Fraudspot -, Sime Darby Berhad,...

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Transcript of Fraudspot -, Sime Darby Berhad,...

Fraudspot 1

Fraudspot Volume 1, Issue 3 October - December 2015

PRESIDENT Dato’ Akhbar Satar





COUNCIL MEMBERS Raveendra Kumar Nathan Raymon Ram Siti Subaidah Saravanan Selvaratnam


1 Ethics & Compliance

Effectiveness of Corporate Governance

1 Professional Interviewing Technique

Statement Analysis (Part 2)

5 New Technologies

Using Data Science in Investigative Psychology (Part1)

8 Perspective on Current Issues

Fraud and Corruption in Tough Economic Times

11 Quarterly Recap

continued on page 2


Professional Interviewing


Statement Analysis as a tool to help

investigators (Part 2)



As a forensic accountant and an anti-

money laundering specialist, my interest in

SCAN was sparked off with a talk given by

a licensed SCAN trainer.

Why SCAN? This technique claims that

with the suspects written statement, once

analysed linguistically using the SCAN

technique, will reveal whether the suspect

is truthful or deceptive; what information

the suspect is concealing; and whether or

not the suspect was involved in the crime.

Of course, to learn about these

techniques are inexpensive compared to

Ethics & compliance

Effectiveness of Corporate



MBA, MSc (Econ Crime Mgt)

In 2001, the first Malaysian Code of

Corporate Governance (the Code) was

issued. In 2007 the Code was revised to

strengthen the roles and responsibilities of

the board of directors, audit committees

and that of the internal audit. In 2012, the

Code was further reviewed to strengthen

board structure and composition. The

Code recognised the role of directors and

theirs fiduciary duties which are vital for

longevity, ethical behaviour and

profitability of a Corporation. The MICG

2012 defines corporate governance as

“the process and structure used to direct

and manage the business and affairs of

continued on page 3

Fraudspot 2

Effectiveness of Corporate Governance continued from page 1

Kumar Nathan is a council

member of the ACFE Malaysia

Chapter. He is also the founder

and managing principal at

Rimbun Forensic Advisory Sdn.


the company towards enhancing business

prosperity and corporate accountability

with the ultimate objective of realising long

term shareholder value, whilst taking into

account the interest of other stakeholders”.

In the past three decades, Malaysia has

experienced numerous financial scandals

at Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF),

Malaysia Airlines Berhad, Transmile Group

Berhad, Sime Darby Berhad, PERWAJA

Terengganu Sdn Bhd and Port Klang Free

Zone (PKFZ) that has had great impact on

the business community. These negative

publicities have drawn significant attention

on whether auditors, audit committees and

regulators who have been entrusted to

oversee and flag inappropriate behaviours

did carry out their function diligently.

Here in Malaysia, the Corporate Integrity

Pledge (CiP) was co-developed by the

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission

(MACC), Malaysian Institute of Integrity,

Transparency International Malaysia,

PEMANDU, Bursa Malaysia, Central Bank of

Malaysia, Companies Commission of

Malaysia and Securities Commission of

Malaysia. The CiP is a document that allows

a company to make voluntary commitment

to uphold the anti-corruption principles for

corporations in Malaysia. By signing the

pledge, a company is making a unilateral

declaration that it will not commit corrupt

acts and will work towards creating a business

environment that is fair, transparent and free

from corruption. The government has also

shown its seriousness in tackling the scourge of

corruption that could have an adverse impact

on our economic growth by the establishment

of National Key Result Area (NKRA) against

corruption in the Government Transformation

Programme (GTP).

In summary, financial scandals, corporate

governance, fraud and corruption are inter-

related. Corporations and individuals who

commit these activities need to be censured

and meted with appropriate penalty. There is

also a need for awareness and education

programmes that is being conducted by the

Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance

(MICG) and MII for directors to enhance their

knowledge and as continued professional

development. In a nutshell, failure to institute

an effective corporate governance

environment in corporations will result in

continued abuse of power and scandals that

will not bode well for the country.

Fraudspot 3

Professional Interviewing Technique continued from page 1

polygraph or through a Computer Voice Stress


Of course, my interest in SCAN is twofold. First is

the interest in the techniques and the

methodology that it makes about the features

of written text, about the language as a system

and the way people draw on the structures and

rules of language to produce narratives. And

the other reason is why this technique is so

popular amongst law enforcement in particular

the interviewing and interrogation side. It was

also my hope that after learning SCAN, it could

be used to help in our investigations.

An example of a statement written below by

the suspect is one of the first steps as shown

below (

On February 22, 1989, a bundle of 10's totalling

5,000.00 dollars was found in locker #3, where

my cash drawer is kept. The date stamped on

the straps of the bundle is that of the 31st of

January 1989, on this day as on most Tuesday I

am responsible for balancing the vault. At

approximately 2:00 p.m. I balanced the vault.

