Fransabank’s Silk oad to hina Sown Firmly by Adnan Adel ...

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Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar 1

2Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

4Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar 5

In the early 1950s, Adnan and Adel Kassar, then 20 and 18 years old, informed their father, Wafic Kassar, a prominent judge turned Ambassador, that they would not continue in his footsteps but that they, after complet-ing their Law Degrees, would seek to enter the business world.

Subsequent to constant persistence, Wafic Kassar agreed and gave his blessing to his only two sons, coupled with a small capital, as start funds, to help them pursue their entrepreneurial aims.

The Kassar brothers would travel to Karachi in the 1950s, when their father was Ambassador of Lebanon to Pakistan and start a line of busi-ness from there.

The trips to Pakistan persisted, even after their father moved to Istanbul to become Ambassador of Lebanon to Turkey.




Ambassador Wafic Kassar in Karachi, 1954

Early days; Wafic and Shafiqa Kassar with Adnan Kassar on the far left

Wafic and Shafiqa Kassar with their sons Adnan and Adel Kassar, 1945


6Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

It was fate that would take Adnan Kassar on a certain 1954 trip to Karachi, where the young and aspiring AdnanKassar meets with a visiting Chinese business delegation,buying cotton at the time. And there started the long legacy and the new era for the Kassar brothers with China.

As the first Arab businessmen to establish relations with the People’s Republic of China, they would work not only to promote China to Lebanon, but to the entire Arab World.

The Chinese delegation visiting Pakistan may have felt Adnan Kassar’s enthusiasm to have invited him to Hong Kong. Adnan Kassar quickly takes them up on their invitation and effects this first of many trips to China.


The China Resources building, tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong in 1953

China – The route to Success for the Kassar brothers

The invitation to Hong Kong led him to meet with the representatives of China Resources (HK), which was han-

dling, from Hong Kong, the business of the mainland People’s Republic of China. His meeting with Mr. Chan HuaTseng was productive and led to fruitful results. Mr. HuaTseng then asked Adnan Kassar to obtain, from the President of the Republic of Lebanon, an invitation to visit Lebanon for the Chinese delegation attending the Damascus fair in Syria, for the first time, in 1955.

Lebanon had diplomatic relations with Taiwan and as the Lebanese Government then recognized Taiwan as the representative of China in Lebanon, it presented politi-cal incongruity to issue an invitation to Chinese delegates and so obtaining this invitation was quite challenging. But for Adnan and Adel Kassar, challenges were customary business and they worked relentlessly and successfully obtained this invitation from the President of the Republic of Lebanon, visionary leader H.E., Mr. Camille Chamoun.

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This helped to effectively establish trade relations between China and Lebanon, and between China and the Arab World through Lebanon.

That same year, Adnan and Adel Kassar worked to establish the first economic representative office of the People’s Republic of China in Leba-non. The non-existence of diplomatic relations between China and Leba-non, and the presence of an Ambas-sador of Taiwan in Lebanon, proved this endeavour to be quite exigent. Serious efforts were exerted with the Government of Lebanon, and Adnan Kassar would not stop until Lebanon had Mr. WANG Lee Wang, the first trade representative of the People Republic of China, raise the People’s Republic of China flag high in Leba-non.

The first Chinese delegation then came to Lebanon in October 1955, headed by Mr. JIANG Ming, then Deputy Minister of Trade of China.

With the efforts of Adnan and Adel Kassar, the Chinese delegation then signed with the late Mr. Rachid KARAME, then Minister of Trade of Lebanon, the first trade agreement between China and Lebanon, yet Lebanon and China did not have diplomatic relations.



Adnan and Adel Kassar host the first Chinese Delegation in 1955 in Chtaura

Extract from first trade agreement signed between China and Lebanon, Decembre 1955

8Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar


The Kassar brothers would counter all resistance and ensure that the Chinese Representation in Lebanon would be the key start for the further development and strengthening of Lebanese and Arab relations with China.

Following their long and successful dealings with China Resources in Hong Kong, Adnan and Adel Kassar get invited to visit Peking in December 1956. The road from Hong Kong to Peking would be long and challenging.

Trips to Canton by train from Hong Kong, were followed by flights from Canton to Peking on board old American planes with Russian engines that could only fly 1.5 to 2 hours. The planes made refueling stops in grass fields where they would watch the captain personally go down for the refueling. Barrels of oil would be brought to the plane, first shook to mix the fuel and the captain’s hand going under the engines to ensure no fuel leaks.

Going to Peking becomes easier than returning from Peking to Hong Kong, after attending the Canton Fair, yet this becomes an annual tradition for Adnan and Adel Kassar since 1956.



 Adnan Kassar at the Canton Hot Springs, Oct 1965

Adnan Kassar being interviewed by an Asian National Television Channel on his trade relations with China

Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar 9

Adnan and Adel Kassar take China to heart, for it taught them patience, resilience, efficiency and attention to the most minute of details.

They became first-rate students of the great Chinese school of business. And in all their activities, in all the positions they would assume, they would keep China deep in their heart.

On the return trip from Peking to Hong Kong, the voyage becomes more hectic and heavy; having to drag suitcases filled with brochure, catalogues and samples of products, ranging from foodstuffs, Chinese handicrafts, stationary, glassware and porcelain, among other items.

While back then many of these products were unknown outside of China, the dealerships and trade agreements Adnan and Adel Kassar established for the Arab countries ensured they became common goods available in the markets of the entire Arab World. The Kassar brothers of-ten organized exhibitions to promote Chinese products in Lebanon and the Arab countries.

