Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959) ·...

Post on 24-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959) ·...

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 - 1959)

Frank Lloyd Wright Evi ve Stüdyosu, Oak Park Banliyösü, ġikago, 1889

Frank Lloyd Wright Evi ve Stüdyosu, Oak Park Banliyösü, ġikago, 1889

Winslow Evi, Frank Lloyd Wright, ġikago, 1893-4

Winslow Evi, Frank Lloyd Wright, ġikago, 1893-4

Ho-o-den Tapınağı, Şikago Dünya Sergisi’nde yeniden inşa edilmiş versiyonu, 1893

Robie Evi, Frank Lloyd Wright, ġikago, 1908-10

Robie Evi, Frank Lloyd Wright, ġikago, 1908-10

Robie Evi, Frank Lloyd Wright, ġikago, 1908-10

Larkin Ofis Binası, Frank Lloyd Wright, Boffalo, 1902-6

Larkin Ofis Binası, Frank Lloyd Wright, Boffalo, 1902-6

Unity Tapınağı, Frank Lloyd Wright, Illinois, 1905-8

Unity Tapınağı, Frank Lloyd Wright, Illinois, 1905-8

Unity Tapınağı, Frank Lloyd Wright, Illinois, 1905-8

Unity Tapınağı, Frank Lloyd Wright, Illinois, 1905-8

Unity Tapınağı, Frank Lloyd Wright, Illinois, 1905-8

Wasmuth Baskısı, Frank Lloyd Wright, 1910-11

Charles Eduard Jeanneret / Le Corbusier (1887 – 1965)

Charles Eduard Jeanneret, Dom-ino evi, açık plan sistemi – betonarme strüktür, 1914

The Domino System is a simple framework out of concrete. It consists of a simple block foundation and pillars to hold up each floor, allowing the design to not be restricted by height. There was no need for structural walls, which gave more freedom to the way buildings could be designed, and allowing for more inventive materials to be experimented with, such as large glass walls.

Voyage d’Orient, Charles Eduard, Jeanneret, 1911

Schwob Evi, Charles Eduard, Jeanneret, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Ġsviçre, 1916

Schwob Evi, Charles Eduard, Jeanneret, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Ġsviçre, 1916

PÜRĠZM ___SOL- Still life, Le Corbusier, 1920 SAĞ - Nature morte (Still Life), Amédée Ozenfant 1920-1921

L’Esprit Nouveau (1920-25), Le Corbusier & Ozenfant

Vers Une Architecture, Le Corbusier, 1923

Vers Une Architecture, Le Corbusier, 1923

Maison Citrohan, Le Corbusier, 1922

ĠĢçi Konutları, Le Corbusier, Pessac, 1924

ĠĢçi Konutları, Le Corbusier, Pessac, 1924

Ozenfant Evi ve Stüdyosu, Le Corbusier, Paris, 1923

Ozenfant Evi ve Stüdyosu, Le Corbusier, Paris, 1923

La Roche / Jeanneret Evi, Le Corbusier, Paris, 1923-4

La Roche / Jeanneret Evi, Le Corbusier, Paris, 1923-4

La Roche / Jeanneret Evi, Le Corbusier, Paris, 1923-4

Ville Contemporaine, A Contemporary City of Three Million Inhabitants'

Le Corbusier, 1922

Ville Voisin, Le Corbusier, 1925

Pavillon de L’Esprit Nouveau, Le Corbusier, 1925

Pavillon de l’Esprit Nouveau, Le Corbusier, 1925

Five Points for a New Architecture, Le Corbusier, 1926

1.The free plan, achieved through the separation of

the load-bearing columns from the walls subdividing

the space,

2.The free façade, the corollary of free plan in the

vertical plane,

3.The long horizontal sliding window or fenêtre en


4.The roof garden, restoring, supposedly, the area of

garden used up by the house.

5."Pilotis" or columns elevating the building body off

the ground

Five Points for a New Architecture, Le Corbusier, 1926

Four Studies of the potentials of the 'Five Points', 1929.

(a) Maison La Roche-Jeanneret,

(b) Villa Stein,

(c) Villa at Carthage,

(d) Villa Savoye

Villa Stein / de Monzie, Le Corbusier, 1926-8

Villa Stein / de Monzie, Le Corbusier, 1926-8

Villa Stein / de Monzie, Le Corbusier, 1926-8

Villa Stein / de Monzie, Le Corbusier, 1926-8

Mies van der Rohe (1886 – 1969)

Mies van der Rohe, Kröller – Miller Evi, 1912

Mies van der Rohe, Riehl Evi, 1906-7

Mies van der Rohe, Friedrich Strasse Gökdelen Yarışması,1922

Cam Gökdelen, Mies van der Rohe, 1923

Betonarme Ofis Binası, Mies van der Rohe, 1922-3

Tuğla Ev, Mies van der Rohe

Wolf Evi, Mies van der Rohe, 1925-27

Berlin’de Komünist Anıtı, Mies van der Rohe, 1926

Lange-Esters Evi, Mies van der Rohe, 1927

Ville Contemporaine, A Contemporary City of Three Million Inhabitants'

Le Corbusier, 1922