Foundation yoga & meditation

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Transcript of Foundation yoga & meditation


Yoga & Meditation

July 25, 2017

Conducted by – Yogesh Mhaske

Objectives of this Session / Outcomes

1. Student will be able to tell the basic concept of YOGA.

2. Student will be able to Perform Some of Yoga Postures.

3. Student will be able to Meditate.

Importance of Yoga and Meditation……

1. Fast Life Style

2. Fast Food

3. Stress

4. Complexity in Relationship

5. Lack of Self Awareness

Importance of Yoga and Meditation

1. Working Women

2. Pollution

3. Competition

4. Laziness

5. Hormonal Imbalance


• Improves digestion

• Relaxes the muscular system:

• Circulation of blood

• Reduces anxiety healing insomnia

• Reduces blood pressure

• Cure for lower back stiffness

• Reduces symptoms related to PMS: When done with

support for the lower belly and the pelvic

area, Makarasana for women will bring in many benefits

massaging the reproductive organs, thereby reducing the

symptoms related to the menstrual cycle.

1. Pregnant women should avoid this pose:

2. Someone suffering from problems related to


3. Avoid if blood pressure is too high

Precautions & Benefits Makarasan


• As it is considered as the most effective asana for

flexibility in the body, thus it reduces the pain in the spine

and eliminates the aches in the back region.

• Bhujangasana also provides us with joy of massage to our

body. It provides relief to our mind which reduces stress

and tension from our body.

• This asana is also recommended for good digestion

system. It is the yoga pose helpful in treating of various

digestive problems such as loose motions, acidity etc.

• Last but not the least, this yoga posture helps in improving

the kidney as it makes them more efficient.

1. Pregnant ladies should avoid this asana as it can be

harmful for them and for their body.

2. The person suffering from sciatica, hernia,

hypothyroidism, peptic ulcers and slip – disc

should not perform this asana.

3. It must be avoided by the people also who have the

abdominal injuries.

Precautions & Benefits Bhujangasana


• It helps in digestion.

• Sitting in this pose helps in reduction of the hips.

• It helps in getting rid of constipation.

• It helps to fight stomach disorder.

• A few minutes of Vajrasana and you can feel the mind calming. Thus helps you in relaxing.

• It helps in increasing the blood circulation in the body.

• It helps in curing urinary problem.

• It helps in making the lower body flexible.

• It also helps in combating acidity.

• It helps in toning of body muscles like the hips, thighs and the calf muscles.

1. A person suffering from joint pain should avoid this


2. People who have any spinal column ailments,

especially on the lower vertebrae should not attempt

this pose.

Precautions & Benefits Vajrasana


• Increases the quantity of insulin so it is beneficial for

curing diabetes.

• Cure the problems related to stomach.

• It is beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.

• Useful for flexibility of thighs and legs.

• Reduces extra fat from thighs and hips.

• It improves the functioning of digestive system and

excretory system.

• It cures the pain of ankles, knees and back.

1. Those People who are suffering from abdominal

injuries and any kind of back pain do not perform

the Manduk asana.

2. In case of knee injury avoid this.

Precautions & Benefits Mandukasana


• It stretches the entire body from toes to fingers, thus invigorates you.

• It gives tranquillity to your mind thus good for those who are facing the problem

of depression and anxiety.

• It increases your stamina, concentration and immunity.

• It is good for your hips as it helps to open it.

• It enhances the flexibility of legs, back and chest muscles.

• It makes your ankle stronger.

• It strengthens thighs and calves.

• It gives suitable stretching to the groins.

• It makes you more focused and concentrated.

• By practicing this asana, the ligaments and tendons of the feet gets strengthen.

• It calms and relaxes the central nervous system.

• It helps to cure rheumatic pain and also treats numbness.

It should not be practiced in case of

1. High blood pressure

2. Low blood pressure

3. Migraine

4. Insomnia

5. Acute knee problems

6. Hip injury

Precautions & Benefits Vrikshasana


• Strengthens legs hips, ankles and chest.

• Helps to reduce weight.

• Stretches the thighs, groin, and abdominal organs.

• Improves posture and your balance.

• Improves digestive system.

• Good for Improving concentration.

• Releases stress and calms the mind.

1. Those suffering from low blood pressure should

not practice Natarajana.

Precautions & Benefits Natarajasana


• Effective in weight loss.

• Increase the size of the chest and gives perfect shape.

• Improved digestion and appetite.

• Cures constipation.

• Increases body flexibility.

• Cure your digestive, circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems.

• Helps to Reduce stress and stay calm.

• It strengthens the arms, back, shoulders and legs, hips, quads and calves.

• Improve posture.

• It gives physical and mental strength.

• In one word it is one of the excellent asana for entire body.

1. Pregnant women should not practice


2. Those suffering from high blood pressure and

hernia should not practice Suryanamaskar.

Precautions & Benefits Surynamaskar

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