Adnan and Adel Kassar worked tire-lessly to promote Chinese goods in the Arab World. They feel great personal pride and sincere satisfac-tion to see the then almost non-exis-tent trade relations grow to have, in 2014, China become one of the Arab World’s biggest trade partner and the top trading partner for nine Arab countries.

The Chinese Lebanese Trade exchanges stands yearly at around US$ 2.5 billion, making China for several years in a row Lebanon’s top trading partner. On the other hand, the trade volume between China and the Arab world has grown to US$ 300 billion.



Adnan Kassar at one of their exhibition for Chinese goods

Adnan & Adel Kassar’s First Chinese Exhibition of artifacts, gifts and ornaments 1964

 Adnan Kassar at the Canton Fair

10Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

In 1972, Adnan Kassar is elected President of the Lebanese Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. His first official visit in this capacity would be to China, when he heads the first Lebanese business delegation to visit China. The dele-gation comprised prominent leaders whose companies would grow and prosper from the ties they establish in China. It was at this time that Leba-non established diplomatic relations with China.

In the early 1970s as Adnan Kassar commences his official duties in the world of Chambers of Commerce in Lebanon climbing top positions nationally, regionally, internationally and ultimately assuming Ministerial posts, he would ensure keeping China’s interests on the top of his agenda.

Adel Kassar, on the other hand, would develop and strengthen their group’s activities with China, prompting Arab and international companies to expand and deal with China. He would lead the private business activities further growing the Arab and international trade with China over the years.



1972 Adnan Kassar heads the 1st Lebanese business delegation to China and establishes the first diplomatic relations between the two countries

Several Lebanese delegations to China are later organized at the highest levels and these included His Excellency the late Prime Minister of Lebanon, Mr. Rafic HARIRI’s trip in 2002, who had insisted that Adnan Kassar be present with him confirming Lebanon’s appreciation for his role in repaving the silk road to China.



Official Lebanese Government visit to China in 2002

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Adnan and Adel Kassar’s real love for China and the Chinese people and their continued care to see the Chinese Lebanese and Arab relations further develop, prove mutually beneficial for them, and for the Chinese-Arab relations.

The Chinese proved to be excellent business partners for Adnan and Adel Kassar, who recipro-cate their trust and respect. Cooperation would establish businesses that met the common good for China and the Arab communities.

In 1981, Adnan Kassar organized the first Arab delegation visit to China and made it his personal mission to strengthen and bring closer the Chinese and Arab private sectors.

The First Arab Delegation was highly successful; Adnan Kassar would have the opportunity to meet with His Excellency, Mr. YAO Yilin, former Vice Premier of China. The visit paved the way for the start of a strong collabo-ration for business exchanges, trade and partnerships between China and the Arab World.



Meeting in 1981 H.E. Mr. YAO Yilin, former Vice Premier of China

Arab delegations to Beijing 1981

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It was in this context that in April 1988, at the Damascusmeeting of the General Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, that Adnan Kas-sar proposed, and has approved, the establishment of the Chinese-Arab Chamber of Commerce. Its mission, to develop and strengthen trade, commercial and oth-er relations between China and the Arab World would prove successful. The Chinese Arab Chamber would hold meetings in Beijing in 1995 then in Beirut, in Amman, in Dalian, in Dubai, in Shanghai as well as many other Arab and Chinese cities.

 China Arab Chamber of Commerce meeting, Beijing 1995

China Arab joint chamber in Dalian and Beijing

The joint Chamber becomes the perfect platform to supporting trade and investment and more importantly to bringing the Chinese and Arab business communities closer to establish partner-ships and joint ventures in each other’s markets.

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Whether in his Lebanese, Arab, or international leading positions, the Chinese would always find Adnan Kassar’s doors open wide for them.

Adnan Kassar doesn’t limit his endeavor to develop the Chinese relations to the Arab World. He also works towards developing relations between China and the international business community through the Internation-al Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

He organized and headed to China an international dele-gation in January 1985 to set the ground for the first offi-cial ICC visit, which was effected to China in June 1985. The ICC’s relations with China would further develop and the ICC would organize the 32nd World Congress in Shanghai in 1997.

Adnan Kassar would later become the first Arab to lead the ICC, which has over 140 national committees and represents the world private sector, becoming its Chair-man in 1999. His main concern was to have China be-come a member of the ICC and worked diligently towards the successful launch of the first National Committee of the ICC in China. China is now an active member in the ICC.


ICC visit to China organized by Adnan Kassar, 1985

Meeting in Damascus the Minister of Foreign Trade of China, Mr. LI Lanqing, July 1991

Premier LI Peng and Adnan Kassar at the ICC World Congress in Shanghai, 1997

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Adnan Kassar with H. E. Mr. LONG Yongtu during his visit to Lebanon in 1999 and extended his support to China’s entry to WTO

Adnan Kassar meets with Vice Minister of China, H.E. Mr. BI Jingquan in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2007

The Chinese delegations Adnan Kassar received, as President of the Lebanese Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, or as Chairman of the General Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, would be many. They were all highly welcomed and given the closest of attention.

Receiving Chinese delegations and officials always bring back to AdnanKassar fond and dear memories ofChina. Through his journey with China, Adnan Kassar would build life-time friendship and close partnerships that he would forever dearly value.

Mrs. WU Yi, Vice Premier of State Council of the People’s Republic of China visiting Adnan Kassar March 2002


Welcoming in Beirut the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China

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Adnan Kassar receiving Ambassador ZHINING and Commercial Attache Mme GE Hua in his home, 2011

Chairmen Adnan and Adel Kassar receiving Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zhang Ming and Ambassador Wang in Beirut January 2017

Every Ambassador of China to Leba-non would be told of Adnan and Adel Kassar’s close ties to China and with every Ambassador and every employ-ee of the Chinese embassy, a close relationship would be established and grown into a lasting friendship.

