrieved intensity and phase for the pulse cor-responding to Fig. 6. The inset shows the independentlymeasured spectrum and the retrieved intensity and phasein the frequency domain.

Figure 5 shows the retrieved intensity and phaseof the pulse corresponding to the traces in Fig. 4.The retrieved fields for the SHG and THG FROGmeasurements agree well, showing the characteristicincrease of the phase in the wing and the slow decreaseof the intensity for delay times larger 100 fs. Theincrease of the phase in the time domain correspondsto the decrease in the frequency domain, as shown inthe inset of Fig. 5, and both FROG measurements alsoagree well with the independently measured spectrum.

By ref lecting the Ti:sapphire laser beam off a mul-tilayer coated dielectric mirror at an angle of ,50±, wewere also able to investigate laser pulses with strongerphase distortions. Figure 6 shows the SHG and THGFROG traces of a pulse that was distorted in thisway. Also in this case, good agreement between mea-sured and reconstructed traces is obtained for the SHGFROG measurement as well as for the THG FROGmeasurement. Figure 7 shows the retrieved fields forthis pulse: The characteristic features, i.e., the smallsatellite pulse and the p-phase jump between the mainpulse and the satellite pulse, are clearly reconstructedby both FROG measurements. The slight variationin the position of the intensity maximum of the mainpulse is probably caused by a drift of the laser dur-ing the measurements, which can also explain the ob-served deviations between the intensity retrieved fromthe THG FROG measurement on the one hand and theindependently measured spectrum and the retrievedintensity of the SHG FROG measurement on the other.Further evidence of drift is the asymmetry in the SHGFROG trace.

We conclude that FROG employing surface third-harmonic generation as a nonlinear effect is a suitabletechnique for the measurement of ultrashort pulses di-rectly from laser oscillators. Unlike SHG FROG, THGFROG has no practical direction-of-time ambiguity,making it therefore superior for applications that re-quire pulse characterization without this ambiguity,where the pulse energy is too weak to permit the use ofpolarization-gate or self-diffraction beam geometries.In addition, surface THG FROG might be preferablefor extremely short pulses, which would require extra-ordinary thin crystals for SHG FROG measurements.

The authors acknowledge the support of the U.S. De-partment of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Division ofChemical Sciences. T. Tsang appreciates the techni-cal assistance of John Schill. M. A. Krumbugel thanksAnthony E. Siegman of Stanford University and theAlexander von Humboldt Foundation for support un-der the Feodor Lynen program.


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