The currency is then placed in vault locker #5.

If #5 is locked then the currency is placed in

any open locker and locked, if I am doing the

vault then I will put it in locker #3. I did not have

a chance to find someone to tell them before

they went to the vault. If I placed the bundle in

locker #3 then it was there from the 31'st of

January until it was discovered on the 22'nd of

February. I had no knowledge of the missing

money. I've been with this bank for more than

two years and if in that time you are unaware

of my trustworthiness then I suggest we need to

come to some sort of agreement so this does

not happen again.

With SCAN, the case can be solved by applying

special scientific linguistic techniques to the

statement. In this example, the trained SCAN

examiner will note that :

People who work in banks work with "currency",

"bundles", etc. They do not work with "money".

People cannot spend "currency" or "bundles".

They can only spend "money". When the teller

referred to the "missing money", she

incriminated herself.*

The most important area of linguistic science is

the ability of it to be used as a tool to help solve

fraud cases. One case example that comes

clearly to my mind was the one that we

investigated. We had done everything possible

to try to get evidence that the employee of a

company was the perpetrator that stole the

money from the company. Our investigation

had come to a standstill as we could not find

any direct link that she was the one that stole

the money.

It was a situation that no investigator would

want to be in. So we decided to try using

SCAN as a tool to help us in our investigation.

Fraudspot 4

We asked all the employees handling the cash

of the company to write their account of what

they were doing that day in detail. All the four

cash handlers were placed in different

locations to write their story.

The analysis work took some time as their stories

varied in many areas but stuck to their initial

statements. In one of the employee’s

statement, there was a paragraph which was

quite unusual which went like this

“At about 3 pm, after counting a pile of cash

from a client which totalled RM335,670.00, I

went outside to take a smoke as I required

some rest. I realised that I did not have any

cigarettes and decided to go purchase some

at the 7-eleven store. I walked there, which

took me about 10 minutes. I purchase it from a

lady and then came back to office to continue

my work.”

From this employee’s statement, we realised

that this person was the one that could have

stolen the money. The reason behind it was

that all employees handing cash are not

allowed to have any cash on them when they

are on duty even if they decided to have a

breather. So we decided to conduct a

thorough and detailed profile of the employee.

We found out that she had two school going

children and that her husband was

unemployed. We called her in again for

another interview and changed the line of

questioning and eventually the employee

admitted to stealing the money from the


Aaron Lau is the secretary

general of the ACFE

Malaysia Chapter. He is also

the founder and managing

partner of AITLAU

Management Services.

Part 3 to be continued in the next Issue

As SCAN has its merits, however it lacks

sufficient research to prove it's usability as a

conclusive method to be admissible in the court

of law. Just like the use of the computer voice

stresses analysis (CVSA) or the polygraph

method, some courts have allowed the

statements using these methods in some states

in United States of America but not in the

international courts at large. More research is

required on SCAN to deliberate the following:

1. That it is possible to detect when someone is

being deceptive by examining their use of


2. That to detect when someone is being

deceptive is simple;

3. That it is possible to be trained to detect

deception in a person’s language use;

4. That there is one objective version of events

adequately represented by the police version

or statement of evidence, and;

5. That the suspect is guilty and behaving

deceptively to cover up their involvement in

the crime.

In conclusion, many critics say many things

about the use of SCAN. I would recommend

that anyone interested in SCAN should learn it

in detail and then put to practical use to test it

for oneself.

Professional Interviewing Technique continued from page 3

Fraudspot 5

New Technologies

Using Data Science in Investigative Psychology (Part 1 of 3)


Data science utilizes data preparation, statistics,

predictive modeling and machine learning to

investigate problems in various domains such as

agriculture, marketing optimization, risk management,

marketing analytics, public policy, etc. In no uncertain

ways, data science can contribute significantly to fraud


For example one popular emerging trend in criminology, contrasting to traditional emphasis

on subjective processes such as "thinking like the criminal", is David Canter’s work on

Investigative Psychology. Investigative Psychology grows directly out of empirical research

and logical inference to cover the full range of investigative activities not only the

preparation of 'profiles'. The inference processes at the heart of Investigative Psychology

contrast with the approach used in. Even though Canter’s work centers on homicide cases,

fraud examiners could relate to their scope of work.

Investigative Psychology attempts

to identify these characteristics by

analysing behaviour in a way that is

independent of the psychological

mechanisms that underpin it. That is,

Investigative Psychology is not

focused on identifying 'why' the

offender commits the crime.

Instead, Investigative Psychology simply infers the characteristics of the offender from the

known actions taken by the offender during the crime. With this approach, data science

plays a significant role in breaking down crime scenes into their component parts and then

relates these components to distinct aspects of the offender.