The Kassar brothers would continue to always welcome Chinese dele-gations with warmth that matches their great attachment to China, welcoming them as though they are receiving family and friends.

Chairman Kassar at the Lebanese Embassy in China, 2007

Chairmen Adnan and Adel Kassar hosting H.E. JIANG Jiang, Ambassador of China in Lebanon at Ksara in October 2015

16Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

Believing in personal contacts as the key to establishing and developing closer ties, Adnan Kassar would pro-mote Arab and international partici-pation in various forums, conferences and fairs in China.

Adnan Kassar would also often invite Arab Chamber leaders and business delegations to travel with him to China with the aim of further developing the relations and creating new partner-ships. This is because he believes in China’s “mutual benefit principle” and win-win attitude.

Adnan Kassar chairing a China Arab meeting to promote trade and business exchanges between China and the Arab World, 2007

Adnan Kassar opening a Halal Food Fair in China, 2007

Adnan Kassar opening the Economic & Trade Cooperation between China and Muslim Countries Summit, 2007

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The decades long relationship between Adnan Kassar and China did not fade with time. In fact, it further developed and strengthened ensuring Adnan Kassar was always received, at the high level, by the Chinese government officials. He continued to organize and head Arab delegation visits to China and to chair meet-ings for the promotion of China Arab trade and busi-ness relations.

In 2007, in a meeting with Vice Premier HUI Liagnyu, Adnan Kas-sar conveyed to His Excellency his appreciation for the growing China Arab relations which he helped sow in the early 1950s. He was invited to China and received by the Vice Premier specifically to convey Chi-na’s appreciation for Adnan Kassar’s legacy with China and indicated that he was considered a true friend of china.

Meeting between the Vice Premier of China H.E. Mr. HUI Liagnyu and Adnan Kassar, October 2007

Meeting with Mr LI Jincheng Vice Governor of Qing-hai Province and Congressman, 2007

18Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

China, on all levels, appreciated Adnan Kassar, and to show its gratitude, the Chinese Government invited Adnan Kassar to Beijing in 2007 to present him an award, declaring him a true and lifetime friend of China and the Chinese people for over 50 years.

The award marked the half a century of Adnan Kassar’s giving to China, the five decades of Adnan Kassar’s friendship to China and the 50 years of Adnan Kassar’s commitment to China. The award is a token ofgratitude and appreciation for Chair-man Adnan Kassar’s endeavors to strengthen and promote trade and economic relations between Chinaand the Arab World.

The Ceremony honored Chairman Adnan Kassar with Lifetime Member-ship in China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), present-ed by CCPIT Chairman Mr. WAN Jifei.

This award would be the most trea-sured of decorations and awards Adnan Kassar has already received from the highest levels, from all parts of the world.

Adnan Kassar would not culminate his work with China with this award, but would dedicate increased efforts and a new drive to pursue closer ties with China, its banks, its companies and its citizens.

CCPIT Chairman WAN Jifei decorating Adnan Kassar with the Honorary Member-ship Award, Beijing Oct 2007

Vice President of Chinamex meeting Chairman Kassar and Mrs. Nadine Hajjar


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The President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, invited Adnan Kassar for a meet-ing in Cairo on the sidelines of the Chinese President's official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, where Adnan Kassar was awarded for his distinguished friendship with China receiving the China Arab Outstanding Contribution Award.

This award - to the Honorary Presi-dent of the General Union of Cham-bers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries, Pres-ident of the Lebanese Economic Or-ganizations, Chairman of Fransabank Group, former Minister Adnan Kassar is in recognition of the outstanding role played by Kassar for over 60 years and still ongoing, to promote and develop China Arab and China Lebanese relations.

Adnan Kassar expressed his deep gratitude to the People’s Republic of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping on his distinguished award which confirms the special attention he has from China, a country he high-ly regards and appreciates, stressing that “ this award is a great honor and pride for me and will be held dearly in my heart as it is presented to me by the President of the world’s most influential country today on both polit-ical and economic levels”.

卡萨董事长与习近平主席在“中阿友好杰出贡献奖”颁奖典礼上مراســم توزيــــــع المســــاهمـــات البــــــارزة للصــداقـــــة الصينيـــة العربيـــة

Chinese President Xi Jinping with Chairman Kassar; Cairo 2016

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22Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

Adnan and Adel Kassar celebrating the 90th anniversary of Fransabank Group, which was established in 1921

Ivory Coast

Adnan and Adel Kassar, in the 1980s, became the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Fransabank Group which they acquired and they remain today its majority shareholders. Fransabank is the oldest bank in Lebanon, established in 1921.

They would pave the way, with their visionary management, to make Fransabank a leading Lebanese bank, headquartered in Beirut with subsidiaries or affiliated entities in over 11 countries.

• 1921 Lebanon• 1984 France• 1994 Rep. Office Cuba• 2006 Algeria• 2006 Sudan• 2008 Belarus• 2009 Syria• 2010 Cyprus• 2012 Rep. Office Abu Dhabi• 2014 Iraq• 2015 Ivory Coast


Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar 23

Adnan Kassar 39.53%Adel Kassar 39.53%Deutsche Investitions - und Entwicklungsgesllschaft mbH (DEG) Germany 5.00%Al-Fadl Holdings Limited - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2.70%The Public Institution for Social Security Kuwait 2.00%Local, Arab and Int’l investors (each holding less then 2%) 11.24%Total 100%

In 2007, BPCE, the second largest French group, has joined the shareholding of our French subsidiary Fransabank (France), acquiring a 40% stake.

