Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney

Have You Been Charged With a Crime?

Criminal Defense AttorneyFort Lauderdale

An arrest, or criminal charges of any kind, even if just? a misdemeanor is a terrible experience for anyone, especially if its the first time.

Its a life-changing event, especially with the prospect of legal trouble becoming a part of your public record, affecting everything from job prospects to future or current personal relationships.

In what can seem like a bleak situation, our firm provides help, and more importantly, hope. The law can be a complex matter, but criminal defense attorney Ft. Lauderdale Anthony Anise knows how to navigate through the confusion and lead you to the best possible outcome for your case.

After years as a public defender, and handling more than 1,500 cases, hes seen nearly everything prosecution can throw at a defendant and how to defend against it.

Anthony F. Anise can help you as he has successfully assisted previous clients in the Fort Lauderdale, Aventura and Miami areas.

We understand this can be a difficult time for you and your family. We are here to help.

Welcome To The Law Firm of Anthony F. Anise

Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Lawyer

Practice Areas


Drivers License Violations

Drug Crimes

Theft Violations

Disorderly Conduct

Resisting Arrest

Assualt & Battery

Probation Violations

DUI Lawyer Fort Lauderdale

DUI (driving under the influence) is a serious matter in Ft. Lauderdale, as it is anywhere across the country. DUI cases are very tricky to defend and to prosecute. Get a Fort Lauderdale DUI attorney on Your Side. If you want to know what rights you hold and what options are available to you in the event of your own brush with a DUI/DWI charge, call us today for a free consultation. Whether it is your first encounter with the law or not, well see to it you are treated fairly. Call us today if you need a DUI/DWI lawyer in Aventura, Ft. Lauderdale, or anywhere in the Dade-Broward County area.

Drivers License Violations Ft. Lauderdale

In Florida, the ability to operate a motor vehicle is a privilege, not a right. It is necessary for all drivers follow the rules, else their license can become canceled, suspended, or revoked. Driving with a canceled, suspended, or revoked license can result in severe penalties from the state. If you have been arrested for drivers license violations in Aventura, talk with criminal defense attorney Anthony Anise. He does things differently, and he will ceaselessly work to get you the most favorable result. A free no-obligation consultation is just a phone call away. Call us.

Drug Crimes Lawyer Ft. Lauderdale

If youve been charged with a drug crime, contact drug crime lawyer Fort Lauderdale Anthony F. Anise. Having handled hundreds of similar cases in Ft. Lauderdale, Anise has the experience to ensure that you receive a fair trial. In many cases, defendants can argue for a reduced sentencesome individuals may even be able to get their cases dismissed entirely. Calling Attorney Anthony Anise means that you are giving yourself the best chance at not just receiving a fair trial, but making sure that you are getting a fair sentence as well.

Theft Violations Lawyer Ft. Lauderdale

The crime of theft is always a serious one, whether its a misdemeanor or a felony. Many employers will refuse to hire people who have been convicted of a theft, even a minor one. If you are facing the crime of theft and you live in Ft. Lauderdale, Aventura, or anywhere else in the tri-county area, you need to act fast. Your employment could depend on it. Contact theft violations lawyer Fort Lauderdale Anthony Anise for a free consultation about your situation. The sooner you can get a defense attorney on your side, the greater the chances of getting a result in your favor. Dont wait. Call now.

Disorderly Conduct Lawyer Fort Lauderdale

Under Florida state law, disorderly conduct is generally a second-degree misdemeanor. Disorderly conduct lawyer Fort Lauderdale Anthony F. Anise can discuss the specifics of your case with you and help determine if the charge was justified. Its important that you receive the representation of a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney whos experienced with disorderly conduct. Attorney Anthony Anise has what it takes to defend you against disorderly conduct charges. Do not let a loud party or a police misconception land you a criminal record. Give him a call for your free consultation.

Resisting Arrest Fort Lauderdale

Resisting arrest can also be done through words. There are two types of resisting arrest in Florida: resisting arrest with violence and resisting arrest without violence. Both of these are serious and can potentially mean jail time for the offender. If one individual warns someone else that the police are coming, that can be considered resisting arrest Fort Lauderdale. If someone you know is facing a resisting arrest charge, contact Ft. Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Anthony F. Anise today to discuss your case in a free consultation. He also serves as a resisting arrest attorney in Aventura area.

Assault & Battery Lawyer Fort Lauderdale

If you are charged with assault and battery in Ft. Lauderdale, according to Florida state law, you are not being charged with one crime but two. Assault is the threat of harm or physical act that creates a reasonable apprehension of experiencing harmful/offensive physical contact. Battery is the actual physical act of harmful or offensive contact. If you or someone you know is facing an assault and battery charge in Ft. Lauderdale, contact an assault and battery lawyer Fort Lauderdale Anthony F. Anise to defend you during your trial. He also serves the citizens of Aventura and Miami as criminal lawyer.

Probation Violation Lawyer Fort Lauderdale

If there is substantial evidence that you willingly violated the terms of your probation, probation violation lawyer Fort Lauderdale Anthony Anise will work to defend you and make sure that your probation or community service terms are reinstated. He will help you avoid serious consequences that can result from probation violations. He will speak with you about the details of your case. Attorney Anthony Anise offers free initial consultations for all clients. He proudly serves the Ft. Lauderdale community.

Contact Us

Address: 110 Tower, 110 SE 6th St #1701, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301Phone Number: (954) 715-6001

The best defense is a dismissal.Contact Anthony F. Anise Today For a Free Consultation...