Food for the Soul 2014-2015

Post on 21-May-2015

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a calendar and description of retreats and workshops at the SSJD Convent in Toronto

Transcript of Food for the Soul 2014-2015


Food for the SOUL

2014 to 2015

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine



SOUL2014 — 2015

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine

All retreats and quiet days at St. John’s Convent take place in the milieu of a contemporary monastic community which has a daily practice of prayer. All guests are invited to take part in the daily Eucharist, and those staying overnight may like to join us in the Daily Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline).

Quiet Garden Days June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, 2014

Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee: $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

The Hospitality of Abraham September 19 – 21, 2014

This weekend retreat will focus on the icon, “The Hospitality of Abraham”, by Andrei Rublev, based on the narrative of Genesis 18. We will examine the text and the icon itself in detail. There will be guided meditation, and opportunities to explore the physical environment in which this episode is set, as well as consideration of the feelings and emotions

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2014 — 2015

All retreats and quiet days at St. John’s Convent take place in the milieu of a contemporary monastic community which has a daily practice of prayer. All guests are invited to take part in the daily Eucharist, and those staying overnight may like to join us in the Daily Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline).

Quiet Garden Days June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, 2014

Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm when we will have a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee: $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

The Hospitality of Abraham September 19 – 21, 2014

This weekend retreat will focus on the icon, “The Hospitality of Abraham”, by Andrei Rublev, based on the narrative of Genesis 18. We will examine the text and the icon itself in detail. There will be guided meditation, and opportunities to explore the physical environment in which this episode is set, as well as consideration of the feelings and emotions

of Abraham and Sarah. The retreat will be mainly silent, with a chance to meet each other at the beginning and to speak about the retreat during the final session. The retreat will be set in the rhythm of the Sisterhood’s daily Eucharist and Divine Office and will provide an opportunity for rest, refreshment and meditation. Led by the Ven. Stephen Rowe, a life-long Anglican born in Coventry, UK, and currently a priest in the Diocese of New Westminster. His working years have been spent in smaller or mid-sized parishes in urban settings in BC and the Diocese of Oxford, UK. He has been a regional archdeacon for 6 years and in his present parish for 12 years. His main interests are spirituality, vocation and discernment. Arrivals and registration: 2 - 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50.

Lectio and Visio Divina October 11, 2014

Br. Ignatius, OFM, will talk first about lectio divina, an ancient way of praying with Scripture. In this ‘holy reading’ we pay attention to the words and images that catch our heart, while attending to what God might want to say to us. His second talk, visio divina, will be about ‘holy looking’, a way of praying with an object of art, a religious object, or with nature. There will be an opportunity for prayer with both lectio and visio divina. Br. Ignatius Feaver, OFM Cap., a trained spiritual director and a member of the Capuchin Order for fifty years, has conducted numerous retreats and workshops in Franciscan Spirituality. He studied studio art at the Toronto School of Art and maintains his own studio. His current interest is in the visual arts as an entrance into contemplative prayer. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

Redeeming the Time October 24 - 26, 2014

This retreat is based on the last chapter of Stepping Into Mystery by Monty Williams, SJ. Using some contemporary and popular films as contemplative exercises, the weekend will allow participants to examine aspects of their lives as sacred


scripture in which the action of God is present: creating, celebrating and redeeming our personal histories. There will be time for private prayer on the films, small group sharing, and general assemblies in a supportive, prayerful context. We will be exposed to the compassionate mercy of God as we look at our past, our present, and our future. The films to be used are Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (British, 2011) and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (British, 2011). The retreat will be framed within the context of the community’s liturgical practices to allow participation in these formal communal prayers. Arrivals and registration: 2 - 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50.