Fraudspot 6

Figure 1: Comparison between Criminal Investigative Analysis and Investigative Psychology

In early analysis conducted by Salfati & Canter that was published in 1999, 82 British cases of

single perpetrator-single victim homicide crime scenes that had been solved. They were

interested to see whether there would be a thematic structure to the actions that occurred

at these crime scenes. So they coded the information in the police homicide files for the

presence or absence of a range of variables, which reflected:

a) actions by the offender on the victim

b) descriptions of behaviour carried out by the offender at the crime scene

c) characteristics of the offender, and

d) characteristics of the victim.

Salfati and Canter analysed this data to detect the co-occurrence of each variable with

each other variable. And this analysis allowed them to produce a visual representation of

factors that frequently co-occurred and those which were very unlikely to co-occur in this

type of crime. In data science, one can achieve this by using clustering techniques to

categorise variables with associated

variables. Clustering is a process of

partitioning a set of data (or objects)

into a set of meaningful sub-classes,

called clusters. Salfati and Canter

identified three crime scene themes

which reflect the role of the aggression

in the offence.

The first of these is expressive (impulsive) where the underlying aim of the aggression seems

to be to hurt the victim. Instrumental (opportunistic) and instrumental (cognitive) is where the

murder is a by-product of other more dominant motives such as the desire for objects.

continued from page 5

Investigative Psychology Criminal Investigative Analysis

What Why Who What Who

Fraudspot 7

Figure 2: Three criminal themes in Investigative Psychology

In the perspectives of fraud examination, an

Instrumental Opportunistic perpetrator is more

guided by the intention to misappropriate assets

while being aware of forensic trails and tend to

make efforts to conceal them. His, or her, choice of

actions would be guided by this awareness. One

may label this as a professional fraudster.

An Instrumental Cognitive perpetrator on the other

hand, would tend to be less-skilled compared to

the Instrumental Opportunistic person and thus,

feels the need to understand the environment and systems before making a move. This

category fits more to an accidental fraudster.

An Expressive Impulsive perpetrator, on the other hand, would be more motivated with a

sense of revenge or sabotage. Experiencing a higher time decay factor, the person has a

tendency to be more concern with the space and time in which the crime is committed as

he/she is more driven to hurt his/her victim(s) more than misappropriating assets.

Part 2 to be continued in the next Issue

David Meow David Meow is the founder of

Via Commerce Sdn. Bhd, specializing in

consultancy and training services in financial

markets. He is also a Chartered Financial

Analyst (CFA) holder and qualified as a

Chartered Accountant (Malaysia).

continued from page 6

Fraudspot 8

Perspective on Current Issues

Fraud and Corruption in Tough Economic Times


Financial constraints due to a slowing economy and overwhelming scrutiny on the value of a

company by financial analysts often increase the tendency for Fraud and Corruption.

Management are put under pressure to report earnings which are similar to those reported in

times of economic thrive to prove their worthiness for the job and consistent upward value

for stakeholders.

To exacerbate matters further, as economic

conditions decline, capital markets tend to grow

increasingly sensitive to missed earnings and

perceived “bad news”. The “do whatever it

takes” attitude often takes over in order to

overcome the perceived short term financial

slowdown. While the pressure is hard on the company and jobs are at stake, pressure also

builds on a personal level. Top executives strive to “keep up with the jones”, to continue

living lavishly with their performance bonuses and shareholder interests. This only comes if

they could somehow swerve the direction of the company’s plunging earnings into a

positive direction which in many instances is impossible to achieve when the industry is hit far

too hard for a speedy recovery. On the other hand, employees are also in a ditch during an

economic slowdown. Many succumb to decrease in personal buying power due to rising

prices of daily necessities and continuous financial obligations.

Fraudspot 9

Companies tend to divert their attention away from risk management issues

during tough economic times thus leading to greater opportunity for

both management and employees to utilize unconventional means

in daily business operations. Opportunity also arises when companies

downsize to cut costs during such times. It leads to lack of

segregation of duties to perform basic tasks, such as account

reconciliations while many may also assume positions which they

are not experienced with or those which are inconsistent with their

background. This gives way for negligence and unnoticed red flags of fraud going under the


And in a helpless state, rationalization would kick in to safely push the company through

financial whirlwinds that is “temporary”. Management would perceive that detrimental acts

of fraud and corruption could be covered up or overcame once the market recovers to its

original state. However, this is an illusion which will indefinitely cause a chain reaction of

major repercussions (financial, reputational and legal).

The following are measures that should be sort to avoid falling victim to such crimes during

these times.

Ethical tone from the top

It is crucial for management to set an ethical tone (example) of how employees should

behave in the workplace. Their behaviour is a clear reflection of how they want their

employees to behave.

Values, Ethics and Integrity of a company can be formally communicated through written

codes of conduct and policies, staff meetings, memos or informally during day to day

operations. With that, it is also advised that perpetrators be reprimanded in an applicable

manner in order to spread the management’s seriousness

across the company.