Fransabank Group is a major player in the solid Lebanese banking sector which has been and is still considered the backbone of the Lebanese economy. In fact, it is the Lebanese banking sector which has ensured that Lebanon’s economy survived during challenging times ranging from the international financial crisis, the global recession as well as instabilities related to national and regional crises.

Adnan and Adel Kassar have developed a high level and strong collaboration and association between Fransabank Group and the world’s leading international financial institutions such as IFC, EIB and DEG. The bank’s shareholding itself comprises prominent international financial institutions. This has empowered the bank to offer highly competitive products and services to its large clientele in its markets of operations as well as in other markets. Such strategic ties also effectively enabled Fransabank Group to serve Lebanese and international clients all over the world, thus growing from a Lebanese to an international financial institution offering universal products and services.

In addition Fransabank has been benefiting for more than fifteen years from Medium to Long term credit lines granted by international financing and developmental institutions, namely:

Shareholders of Fransabank

24Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

Adnan and Adel Kassar, with China always kept in their hearts, would spur Fransabank Group to establish a China Desk. The goal was to continue serving and supporting the interests of China and to make Fransabank Group a partner for the Chinese businesses, investors and traders.

As the first bank in the Arab World to dedicate a China Desk, catered to serving the banking and finance ties of local clients dealing with China and the Chinese companies dealing in Fransabank Group markets, a new page of relations starts to build on the historic and close ties between the Kassar Group and China.


Adnan and Adel Kassar, Chairman and CEO and Vice Chairman of Fransabank Group

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China Desk aims to develop Fran-sabank Group’s relations with Chi-nese banks, institutions, embassies and other entities.

China Desk works to identify com-petitive products and services to cater to the needs of its clients in their dealings with China, as well as to serve the Chinese companies and entities working in its markets.

Leading Chinese Telecom Group signing a financing agreement with Fransabank Group, January 2014

In March 2015, Fransabank was the only lebanese bank invited by Huawei Headquarters to speak at Huawei MEA Financing Workshop in Dubai. Fransabank China Desk has been playing an important role in identifying projects in its local markets to be undertaken by Chinese companies as well as identifying Chinese partners and suppliers for its local clientele

Fransabank Group’s China desk invites and receives Chinese delegations, trade missions and banking groups, amongst others.

With the Chinese economy growing at unmatched capacities and with Chinese companies be-coming valid competitive international players, Fransabank Group uses the wealth of contacts and respect enjoyed by its shareholders to gain a new competitive edge.

The Fransabank Group executives have well captured the admiration of the Kassar brothers for China, to develop their own enthusiasm and care for promoting links and ties to Chinese entities and the wonderful people of China.

Fransabank executives often plan frequent travels and missions to Chi-na to ensure they remain personally abreast of the latest developments in the Chinese economy, as well as in close contact with Fransabank Group’s partner banks, clients and friends in China.

26Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar

While a team at Fransabank is dedi-cated to the development of ties with Chinese entities, Adnan and Adel Kassar would remain personally in-volved in the activities and are now even more motivated to serving the Chinese interests, trade and invest-ment relations in the Arab World and internationally.

September 2013, Adnan and Adel Kassar at the Phoenicia Hotel celebrating China National Day, hosted by the Embassy of China in Lebanon

Fransabank also invited leading Chinese banks to Beirut in May 2015 to attend the 6th Arab Chi-nese Business Conference.Groups representing 3 major banks participated in the Forum and important events in Lebanon including Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of Beijing.These meetings showed that Chinese Banks were keen to work with Fransabank in particular having appreciated the historic ties that our Chairmen have sown with China for the last 60 years.Also accepting Fransabank’s invitation were representatives from China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (Sinosure) the leading Chinese company providing insurance coverage to China’s banks as well as international banks for Chinese exports and projects. Meetings were organized with Sinosure and the leading Chinese Groups with interests in Lebanon including Huawei, PowerChina, Goldwind and other companies as well as Lebanese Ministers and international financial institutions and development banks.

Meeting with Sinosure representatives on 25th May 2015 before ACBC Conference

Mr. Talal El Mawla, Deputy Head of International Division, speaking at the CMB seminar

In November 2015, China Merchants Bank held a “Belt and Road” Initiative Seminar in Shenzhen, China, with the participation of over 30 major correspondent banks of CMB in the Belt and Road region.

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Adnan and Adel Kassar had ensured, upon their acquisition of Fransabank SAL in the 1980s, to establish correspondent accounts with Chinese banks.

Fransabank has, for over three decades, started and developed a strong collaboration with the various leading Chinese banks for the purpose of serving each other’s customers and facilitat-ing trade exchanges between China and the Arab World, as well as the other markets served by Fransabank’s growing international expansion.

The China Desk team would build on this important relationship with the Chinese banks to further strengthen the relations in order to better cater to the growing Chinese presence and investments in its markets.

Fransabank counts amongst its Chinese correspondent and partner banks many of the lead-ing Chinese banks including Bank of China, ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, China Citic Bank, China Merchants Bank, China Development Bank, Exim Bank as well as many foreign banks present in China.

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Meeting with Bank of China in November 2014

Meeting with ICBC in Dubai in August 2014

Meeting with ICC China Banking Commission delegation in Beirut in April 2014

Fransabank Group China Desk invites and hosts Chinese banking delega-tions in Lebanon in order to establish and strengthen a strong correspon-dent banking relations with the leading Chinese banks. As well, Fransabank maintains close ties to the Chinese banks in its overseas markets of op-erations including France and UAE.