Being and Believing in the Age of the Spirit October 31 – November 2, 2014

We are living in and through a period of time that is known as the “Great Emergence”. Like the Great Reformation of five hundred years ago and the Great Schism of a thousand years ago, our Great Emergence is an era of enormous change in every part of life, and especially in our lives as Christians and as the Church. One of the greatest of these shifts or changes is in how we appear to be coming into a newer, richer, fuller understanding of the Trinity, of the agency of the Holy Spirit, and of our lives as Spirit-filled people. We will look briefly at the Great Emergence in order to understand better where these shifting emphases have come from and what they have brought with them. We will then move on to spend the bulk of our time together on in-depth explorations of what these shifts mean in

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our lives as individual Christians and, in aggregate, in the on-going life of the Church. Led by Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of the Religion Department of “Publishers Weekly”, the international journal of the book industry. Phyllis Tickle is an authority on religion in America and a much sought after lecturer on the subject. She is the author of over two dozen books in religion and spirituality, most recently The Spirit of the Age, Emergence Christianity, The Great Emergence, and How Christianity is Changing and Why. She is also the author of the notable and popular The Divine Hours series. Tickle began her career as a college teacher, serving for six years as academic dean to the Memphis College of Art, before entering full time into writing and publishing. She has received several awards for her writing and publishing and two honorary degrees (Doctor of Humane Letters). Arrivals and registration: 2 - 4 pm Friday; ends 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $250; deposit: $50.

Sunday Evening TalkWho Stole My Church?

Being Christian and Being Church in the 21st Century

November 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm(Book Signing at 6:30 pm)

Fee: by Donation

A Mosaic of Colours — A return engagement by popular demand!

November 15, 2014Discover your creativity and enjoy the challenge, fun and fellowship of making colour-dyed silk scarves as Christmas gifts for yourself or others. Led by Sr. Jessica Kennedy, SSJD, our Sister in charge of the infirmary. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4:00 pm. Fee: $40 if you bring a bag lunch ($30 for Associates and Oblates). Includes silk fabric and dyes. A hot meal is an additional $15.


Advent Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates & Friends November 29, 2014

Christ Will Come Again! We proclaim this in one of our Eucharistic prayers. What does it mean for us? How does Advent prepare us for Christ to come again? We will explore this together through scripture, prayer, reflections and silence. Led by Bishop Linda Nicholls who has been Area Bishop of Trent-Durham since 2008. Her work history includes teaching high school music and math, 20 years in parish ministry, and 3 years in the national office of the Anglican Church of Canada in the areas of ethics, interfaith relations and congregational development. Linda also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. For relaxation she enjoys singing with a chamber choir and wilderness canoeing! Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

Christmas RetreatDecember 23 – 26, 2014

Celebrate Christmas with the Sisters, enjoying the pre-Christmas and Christmas liturgies, with time for both quiet reflection and festive celebration. Sisters of SSJD will lead participants in a daily reflection using Christmas hymns and carols of the Christmas Season, with opportunity to express their creativity in decorating the Guest House as well as joining in the singing and celebrations of Christmas. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Tuesday; ends: after breakfast Friday. Special holiday rate of $220 for this three-day retreat; deposit: $50.

Creating the New Year December 31, 2014 – January 1, 2015

Consider spending 28 hours (or more if you wish) at the Convent, celebrating the New Year in an environment of peace and quiet fellowship. Enjoy a candlelight labyrinth walk (weather permitting), festive food, and a new creative way of

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Advent Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates & Friends November 29, 2014

Christ Will Come Again! We proclaim this in one of our Eucharistic prayers. What does it mean for us? How does Advent prepare us for Christ to come again? We will explore this together through scripture, prayer, reflections and silence. Led by Bishop Linda Nicholls who has been Area Bishop of Trent-Durham since 2008. Her work history includes teaching high school music and math, 20 years in parish ministry, and 3 years in the national office of the Anglican Church of Canada in the areas of ethics, interfaith relations and congregational development. Linda also serves as a spiritual director and retreat leader. For relaxation she enjoys singing with a chamber choir and wilderness canoeing! Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

Christmas RetreatDecember 23 – 26, 2014

Celebrate Christmas with the Sisters, enjoying the pre-Christmas and Christmas liturgies, with time for both quiet reflection and festive celebration. Sisters of SSJD will lead participants in a daily reflection using Christmas hymns and carols of the Christmas Season, with opportunity to express their creativity in decorating the Guest House as well as joining in the singing and celebrations of Christmas. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Tuesday; ends: after breakfast Friday. Special holiday rate of $220 for this three-day retreat; deposit: $50.

