FOCUS - Razor Planet

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Transcript of FOCUS - Razor Planet

THE VOL. 78, NO. 6–JUNE 2015

Office Hours:Monday–Wednesday9:00 am–12:00

Pastor’s Office Hours:Monday–Wednesday

9:30 am–12:00 pm309.644.0293



Representing God's Love

Committing to Meet With God Everyday


The Beauty ofFree-willed Love

FOCUSA family friendly publication of Memorial Christian Church

The Focus–2 June 2015


Representing God's LoveThe greatest legacy we pass on as fathers is not our inheritance. It is not even our good name. It is the spiritual heritage that we give to our children, desiring them to walk in the way of the Lord.

When David was on his deathbed, he said to his son, "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever" (1 Chronicles 28:9 NKJV).

God has placed parents as the authorities in the life of the child. And in many ways, we as fathers represent God to our children.

A story I 've often told about a little boy illustrates this well. The little boy was frightened one night by a very loud thunderstorm. He called to his father in the next room and said, "Daddy, I am scared." His father called back from the next room, "Son, don't be scared. God is with you." The boy paused for a moment and then said; "Yeah, but I want someone with skin on right now."

Fathers, in many ways, are like God with skin on to their children. I don't mean that literally, but I do mean that fathers are the representatives of God to that child.

Consider this: many of the attitudes a child will develop about God will be based on their relationship with their fathers. While I am not trying to lay a guilt trip on fathers, I do want to say that we fathers need to do everything we can to be a godly influence on our children. When our children see their mom or dad contradicting what they know is true, great

damage can be done. Sadly, many children do not honor their parents simply because they are not very honorable. Many adults have never grown up themselves, so they abandon their responsibilities to their families to chase after their own interests.

That is why Andrew Murray said, "The secret of home rule is self-rule: first being ourselves what we want our children to be."

Our children must see the gospel lived as well as preached. We are not only to be witnesses to the world. We also need to be witnesses in our homes. Children pay attention to what really matters to us and how our Christianity affects us in day-to-day living.

You are an example. The question is: will you be a good one or a bad one?

My point is that we need to recognize the unique characteristics in the lives of the little ones whom God has entrusted to our care. We want to do our best to point them in the right direction and train them in the way of the Lord.

How often we think, "I'm too busy for the kids!" Yet time goes by so fast. Treasure each moment with your children, and don't neglect them. Express your love to them.

To know that our children walk with the Lord — that is our great hope. But we need to remember that they don't belong to us; they belong to God. Our responsibility is to point them to Him.~ By Greg Laurie

June 2015 3–The Focus

CRAFT CIRCLE Tuesdays at 9:30 am

At the Worship Center

PRAISE BAND PRACTICE Tuesdays at 6:00 pm

At the Worship Center

BIBLE STUDY Saturdays at 7:30 am

At the Worship Center

MIGSWednesday, June 3rd at 6:30 pm

At the Worship Center

CRUSADER’ POTLUCK Saturday, June 6th at 6:00 pm

At the Worship Center


Monday, June 8th at 6:30 pm At the Worship Center

ELDERS’ MEETING Monday, June 15th at 6:30 pm

At the Worship Center

UNITY CIRCLEWednesday, June 17th at 1:00 pm

At the Worship Center

WINGSWednesday, June 17th at 6:30 pm

At the Worship Center

FATHER'S DAY Sunday, June 21st

BASKET BINGO Wednesday, June 24th at the Worship Center


(PSALM 107:1)

MCC STAFFChuck Dorsey . . . . Pastor & Focus Editor Bobby Pinkston . . . . . . . Worship Leader Carol Burns . . . . . . . . . Church Historian Rodney Millington. . . . . Creative Director Jenny Beck . . . . . . . . . . . . Bookkeeper


Sunday, June 21st

Wednesday, June 24th

MCC’s Annual

The Focus–4 June 2015


The ChurchThese are exciting times for MCC! We are being called to step forward in faith. Of course, I am referring to our investing in the Geifman Property. We have no guarantee as to how all this will turn out. But actually, what kind of guarantee do we have for anything in our earthly lives? Think about it. MCC Council is not asking for the blessing and support of the membership without a considerable amount of forethought. We have done our homework, more than most of you know. Just to remind you, the Council is the business entity of the church and the Elders represent the spiritual side. First, and in my opinion, most importantly, we have prayed for direction, guidance and wisdom in making the decision to acquire the Geifman Property.

Secondly, we have looked at it and studied the prospect of it from all possible angles. We've poured over the figures, short term concerns and longer term implications. We have had others look at this, Church Extension, bankers, building inspectors, and our attorney. We are convinced this would be a good move for MCC to make. We believe God is directing us. Now is the time to join together in trust and faith. Let's do this together, Church Family!

Our Servant of the Month is Kim Dorsey! No one is more deserving. Kim, not only has a full- time career, balances school and her home life, but somehow, has found the time, to once again, lead the Children's Ministry until we hire someone. We are so grateful, Kim, for all you do.

Love to you All, Linda

June 2015 5–The Focus

My daughter was only two years old when she first verbally expressed love and understanding for her Daddy. Little Dana was watching her father mop up the soaked carpet in the church hallway. He had dropped by the church building to pick up some things and found another septic tank overflow.

The Beauty of Free-Willed Love


"What a mess," he said, angrily, and started the all-too familiar chore of cleaning up. Dana asked a few questions and got short, curt replies. She heard a couple sighs of exasperation as her father, the pastor of the church, tried to keep from cursing up one side and down the other at the old, rundown building that took so much of his time in maintenance and repairs.

Despite his responses toward her, Dana's tiny heart went out to her frustrated Daddy. She crept up behind him, while he was kneeling down on one knee wiping up the mess, reached her little hand onto his back and, while patting him, softly said, "I love you, Daddy."

Her Daddy stopped what he was doing, looked into the eyes of his only child and smiled.

"Thank you, Dana," he said, this time much more gently. "Daddy needed that."

How often we, as parents, express our love to our children. We do it on a daily basis, through our sacrifices for them, our provision for their needs, our rules and regulations and our constant concern for their well-being. But on rare occasions, it seems, do they – especially while toddlers – take the initiative to express their love to us. Many a child will respond with "I love you, too," given the proper prompting. But how many will offer it out of the blue?

God, as our heavenly parent, delights in our expressions of love toward Him, as well. He gives us the very air we breathe. He grants us

each day as a blessing in itself. He made us with our unique personalities and abilities. And He longs for us to recognize Him and the love He has shown to us. He doesn't need us to love Him. He is God and therefore needs nothing. But He chooses to want us and therefore desires our love in return. ~ By Cindi McMenamin




ONResuming InSeptember

The Focus–6 June 2015

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Craft Circle9:30 amPraise Band6:00 pm

Craft Circle9:30 amPraise Band6:00 pm

Craft Circle9:30 amPraise Band6:00 pm

Craft Circle9:30 amPraise Band6:00 pm

Craft Circle9:30 amPraise Band6:00 pm

Church Council Meeting6:30 pm Worship Center

MIGS6:30 pm Worship Center

Elders’ Meeting6:30 pm Worship Center

Unity Circle1:00 pm WinGS6:30 pm Worship Center

Happy Father's DayBasket Bingo6:00 pm Worship Center

June 2015 7–The Focus

31 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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28 29 30 1 2 3 4

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Bible Study7:30 am

Bible Study7:30 am

Bible Study7:30 am

MIGS6:30 pm Worship Center

Unity Circle1:00 pm WinGS6:30 pm Worship Center

Bible Study7:30 amCrusader’s Potluck6:00 pm Worship Center

Basket Bingo6:00 pm Worship Center

The Focus–8 June 2015


Committing to Meet With God EverydayThe writer of Hebrews tells us the Word of God “is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Just think, Beloved, what would happen if we breathed the Word, lived it, and proclaimed it when we were jostled, stabbed, or shot at by the world. It would make a lasting difference, a difference that can stem our nation’s Word crisis!

There are several things you can do to become part of this lasting difference that can alter the destructive course of our nation:

First , commit yourself to reading and passionately learning the whole counsel of God, book-by-book, and live in accordance with it, no matter the cost. I say “book-by-book” because that is the way God spoke, not in random verses without contexts. If we do this together, we will lay a foundation that can’t be shaken, a foundation that will give us a biblical understanding of God and His ways. We will understand true, biblical prayer, experience deep spiritual revival, introduce the world and reintroduce our nation to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Technology can actually help you in this endeavor. I don’t play video games or watch a lot of television. But I do take every opportunity to listen to the Word of God. I listen when I put on makeup in the morning. I listen when I cook. I listen during extended car trips. I constantly practice feeding myself on the Word. If you haven’t been doing this, I urge you to start. Take every opportunity to plug in to the Word to learn about God’s character — His thoughts and intentions, His will — to discover His ways. Apply this

knowledge of God, this wisdom, to every part of your life — your church, your marriage and family, your job and career.

Second, make pursuing God your number one, daily priority. Set aside some time from each day to study and pray in a place with minimum distractions. Take it slowly and savor the Word as you study it; let it seep into your mind and change you. It’s best to proceed slowly and meditate. You’ll miss a great deal if you read quickly.

Beloved, I exhort you to make knowing God and His Word the top priority of your life so that you will have the wisdom and courage to be His spokesperson wherever He places you. This is the hour for the Church; we must not miss it. As children of the day (1 Thessalonians 5), we must not sleep, but be about our Father’s business — the redemption of mankind. Remember that wherever you are, you are God’s salt for that place, His light to dispel darkness and bring hope.

Rekindle the fire of God’s Word in your life, and don’t be dismayed by the opposition. And remember: those who oppose us the most usually have the most desperate needs.

Beloved, the God of the universe wants you to know Him. Won’t you join us in the pursuit of Him through prayer and His Word? You — and our world — will never be the same. ~ Kay Arthur


June 2015 9–The Focus

CraftCircleMeeting Every Tuesday@ 9:30 am

Monday, June 8thCouncil Mtg, 6:30 pm

Monday, June 15th6:30 pm




The Focus–10 June 2015



Anniversaries & Birthdays

Charles & Madelyn Cox. . . . . . . . . . . . . June 3rd - 48yrs

Tom & Shelley Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June 15th - 22yrs

Robert & Chris Breshears . . . . . . . . . . .June 18th - 25yrs

Hugh & Patricia Kuehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21st - 47yrs

Robert & Ava Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .June 24th - 48yrs

John & Doree Shewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June24th - 37yrs

June Ewoldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 2nd

Beverly Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 12th

Linda Swartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 16th

Kenzie Whittington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17th

Janice Pohl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 21st

Ron Dierikx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 22nd

Anna Sayers , The Hall Family, Jerry & Barb Stinocher, Ava Hall, Carolyn Haskins, Noah Lue, Waine Yeater, Amelia Whitworth, Sylvia Larssen, Ella Williams, Nellie Porter, Janice Conover, Ginny Blake, Wanda Pike, Linda Roller, Bob Engelman, Darry & Colleen Kannenberg, Dan and Christine Koester, Joanne Kline, Lynette Cameron, Peggy Walker, Loretta Smith, Cyndee Browner, Wade Rogers, Cecil Dorsey, Matt, Ava, Andy Simmons, Jacque Brandom, Crystal Raun, Shirley Rudd, Kimberly Delaney, Joan Shewell, Earl & Charlene Dreon, Evelyn Day, Collin LeVan, Julie Rind, Charles York, Hazel Anderson, and to all of those that are not on our Prayer List that are in need of your prayers.

We have recently updated our prayer list, if you or anyone you know would like to be added to our Prayer List or those who would like a “Home Visit”, please contact the Church office.

Please remember these in your prayers:

June 2015 11–The Focus



KIM DORSEYOur Servant of the Month is Kim Dorsey! No one is more deserving. Kim, not only has a full- time career, balances school and her home life, but somehow, has found the time, to once again, lead the Children's Ministry until we hire someone. We are so grateful, Kim, for all you do.



COMMUNION PREPARERSPat MarksburyMarsha Williams

HOME-BOUND COMMUNIONCarol HancockCharlene Dreon

FIRST IMPRESSIONSMarsha WilliamsVicki Allen

CONNECTIONS CAFÉRichard MaynePlease Volunteer

VAN DRIVERJerry Stinocher













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