Forest Resources Final

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Forest Resources Final

8/18/2019 Forest Resources Final 1/49

Forest Resources

  Population & Natural Resources 

Presentation by :  M Vinod



  Harish P C

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ForestResources  Population & NaturalResources

 Presentation by 

  M Vinod Kuma

  Akshay  Harish PC  Hrudhay Vikas  Sande

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• !ntroduction

• Forest resources

• Forest resources"!ndian Scenario

• Functions o# #orests

• !mportance o# #orests

• $colo%ical and $conomical !mportance

• ypes o# Forests

e#orestation Causes & $'ects• Forest e%radation in !ndia

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Forest Resources

•  The word forest is derived from a Latin word Foris!which means "utside.

• Forest are one of the most important natural resourcesof the earth.

• #pproximately $%&rd of the earth's total area is coveredby forests

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!ndian Scenario

• In India forest cover "verall, ($.)(* of the country+sgeographical area is now under green cover(as per )**+, data- The total forest cover in India is./+*/0++ km)

• Forest cover in India is dened as all lands, more thanone hectare in area with a tree canopy density of morethan $)*.

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Functions o# Forests

•  The functions of forest may broadly classied intofollowing categories

• Protective Function

• Productive Function

• Regulative Function

•  Accessory Function

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Protective Functions

• Forest rovide protection against oil erosion,/roughts, 0oods, noise, radiations




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Productive Functions

• Forest rovide various products like, gum resins,medicines, 1atha, honey, pulp, bamboo, timber, andfruits

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RegulativeFunctions The Forest regulates the level of "xygen and

carbon dioxide in atmosphere. The forests alsohelp in regulating temperature conditions

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 Accessory Function

• Forest provides aesthetics, habitat to various 0ora andfauna besides that it also has an recreational value.

$ l i l ! t

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$colo%ical !mportanceor 

uses o# Forests• Regulation of global climate and

temperature• Forest play a crucial role in regulation of global climate

and temperature as forest cover absorb the solarradiations that would otherwise be re0ected back intothe atmosphere by bare surface of the earth.

  Transpiration of plants increases the atmospherehumidity which a2ects the rainfall, cools theatmosphere and thus regulate the hydrological cycle

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  Reduction of Global Warming

• The main green house gas co(  is used by forests forphotosynthesis process the forest act as a sink for co( 

there by reducing the green house e2ect due to co(

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Production of Oxygen

• /uring hotosynthesis process forest releasesoxygen,a very important gas for human survivalthereby are called as lungs of earth.

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Conservation of Soil 

•  They prevent soil erosion by binding the soil particlestightly in their roots. They also reduce the velocity ofwind and rain which are chief agents causing erosion

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Improvement in fertility of Soil 

•  The fertility of soil increases due to humans formed bythe decay of forest litter

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Control of ater !o

•  The forest act as a giant sponge they slow downruno2, absorbing and holding water that rechargessprings, streams, and ground water.

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"abitat to ild life

•  They provide the habitat for high wild life species

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 Absorption of #oise

• Forest cover absorbs the noise and helps in preventingnoise pollution

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 Absorption of air pollutants

•  Forest absorbs many toxic gasses and air pollutants

and can help in keeping air pure.

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$conomical !mportance o#Forest

• $imber : 3ood used for commercial purposeslike for making furniture and other items likeboats, bridges and other day to day uses.

Fuel Wood :  The wood is used as fuel forcooking and other purposes by poor people.

• Ra material for ood based industries%forest provide raw material for various wood

based industries like paper and pulp, sportsgoods, furniture, match boxes etc.