Creating the New Year December 31, 2014 – January 1, 2015

Consider spending 28 hours (or more if you wish) at the Convent, celebrating the New Year in an environment of peace and quiet fellowship. Enjoy a candlelight labyrinth walk (weather permitting), festive food, and a new creative way of

beginning your year. Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, SSJD, Prioress and Novitiate Director, will guide participants in finding a balance of life through living mindfully and intentionally. Begins 9 am Wednesday; ends: 1:30 pm Thursday. Fee: $120; deposit: $50.

Journeying with Jonah January 23 – 25, 2015

The story of Jonah is one of Scripture’s best known narrative adventures, but it is far more than just another “big fish” tale! It’s a story of shadows and the light that exposes them; of repentance and forgiveness, of seeking – and finding – one’s true vocation. We’ll explore the question that sometimes sends us scurrying: “How do you respond to a call from God, especially when it is to something you don’t particularly want to do?!” Led by the Rev. Frances Drolet-Smith, an Oblate of SSJD, who has journeyed with Jonah a long while, alternately amazed by his audacity and sympathetic towards him. She’s a parish priest, lives in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with her husband Paul, and has two grown children. Arrivals and registration: 2 - 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50.

“Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deut. 30:19) February 7, 2015Are you wondering where God is calling you at this moment in time? Are you considering new opportunities or trying to decide between different options? Come and learn about the art of discernment and what forms of prayer might be most helpful in this process. Led by Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, SSJD, Prioress, Novitiate Director, and a mentor of the summer discernment program. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.


“Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me into life.” February 13 – 15, 2015

This retreat, centered on the music of Taizé, will consist of prayer services in the Taizé style as well as brief inputs based on the theme, “The Lord leads me into life.” There will also be the opportunity for one-on-one conversations with a spiritual guide. The retreat will be led by Fr. Erik Oland, a Jesuit priest originally from New Brunswick. Now based in Montréal, he is a long time associate of Loyola House in Guelph and is currently Novice Director for the Jesuits of English and French Canada. Fr. Oland is a classical baritone singer by training and has performed in a wide range of musical styles. He has visited Taizé and has been giving Taizé style retreat weekends regularly since 2005. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50.

“Spirit of Invitation” — A six week Lenten Series Thursdays: February 19, 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26, 2015

“Spirit of Invitation” is a program designed by the Diocese of Toronto to help communities of Christians explore what it means to be open and invitational. Using a series of engaging short films and accessible written material, we will share in a guided conversation to explore why invitation is at the heart of our identity as Christians, what we’re inviting people to, how we get in the way, and how we can re-imagine the “spirit of invitation”. Join us as we explore, push boundaries, share stories, and seek to engage with the work that God is doing in our local context. Facilitated by Sr. Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD, priest of the Diocese of Toronto and professor at Wycliffe College. Begins at 7:00 pm each of 6 Thursday evenings in Lent. Fee: $30 for the whole series, which includes coffee and snack.

Creative Paths to the Divine February 27 – March 1, 2015

This is a spiritual and artistic retreat led by artist Robin Pacific and Sr. Mary Rowell, CSJ. Participants will

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explore the connections through prayer, journal writing and silent reflection, as well as gentle creative movement, collage, painting, and theatre improvisation. No artistic experience is required. Bring an open mind and a willingness to explore. Expect a few tears and many laughs. Robin Pacific holds a Diploma in Spiritual Direction and a Masters in Theological Studies, both from Regis College, and attends Holy Trinity in Thornhill and St. Stephen-in-the-Fields in downtown Toronto. In addition to her Spiritual Direction practice, she works in painting, video, drawing, collage, web-based projects, installations and community-based work. Her art can be seen at Sr. Mary Rowell is Vocation Director for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada and currently works in retreat ministry, spiritual direction and ecological initiatives at Villa St. Joseph Retreat Centre. She is a spiritual director and also teaches courses in moral theology, Catholic Social Teaching, Christian Leadership and Worship and Ethics at the University of Toronto. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50. [+ $30 for materials]

Lenten Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends

Saturday, March 7, 2015“Now is the healing time decreed ...” This phrase comes from an ancient Lenten hymn, and points to one of the ways in which Lent has long been understood — a time set aside for the healing of our hearts and our minds. On this Quiet Day, we’ll look at some of the images of healing in the Christian tradition — Christ as healer of our spiritual wounds, Christ as medicine for our ailing souls — and think about how we can use Lent as a “healing time” in our own lives. Led by the Rev. Maggie Helwig, Associate of SSJD and priest-in-charge at St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, Toronto, author and social justice advocate. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.


