Freedom Betrayed - Herbet Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Freedom Betrayed - Herbet Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath

Freedom Betrayed:

Herbert Hoover's Secret History

of the Second World War and Its Aftermath

Freedom Betrayed:

Herbert Hoover's Secret History

of the Second World War and Its Aftermath

Quotes on



“Freedom Betrayed is an extended excoriation of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his foreign policy... the words will be jarring to many who today regard World War II in uniformly heroic terms”.

- Tim Ferguson, Forbes

“A remarkably well-researched, heavily

footnoted revisionist history… seems

destined to become one of the key

historical documents of the mid-20th

century, challenging many long-accepted

interpretations of events”.

- James E. Person Jr., The Washington Times

“Freedom Betrayed is a searing indictment of FDR and the men around him as politicians who lied prodigiously about their desire to keep America out of war, even as they took one deliberate step after another to take us into war.” - Pat Buchanan, “Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbour?”

“In its sharp dissent from the conventional

understanding of the mid-twentieth century, Herbert Hoover's book

succeeds in bringing that history back to life and in forcing us to think about it in ways that will surely be unfamiliar to many.”

- Tom Bethell, “Revisionist History

That Matters”, The American Spectator.

“Freedom Betrayed is the work of a serious student of history, and is heavily

researched and footnoted. Its publication is a monumental moment

in the history of presidential writings,

and Nash deserves credit for his persistence

and dedication in shaping it.”

- Gerald J. Russello “Herbert Hoover, Revisionist”, The University Bookman

“What an amazing historical find! Historian

George H. Nash, the dean of Herbert Hoover studies,

has brought forth a very rare manuscript in Freedom

Betrayed. Here is Hoover unplugged, delineating on everything from the ‘lost

statesmanship’ of FDR to the Korean War.

A truly invaluable work of presidential history. Highly recommended.”

- DOUGLAS BRINKLEY, is professor of history

at Rice University and editor of The Reagan Diaries.

“Finally, after waiting for close to half a century, we now have Hoover’s massive and impassioned account of American foreign policy from 1933 to the early 1950s. Thanks to the efforts of George H. Nash, there exists an unparalleled picture of Hoover’s world view, one long shared by many conservatives. Nash’s thorough and perceptive introduction shows why he remains America’s leading Hoover scholar.”

- JUSTUS D. DOENECKE, author of Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to

American Intervention, 1939-1941

“A forcefully argued and well documented alternative to, and critique of, the conventional liberal historical narrative of America’s road to war and

its war aims. Even readers comfortable with the established account will find themselves thinking that on some points the accepted history

should be reconsidered and perhaps revised.”

- JOHN EARL HAYNES, - author of

Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America.

“Freedom Betrayed offers vivid proof of

William Faulkner’s famous dictum that

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

For those who might think that history has settled the

mantle of consensus around the events of the World War II era, Hoover’s iconoclastic

narrative will come as an unsettling reminder that

much controversy remains.

By turns quirky and astute, in prose that is often acerbic and unfailingly provocative, Hoover opens some old wounds and inflicts a few new

ones of his own, while assembling a passionate case for the tragic errors of Franklin Roosevelt’s diplomacy.

- DAVID M. KENNEDY is professor of history emeritus at Stanford University and the author of Freedom From Fear: The American

People in Depression and War, 1929-1945

Freedom Betrayed is must-read for anyone interested in the most consequential upheaval

of the twentieth century.”

Imagine spending 20 years

writing and rewriting

a monumental tome

dissecting 20th-century

global conflicts,

only to have it sit in storage

for nearly five more decades !

Such was the fate of the book Herbert Hoover called his Magnum Opus: a heavily documented effort

to expose hidden aspects of

U.S. foreign policy before,

during and after World War II.

At last Freedom Betrayed, the manuscript that the 31st president

completed in 1963, is in print (Hoover Institution Press).

Edited and introduced by historian George H. Nash,

the 900-page memoir offers an encyclopaedia of uncomfortable truths that dull the gloss of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister

Winston Churchill.

Roosevelt engineered

the U.S. entry into World

War II despite public and

congressional anti-war


This, in the face of his 1940 campaign promise:

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again:

Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."

In the author's view, the wise course would have been to

let Russia's Stalin

and Germany's Hitler

—"destroy each other."

American territory was never threatened by the Germans, and even Western Europe

would have remained unscathed had it not attempted to stop Germany's eastward push.

Instead, by partnering with Stalin to defeat Hitler,

Roosevelt and Churchill gave communism legitimacy.

Worse, by acceding to the Russian dictator's territorial demands, they betrayed the very principles of universal self-determination they had

proclaimed in the Atlantic Charter.

By November 1943, secret commitments by the Allies at their Tehran Conference constituted

"the greatest blows to human freedom

in this century."

The Soviet Union would be allowed to annex Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bessarabia, Bukovina and parts of

Finland and Poland and to secure a periphery of

"friendly border states."

Thus, fifteen nations were betrayed to Communism and the independent life and freedom they had enjoyed were

snuffed out.

Hoover documents Roosevelt's repeated assurances to Stalin that he would do nothing to thwart Soviet ambitions.

Freedom Betrayed indicts Roosevelt for instigating the

Pacific war as well:

His economic sanctions against Japan and shunning of Japanese peace overtures sparked the Pearl Harbour

attack and ultimately the

U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

—"the act of unparalleled brutality

in all American history."

Hoover cites other markers along the slippery slope of the Stalin alliance: the Yalta Conference agreement ceding the Kurile Islands and Sakhalin Island

to Russia

(in exchange for promised help, of dubious value, against Japan);

the broken agreement with Chinese nationalist leader

Chiang Kai-shek to consult him on matters pertaining to Asia;

the loss of China and North Korea to communism.

One of the author's provocative questions: What part did Communist agents in U.S. government positions play in Roosevelt's policies?

Freedom Betrayed, resembles a prosecutor’s

brief against Roosevelt

—and against Winston Churchill as well

— at the bar of history. Hoover’s “thunderbolt”

now strikes— nearly a half-century after it was readied.

The former president’s interpretation of the conduct and consequences of the Second World War… challenges us

to think afresh about our past.” - BERTRAND M. PATENAUDE,

author of A Wealth of Ideas: Revelations

from the Hoover Institution Archives

“Nearly fifty years after his death, Herbert Hoover returns as the ultimate revisionist historian, prosecuting his heavily

documented indictment of US foreign policy before, during, and after the Second World War. Brilliantly edited by George Nash, Freedom Betrayed is as passionate as it is provocative.

Many no doubt will dispute Hoover’s strategic vision. But few can dispute the historical significance

of this unique volume, published even as Americans of the

twenty-first century debate their moral and

military obligations.”

- RICHARD NORTON SMITH is a presidential historian and author, former director of

several presidential libraries, and Current scholar-in-residence at

George Mason University

We need to understand the context of our history

and rediscover the real facts, the real people and the real history

- so that we might counter satan's deceptions of the nations.

Facts are Stubborn Things

Dr. Peter Hammond

Reformation Society

P.O. Box 74

Newlands, 7725

Cape Town, South Africa

Tel: (021) 689-4480

Fax: (021) 685-5884



Dr. Peter Hammond

Reformation Society

P.O. Box 74

Newlands, 7725

Cape Town, South Africa

Tel: (021) 689-4480

Fax: (021) 685-5884