China Desk received, in 2014 a prominent Banking Delegation visit from China, organized by ICC China, which sought to include Lebanon in their regional three country tour. It was an opportunity for Fransabank to inform its banking counterparts of its expansion to China through the establishment of its China Desk. Ad-ditionally, productive talks for closer correspondent banking and trade finance relations were held. The vis-it was successful in promoting and developing stronger relations with the various leading Chinese banks par-ticipating in this delegation, to serve each other’s clients in the respective areas of operations.

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Adnan Kassar with the Chineses Ambassador in Algeria and Chinese representa-tives, September 2014

In September 2014, Fransabank or-ganized a dinner in honor of H.E. Mr. YANG Guangyu, Ambassador of Chi-na in Algeria attended by over 100 guests including Embassy officials, Chinese company executives based in Algeria, as well as Algerian and Lebanese business leaders with ties or relations with China.

Over half a century ago, Adnan and Adel promoted Chinese goods to the entire Arab World, as stated in his ad-dress in the dinner:

“We had to build the trust and mar-keting of Chinese goods. Today, Chi-na is the number one trading partner to most Arab countries, which is val-ued in trillions of Dollars. Algeria has seen the increase of investments from China, which has last year be-come Algeria’s top trading partner, averaging US$ 4 billion in imports. China has been, and will always be, very dear to our heart. It is in this vein that my brother Adel and I, and we are together the majority sharehold-ers of Fransabank Group, decided to have our banking institution establish a China Desk, the first in our region, to serve the Chinese entities and the local companies dealing with China, in our various markets and which in-clude France, Algeria, Sudan, Belarus, Syria, Iraq, UAE, Cyprus, Russia, and African countries. We want Fransa-bank to be considered your partner bank”.

Fransabank always keeps close relationship with the Chinese Embassy in the Fransabank Re-gions. Subsequent to its successful event in Algeria 2014, supported by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Iraq, an organization affiliated to the Chinese Embassy in Iraq with 27 Chinese companies as its member, Fransabank hosted a Financing Seminar for Chinese companies at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce on 27th, October, 2015.

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On the 12th of February 2015, Fransabank held the launching ceremony of the first UnionPay card in Lebanon under the patronage of the Lebanese Central Bank and represented by the first Vice Governor Mr. Raed CHARAFEDDINE. The ceremony was attended by H.E Mr. JIANG Jiang, the Chinese Ambassador, Madam ZHANG Fengling, Chinese Commercial Attaché in Lebanon, exec-utives from Chinese companies in Lebanon and Lebanese companies doing business with China.Before the launching, Fransabank initiated a creative marketing campaign with slogans written in Chinese language in major radios, TV network, magazines and billboards all over Lebanon, creating a buzz among Lebanese people as everyone was wondering what Fransabank was trying to say.

CUP joined Fransabank’s launch ceremony, confirming that it was the best launch ceremony and campaign ever attended by UnionPay

Fransabank, in its effort to cater for the needs of its local clientele, Chinese companies and travelers, has teamed up with UnionPay International to in-troduce the first UnionPay Cards in Lebanon, with planned of expansion of this service to Fransabank’s other markets of operations.

In partnership with more than 300 institutions worldwide, UnionPay has enabled card acceptance in 170 countries and regions outside the Chinese mainland with issuance in more than 30 countries and regions.

Fransabank has held preparatory meetings with CUP teams in Lebanon, on various occasions, to organize the launch of the acceptance and issuance of Unionpay Cards in Lebanon.

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The China Arab Business Conference is a biennial event, held alternatively in China and the Arab countries. This event in Lebanon was organized under the high patronage of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, H.E. Mr. Tammam SALAM by the Ministry of Economy and Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lebanon, with the Investment Development Agency of Lebanon (IDAL), Ministry of Econo-my and Ministry of Foreign Trade of China, the League of Arab States, the General Union of Chambers of Com-merce, Industry and Agriculture of the Arab Countries, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in cooperation with Iktissad Wal Aamal Group.

In the meeting with Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Gibran BASSIL, to brief him on the planning of the China Arab Chamber and Business Conference meetings in May 2015, and the 60th anniversary of the signing of Lebanon China Trade Agreement, H.E. Minister BASSIL confirmed high appreci-ation and dedication to China relations.

Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gebran Bassil in Decembre 2014


The China Lebanon trade agreement is a miracle agreement as it is the first trade agreement signed between China and an Arab country while they have no diplomatic relations!

Fransabank and the Kassar family hosted the visiting China State leader and accompanying Chi-nese delegation and Arab public and private sector delegates for a grand celebration Gala Dinner in Lebanon, in the distinguished presence of Lebanon’s Prime Minister and Lebanese Ministers, business leaders and officials.

As the strategic partner for ACBC, Fransabank actively assisted in organizing this event with the different entities. As well, Fransabank helped organize the VIP meeting at the Council of Ministers, the lunches hosted by the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Tourism, and the dinner in Saida hosted by the Lebanese Chinese Business Association.

Meeting at the Grand Serail with Official Chinese Delegation and high level Chinese and Arab business leaders

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On 26 and 27 May 2015, Under the patronage of Lebanese Prime Minister H.E Mr. Tamam SALAM, the Arab Chinese Business Conference (ACBC) and the China Arab Cooperation Fo-rum were held in Phoenicia Hotel, Beirut. H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei, Vice Chair of the Chinese Congress CCPCC (Vice Premier level), Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon H.E JIANG Jiang, Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Mr. YU Ping, Vice Governor of Ningxia Autonomous Region Mr. WANG Heshan, along with other high ranking Chi-nese government officials headed a 250 Chinese participating delegation, joining high level public and private sector leaders from over 15 Arab countries to attend the successful conference.It is the first time that this high-profile conference takes place in Beirut, attracting over 700 partic-ipants, many of whom come from China.