The Grace of ForgivenessMarch 20 – 22, 2015

Forgiveness is only possible because God first forgives us; that divine grace comes to our aid in the hard work of forgiveness in every dimension of life. Using Scripture and classic spiritual writings on forgiveness (from Ignatius of Loyola to Desmond Tutu), we will explore how we seek God’s forgiveness, welcome God’s forgiveness, and act as bearers of God’s forgiveness. Led by Bp. Chilton R. Knudsen, the retired bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. In retirement, she has been a missionary in Haiti, Interim Bishop in Kentucky, Assistant Bishop in New York, and a conflict mediator in church and non-profit settings. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $220; deposit: $50.

Holy Week RetreatApril 1 – 5, 2015

As Christians we are called to walk in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us as we walk through the triumphs, the sufferings and the glories of Holy Week and Easter Day. Led by Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, SSJD, Prioress and Novitiate Director. Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Wednesday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Special Holy Week fee: $340; deposit: $50.

Living Into Focus Saturday, May 2, 2015

Our contemporary sense of busyness is related to the deep spiritual searching and hunger around us. While the shape of how we live can make us busier, our retreat will identify resources for living differently. We shall explore how Christians and churches can embrace and celebrate abundant life. Led by Arthur Boers, Associate Priest at St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux, Scarborough; he holds the RJ Bernardo Chair of Leadership at Tyndale Seminary. He is also an oblate at St. Gregory’s Abbey (Three Rivers, Michigan). Boers is the author of a number of books, including Living into Focus: Choosing What Matters in an Age of Distractions and The Way is Made by Walking: A Pilgrimage along the Camino de

Santiago. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.

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The Other Side of Chaos May 22 – 24, 2015

We are living through ‘interesting’ times of enormous change and transition. Global changes affect our future as a human family on this planet, as well as our personal lives and choices. The pattern of breakdown followed by breakthrough runs through the whole of life, and through the heart of our Christian story, and chaos can be the source of new creation. How can we begin to engage with this dynamic in an authentic spirituality of transition? Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Friday; ends: 1:30 pm Sunday. Fee: $250; deposit: $50.

Sunday Evening Talk “Just Call Me Lopez”

May 24, 2015 at 7:00 pmFee: by Donation

A sixteenth century saint, Ignatius Lopez Loyola, has inspired countless people on their spiritual journeys, through what has come to be known as Ignatian spirituality. But Ignatius was a man with a limp — a man marked by his experiences of failure, disappointment and struggle who became a man of passionate commitment to God. Today’s gathering offers an opportunity to explore some of the key events in Ignatius’ own story as they reveal the patterns of how divine grace works through human imperfection to bring about transformation beyond anything we can imagine.

Santiago. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm. Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.


Simple Faith May 26 – 28, 2015

We are living through times of great upheaval, when many of our imagined ‘certainties’ are crumbling. The question of faith is not immune to this disintegration, and for many people who would describe themselves as people of faith, there are more questions than answers. So what does it mean to be a person of faith in today’s world? We will look at some of the big questions: Who is ‘God’ for us, and who is Jesus? Can faith be simple? How can it reveal itself in action and become transformative energy? Arrivals and registration: 2 – 4 pm Tuesday; ends: 1:30 pm Thursday. Fee: $250; deposit: $50.

Margaret Silf was born and raised in Sheffield, England, and describes herself as “an ecumenical Christian committed to working across and beyond the denominational boundaries.” Although a Christian since her teens, she experienced a genuine return to God in her mid-30s, aided by a Jesuit. Today she calls herself a “boundary dweller” no longer belonging to a particular Christian denomination — more at home outside the institutional church than within. She is a prolific author and retreat conductor. Her books include Inner Compass, Sacred Spaces: Stations on a Celtic Way, and most recently The Other Side of Chaos, Just Call Me Lopez, and Simple Faith.

