Foreign Aid Monday, February 23, 2015 Students will understand the history of modern American...

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Transcript of Foreign Aid Monday, February 23, 2015 Students will understand the history of modern American...

Foreign Aid

Monday, February 23, 2015

Students will understand the history of modern American foreign aid and be able to identify the three types of aid given.

Student will also be able to apply knowledge to real life examples of foreign aid.

History of American foreign aid

The Marshall Plan $13 billion ($109) Democracy vs. Communism

Post World War II

Types of Foreign AidBilateral aid:

Aid given directly to other nations

Aid to Iraq







Types of Foreign AidMultilateral aid:

Aid given to international organizations

Foreign AidWednesday, March 8, 2013


1. Review 3 types of assistance

2. The need for foreign aid

3. 5 magic numbers

Types of Assistance

Humanitarian Assistance Immediate, short-term Disaster relief

Types of Assistance

Development Assistance Long-term, sustainable Infrastructure Democracy?

Types of Assistance

Security Assistance Military assistance, training Weapon sales Loyalty?

The need for aid1. Poverty

Almost half the world 3.32 billion people live on <$2.50 / day 80% of the world lives on <$10/day

2. Hunger 850 million people 860,000 childern die of malnutrition every year Drought / war

3. AIDS 39 million people world wide 24 million in Africa 5 million new cases / year 2.3 million sub-Saharan Africans died in 2004 Experts estimate 66% of the sub-Saharan population could die

by 2050.

The Children:

This is equivalent to: One child dying every 3.5 seconds 17 children dying every minute A 2004 Asian Tsunami occuring ever 1.5 weeks An Iraq –scale death toll every 16 days Over 9 million children dying every year 70 million children died between 2000-2007

Before you go to bed tonight, over 25,000 children died today around the world.

The silent killers of children are: Poverty Hunger Easily preventable diseases

5 little articles assignment

1. Groups of 52. Article handout3. 10 minute study4. Within your group, assign numbers 1-5 based on age.

1 = youngest, 5 = oldest5. Share your article with your group. 1 goes first, 5 goes

last. 6. As the articles are being shared, all members should

think of and record 2 level 2 questions.7. After each article briefly discuss 1 or 2 or your level 2


Newspaper assignment With a partner…

Find a newspaper article which is illustrates One of the three types of assistance. One of the three needs for aid

Read, discuss and be prepared to discuss your articles and how they relate to which type of assistance and need.

Questions to answer (written)1. What type of aid or assistance is it?2. What qualifies it as this type of assistance?3. What type of need is it?4. What is being done to help?

Be able to summarize your article

Assistance1. Humanitarian2. Development3. Security

Need1. Poverty2. Hunger3. AIDS

Find two articles1 = assistance, 1 = Aid



Foreign Aid today