In his keynote address at the opening ceremony, Mr. Adnan Kassar, Chairman of Fransabank Group, recalled the Kassar family’s history with China and showed determination to carry on delevelping China Arab trade relations. He stressed on the strategic importance of rebuilding the ancient Silk Road and the prime location of Lebanon in this route. His views were resonated by H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei and H.E Mr. Tamam SALAM in their speeches as they both think the new One Road One Belt Plan by Chinese government can be a perfect opportunity to develop China Arab relations and as the center of this Silk Road.


Opening of the Arab Chinese Business Conference, 26 May 2015 in Beirut, Lebanon

Fransabank Strategic Partner of the Arab Chinese Business Conference held in Beirut on 26 and 27 May 2015

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Power China executive president overseas business unit Mr. WU with Minister of Energy and Water Mr. Arthur NAZARIAN

Representatives from Sinosure and Huawei were presented to Minister of Telecommunications, Mr. Boutros HARB

Meeting organized between Power China/Sinohydro and CFO Al Mabani Mr. Joe TAYAH

During the Arab Chinese Business Conference B2B Meetings held on 27th of May, Fransabank played a major role by moderating sector meetings and helped in the China-Arab matchmaking.

On 25 May 2015, Chairmen Kassar hosted a lunch at their residence, in honor of the Chinese state leader, H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei, Vice Chair of the Chinese Congress CCPCC and his accompanying delegation. The lunch was also joined by Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon H.E JIANG Jiang and other Chinese Embassy of-ficials.



With the KASSAR family

Chairmen Adnan and Adel KASSAR hosted the Official Chinese Delegation in their home on 25 May 2015

It wasn’t the first time Chairmen Kas-sar invite high level Chinese govern-ment officials to their residences. This tradition started in 1955 when the first Chinese delegation headed by the then Chinese Vice Trade Minister H.E Mr. JIANG Ming, which led to the signing of the first trade agreement between China and Lebanon.

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The gala dinner at Phoenicia Hotel was attended by H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei, Vice Chair of the Chinese Congress CCPCC

Chairman KASSAR’s table at the Gala Dinner gathered high level officials and ministers from China and Lebanon

H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei, Vice Chair of the Chinese Congress CCPCC with Chairman Kassar

To commemorate over 60 years since the signing of the Lebanon-China Trade Agreement, the first effective trade agreement in the Arab world, Adnan and Adel Kassar hosted, in May 2015 at the Phoenicia Hotel, the 60th anniversary celebrations in Lebanon.

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A video on the historic friendship between Chairmen Kassar and China was shown to the audi-ence. The Chinese delegates, including H.E Mr. WANG Zhengwei, were very much impressed with Chairmen Kassar’s devotion for the development of China Arab trade relations, calling Chair-men Kassar the true friend of China.

In his speech at the gala dinner, Mr. Adnan Kassar recalled his memories with China and showed confidence in the future development in trade between China and Arab countries.He stated: “My brother Adel and I are proud to be the oldest friends of China from the Arab World and we promise to remain loyal to China, especially since our ambition and our belief in the importance of such cooperation are still strong and enthusiastic. We are, since the beginning, and will remain, as long as we live, committed to the Silk Road and its economic belt as best strategy to serve Arab and Chinese interests, projects and development goals. ”

Themed in both Lebanese and Chinese tradition, the gala dinner was designed to show the harmony between the two cultures, which many Chinese delegates found like home. A live sand painting depicting the Chinese ancient Silk Road showed Lebanon as the center of this trade route, which much impressed the audience. The dinner was concluded with the cake cutting by the China State leader, the Chinese Ambassador, and Chairmen Adnan & Adel Kassar.

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Fransabank Group’s care for China and effort to develop the China-Arab and China Lebanon relations goes be-yond the banking sector. With the support from the Leb-anese Ministry of Tourism, the Chinese Embassy in Leb-anon, UnionPay International, from 11th to 19th October, Fransabank Group and SunHoliday Tours hosted the top 20 travel agencies in China with offices nation-wide and each with hundreds of thousands of clients in annual out-bound traveling, joined by Xinhua News Agency, for a full 8-day FAM tour (familiarization tour) to promote the tour-ism of Lebanon to Chinese market in the most effective and pragmatic way.

On the launching press conference of this project on 12 October 2015 attended by Lebanese Minister of Tourism, the Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon and over 200 rep-resentatives from Municipalities, Hotels and restaurants, tourist sites and other members of the tourism and hos-pitality sectors in Lebanon, Fransabank Group Chairman Adnan Kassar, in his keynote speech, showed confidence in Lebanese tourism’s attraction to Chinese market even in the difficult time. He recalled his historic friendship with China:“We overcame the highest hurdles and the most difficult challenges to build our historic and successful ties to Chi-na. Today, we are indeed personally proud to see China as a global economic power and the top trading partner and investor to most Arab countries. We want to build on our unique personal ties and relations with China to serve Lebanon and its interests.

During the 8-day FAM tour, executed by Fransabank’s associate travel agency Sun Holiday Tours, the FAM tour members were amazed by the abundant tourist resourc-es and well developed hospitality industry in Lebanon, as well as Fransabank’s professionalism in organizing events related to China. This project has also drawn the attention from media both in Lebanon and China. Xinhua News Agency, dedicated two articles on this project, calling tourism the new highlight on the One Belt One Road Initiative cooperation. The China FAM Tour members were pleasantly surprised with Lebanon and confirmed this was the best FAM Tour experience with one of the travel agency executives winning an award for best new tourism market idea


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On the 19th November 2015, at the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel, Fransabank proudly hosted the Chi-na-Arab Banking Dialogue Roundta-ble as well as the Gala Dinner in honor of the international guests attending the 20th Annual Arab Banking Con-ference organized by the Union of Arab Banks in Beirut, held under the patronage of the Lebanese Prime Minister His Excellency Mr. Tammam SALAM. As the Diamond Sponsor for this event, Fransabank played an active role in its planning and related events.