Apart from that, there should be a balance of expectation on

employees during these times as pressuring them with

unrealistic goals will only promote the “do what it takes”

attitude which induces unwarranted behaviour.

Continued from page 8

Fraudspot 10

Fraud Awareness Training & Whistle-blower hotlines

Management and employees of all levels should be put through continuous anti-fraud

training and development programs. This includes promoting awareness on types of

schemes that can be perpetrated and the red flags that comes along with it. And as a

follow through these programs, employees should be given a

channel (whistle-blowing hotline) to report red flags detected or

known instances during the course of regular business. However,

high regard should be given towards anonymity, confidentiality

and credibility of sources of tips received.

Scheduled Fraud Risk Assessments

A fraud risk audit process should be put in place to reflect on the effectiveness and

efficiency of internal control processes. This is necessary to narrow down towards areas in a

business unit or enterprise which require improved controls or change of personnel.

Continuous review and testing of internal controls to ensure controls placed are not obsolete

and are effective to mitigate risks which come along with the industry at stake.

In essence, businesses struggle during tough economic times, however, resorting to short

term “quick fixes” through fraudulent and corrupt means will only cause long term detriment

than any good. It is advisable that apart from focusing on steering the company towards

better days, more precautions be taken and effectively implemented to ensure the

company’s ethical values are upheld.

Raymon Ram is a Council Member of

ACFE Malaysian Chapter.

He manages the Training,

Investigation and Recovery division at

Rimbun Forensic Advisory Sdn. Bhd.

continued from page 9

Fraudspot 11


A booth was set up at the 2015

National Conference of the Institute of

Internal Auditors Malaysia (IIAM).

Alongside ACFE Austin, the Chapter

had promoted events, fraud

awareness material and gained a

substantial number of membership


A booth was set up at the

International Anti-Corruption

Conference 2015 (IACC 2015) at

Putrajaya International Convention

Centre. Alongside ACFE Austin, the

Chapter had promoted events and

fraud awareness material to fellow

attendees from across the globe.

Courtesy call to the President of the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (IIM), Dr

Anis Yusal Yusoff on Tuesday, 23 September 2015. Matters discussed include

the realization of action plans stated in Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) that was signed earlier this year.

Fraudspot 12


*Date and topic of training programs are subject to change, based on speaker / trainer availability.

Month Event




Tea talk / Networking (Q1) 15th 2

Workshop on Anti-Money Laundering and

Counter Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF)

29th 8

February Workshop on Curbing Bribery & Corruption 25th 8

March Workshop on Data Breach & Cyber Fraud 24th 8

April CFE Revision Course (S1) TBC 30

Tea Talk (Q2) 11th TBC

Workshop on Using Analytics to Detect Fraud 13th – 15th TBC

May Workshop on Contract & Procurement Fraud 20th 8

June National Anti-Fraud Conference 16th – 17th 16

July Tea Talk / Networking (Q3) 15th 8

August Workshop on Detecting and Deterring

Financial Statement Fraud

4th 8

Malaysian Financial Olympics 2016 14th TBC

September Workshop on Fraud Investigations: Theory &


15th 8

October CFE Revision Course (S2) TBC 30

November Workshop on Digital Forensic Tools &


17th 8

Tea Talk (Q4) 29th TBC

Workshop on Contract and Procurement


30th – 2nd Dec TBC

December Workshop on Effective Report Writing for

Fraud Examiners

5th – 6th TBC

Workshop on Fraud Risk Assessment: Building

A Fraud Audit Program

16th 8

Fraudspot 13


2015 ACFE Asia-Pacific


Venue : Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Date : 4-6 November 2015

For more info, visit

Fraud Examination and

Interviewing Techniques

Venue : Renaissance Hotel, Kuala


Date : 16 - 18 December 2015*

*Subject to change


ACFE Indonesia Chapter

ACFE Hong Kong Chapter

ACFE Philippines Chapter

ACFE Singapore Chapter



Any enquiries regarding articles in this issue

can be forwarded to the respective email

addresses provided by the Author. Chosen

Question and Answers shall be posted in this

section of the upcoming issue.

Any suggestions or enquiry regarding the

newsletter can be directed to



Members who are interested to submit their

views or articles for the next issue are invited to

email their piece to by the first week

of September 2015.

Suggested areas are as follows.

Perspective on current issues

Legal and enforcement

Ethics & compliance

Industry specific awareness

New technology

Fraudspot 14



L-2-7 Plaza Damas, Jalan Sri Hartamas 1, Sri Hartamas 50480 Kuala

Lumpur Telephone: 603 – 62015011 Fax: 603 – 62017022

Email: /


Editorial Team:

Raymon Ram, Yuvaraj Muralitharan