Quiet Garden Days June 13, July 11, August 15, 2015

Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray. We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm when we will have a closing

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For Women Seeking Direction in Their Lives

Women at a CrossroadsJuly 3 – 26, 2015

This 3½ week program, held each summer, is for women who are intentionally committed to seeking God’s guidance in living out their baptismal call — in business or professional careers, in homemaking or lay careers, in the church, in ordained ministry or life in a religious community, or in the many other ways in which we may serve God.

You may be called to participate in this program if you are interested in:

• sharing in an intentional Christian community • learning how to live a balanced life of prayer, work, study, rest and recreation

• engaging in classes and discussions about Christian life and vocation • receiving personal guidance in deepening your prayer life

There is no fee for room and board, but participants contribute to the life of the Community by sharing in the Sisters’ work. A monetary contribution (tax deductible) may be made to the Sisterhood.

For more information e-mail or phone 416-226-2201 ext. 301.

time of prayer, and the option of sharing the fruits of the day. Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4 pm. Fee: $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.



Praying with the Women Mystics (Sr. Constance Joanna, SSJD)

Listening to Your Life (The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave)

Story Telling (Linnea & David Good)

A retreat with Kathleen Norris Writers’ Workshop (Kathleen Norris) Mosaic of Colours (Sr. Jessica, SSJD)

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us(Dean Peter Wall)

Christmas Retreat (SSJD Sisters)

New Year’s Retreat (A Sister of SSJD)

Sept 19

Oct 2 – 4

Nov 7

Sept 25 – 27

Nov 28

Dec 31 – Jan 1

Oct. 23 – 25

Oct. 27 – 29

Dec. 23 – 26

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Praying with the Women Mystics (Sr. Constance Joanna, SSJD)

Listening to Your Life (The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave)

Story Telling (Linnea & David Good)

A retreat with Kathleen Norris Writers’ Workshop (Kathleen Norris) Mosaic of Colours (Sr. Jessica, SSJD)

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us(Dean Peter Wall)

Christmas Retreat (SSJD Sisters)

New Year’s Retreat (A Sister of SSJD)

Sept 19

Nov 7

Dec 31 – Jan 1


Guided Retreats: These overnight retreats focus on a particular theme and include four or five talks over the course of two days, with ample time for personal reflection, reading, walking, and prayer. Participants are invited to join the Sisters for chapel services. Meals are eaten in silence, and the Guest House is a place of silence during the retreat. The fee and (nonrefundable) deposit are listed under the description for each retreat. Commuters are welcome if there is space. The fee is 55% of the overnight fee, and the deposit is the same as listed.

Quiet Saturdays: These are one-day retreats, beginning with coffee and conversation at 9:30 am and ending by 4 pm. Each focuses on a particular theme, and the retreat leader gives two or three short talks during the day, leaving ample time for participants’ prayer and personal reflection, and the opportunity to join the Sisters for the noon Eucharist. There is an opportunity for quiet conversation over a bag lunch or, for an additional fee, a hot (silent) dinner in the Refectory with the Sisters. Fees are listed under the description for each Quiet Saturday. Full payment is required with registration.

Quiet Garden Days: Enjoy some time for rest, reflection and prayer in the Convent courtyard, labyrinth, gardens and walks, beginning with coffee and conversation at 9:30 am and ending by 4 pm. A Sister will give a brief introduction with suggestions for how to use your day, you can join the Sisters for the noon Eucharist, and the day ends with a brief gathering for sharing and reflection. The standard fee is $20 including coffee breaks, $5 of which goes to help support the Quiet Garden Trust. Bring a bag lunch; coffee and tea provided. (A hot meal is available in the refectory for an additional $15.) Full payment is required with registration.

Oct. 23 – 25


Personal Retreats: Schedule your own retreat or come with a friend. Standard fee is $75 per night, including three meals. If you would like to have individual spiritual direction during your retreat, the cost is $30 per session. No Monday arrivals except clergy.

Seniors and Student Rates: A reduction of $10 per night is offered for seniors and full-time students (with student ID).