Among the prominent Chinese speakers at the roundtable contrib-uting to the Sino-Arab dialogue were Madame ZHANG Fengling, Commer-cial Attache of the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon, Madame DAO Yuehong, Chairwoman of Bank of Ningxia, Mr. JIANG Weiping, CFO of Huawei Le-vant and Mr. ZHANG Zhifeng, Head of Trade Finance of Bank of China (Dubai).

The Chinese speakers were invited by Fransabank to this dialogue to discuss various topics interesting to both Chinese and Arab banks including One Belt One Road Initiative, Chinese com-panies’ financial needs overseas and RMB internalization.

As the Union of Arab Banks will hold its 2017 Arab Banking conference in China, Fransabank Group will be a partner to the Union of Arab Banks facilitating, supporting and actively promoting the conference with the UAB, in the hope of further developing and strengthening China Arab banking relations to better serve the China Arab trade, investment, business, cultural and other exchanges and ties.


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“One Belt and One Road to China: Beirut to Beijing “ was a successful project launched by Fransabank in Beijing from 15th to 29th July 2016, with Chinese, Lebanese and Arab participation. The project was orga-nized by Fransabank together with the “China People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries” (CPAFFC) whose President is Minister Li Xiaolin, a prominent politician and daughter of former Chinese Presi-dent. Chairman Kassar met Madame Li in Cairo in January 2016 as she was in charge of the official ceremony whereby Chairman Kassar was awarded by China Presi-dent Xi Jinping the “China Arab Outstanding Contribution Award”.

The Project was planned in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade, the Ministry of Tourism in Lebanon, the Federation of Lebanese Chambers, IDAL, and with the sup-port of the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon and the Lebanese Embassy in China.

As 2016 CPAFFC agreed with the Stamp Association of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the China National Philatelic Corp. to issue a series of postage stamp covers to celebrate this event making a series of anniversary stamps. The first stamp shows the portrait of Chairman Kassar honouring him as “an old friend of Chinese People” titled: One Belt and One Road in China: Beirut to Beijing - Commemorative Cover “During President Xi Jinping’s visit in Egypt in January 2016, H.E. Mr. Adnan Kassar was conferred the “China-Arab Friend-ship Outstanding Contribution Award” as an old friend of Chinese People. The second stamp is titled: One Belt and One Road in China: Beirut to Beijing - Commemorative Cover “On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon, with the aim of further consolidating the China-Arab as well as the China-Lebanon people-to-people friendly cooperative relations, the One Belt and One Road in China: Beirut to Beijing”, consisting of “Lebanese Gourmet Festival”. Lebanese Exhibition Fair” and “Lebanese Chinese Trade Conference” is cohosted by the CPAFFC and Fransabank Group of Lebanon at the Minzu Hotel, Beijing between 15th and 29th July 2016.”

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“Beirut to Beijing” consisted of a “Lebanese Gourmet Festival” where Fransabank hosted 6 Lebanese chefs to offer Lebanese Cuisine at Minzu Hotel’s main restaurant from 15th to 29th July, the Lebanese Cor-porate Fair attended by over 15 top Lebanese companies whose prod-ucts ranged from Chocolate, dairy products, wine, olive oil, soap, nuts, sweets, as well as legal, banking and shipping companies, etc.

Fransabank Group coordinated with Chinese chambers of commerce, trade organizations and are happy to confirm that many of the participating Lebanese companies have signed deals and advanced in partnering with Chinese distributors.

During the opening of “Beirut to Beijing”, officials from the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce, as well as over 9 Arab Ambassadors to China together with Chinese pri-vate sector leaders joined us in a Lebanese themed VIP dinner with Lebanese entertainment in the Minzu Hotel, which had been decorated with major Lebanese tourism and cultural attractions.


Fransabank Group organized a “Leb-anon China Corporate Conference”, whose high level Chinese and Leb-anese speakers all called for put-ting Lebanon on the new revived silk road strategy, and which was attended by over 120 Chinese trade and investment groups.

In honoring Adnan and Adel Kassar, CPAFFC chose to name their grand-daughters’ Raida Daouk and Tamara Kassar as China Youth Ambassadors joining Youth Ambassador from var-ious Arab countries for official func-tions and meetings, where Ms. Raida Daouk was invited to address all the participants presenting the Beirut-2Beijing project and the important prospects for Lebanon’s role in the new Silk Road Strategy.

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Meeting with Deputy Head of Parliament in China Mr. Wang Zhengwei

Meeting with H.E. Mrs. LI Xiaolin, President of the CPAFFC

President Kassar’s visit to China included prominent and important meetings with high level Chi-nese officials and with representatives of the Chinese public and the private sectors. The meet-ings focused on spurring the increased cooperation on economic, cultural, educational, banking and other areas between Lebanon and People’s Republic of China.

Mr. Wang Zhengwei stressed the importance of historical relations be-tween China and Lebanon, pointing out that “Lebanon was in the past a significant milestone in the histo-ry of the Silk Road, and today, with the One Belt One Road Initiative, launched by President Xi Jinping to revive the silk road, Lebanon can play an important and prominent role in this regard.” Zhengwei spoke high-ly of the prominent and unique role Kassar has played at the level of de-veloping the relations between China and Lebanon, pointing out that “Pres-ident Kassar is an old friend of China and well recognized for what he has done to promote the relationship be-tween China and the Arab world.” He added, “He is one of the first Arabs who knocked on the doors of China in 1954, and he is still on the same path working for strengthening the economic relations between our two countries, and we look forward to-gether to increase trade, economic and investment exchange.”