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• Food :  Fruits, roots, leaves of plants and trees alongwith the meat of forest animals provide the food to the

tribal people.• &iscellaneous Products: 4iscellaneous products

like, resin, gums, oils, medicines, 1atha, honey areprovided by forests

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ypes o# Forests in !ndia

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ypes o# Forests in !ndia

&oist $ropical Forest 

a5 Tropical wet evergreen6 3estern7hats 84aharashtra, 1arnataka,

1erala5b5 Tropical semi evergreen6 Lowerhills of western 7hats.

c5 Tropical moist deciduous6/ehradun, mahableshwar

d5 /amp Forests6 under bans,9engal delta, and #ndaman.




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'ry $ropical forests%a5 Tropical dry deciduous6 4adhyaradesh, :ttar radesh

b5 Tropical thorn forest6 /elhi, un;ab,7u;arat

c5 Tropical dry evergreen6 <astern 7hat  8 #ndhra radesh, Tamil =adu5




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Montana Su1 tropical Forests

• Coni#erous Forests

a5ubtropical broad6 hillong,=ilgiris

b5ubtropical pine forest6 #runachal

radesh, 1ashmir

c5ub Tropical dry evergreen6 Foot

>ills of >imalayas.




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Montana emperate Forests

a54ontana 3et temperate6 =ilgiri, almi >ills

b5 >imalayan wet temperate6 #ssam, >imachal radesh

c5 >imalayan dry temperate6 1ashmir

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Su1 Alpine Forests

a54oist alpine scrub- high >imalayas

b5 /ry alpine scrub6 ikkim

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• #mong the $? di2erent forest types of the country, themost common is

• $ropical dry deciduous ()*+,-.• $ropical moist deciduous ()/+0-.

• $ropical t1orn (2+0 -.

•  These & types of tropical deciduous forests accounts

for more than @?.A * of forest area in India. =early B?* of forests are owned by government and, (.? * bycorporate bodies and rest are in private ownership.

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• Forest are exploited since early times for humans tomeet human demand

•  The permanent destruction of forest is calleddeforestation

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Causes o# e#orestation

• Population explosion% opulationexplosion is the root cause of all theenvironmental problems, vast areaof forests are cleared for humansettlement

•   S1ifting Cultivation% It is atraditional agroforestry systemwidely practiced in north easternregion of country in which fellingand burning of forests followed bycultivation of crop for few years andabandon of cultivation allow forestsfor re-growth cause extremedamage to forest.

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•   Groing food demand%  To meet

the food demand of rapidly growing

population more and more forests arecleared o2 for agricultural purpose.

•   Fire ood% Increasing demand of

wood for fuel increases pressure onforests.

• Ra material for ood basedindustry%

Increasing demand of wood for makingfurniture, plywood, match box etcresults into tremendous pressure onforests.

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• Infrastructure development : 4assive destruction of forestoccurs for various infrastructuredevelopment like, big dams,highways pro;ects etc.

• Forest 3res%  Forest res may

be natural or man made cause ahuge loss of forest

• Over gra4ing% "vergraCing ofland by cattle result into soilerosion, desertication.

• #atural forces% Floods, storms,heavy winds, snow, lighteningare some of the natural forces

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$'ects o# e#orestation

• /eforestation adversely a2ectsand damages the environment

•  The adverse e2ect ofdeforestation are discussedbelow6

•   Soil erosion:   The soil getswashed away with rain water onsloppy areas in the absence oftrees leading to soil erosion.

 5xpansion of deserts6 /ue tostrong winds laden by rock dust,land mass gradually getsconverted in atmosphere.

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• 'ecrease in rainfall : In theabsence of forest, rainfall declines

considerably because forest bringrains due to high rate oftranspiration. It maintains humidityin atmosphere

• 6oss of fertile land% Less rainfall

results into loss of fertile land owingto less natural vegetation growth.

• 57ect on climate%  /eforestationinduces global climate change.Dlimate becomes warmer due to

lack of humidity in deforestedareas, also pattern of rainfallchanges

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• 6oering of Water table:  Lack ofrecharging of underground reservoir,results into lowering of water table

•5conomic 6osses%  /eforestationwill cause loss of industrial timberand non timber products

• 6oss of biodiversity% Loss of 0oraand fauna result into loss of bio-

diversity leading to disturbance inecological balance world wide.

