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    February 2013 Energy THEPRESSAND JOURNALFebruary 2013Energy

    Dont let complacency creepintoyour subsea campaigns

    HSEQ Essentials


    Vroon orderssupport vesselVroon Offshore Services has ordered a

    subsea support vessel (SSV) at FujianSoutheast Shipyard in China, with an

    option for a second vessel. This follows

    the two SSVs built at the shipyard in

    2012, VOS Shine and VOS Sweet.

    The company described the new ves-

    sel, to be named VOS Sugar, as a mod-

    ern SSV with retractable thruster and

    super silent tunnel thruster, providing

    a high standard of comfort for bothpassengers and crew.The 68m vessel is scheduled for de-

    livery in early 2015 and will be oper-

    ated by Vroon Offshore Services in Den

    Helder, The Netherlands.

    ExxonMobilsanctionsHebron fieldThe Hebron field development off-

    shore Newfoundland and Labrador inthe Canadian North Atlantic has been

    sanctioned by operator ExxonMobil

    and co-venturers in the project.

    Located some 350km offshore

    Newfoundland, the Hebron platform

    will be a concrete gravity-based

    structure (GBS) standing in 95m

    water depth.

    The field is estimated to hold

    700million barrels of recoverable oil.

    Fabricom opensTyneacademyFabricom, a GDF Suez Energy Services

    company with a significant presence in

    Aberdeen, has launched its skills and

    development academy on Tyneside as

    an investment in the next generation

    of talent required to sustain North Sea


    The facility has been developed by

    engineers for engineers to provide a

    fully-integrated training, learning anddevelopment set of programmes aimed

    at graduates, apprentices and people

    looking to upgrade or diversify skills.

    More than 30 are already undergo-

    ing apprenticeships, graduate training

    programmes and professional develop-

    ment schemes with another intake ofaround 12 expected this year.

    As operators face the dual challenge

    of sustaining their production levels

    in mature regions while effectively

    exploiting the uncapped reserves in

    growth areas, the potential for sub-

    sea capital expenditure for the re-

    mainder of the decade has in-creased dramatically.

    However, with this increased de-

    mand and requirement to meet pro-

    ject deadlines, while utilising more

    complex technologies, comes oppor-

    tunity for complacency to creep in

    related to the management of

    health and safety in addition to the

    vast complexity of operations, logis-

    tics and the coordination of multi-ple activities.

    Advances in technology are in-

    creasingly being tested and de-

    ployed in response to the offshore

    industry's demand for solutions to

    challenges; deeper waters, sustain-

    ing production rates in mature de-

    velopments, boosting flow rates in

    low pressure reservoirs, accommo-dating a larger number of fields tiedback to host facilities and ensuring

    the energy and cost efficiency of a


    But thats just the hydrocarbons

    extraction sector. What about other

    subsea projects, such as windfarms

    with cable tie-ins and pil-

    ing activities, sea-bed

    mining for miner-

    als and potentialgas hydrates to

    name just a



    are being

    forced to de-

    liver in remote

    and harsher

    locations, their

    projects requir-

    ing sophisti-

    cated and expensive equipment and

    services that can cost significantly

    more than the standard equivalent.

    Gaining efficiency (monetary) can

    only be achieved by careful evalua-

    tion, selection and management of

    the multitude of service providers

    required to deliver these projects.

    Given all of the above and thecurrent challenges within the indus-try to meet the demand for experi-

    enced subsea competent personnel,

    health and safety becomes a pre-

    dominant factor in supplier selec-


    Apart from the risk to people, as-

    sets and the environment, delays

    caused by unplanned events can re-

    sult in severe financial implica-

    tions to everyone involved inthe project.

    These often complex sub-

    sea developments commonly

    use multiple services at the

    same time; diving, platform

    normal supply, entry in to

    the exclusion zone, trenching

    and ROV operations to name

    but a few, thus requiring con-

    trol of simultaneous operations(SIMOPS).

    However, in many cases,

    nearby day-to-day

    asset operations

    and activities

    continue as well

    as other lesser

    known activities adding to the

    complex nature and management of

    these high-risk operations.

    Supply chain selection and evalu-

    ation, risk management, interface

    management who does what,

    when and how, are all crucial along

    with the negative implications of us-

    ing the wrong control system at thewrong time.Primacy of systems is the single

    most appropriate control measure

    to be defined at the outset of a pro-

    ject and correct management and

    delivery against this throughout the

    project is fundamental.

    Achieving this with effective due

    diligence and management must be

    the primary focus of any subsea

    management system and as such,the priority of any operator carrying

    out these activities.

    At FQM we have many years ex-

    perience in the design, implementa-

    tion and management of supply

    chain selection and the criticality of

    both interface development and on-

    going management.

    We are therefore well placed to

    help you make sure that compla-cency is not a feature of your subsea


    Brian Minty is an associate director

    with HSEQ consultancy and training

    organisation FQM, previously known

    as Facilitators Quality Management

    and part of Facilitators InternationalLLP

    Saudi Aramco is preparing to

    launch into a record exploration

    and development campaign tar-

    geting unconventional gas while

    continuing to drill for oil in order

    to sustain its potential productioncapacityataround12.5millionbar-

    rels per day.It h a s b een report ed t h a t

    Aramcointendsto addanother30

    rigstoits fleetthisyear,whichwill

    raise its total land rig count to

    more than 170.


    ting current oil output to accom-

    modate the present oversupply

    around the globe.A knock-on benefit of the cur-

    rent oil situation is that Aramco

    willbeableto focusitsexploration

    a n d developm en t effort on

    prospectingforunconventionals. .

    . primarily in the north-western

    part of the country.

    There are two further prospec-

    tive areas of interest . . . in the

    Ghawar area and Rub Al-Khali.Ghawaris thelargestoilfield in

    Saudi Arabia. However, South

    Ghawaris seenasa tight-gassand

    opportunity.Theareais closetoin-

    frastructure and there is a large

    amount of geological data avail-

    able from the development of the

    oil field, which can be used to de-

    fine the tight-gas sands.RubAl-Khaliis locatedin south-ern Saudi Arabia where shale and

    condensateplaysare beginningto

    capture interest.

    Company sources have indi-

    cated that some of the additional

    rigs will be used for field mainte-


    water and sustaini ng present


    Sinceitlauncheditsgasproduc-t ion push in 2009 - 10, Sa udi

    Aramco has seen its estimated

    conventional gas reserves rise to

    approximately 283trillion cu.ft

    (2011 estimate).

    The company has hinted that

    SaudiA rabiasunconventional gas

    resources may exceed that.

    Early last year, US oilfield ser-

    vices giant Baker Hughes andAramco opened a joint research

    centreatDharhan whichis focused

    on understanding and developing

    unconventional resources.

    The Dhahran facility offers re-



    omechanics,fluids andproductiontechnology.

    SaudiAramco setto ramp uprig fleet to170 units



    Reducing Risk

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