Fractal Geometry (分形幾何圖形)

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Fractal Geometry (分形幾何圖形)


Fractal Geometry


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Normal study of geometry objects, generally have an integer number of dimensions. For example, the zero-dimensional points, one-dimensional line, two-dimensional surface, three-dimensional stereo, and even four-dimensional space-time. In the 20th century, the late 70s early 80s created a new fractal geometry, space has not necessarily integer dimension, but there is a fractal dimension. This is a new breakthrough in geometry, causing a mathematician and natural persons of great concern. 普通幾何學研究的物件,一般都具有整數的維數。比如,零維的點、一維的線、二維的面、三維的立體、乃至四維的時空。在 20 世紀 70 年代末 80 年代初,產生了新興的分形幾何學( Fractal Geometry ),空間具有不一定是整數的維,而存在一個分數維數。這是幾何學的新突破,引起了數學家和自然科學者的極大關注。

Many things in nature, with self-similar “level” structure, under ideal circumstances, even with infinite levels. Zoom in or out the appropriate geometry, the entire structure does not change. Many complex physical phenomena, behind that reflect the hierarchical structure of such fractal geometry. 自然界中許多事物,具有自相似的“層次”結構,在理想情況下,甚至具有無窮層次。適當的放大或縮小幾何尺寸,整個結構並不改變。不少複雜的物理現象,背後就是反映著這類層次結構的分形幾何學。

The classical Euclidean geometry graphics are too simple, hard to describe nature, fractal geometry is more close to nature.經典的歐幾里德幾何學的圖形過於簡單,難以描述自然,分形幾何學才更接近大自然。

Fractal Geometry 分形幾何

Fractal beautiful patterns drawn out naturally aroused the concern of artists, which not only provides beautiful patterns, it also has many practical applications, such as atmospheric physics. The researchers even found that the ancient harp melody is "fractal". 分形學繪製出的美麗圖案,自然引起了美術家的關注,它不僅僅提供美麗圖案,它還有許多實際應用,如大氣物理。甚至有研究者發現,古琴的旋律也是“分形”的。

Of "fractal" for people interested in, can using the Internet to search function, find the detailed explanation. Can also seized a large number of "fractal" graph, but in just a few years ago, the fractal images is still scarce, there are a bunch of Americans, has already drawn fractal images as a hobby, never tired of. 對“分形”感興趣的朋友,可利用互聯網的搜索功能,搜到詳細解釋。也可以搜到大量“分形”圖形,而在僅僅幾年前,分形圖還很稀缺,有一幫美國人,已經把繪製分形圖當作嗜好,樂此不疲。

Fractal, so many people are fascinated. It has been developed drawing fractal software, so draw the fractal becomes extremely convenient and can now plot "fractal" using three-dimensional (stereo).分形,讓很多人著迷。人們已經開發出繪製分形的軟體,讓繪製分形變得異常方便,現在已經可以繪出三維 ( 立體 ) 的分形。

Multi-Vortex 多渦旋

British Wheat Pattern 英國麥田圖案

Fractal Blue 藍色分形


西藏分形 Tibet-Fractals

Geometry of Nature大自然幾何

Romanescu 花菜

Ripples of Time時間的漣漪

Grey Hair白髮

Abstract Yellow-Red Fractal 抽象紅黃分形

Kid in Menger Sponge 門格爾海綿內的孩子

Leaf-Fractal 葉菜

Organic Fractal Background 有機分形背景

Autumn In Rock Creek Canyon 岩溪峽谷的秋天

Classic Frozen Fractal典型冷凍分形

Summer Nights 仲夏之夜

Galactic Arms 銀河之翼

Misty Forest 迷霧森林

City Centre 城市中心

Fractal-Based Slow Motion 緩慢移動

Purple-Blue Gems紫藍寶石

Floral Ribbon 花絲帶

Green Fractal 綠色分形

Strange Invaders Orange Fractal 陌生入侵者

Dusty Fractal Artwork 塵土飛揚分形藝術

Fractal PCB 印刷電路板

Fractal Pink Ivy Flowers 粉紅常春藤

Chamomile Fractal 洋甘菊分形

Sea Shells海螺

Red Density 深厚紅色

Shorelines 海岸線

Cosmos 宇宙

Data source from 資料來源 www