• 5nvironmental c1anges%  It willlead to increase in carbon dioxide

concentration and other pollutantswhich results in 7lobal warming.

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•  The conservation measureagainst the deforestation isa2orestation. The developmentof forest by planting trees on

waste land is called a2orestation•  The main ob;ective of


•  To control the deforestation

•  To prevent soil erosion•  To regulate rainfall and maintain


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•  To control atmospheric condition by keeping it clean

•  To promote planned uses of wasteland

•  To rotect forest ecosystem and to get benets offorest products.

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  Forest e%radation in


• #t the beginning of ()th  century about &) *  ofland in India was covered with forests but by theend of ()th century the forest cover was reducedto $B.E*

• #s a result of exploitation, the tropical forestcover in India, is now only reduced to coastalwestern 7hats and northern India

• 3e have a huge population siCe and a very low

precipitate forest area ).)@A >a per capita ascompared to ).?E ha% capita of world forest area

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•  The =ational forest policy has recommended && * forest area for plains and ?@ * for hills

• The deforestation rate per unit population in India islowest among the ma;or tropical countries

• For e2ective forest management of country we haveto take the condence of tribal who have been livingin forest.

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Dams and their effects on Forest and Tribal


• When a dam is constructed across any river a huge artificial

lake is developed in the catchment area of that dam. It is also

known as back waters. The backwaters covering a large surface

area. Create a lot of ill-effects on the living environment. They

are as follows:• It creates the loss of forest which are submerged under the back

waters of the dam.

• It creates danger to the habitat of the wild life. The wild life are

forced to migrate.• It also affects the land under cultivation, in the catchment area

as the crops get submerged under water.

• The roads, already in eistence are put under water after the

construction of dam. !o the road network is damaged.

he Story o# Kani ri1e:

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he Story o# Kani ri1e:Compensatin% !ndi%enous

Kno2led%e• In /ecember $B@, a team of scientists was on a botanical

expedition to western 7hats in 1erala. They took with them a fewmembers of 1ani Tribe as their guides. The scientists noticed that theguides were eating a fruit that seemed to keep them energetic evenduring the tough treks. 3hen the scientists tried it, they too felt a Gsudden 0ush of energy H strength'.

• Initially, the kani were reluctant to reveal any information about theplant, saying that it was a sacred tribal secret that could not be toldto outsiders. #fter considerable persuasion, the tribals showed theplant, #arogyappacha as a source of fruit.

•  The scientists, who were from Tropical 9otanic 7arden and research

Institute 8T97I5. Thiruvananthapuram, secured specimens of theplants and conducted investigations. They found anti-stress andother benecial properties among the plant's active ingredients.:sing #arogyappacha, and three other medicinal plants, theyformulated a drug and gave it the name ;eevani.

he Story o# Kani ri1e:

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he Story o# Kani ri1e:Compensatin% !ndi%enous

Kno2led%e•  T97I gave the right to manufacture the drug to a private

company, #rya Jaidya harmacy 8#J5 for a license fee ofs $,))),))) and a royalty of two percent. The institute,however, wanted the kanis to get a part of the benets ascompensation for sharing their knowledge of the plants and

its properties. The 1anis were to receive half the fee andhalf the royalty, this was the rst case of an indigenouscommunity receiving compensation in exchange for sharingtheir traditional knowledge of plants and their uses.

•  The story of 1ani tribe informs us about the rich resources

H knowledge, that the forests H the local tribes have, too2er, provided they are protected and maintained in theirnatural form.

• efer6 http6%%www.;

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• lant trees wherever you can- in your compound,neighborhood, parks, streets, but take care tochoose an appropriate tree for ex, banyans treesnext to buildings is not a good idea, as their

strong root systems may damage foundations.

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