Free Goal Setting Action-Planning Tools

Post on 12-Dec-2014

1.132 views 1 download




Transcript of Free Goal Setting Action-Planning Tools

Free Tools for Members


• Free to all members

• Goal-Setting System

• Action-Planning Tool

• Track Measurable Impacts of Applying Learning

What is CoachLine?

CoachLine is a web-based application that helps users create written

goals and action plans and track, record and report results to coaches.

All members of SMMConnect are entitled to one or more free

CoachLine accounts, as needed. (Membership in SMMConnect is also

free.) There’s no catch. It’s just free. Hosting is free, too.

Trainers may use the system in their organization. Consultants and

independent trainers are welcome to create accounts for their clients.

What is it for?

CoachLine makes it easy and simple for participants to....

• create written goals to apply key performance ideas

• create action plans to achieve the goals

• track measurable progress and results

• report progress to coaches

• get real-time online coaching

What if we only want to use the goal-setting component?

Users can choose whether to use all the components or use them individually. If a trainer wants learners only to use CoachLine to set goals but not track results, it’s up to the trainer. Or the user can add the use of additional components later.

(In some cases the user must use components in combination. i.e. to track results, the user must create a goal.)

What’s the cost to add components later?

Nice try. Remember?: There’s no cost at all. The system is free to trainers, sales managers, consultants and others, no matter what you choose to do.

Ready to learn more?

The next few slides will get you started. You’ll be able to click to see brief demos.

Ready to open your free account?

Click here to Register (free) or login to, Sales & Marketing Management magazine’s free community for sales & marketing professionals.

After logging in, go to Events/Resources>Free Tools for Members

What would happen if....

Learners could see the connection between their investment in training and their own measurable results?

...their own personal ROI?

Would it improve your training effectiveness if....

you could confirm whether learners capture and apply the key ideas from training ?

Would it improve your training effectiveness if....

learners had simple, easy-to-use tools to create SMART goals and action plans to apply training


Like a simple & easy to use goal-setting tool?

Would it improve your training effectiveness if....

you could see, measure & prove measurable results of training


Measureable Results Sent to Coaches Instantly

Would it help if....

you could track results of training in real-time by person or group


For example, a dashboard report of goals and progress?

For example, a dashboard report of goals and progress?

...available from any internet connection (and your smartphone) in real-time?

Would it help if....

your coaches could use real-time, online coaching tools to help learners while they apply the training


Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Would it help if all the coaching interactions were available instantly?And automatically documented?

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Would it help if all the coaching interactions were available instantly?And automatically documented?

And all coaches and trainers could see each others’ comments?

Would it help if....

• you had a system to help learners locate and connect with coaches when they need help


Like a directory of your company’s coaches?

Like a directory of your company’s coaches?

...searchable by the coaching skills of execs, managers, trainers, mentors

and top performers?

Or whomever you designate as coaches?

Would it help if it were free?


A suite of Web 2.0-like tools that participants use to...

•Create written goals to identify and apply the most valuable performance ideas• Create action plans to accomplish their goals•Get coaching help from managers, trainers, peers and mentors•Track and report measurable results

A system that enables managers, trainers, mentors and speakers to see ...

•The key ideas participants learned•Whether participants are able to apply the ideas• Whether participants do apply the ideas•The measurable results and progress of participants•The coaching needs of participants•The coaching provided by coaches


Participants’ Process

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Get a Coach

Get a Coach

Report Progress &

Track Results

Report Progress &

Track Results

Participants’ Process

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create a Goal to Apply LearningSimple & easy to use tool

Click here for Goal Setting Demo:

Participants’ Process

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Create an Action Plan to Accomplish the Goal

Click here for Action Planning Demo:

Participants’ Process

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Get a Coach

Get a Coach

Invite Trainers, Managers, SMEs, Top Performers as Coaches

Click here for Invite a Coach Demo:

Directory of coaches in your organization

Real-time Online Coaching

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Participants’ Process

Create Goal

Create Goal

Create Action Plan

Create Action Plan

Get a Coach

Get a Coach

Report Progress &

Track Results

Report Progress &

Track Results

Report Progress & Results• Learners use a simple form to create update progress reports• Coaches receive progress reports via e-mail instantly

Simple form to report progress

Measurable Results Sent to Coaches


Coach’s Dashboard Report

Summary Report


A simple, easy-to-use system that answers the questions:

1)What are the practical ideas learners got that they can apply in their work?

2)Are they able to apply them?

3)Are they applying them?

4)What are the results?

Ready to open your free account?

Click here to Register (free)

or login to

After logging in, go to Events/Resources>Free Tools for Members

For full enterprise implementations and consulting, contact at (714) 699-4705 or click here

Click here for FAQs

Click here to start your free account*

For full enterprise implementations and consulting, contact at (714) 699-4705 or click here

Click here for FAQs