Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Classified is a kind of advertising that helps catching potential visitors to divert them towards your website which in turn increases sales and improve search engine ranking.



Presented By :- BALRAM



What is Classifieds ? Classified is a kind of advertising that

helps catching potential visitors to divert them towards your website which in turn increases sales and improve search engine ranking.

Types of Classifieds Ads

Banner MarketingSponsorshipsText Link AdvertisingVideo AdvertisingE-mail MarketingPay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing or

Search Engine Marketing

Banner Marketing

Banner Marketing involves the use of banner ads to promote a website or online company. Your banner ad would include your company or website logo, tag line and marketing message. Banner ads can be static or animated, and they can range size. The size of your banner ad would depend on how big the space is available on the website where you buy a banner.


Many advertisers gain exposure for their website or Internet company through online sponsorship. Sponsorship could be either through website-wide text links and banner ads or online video commercials. Some advertisers sponsor free Website templates, for instance, wherein their link remains intact whenever a website template is used.

Text Link Advertising

Text link advertising works in the same manner as banner advertising. Text links can be website-wide and located in the sidebar, footer or any other area in the advertising site. Text link ads can also be incorporated within the content or the website itself.

Video Advertising

Video advertising can be done in the same manner as banner advertising by using different video screen sizes or it can have blatant advertising and presented as Website commercials. Video advertising is popular in video sharing sites, particularly if the video has an entertainment value attached to it and has the potential of going "viral" (being passed around through referrals or word-of-mouth).

E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a type of Internet marketing that involves purchasing a text link ad or banner ad for placement in e-mail newsletters or e-zines.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing or Search Engine Marketing

This type of online advertising involves purchasing text ads and banner ads and having those ads show as sponsored results with a link to your website when certain keywords or phrases are searched for. You would purchase this type of Internet advertising from Google AdWords, for instance, and have your ads appear on websites relevant to your keywords through Google AdSense.  Your Toronto web design company will help you install this on your website.

Free Classified Ads?

Free classified ads are a unique source of advertisement that is accomplished through several types of channels successfully for example online, newspapers, and other periodicals. Free classified ads are very unique and attention grabbing ads as compared to standard advertisement. Basically free classified ads let the private individuals as well as industries to promote their businesses over the World Wide Web.

Free classified ads have a written text. They do not have usually pictures, images, and graphics at

all. Custom logos are used in classified advertisement. when it becomes mandatory for the businessmen.

When it comes to contact information, telephone number and a complete address are mentioned in your free classified ads.

Moreover a detailed description of your product is given in your classified ads just for the sake of your effective product marketing.

You will need an eye-catching headline. It has to be something that stands out from the crowd. Make sure you check the site where your advertisement will be shown to get ideas on how to make your headline effective. Classified ads are brief so you need to catch the eye of your potential buyer and get them to click on your link.

Free Classified Ads?

Top Most Classifieds Sites

Sr. No.

Sites PR

1 7

2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 5

7 5

8 4

9 4

Elements of Classifieds

TitleDescriptionTagsLocationCategoryEmailPhone Number

Quick Tips on Writing Classified Ads

Clearly describe in a few words what your product is. Use numbers and facts to tell things like color, model, etc.

Don't go on to tell the whole story about your product. Just tell its present condition and location. Believe only people interested in specific products will be reading classified ads for that products.

Avoid exaggerated claims. Strange but true, you will not get the right customers with exaggerated claims.

Write a minimum of ten ads before you send one for the publication. You will see how beneficial it is to have an ad that actually captures the interest of people who are actively looking for products similar to yours.

Clearly tell readers what action to take. Ask readers to call a telephone number or visit a website for more information. Include the telephone number or website URL along the ad.

How To Post Ads

People who have products or services to sell use online classified ads. It's not just individuals using online ads; major businesses and corporations take advantage of the wide-reaching tool of online advertisement. You don't need deep pockets to place an ad. Some of the most popular and widely used classified websites offer free listings.

Example :-

Advertise on

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Advantages of Classifieds

Classified Ads have multiple benefits, firstly it create good link back to the site, secondly there are good chances that a potential buyer would land to your product and buy it.

We analyze your product and write an attractive content for it and put it on the classified websites along with product image, contact information and offerings.

In short, free classified ads have become the highest demand of businessmen now a days.

free classified ads are a big source of getting your higher search engine rankings too. Further google free classified ads are the best source for your perfectly affordable promotion.

Overall, online classifieds are a great way to generate extra traffic to a website. It is quick and easy and does not cost a lot of money.

Disadvantages of Classifieds

One disadvantage of this type of advertising is that an ad will expire quickly. The ad will drop lower and lower in the rankings until it is not generating any traffic at all. The ads must constantly be replaced. Consistency is the name of the game. Keep posting ads daily and the results will speak for themselves.

Another disadvantage of this type of advertising is that one must post to many classified sites to see big results. Advertising on one site is not enough to produce great results. Take it to the next level and send ads to about 5-10 classified sites.

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