
Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of Fonts

Fonts; what do they mean?

• Fonts are an important part of creating a magazine. The font must match the target audience at all times and not come across as desirable to other target audiences except you own.

• For example, if you were targeting middle aged women s your target audience, you would not want a children's font in your magazine.

• For example for child, you my wish to choose big fonts that are easily read but also have a fun nature to them such as this:

SunWhen in this font, we can easily read what the text says, but to child this would not come across as boring, and their attention is still kept.

• However if you were writing a letter or say you were an adult, you would use a font to match this purpose. The font should be clear and acceptable with no fun aspect in it as it is for a totally different purpose, not to entertain but to inform. Such as this:


This would be the correct font to use when writing a letter or any purpose which isn’t to entertain but to

get a job done in the best way possible.