Bursary Assistance: No one is turned away from a retreat because of inability to pay. Please let us know if you cannot afford the full cost of a retreat (even at senior/student rates). We can assist with a special bursary fund supported by donations for this purpose.


See our website or contact the Guest House for information on the following:• Personal retreats scheduled to suit your timetable: for a day, a week, or longer if approved.• Group retreats, quiet days, and workshops scheduled to suit your church or fellowship group. Bring your own leader or ask for a Sister (if one is available) to lead.• Personal sabbatical time: come for a month or longer if approved, and enjoy the prayerful, peaceful environment of the Convent chapel, library, and gardens as well as comfortable accommodation and delicious meals.


Do you have some sabbatical time coming up? Consider spending all or part of it at St. John’s Convent Guest House, and making use of our varied resources: • our library of over 16,000 volumes, which includes an excellent collection on spirituality, theology, church history, and scripture study, as well as good recreational reading

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• easy access to the Toronto School of Theology and its varied denominational colleges • availability of all the cultural resources of the Greater Toronto Area • the option of participating in any or all of the “Food for the Soul” programs while you are here• the availability of spiritual direction at the Convent• the opportunity to join the Sisters, as desired, for the daily celebration of the Eucharist as well as sung Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Compline • comfortable rooms, lounges, and pantries, with the option of a room with ensuite bath (depending on availability) • a peaceful, relaxed environment both inside and out, with beautiful gardens and walks • option of taking a bag lunch if you are going out for the day • free high-speed internet access• free parking and laundry facilities • easy accessibility to public transit

Special monthly rates are available. Contact the Guest House for details.


The Hospitality of Abraham (Stephen Rowe)

Christmas Retreat (SSJD Sisters)

Creating the New Year (Sr. Elizabeth)

Journeying with Jonah (Frances Drolet-Smith)

Bless the Lord my soul, who leads me into life (Erik Oland, SJ)

Creative Paths to the Divine (Robin Pacific & Mary Rowell, CSJ

The Grace of Forgiveness (Bp. Chilton Knudsen)

Holy Week Retreat (Sr. Elizabeth)

The Other Side of Chaos (Margaret Silf)

Simple Faith (Margaret Silf)



Sept 19 – 21

Oct 24 – 26

Oct 31 – Nov 2

Dec 23 – 26

Dec 31 – Jan. 1

Jan 23 – 25

Feb 13 – 15

Feb 27 – Mar 1

Mar 20 – 22

Apr 1 – 5

May 22 – 24

May 26 – 28

Summary of ProgramsJune, 2014 – June, 2015

Guided Retreats

Quiet Saturdays

Redeeming the Time (Monty Williams, SJ)

Being and Believing in the Age of the Spirit (Phyllis Tickle)

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Sept 19 – 21

Oct 24 – 26

Oct 31 – Nov 2

Dec 23 – 26

Dec 31 – Jan. 1

Jan 23 – 25

Feb 13 – 15

Feb 27 – Mar 1

Mar 20 – 22

Apr 1 – 5

May 22 – 24

May 26 – 28

Lectio and Visio Divina (Ignatius Feaver, OFM, Cap.)

A Mosaic of Colours (Sr. Jessica)

Advent Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends (Bp. Linda Nicholls)

Choose life so that you and your descendantsmay live (Sr. Elizabeth)

Lenten Quiet Day for Associates, Oblatesand Friends (Maggie Helwig)

Living Into Focus (Arthur Boers)

Quiet Garden Days

June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, 2014Quiet Garden Days

June 13, July 11, August 15, 2015

Evening Talks

“Who Stole My Church?” by Phyllis Tickle

“Just Call me Lopez” by Margaret Silf

“Spirit of Invitation” — A six week Lenten Series Thursdays: February 19, 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26, 2015


Oct 11

Feb 7

Mar 7

May 2

Nov 2, 2014

May 24, 2015

Quiet Saturdays


Nov 15

Nov 29



Please fill out a registration form and mail it to St. John’s Convent with your deposit. Registration forms can be

downloaded from our web site at or can be requested from the Guest House office.

St. John’s Convent Guest House233 Cummer Ave.

Toronto, ON M2M 2E8Phone: 416-226-2201 ext. 305e-mail: