(Folk Arts in Visayas)

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Transcript of (Folk Arts in Visayas)

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Panay Is composed of the provinces of Iloilo,

    Antique, Aklan, Capiz, and the islandof Guimaras.

    Ten Bornean datus who fled from thedespotic rule of Sultan Makatunaw.

    -That the first inhabitants are the Atiheaded by Chief Marikudo.

    In the barrier of Aninipay, Marikudosold the island of Panay to the tenBornean datus for a piece of goldensalakot.

    The barrier is celebrated in theFestival of Ati-atihan in Kalibo, Aklan ;Dinagyang in Iloilo, and Binarayan in

    Antique. Showcase: products, artistry,

    creativity and craftsmanship.

    Panay was named by Miguel LopezDe Legazpi, after experiencing foodscarcity in Cebu. Panay: there isfood in Spanish.

    The code of Kalantiaw , the epic ofHinilawod , the legend of ten Bornean

    datus in the epic of Maragtas.

    Cloth weaving in Aklan and Oton, Iloilo

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Arts and Crafts Weaving is the primary form of arts and

    crafts. Iloilo- weaving Patadyong; is a wrap

    around piece of cloth worn by women.Colorful and features linear andgeometric designs.

    Hand weaving ofpatadyong and hablonis in Miag-ao, Iloilo. It is used w/handlooms.

    Paghahabol (weaving in Badiangan)

    Jusi and Pinya (from indigenous

    textile) popular at the 19th century.Introduce by the cheap cotton cloth from thewest, dominated by the local textile.Combined w/ farming by weeding the fieldsand feeding animals.

    Iloilo w/ weaving communities. (Arevalo,Jaro, Molo)

    Aklan weaving, extraction of fibers frompineapple leaves. (2 months to prepare)

    Process: snap the short leavesremovethe thoruy sides and scraped w/ a

    broken china plate and pummeled byhand to reveal the 1stset offibers(bastos). Scraped w/ coconut shellto get the finer linawan fibers. Whenabout thousand leaves is scrapedwashedpartially sundriedwrungbeaten by a bamboo stick to separate

    the fibersfine fibers are line-driedusing a hair-combtied on both endscut by a bamboo stickcoiled in a claypot w/ sands.

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    Negros Island

    Buglas, old name of Negros Highest peak is Mt. Kanlaon.

    Island of so many Festivals;Maskara Festival.

    Arts and Crafts Weaving; roofing materials, walls,

    hats and baskets using pandan andburi leaves.

    Pinya weaving in Bacolod,materials are imported to Aklan.

    Sinamay weaving in Valencia,Negros Occidental. Sinamay ismade from abaca (Musa textiles)

    twine indigenous plant similar tobanana.


    Bamboo wali materialPinyaBarong

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    In Aklan weaving; Baskets, trays,mats is popular. They used pandanand bariw to make their products.

    Pagrarara (banig or mat weaving.) Preparation to make a mat;

    gathering of bariw leaves usingsangget - remove the thorny sidesof leaves by bukog - tie the leavestogether - sundry for two to threedays. When the bariware alreadydeep brown - pound in a process of


    until the leaves becomesofttie into bundlespoundedagain before stripping them into asimple machine w/ blades calledbalbalan. The strips are thenarranged to make a kiyapisthat willserve as a framework for a mat

    called taytaybeforepagpapara willtake place. Then the weaver canstart the process ofpagrarara.

    Kapis shell, craft in Panayparticularly in Aklan and Iloilo. Usedfor; lamps, decors, trays, souvenir



    Capiz shell

    Lotus candle holder made from Capiz shell

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Cebu Oldest settlement established by

    Spaniards, and second mostimportant metropolitan center of thePhilippines.

    A.K.A. Queen City of the South,City of Fashion and Designs,ASEAN City of Culture/ASEANCultural City.

    Popular in many crafts leadingexporter of world-class furniture inSoutheast Asia.

    Dubbed as Milan of Asia.

    ARTS and CRAFTS Vito Selma, Debbic Palao, Kenneth

    Cobonpue, popular in the field of artsand crafts.

    Coconut shells, shells, bariw, rattan,capiz and wood, materials used byCebu artists.

    Fashion jewelries made of woods,stones, and metals are among thehighly priced products.

    Guitars from Cebu are also popular.

    Furniture design by Vito Selma made from rattan andother materials

    Guitars in Cebu

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Samar, Leyte and Biliran The of Samar and Leyte speak

    Cebuano, Waray-waray and otherlanguages; English and Filipino arewidely understood.

    Kasadyaan Festival City; colors,beauty and artistry.

    Arts and Crafts Samar is known for its hand woven

    banig that are made from tikog leaves. Tikog; waray term for bariw or

    romblon. There are two process in making

    banig; lara and burda. They also make baskets, bags, and

    other containers.

    A delicacy known aspu-so or bodbodtheir weaving in Culinary arts.

    Pu-so, made from glutinous ricewrapped in a carefully woven youngcoconut leaves or talbos. This

    weaving practice is also in;plain rice,puto, bibingka, and molido.


    An old man weaving a basket

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    Bohol and Siquijor Is known for its beautiful sceneries,

    exotic foods, rare animals; malmag ortarsier considered to be the smallestprimate, old churches, and basketry.

    Chocolate hills, Legend tells that thishills are from the tears of grief giantwhen his love has been turned down byan ordinary women in the area. Green

    during spring but chocolate mounds bysummer. Siquijor; famous for its beaches and

    diving spots.

    Arts and Crafts Basketry is in Antequera, most of the

    weavers are women. They sold thisbaskets in Cebu, Manila and TagbilaranCity.

    The municipality of Tubigon is knownto be the loom weaving center of theprovince.

    Old Spanish Church in Bohol

    Tarsier Chocolate Hills

    Weaving pattern; basket (diamond and flower motif)

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    Mindoro Principal language of Mindoro is

    Tagalog, it has been alsoinfluenced by the native Visayanand Mangyan languages.

    It has been called Mai or Mait byChinese traders, by Spaniards as

    Mina De Oro (Mine of gold). Hanuno. language spoken by


    Also home to the Tamaraw orMindoro dwarf buffalo(Bubalusmindorensis).

    Division: The island was once asingle province from 19201950. On June 13,1950, by virtueof Republic Act no. 505, Mindoro

    was divided into:

    Oriental Mindoro Calapan Citythe only City in

    the island; provincial capital. Rice Granary and Fruit Basket of

    Southern Tagalog.

    Banana King and Calamansi Kingof the region.

    Home of Indigenous MangyansIts capital is Mamburao andOccupies the western half of theisland of Mindoro.

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  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Mangyan Culture Mangyan cultural practices are in

    danger of vanishing because of theinfluence of modern lowland

    culture. The literature of thedifferent Mangyan groups are sortdocumentation; thus, mainstreamsociety lacks awareness of thebeauty of Mangyan culture and itsrelevance to Filipino culture as a


    Terminologies Damuongthe non-Mangyan


    Hanunuothey consideredthemselves as real, true or genuineMangyan.

    Urukoywords of wisdom chantedon festive occasion by elders of thetribe.

    Lukabamboo tube wherein theambahan is carved out.


    traditional house

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    The MangyanPeople

    Mangyan Groups

    There are around 300 millionindigenous peoples in the world. In

    the Philippines, of the projectedpopulation of 94 million in 2010, about15% belong to indigenous groups.

    Mangyan is the collective name for

    the eight indigenous groups livingon Mindoro, each with its ownname, language, and set ofcustoms:





    Bangon Buhid



  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    The Mangyan of SouthernMindoro, Philippines, arestill practicing a pre-Spanish

    syllabic writing system that was ingeneral use all over the Philippines

    at the arrival of the Spaniards in the16thcentury.

    The Mangyan script, together withthe Northern-Buhid in Mindoro and

    the Palawan scripts have beendeclared by the National Museumas National Cultural Treasure on

    December 9, 1997.

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    The ambahanis thetraditional poetry ofthe HanunuoMangyansof OrientalMindoro. It is usually

    written on bamboo inthe Surat Mangyan,a centuries-old pre-Spanish script. Thesyllabic script andthe ambahan poetryhave complementedeach other,contributing to theircontinued existencetoday.

    Characteristics ofAmbahan

    It is a rhythmic poetic

    expression with a meter ofseven syllabic lines.

    Each line rhymed at the end. It is most often presented as

    a chant without a determinedmusical pitch or

    accompaniment by musicalinstruments. An expression in a riddle-like

    form or in allegorical manner. Varied in length and

    complexity; for children it is

    short and simple, for adult itis lengthier and complicated. Preserved by way of

    inscribing them on bambootubes.

    Song contented were wide

    range based on daily lifeevents.

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    Amang bansayfather

    Inang suyong mother

    Danom kagnan water

    Balay labag house

    Niyog bu-anay coconut

    Bagaw duyantalk

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)



    Ayung or Ngayungritual chant

    IgwayMangyan province music

    Marayawspirit song

    Pamuybuyen(legend)it means fear of water

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Bangsiis an external duct flute,which has chip glued on to tube ofthe flute.

    Gitgita three-stringed indigenousviolin with human hair for strings.

    Lantoyis a nose flute.

    Batiwtiwa bamboo instrumentfrom Mindoro about 40 cm long,played by striking the split end of abamboo against the left palm.

    Kinaban or Subinga bamboojaws harp. The jaw harp is a slim

    bamboo instrument approximately ofball-pen size, of different shapesand lengths varying from 10 cm to40 cm.

    Kudlong or Kutiyapiis a two-stringed lute shaped like a boat. It

    has wooden tightening rods andfrets made of beeswax.

    Kudlunga parallel of two-stringedbamboo tube zither where thebamboo strings were stretched outof the tube itself.

    Kalutangconsists of two pieces ofwood graduated in sizes to produce

    different notes ranges. Buray-Dipaya bean-pod rattle

    used with the kalutang instrument. Agungensemble consisting of two

    light gongs played by two mensquatting on the floor. One plays the

    gongs rim with padded sticks.

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Marayaw as a genre of Iraya-Mangyan songs used to

    communicate with spirits inrituals for healing the sick orprotecting the community.

    The Maranaw was once seen

    by the Iraya as a symbol ofpower or ones ability to cope

    with the hazards of everyday lifeas well as a way where one

    gains control over events for his

    own advantage.

    Music for the Hanunuo is a partof celebrating ordinary and

    festive occasions;

    Accompanying themselves withtheir instruments as they recitetheir love poems. During the

    wedding rituals, song are sung,musical instruments are played,

    food is eaten and wine is drunk.The songs of Mangyan arelullabies, recollection of war

    exploits in distant past,lamentations, love lyrics and

    stones based on persona.

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Palawan The Calamianes Group of Islands to

    the Northeast consists of; DuranganIslandalmost touches the westernmost part of Palawan, Balabac Island

    located off the southern tip,separated from Borneo by the BalabacStrait.

    Palawan covers the Cuyo Island in theSulu Sea, Spratly Islands. Considered

    as part of Palawan by the Philippinesand locally called the Kalayaan Groupof Islands.

    The largest province in thePhilippines, is home to severalindigenous ethno linguistic groups.

    Peoples of Palawan1. Batakmeans Mountain people in

    Cuyonon is a group of indigenouspeople that resides in the Northeastportion of Palawan. They live in a ruginteriors of Northeastern Palawan.

    Living close to nature, they are apeaceful and shy people. This peoplebelieve in nature spirits, with whomthey communicate through a babaylanor medium.

    2. PalaweosNative-born lowlanddwellers. They are religious,

    disciplined and have a highlydeveloped community spirit.Language: Cuyonon & Agutaynen.

    3. PalawanoA.K.A. Pala wan. Part ofthe large Manobo-based linguisticgroups of Southern Philippines. Huntusing soars and bamboo blowguns.

    4. TagbanwaPeople of the worldfound in Central and NorthernPalawan. Central tagbanwa; they areconcentrated in the municipalities of

    Aborlan, Quezon and PuertoPrincesa. Shifting cultivation of uplandrice, which is considered as divinegift, and are known for their wine ritual


  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    IssuesThe struggles to save Palawan (known as the

    Philippines Last Frontier) is not only about saving trees

    and rare species. It is also about nourishing the Filipinocultural heritage, so powerfully represented by those

    indigenous communities thatafter escaping Spanish andAmerican colonization (while resisting the new miningimperialism now) continue to represent the living rootsfrom which all Filipinos originate. Therefore, environmentalplundering by mining companies is not only a crimeagainst culture, a sort of genocide that annihilates the mostprofound roots of the Filipinos history and ultimately

    plunders the cultural heritage of the whole nation!!!

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Vocal Music1. Bagit

    2. Kulial (Songs)

    3. Tultul (Epic chant)

    4. Ulit (Shamanic chant)

    Instrumental Music1. Suling (banded flute)

    2. Basal (gong)3. Kusyapiq (lute)

    4. Pagang (bamboo zither)

    5. Aruding (Jews harp)

    6.Babarak (ring flute)

    1. 2. 3.

    4. 5. 6.

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    The subtitle threads between Mankind andNature involve all our senses and moreparticularly our auditive sensitivity. Capturing

    tonalities, rhythms, and melodies, we can like abird fly down from the celestial vault to the Earth,dwelling-place of highlander-islanders known asthe Palawan who live in the Southern part of the

    island by the same name. this aural voyage willtake us to the realm of words, poetry, and musicas human creations which the Palawan uses tocommunicate in order to live harmoniously in thisworld.

  • 8/10/2019 (Folk Arts in Visayas)


    Ulit (Shamanic chant)The shaman sings thedifficult experience of the voyage ofhis double, kuruduwa, by a specificchant, the lumbaga,whose melody

    is in all points assimil able to anyepic melodic line . And it isprecisely the ordeals that the soulof the shaman overcomes in thecourse of his voyagethe

    encounters with the Evil Doers,Lnggamor Sqitan, thediscussions, the bargainingengaged in with the invisibleBeingsthat constitute theshamanic chant.

    Tultul (Epic chant) To singtultul is to bepossessed by a Tw Tultultuln.These Epic Heroes are a type of

    humanity who live in the medianspace and intercede between

    people on this Earth and mpugq.They are a Benevolent Humanityprotecting the Real Man. The act

    of chanting thus doubles with theembodiment, in the very person ofthe bard, of these heroic and semi-

    divine Beings. One can interpretthis relationship as an act ofpossession in which the bardbecomes a medium.

    Epics are always chanted at night,ending and daybreak; it is forbidden to

    sing when the sun shines and during theday.

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    In the Central West highlands, is the Palawan Island.One of the tribes in Palawan are the TAAGBANUAS. TheTagbanuas has retained their ancient culture. The

    Calamianes Group of Islands who elaborate funeralcelebrations. Five days after interment, the relatives goesto the homes of the deceased to perform funeral rites.

    Then the participants chant the Batac, a lengthysong recounting the significant adventures of a mythicalperson named DUMARACOL. The singing goes on forthree successive nights for evening till dawn.

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