FOCUS Alert - September 18, 2015

Post on 10-Dec-2015

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FOCUS Alert - September 18, 2015

Transcript of FOCUS Alert - September 18, 2015

FOCUS Churches of Albany 275 State St. Albany NY 12210


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1. Winter Breakfast Volunteers Needed!

2. HANNYS September 28 Annual Meeting

3. Scholarships for Faith for Fair NY

4. Food Pantry. Please and Thank You

5. Make a Bowl!

6. Job Opportunity

1. Winter Breakfast Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for new volunteers for the Winter Breakfast Program. Are

you interested and available? Please call the FOCUS office at 443.0460

or email Belinda at:

(Shifts available T,W, & TH; full shifts 6:30-9:15 am or half shifts 6:30-8 or 8-9:30)

Faith for a Fair NY will be holding their annual retreat

October 11th-13th. We’ll look at successful movements in

New York and across the country - including the Fight for

$15 and Moral Mondays - and look ahead to what we can

expect in the coming year.

You can register here. FOCUS scholarships are available.

Contact Joe Paparone for more information

BIG NEWS IN THE FIGHT FOR $15 - In addition to the Wage Board recom-

mendations being accepted by the Labor Commissioner and Governor, the

Governor announced last week that he would be making a $15/hr mini-

mum wage for ALL WORKERS a key piece of the upcoming legislative

agenda. Even as recently as earlier this year, the idea of a $13 minimum

wage was a “non-starter” - but the tireless advocacy of workers and their

supporters (like you) has changed the political landscape. You might say

the Fight for $15 is ‘prophetic’ - workers cast a vision for the way things

could be, and despite heavy opposition, struggled and fought to bring the

vision to life. There is still work to be done, and we’ll keep you up-to-date

with ways you can join the struggle!

2. HANNYS Sept. 28 Annual Meeting

3. Scholarship for Faith for Fair NY

5. Make a Bowl!

FOCUS participants will have registration costs covered.

(Call Joe for info: 443-0460)

4. Food Pantry. Please and Thank You

Pantry Wish List:

A driver is needed for the Thursday 9:15 am pick-up at Food Bank in

Latham now through mid- November.

A sister pantry will be closed during September and FOCUS will be

serving extra families form West Hill neighborhoods. We are in need

of extra personal care items to cover this need.

6. Job Opportunity