Mrs. Li Xiaolin hosted a dinner in hon-or of HE Mr. Kassar on the occasion of his visit to People’s Republic of China, pointing out that he is a sin-cere friend of China.

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Meeting with Mr. Jiang Zengwei, Chairman of the CCCPIT

The meeting with Dr. CHEN Yulu, Vice Governor of People’s Bank of China(Chinese Central Bank)

Meeting with Mr. LI Yongqiang, President of Renmin University Press

Chairman Kassar met CCPIT Chair-man Mr. Jiang Zengwei stressing that “China has a special place in my heart, and from this perspective I will spare no effort for the benefit of our two countries, especially in light of the tremendous development witnessed by the Chinese economy, which has become one of the leading world economies”. Mr. JIANG Zengwei in-dicated that “China is an important economic and trade partner for both Lebanon and the Arab world, pointing out that “Chinese companies, businessmen and investors are interested in investing in the promising Lebanese market including in the oil and gas sectors”.

Chairman Kassar met with Dr. CHEN Yulu, deputy gov-ernor of China’s central bank and discussed with him means of enhancing cooperation between the Chinese and the Lebanese banking sectors, and he handed him a personal invitation from the governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Dr. Riad Salameh to visit Lebanon and dis-cuss ways to work together, pointing out that “the Leba-nese banking sector is an important and very high-profile sector in Lebanon.”

Kassar visited the Mr. LI Yongqiang, President of China Renmin University Press, a publishing house of a presti-gious Chinese university. They discussed and agreed on the necessity of activating the education and cultural ex-change between Lebanon and China.

Chairman Kassar confirmed that with this visit to China Fransabank Group will continue its efforts and use all its resources to position Lebanon within the One Belt One Road Initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Kassar commended the Chinese President Jinping and praised his visionary Silk Road strategy, which encompasses USD 6 trillion in resources to finance infrastruc-ture, investment, telecommunication as well as cultural and other exchanges, with the support of the recently founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). He also explained that the project “Beirut to Beijing”, which was preceded by several initiatives launched by Fransabank with China, has managed to contribute to effectively placing Lebanon within the new revived Silk Road strategy.

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Later that evening, Fransabank Group and CPAFFC jointly launched a Chinese gourmet festival in Mosaic Restaurant in Phoenicia Interconti-nental Hotel. As part of the ‘One Belt & One Road to Lebanon: Beijing to Beirut’ Project, the festival, hosted by Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel and Minzu Hotel, presented the most authentic Chinese fine cuisine to Leb-anon with 6 top notch chefs from China from 25, November to 9, De-cember, 2016.

In November 2016, ‘One Belt& One Road to Lebanon: Beijing to Beirut’ Project was launched to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establish-ment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon with a high level Chinese delegation to Beirut head-ed by H.E. Mrs. LI Xiaolin, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) . This 2-week project in-cludes a series of high profile events organized by Fransabank Group in coordination with the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon. On 24, November, the celebration started at UNESCO Palace in Beirut with the launching of the book ‘Hand in Hand for 100 years: the Stories of Lebanon and China’. Partly funded by Fransa-bank Group, this book was published by Renmin University Press, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in China, with the support from the Chinese government to tell stories about prominent Lebanese and Chinese who made great contributions to the bilateral relations.

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At the Annual Conference of the Union of Arab Banks on 25, November, Fransabank organized a ‘Chinese Arab Banking Dialogue’, a session to discuss Chinese Arab banking cooperation. During the session, speakers from Sinosure, UnionPay International and Huawei shared their experiences and plans to develop business in cooperation with local financial institutions in One Belt One Road countries.

Organized by Fransabank Group, the CPAFFC delegation had fruitful meet-ings with H.E. General Michel AOUN and Lebanese Prime Minister H.E. Saad HARIRI to discuss further coop-eration between the two countries on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic re-lations between China and Lebanon.

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon, a new promotion on Fransabank UnionPay card was launched with offers including 45 UnionPay cards free of charge for new clients as well as free 4 and 5 bank transfers in and out respectively to our existing UnionPay card holders to promote trade between Lebanon and China. Fransabank Group, the first bank in MENA issuing UnionPay, is ready to promote co-operation between China and Lebanon at all grounds and carry on the historic friendship between our Chairmen Kassar and China.




Lebanese President Aoun meeting Chinese delegation

Lebanese PM Hariri meeting Chinese delegation

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Fransabank’s Silk Road to China Sown Firmly by Adnan & Adel Kassar 49

Talal EL MAWLADeputy Head of International DivisionT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1535E.

Chirine ARAYSSIHead of Correspondent BankingInternational DivisionT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1238E.

Dima HUSSEINHead of International Corporate Dpt.Corporate Banking Division T. 00961 1 340 180 - Ext. 1083E.

Carine AZKOULProject ManagerInternational Division / Strategic ProjectsT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1486E.

Lina KHOURYDeputy Head of SMEs DepartmentRetail Banking DivisionT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1867E.

Fouad ABI RAMIAHead of Product and BusinessDevelopment Section Retail Banking DivisionT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1100E.

Jo ZHANGConsultant - China DeskT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1223E.

Georges ANDRAOSHead of International DivisionDirect. 00961 1 753 339E.

Nadine HAJJARAdvisor to the ChairmanDirect. 00961 1 342 613E.

Raida DAOUKStrategy Coordinator Strategy and Business DevelopmentT. 00961 1 340 180/8 - Ext. 1510E.

China Desk contact details

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