Food Hygeine

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Food Hygeine

Equinox Editorial


• Hygiene is an essential part of healthy living. Not just selecting the right food choices but also cooking & consuming them in a hygienic way is equally important in preventing the infectious diseases.


By Having Good Personal Hygiene

Wash your hands regularly Especially after going to the


Have a Clean Uniform Available

If Sick Stay HomePlace a Band Aid on Cuts

CLEANING • Cleaning your hands doesn’t mean just

passing your hands under the tap – give them a proper scrub with soap. In particular, remember to wash your hands:

• after using the toilet

• before you handle any food

• After you handle raw meat

• Remove any rings, watches and bracelets before you handle food. This is because bacteria can hide under these and transfer to your food.

• Before you start to prepare any food, make sure that the area you’re working in and the utensils you’re using are clean. Thoroughly and wash utensils with washing-up liquid and hot water, or use a dishwasher. Make sure you clean up any spilt food straight away.

Remember to always clean hands……


STORING• Always check labels for guidance on where to

store food.

• Make sure you keep your fridge between 0 and 5°C and your freezer at less than -18°C – this will prevent bacteria from multiplying. You can use a thermometer to regularly check these temperatures, or your fridge or freezer may have a thermometer built in.

• Store fresh and frozen food in the fridge or freezer as soon as possible after you buy it. This is especially important in hot weather.

• Keep raw meat and seafood separate from other foods.

• Store raw meat in an airtight container at the bottom of the fridge to prevent juices or blood dripping onto other food.

STORING • Defrost frozen foods in the fridge. Place them on a plate or in a container as they defrost, so they don't drip onto or contaminate other foods.

• Don't store opened tins of food in the fridge – transfer the contents to a suitable airtight container instead.

• If you’re keeping cooked leftovers, allow them to cool to room temperature before you store them in the fridge. Make sure you use up any leftovers within two days.

• Throw away any food that has passed its use-by date.

PREPARING• Check food labels

before you decide what to use. Shop-bought foods may come with two dates: a use-by date and a best before date. Don’t use any foods that have passed their use-by date, even if you think they look fine, as they may not be safe to eat. 


• Always use different chopping boards and utensils to prepare raw meat or fish. This is because they contain harmful bacteria that can spread to anything they touch, so it’s important to keep these away from other foods. The bacteria are removed during cooking, but it’s important not to let them come into contact with any food that you’re not going to cook before eating. You can buy colour-coded chopping boards (for example, red for raw meat and green for fruit and vegetables), which can help to prevent confusion.



Pest Control should be done on a weekly basis

After a period of time Remove Frozen or Cooked Foods From

Room Temperature

Frozen Thawed (Always Thaw Foods in the


Room Temperature






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